S.1 E.3 A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback Part 1

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Scene 1

[Keith faces all the new cadets in the boot camp. Two men watch as he yells at them]

Man #1: What's the point of him yelling like that?

Man #2: Right of passage and initiation. Basically, break them all down so we build them back up again. Basically, what he's going to do is interrogate many of them.

[Keith interrogates many of them. There are some whom he doesn't]

Man #1: There are some he's passing over.

Man #2: Those people have probably see so many things that even a drill sergeant wouldn't scare them. You can see it in their eyes.

[Keith is about to approach JP]

Man #1: I've heard reports about that cadet.

Man #2: Yes, you probably have. Keith says there's something about him. His name is JP Yeager and Keith believes he the one to save us all.

Man #1: How can he be so sure?

Man #2: Trust me. Keith knows what he's doing.

[JP listens to Keith interrogating everyone. Keith stops and looks at him and nods. Keith walks away. He continues interrogating people. The sound of eating is suddenly heard. Everyone looks in that direction. Keith approaches the girl who is eating]

Keith: You there. What do you think you're doing?

[The girl says nothing but takes another bite]

Keith: (Shouts) You're officially on my shit list! You better give me a name now!

Sasha: (Shouts) My name is Sasha Braus, sir!

Keith: Sasha Braus, eh? Tell me. What do you have in your right hand?

Sasha: A steamed potato, sir! It sat in the mess hall waiting to be eaten!

Keith: Why would you eat that here of all places?

Sasha: It looked quite delicious and it was getting cold! I dislike when food goes to waste!

Keith: I still don't understand. Why would you eat that potato?

Sasha: (Confused) Are you asking me why people eat potatoes? I'm surprised you don't know, sir.

[Sasha tears a piece of the potato and attempts to hand it Keith who takes it]

Sasha: Here you go, sir. You can have half.

Keith: (Confused) Half?

Scene 2

[At the boy dorms, boys see Sasha running. Among the boys are JP, Armin, and two boys named Connie and Marco]

Connie: Wow. I thought Keith was going to kill Potato Girl.

JP: You're right. What a first day. She would rather run until the sun set instead of losing meal privileges.

[JP sees a wagon pulling away]

JP: What is that?

Connie: Drop outs.

Armin: Drop outs? But it's the first day!

JP: That's the way it is. If you can't handle the pressure then you don't belong in the military. They are a disgrace and it makes me sick.

Marco: You never mentioned where you were from, JP.

JP: The same as Armin. We lived behind the first wall.

Connie: (Shocked) You saw it all? You saw the titan?

JP: Yeah, I did.

[In the mess hall. Everyone is questioning JP. He does his best to answer all of them. Then someone asks him a question that causes him to stutter]

Marco: Enough questions, guys!

JP: It's okay. Titans are really no big deal. As long as we can master the ODM gear then we'll be fine. I've waited a long time for this. I'm joining the Scout Regiment and then sending the titans back to hell.

[A boy interrupts Eren. His name is Jean]

Jean: Are you crazy? Joining the scouts is basically suicide. I'm going to be living in the inner walls.

JP: You're such a coward.

Jean: Don't act all tough when you're just as scared as the rest of us.

[JP walks over to Jean]

JP: You trying to pick a fight?

[Jean stands up and faces JP]

Jean: Sure. Why not?

[The bell is heard]

Jean: I'm sorry for calling you names. Can we just put this behind us? We good?

[Jean offers JP his hand to shake. JP shakes it and walks away. Mikasa follows him. Jean is shocked by her beauty]

Jean: Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice but you have beautiful long black hair.

Mikasa: (Cold) Thank you.

[Mikasa walks out the door. Jean follows her. Mikasa starts walking with JP]

JP: I'm sorry. I get carried away sometimes.

Mikasa: You just get so worked up sometimes and don't think things through.

JP: You shouldn't worry about me. If you want to worry about something you should worry about your long hair. It will get in the way when we are working on the ODM gear.

Mikasa: Fine. I'll cut it.

[JP starts to walk away when Mikasa stops him by pulling on his sleeve]

Mikasa: Wait.

JP: (Turns) Yes?

Mikasa: (Nervous) Should I...should I cut my hair? I guess what I'm trying to say is...do you like it this way?

[JP thinks about how to respond. Mikasa doesn't usually ask him these types of questions]

JP: I love how you look no matter what your hair looks like.

[JP starts to walk away again but Mikasa again stops him]

Mikasa: Wait.

JP: (Turns) Yes?

Mikasa: (Nervous) Why haven't you ever told me that before?

[JP just stares at Mikasa in confusion. She has never done this with him. He thinks about how to answer her question]

JP: You never asked.

[JP walks away. He listens to hear if Mikasa would say something]

Mikasa: (Whispers to herself) Well...maybe I should start asking more then.

[JP walks away. He keeps walking until he sees a girl named Christa carrying a piece of bread and a bag of water. Christa sees JP and panics]

Christa: Please don't tell anyone! I'm just trying to give this to Sasha.

[JP pulls out two pieces of bread from his pockets]

JP: (Slightly smiles) I had the same thing planned.

[Christa is pleasantly surprised with JP's handsome features]

Christa: (Smiles) Hi, I'm Christa Lenz. You're a nice guy.

JP: (Slight smile) I try.

[Suddenly Sasha jumps out of nowhere and grabs the food that Christa has]

Sasha: (Ecstatic) It's bread!

Christa: I'm sorry I couldn't grab more. It's all I could take. You know you should drink some water first.

[JP looks at Sasha staring at Christa as if she sees and aura. Christa runs to her]

Sasha: You're a goddess, aren't you?

Christa: (Scared) I'm just trying to be nice!

[Another girl approaches. Her name is Ymir]

Ymir: (Not impressed) What are you two girls doing?

Christa: I was just being nice.

[Sasha eats the bread very quickly and suddenly passes out on Christa's lap]

Ymir: I see. Trying to be nice. You shouldn't break the rules for her. It isn't worth it. Acts of kindness get you nowhere.

[Christa just stares at Ymir]

Ymir: Let's just get out of here.

[Ymir notices JP]

Ymir: Hey, you, be a gentleman and get Potato Girl back to her dorm. Also, if you get caught just be the guy to take the blame.

Christa: (Upset) But, Ymir, he shouldn't have to.

[Ymir pulls Christa away]

Ymir: Come on. Also, boy, if I see you get near Christa I will kill you.

[Christa looks back at JP]

Christa: (Waves) See you later, Mr. Nice Guy.

[JP hears Ymir scold Christa]

Ymir: No, you won't!

[JP just looks at Sasha lying on the ground. JP is about to put away the two pieces of bread he stole but Sasha wakes up and runs to JP]

Sasha: Please don't put those away! I mean...are you going to eat those?

JP: I actually got them for you. Just don't eat them in front of Keith.

[Sasha just stares at JP as if she sees an aura. She is also pleased with his handsome features]

JP: (Concerned) Um...are you okay?

Sasha: (Grateful) You are God! I will be your slave forever!

JP: (Slight smile) That isn't necessary. Come on. Let's get you to bed.

[JP picks Sasha up and takes her to the girl dorms]

Scene 3

[The next day, the cadets work on ODM gear training. The two men are watching the events]

Man #1: What is this?

Man #2: This is training for the ODM gear. If they can't do this then they have no reason to be here. The object is to maintain your balance.

[The two men watch as JP is about to take the test]

Man #1: Let's see if he's as good as Keith says he is.

Keith: Time for ODM testing! If you fail you are not welcome here! There is no place for those who can't perform. Who shall start? JP Yeager!

JP: (Salutes) Sir!

Keith: Why don't you show everyone how it is done?

JP: (Nods) Yes, sir.

[JP is attached the ODM testing site. Keith approaches him]

Keith: (Whispers) This is a test, JP. I believe you can be the leader we all need. If you pass this on your first try I will speak to the higher ups for you.

JP: (Whispers) Thank you, sir.

Keith: Don't thank me yet.

[JP's ODM gear test begins. He is lifted up in the air. The purpose is to balance himself while hanging from two wires. JP keeps his balance with ease]

Keith: (Whispers) Well done, JP. (Shouts) That is how it's done! You should follow his example and maybe you might be a little more than nothing! Who's next?

Man #1: I'm very impressed. That Yeager cadet is very impressive.

Man #2: Keith says he's never seen anyone like him before. Let's just hope he's right.

[Test takers follow JP. JP watches Mikasa as she easily passes her test. After she is done she walks over to him]

Mikasa: That was simple.

JP: (Nods) Yes, it was.

Mikasa: I've heard that you're the top cadet according to Keith.

JP: He really thinks so?

Mikasa: I agree. No one matches your skill.

JP: He mentioned something about giving me another test. I have no idea what it could be.

Mikasa: It probable has something to do with the ODMs.

JP: I guess so.

Mikasa: Don't worry. You'll be fine.

[Mikasa squeezes JP's hand and walks away. JP just stares in shock. That night in the mess hall, JP thinks quietly to himself about the test Keith has prepared for him]

Boy: He was all big talk about killing titans and he's backed it up. Seriously, where does JP get it from?

Girl: I don't know but I want his genes if you know what I mean!

[JP sits next to Mikasa and Armin. He just stares off into space]

Mikasa: JP...

[JP screams]

Armin: Worrying won't solve a thing. You'll be fine.

JP: (Stressed) It's just Keith has painted me to be some savior that everyone has been waiting for.

Mikasa: He's probably right you know.

JP: What makes you think so?

Mikasa: JP, no one here has half the talent as you do. You don't need to worry about this test.

JP: It's not the test that I'm worried about. It's the expectation.

Mikasa: You'll be fine.

[The bell rings. Mikasa continues to talk but JP has already walked away]

Mikasa: You miss understand. I understand the expectation but you have the gifts of a natural leader. Don't worry about leaving me behind. I wouldn't dream of it because wherever you go I go.

[Mikasa looks to where JP is sitting but he's gone. Instead it's Sasha. Sasha notices Mikasa's extra piece of bread]

Sasha: Are you going to eat that?

[Mikasa pretends to give Sasha the piece of bread but quickly takes it back. Sasha just stares heartbroken. As JP is walking, he sees Sasha on his way back to his dorm]

JP: (Whispers) Sasha!

Sasha: JP?

[JP tosses Sasha a piece of bread]

JP: Now get out of here!

Sasha: (Blushes) Thank you so much! I'll never forget it!

[JP goes to his dorm]

Scene 4

[JP arrives in his dorm to see Connie still awake who is talking to Armin and Jean­]

Connie: JP must think he's some god that can do no wrong.

Jean: He is talented but he's not that talented.

Armin: As long as I've known JP, he's been very talented.

Jean: What's his secret?

Armin: I don't think he has one.

[JP walks out of the shadows]

JP: You spoke my name?

Armin: JP, we didn't know you were here. Did you hear all of that?

JP: Yes.

[Later Reiner and Bertholdt enter their room]

Armin: Guys, you agree JP is talented right?

Reiner: Of course. I don't know if there is anyone better here.

Armin: Well tell him that he has nothing to worry about tomorrow.

Reiner: It's always good to be a little worried.

Armin: It's hard to be me when your two best friends are more talented than you can ever dream of.

Bertholdt: Wait, didn't you two who live behind the first wall?

JP: Yes.

Berthholdt: Then you should know how terrifying they are. Why would you want to be soldiers?

Armin: I didn't see anything. JP was the first person who saw it firsthand. Where do you guys come from?

Berthholdt: We're from a small village behind the second wall. Our village didn't receive the word right away. The titans were on us before we knew it. There were noises that got louder and louder. Everything is just a blur. Everyone panicked.

Reiner: Easy, boy. You'll just work yourself up again.

Bertholdt: I'm sorry. What I'm trying to say is that the four of us aren't like the rest of them.

JP: Them?

Bertholdt: The others here who haven't been witness to the titans' horror.

[JP, Armin, Reiner, and Bertholdt walk outside talking. They all talked about why they signed up. Then it was JP's turn]

Bertholdt: What about you, JP? Why did you sign up?

Armin: Coming to think of it he hasn't told me either. Yeah, JP, why did you sign up?

[JP has flashbacks of saving Mikasa and losing his mother]

JP: I joined to protect those I care about the most.

Armin: That's very noble of you.

Reiner: You saw what they can do and yet you still want to take them on?

JP: I do.

Armin: I wish I was like you, JP. I guess I'm not cut out to be a soldier.


JP: (Sighs) You have what it takes to do it, Armin. I see it in you. I will help you. You'll be a pro in no time.

Armin: Thank you, JP. You're a great friend.

[JP just smiles]

Scene 5

[The next day is JP's final test. All the cadets watch on. Mikasa stands next to Armin]

Mikasa: He's got this.

Armin: I agree.

[Silence. JP is about to take his final test. JP is handed actual ODM gear. The test is for him to demonstrate how it's done. JP feels the pressure]

Keith: JP Yeager, are you ready?

JP: (Shouts) Yes, sir!

Keith: Proceed.

[JP closes his eyes and prepares to use the ODM gear for the first time. He succeeds making it look easy. Armin and Mikasa gasp along with rest of the cadets]

Jean: (Jealous) It's official now. He really is the best.

Armin: Look at the excitement in his eyes. He's saying, "I'm ready to take on the world!"

Mikasa: No.

[Jean and Armin look at Mikasa]

Mikasa: He is saying that he never will leave me and he will be the leader that I know he is.

[For the next three years the cadets train together]


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