S.1 E.4 The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback Part 2

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Scene 1

JP: (Thoughts) Two new breed of titans appeared, The Colossal and the Armored. Destroying the outer walls causing chaos and destruction as if it were child's play. Our way of life ended. The titans were merciless for their taste of human flesh. The walls weren't good protection anymore. The human race was perishing overnight.

[Keith is going over to himself the top candidates of the boot camp. Armin struggles to keep up with the group of hikers. Reiner helps him out by carrying his backpack]

Keith: Reiner Braun. He's dumb as an ox but is greatly respected by his comrades.

[Armin takes back his backpack because he doesn't want anyone to do anything for him]

Keith: Armin Artlet. Very weak but very intelligent.

[The next day. All of the top candidates are going through drills to kill titans]

Keith: Annie Leonhart. Very talented with a sword but doesn't play well with others.

Bertholdt Hoover. Plenty of talent but too mild mannered.

Jean Kirschtein. Third best at ODM but is also a smartass with a quick temper.

Sasha Braus. Unusually quick instincts but doesn't share them with any of her teammates except one.

Connie Springer. Very quick and agile but will probably get killed easily.

Mikasa Ackerman. The perfect cadet but second best at everything but is also a genius.

[JP appears and destroys several titans at once with spinning technique]

Keith: JP Yeager. The perfect cadet. The top of his class in everything. Natural born leader. He will surely save us all one day.

Scene 2

[The next day the cadets are practicing hand to hand combat. JP watches on and sees everyone practicing. JP is doing very well against Reiner. He listens in on their conversation]

JP: Sorry, man. Need to learn to hold back.

Reiner: It's alright.

JP: I understand why we're doing this. We have to be prepared for everything.

Reiner: You're right. We may not have an option. The fight doesn't give us a say. We need to be prepared. The enemy can come in any form. Soldiers should be ready for anything. Look at Annie.

[JP and Reiner look at Annie]

JP: What about her? She always slacks off.

Reiner: Maybe I should teach her a lesson.

[Reiner approaches Annie]

Reiner: Slacking off again I see.

[Annie stares at both Reiner and JP with a death stare. JP smiles from a distance]

JP: (Whispers) Bad move, Reiner. Never get Annie worked up.

[Reiner walks toward Annie]

Reiner: I got this, JP.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Reiner faces off against Annie but she easily takes him down]

Annie: We done here?

JP: Finish him off.

[Annie takes advantage of Reiner's weak state and finishes him]

Reiner: Why are you like this?

Annie: There is only one person I'm trying to impress and that isn't Keith. Maybe if I take you down it might convince him to take me on.

JP: Who would that be?

[Annie looks in JP's direction. JP and Reiner follow her gaze]

Reiner: You're insane. He would kill you.

Annie: We'll see. Come on. Face me.

[Reiner faces off against Annie but she easily takes him down. Mikasa sees this and walks over]

JP: Did you see that, Mikasa? Annie has an unstoppable technique.

Mikasa: She shouldn't be treating you like that. Treating you like a prize to be won.

JP: She's just trying to teach me something.

Mikasa: No. She's being hostile. No one treats you like that, JP.

[Annie and Mikasa stare at each other]

Mikasa: Hey, Annie. I want to learn that technique. Teach me.

Annie: I'm sorry but it only works for humans. Someone like you doesn't need to learn this. But I wonder if this technique works on a beast.

[Annie prepares to take Mikasa]

Sasha: Look at that! Perfect match alert!

Jean: I bet all my food Mikasa kicks Annie's ass!

[Everyone starts placing bets. JP just looks on]

Reiner: JP, who do you choose?

[JP just stares at both girls. Annie and Mikasa face off but both are very even and no one gains an upper hand]

Sasha: This was the perfect match! No one could beat the other.

Connie: Actually, wouldn't the perfect match be one of them against JP?

[Everyone just stares at JP]

Annie: JP, I want to face off against you. I've been trying to impress you. Are you impressed now? Am I good enough for you to face?

Mikasa: The only way for you to face JP is to beat me which you haven't. Besides, the only one good enough to face JP is me.

[JP walks over]

JP: Is that so? Why don't you find out?

[Everyone gasps]

Sasha: Now this is the perfect match!

Connie: Whoever faces him is so screwed!

[Everyone just stares at JP. Keith watches this closely from a distance]

JP: So, both of you want to face me?

Jean: But who will face off against you? Only one can!

JP: Who says that? Why can't both of them face me?

[Everyone gasps]

JP: Both of them will face me. But let's change it up. Instead of me taking the knives from them. How about they both come at me with the knives.

[Everyone gasps]

Jean: That's insane! You're nuts!

JP: (Death stare) Am I? Mikasa and Annie, are you ready to kill me? Better yet...

[JP pulls out two switch blades and tosses them to Annie and Mikasa]

JP: Now face me. Let's make this as realistic as possible.

[Neither Annie nor Mikasa move]

JP: Huh...I thought you wanted to face me. I guess I was wrong.

[Annie gets angry and grabs one switchblade and tries to land a cheap shot on JP. JP easily stops her with a clothes line and a punch with his right arm into her chest. Annie falls and gasps for air because she has the air knocked out of her]

JP: So, that's how it's going to be? (Looks at Mikasa) What are you waiting for, Mikasa? You wanted this!

Annie: (Struggles to breathe) How did you hit me that hard? You may have cracked some ribs! Is your arm made of metal or something?

JP: Not quite. Now let's try this again.

[Annie and Mikasa stand next to each other to face off against JP]

JP: Is that really the best strategy?

[Annie and Mikasa line up against JP on either side of him]

Jean: This is nuts! Someone, stop this fight now!

[No one moves. Both girls rush at JP but with one quick motion he takes both of them down]

JP: This is disappointing. I was expecting more.

[Annie tosses her switchblade to Mikasa and picks up a fake knife. Annie goes against JP with the fake knife while Mikasa goes at him with real knives. JP sees this and takes them both down again. Neither of them gets up. JP walks over to Annie]

JP: On your feet, Annie.

[Annie stays down. JP kicks her]

Jean: That was a cheap shot!

[Annie slowly gets up but JP kicks her down again]

JP: Get up, Annie.

[Annie gets to her feet again but JP again kicks her down]

Jean: JP, what are you trying to prove?

[Annie tries to get back up but can't]

JP: Don't quit on me, Annie!

[Annie then tries to get up but can't. JP walks over to her and helps her up]

JP: Well done, Annie.

[Annie looks up at JP. She is taken back by his handsome features]

Annie: (Slight smile) Thank you.

[JP gently sets her down. He walks over to Mikasa]

Jean: JP, you've proved your point! There is no need to do it again!

Connie: Yeah, man, that's enough!

[JP stands in front of Mikasa]

Jean: I won't let you hurt her!

Christa: JP, please don't!

[Mikasa stands up]

Mikasa: (Shouts) Get out of the way, Jean! I will face him! This is my fight!

Jean: But, Mikasa...

Mikasa: (Shouts louder) I said out of my way!

[Jean moves]

Mikasa: I'm on my feet, JP. Every time you'll kick me down I'll still get up!

JP: That isn't how I'm going to teach you. Now come at me!

[Mikasa runs toward JP. JP quickly stops her and grabs her by her arm and puts in a position where he could possibly break it. Mikasa falls to her knees in pain]

JP: Why are quitting? Why have you stopped fighting?

[Mikasa tries to move but JP applies more pressure. Mikasa screams in pain]

JP: Why are you not fighting?

[Mikasa tries moving again but JP applies even more pressure. Mikasa screams louder]

JP: (Screams) You wanted this! You wanted this!

[Mikasa looks at JP. She sees a possessed look in his eyes. She gasps because she's seen it before]

JP: Time to finish you off!

[JP dislocates Mikasa's arm and stomps on one of her legs dislocating it. JP drops her in the dirt]

JP: Get up, Mikasa.

[Mikasa doesn't move. JP goes over and kicks her]

JP: You disappoint me.

[Mikasa starts mumbling words under her breathe. Only JP can hear her]

Mikasa: (Whispers weakly) Fight...don't stop fighting...must keep fighting...don't quit...don't give up until I have nothing left...

[Mikasa tries one last time to move but falls. JP walks over to her. He quickly pops both her limbs back in place]

JP: (Smiles) Well, done, Mikasa.

Mikasa: (Slight smile) Thank you, JP. Lesson learned.

[JP then gasps and then runs away]

JP: (Thinks to himself) What have I done? What have I done?

[JP has a picture of Mikasa flash through his mind]

JP: (Talks to himself) I'm so sorry, Mikasa. Stay away from me. I'm a monster.

Scene 3

[JP is sitting by himself in the mess hall. Everyone just looks on. Christa sits down next to him]

Jean: Hey, JP! Nice stunt you pulled out there!

JP: You shouldn't be with me, Christa. I'm a monster.

Ymir: He's right, Christa. He is a monster.

Christa: No, you're a great guy, JP, who cares about everyone.

Ymir: He beat down two girls who were completely defenseless!

Christa: Do you have idea how hard that must have been for him, Ymir? He was trying to teach them a lesson! Fight no matter what! He's not a monster! I feel safe around him because I know he would take down anyone who tries to hurt me! He would do the same for any of us.

[Sasha sits next to JP. She hands him a piece of bread]

JP: (Slight smile) Thanks.

[Sasha slightly blushes. Annie walks over and sits next to JP]

Jean: Seriously, Annie? You're going to sit next to someone who kicked you while you were down?

Annie: Yes, I am. I would kick down the enemy the same way for him. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him, Jean.

Jean: I rather not be a blood thirsty monster.

[Mikasa walks in]

Mikasa: (Shouts) He's not a monster!

[JP looks at Mikasa. She walks over to him]

JP: Stay away from me!

Mikasa: (Shakes head) No.

JP: (Prepares to strike) I said stay away.

Mikasa: Go ahead. Do it. Strike me.

[JP puts his hand down. Mikasa walks over to him and squeezes his hand]

Mikasa: You're not a monster. Your someone I know will keep me safe. I'll never leave your side. Wherever you go, I go.

Jean: There is seriously stuff wrong with you, girls. Especially you, Mikasa. I used to be attracted to you but clearly you have Stockholm Syndrome.

[JP walks over to Jean and prepares to strike him]

JP: Apologize to her right now!

Jean: Make me!

JP: I will!

[JP prepares to strike Jean. Mikasa walks over and grabs his arm. JP lets her lower his arm. Jean then strikes Mikasa. Mikasa goes down. Jean grabs JP's shirt]

Jean: So, you're just going to let others fight for you?

[JP looks around and sees everyone look at him. Reiner nods to him. Annie nods to him. JP takes down Jean with Annie's move. Annie slightly blushes at the sight of this]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jean: Where did you learn that?

JP: At a place where you could have if you cared to pay attention! Also, the person who taught it was kind of hard not to look at.

[Annie blushes more. Mikasa gets jealous]

JP: You're no soldier, Jean. You're a joke!

[Keith walks in]

Keith: Anyone care to explain the noise that I just heard?

[JP and Jean sit down]

Mikasa: (Raises hand) The noise was because Sasha farted!

[Sasha screams]

Keith: Why am I not surprised? Learn some self-control!

[Sasha screams louder. Keith leaves]

Sasha: (Shouts) Mikasa, why would you say that? What did I ever do to you?

[Mikasa shoves a piece of bread in Sasha's mouth and she tops shouting]

Scene 4

JP: (Thoughts) Most of the cadets graduated. Some with honors. It was time for graduation.

[The graduates are lined up]

Keith: Do you have heart?

Graduates: (Salute) Yes!

Keith: As of now, you have three options available to you! Choose wisely! The Garrison Regiment, who's job is to reinforce the walls! The Scouting Regiment, who's duty is to take back the land from the titans that was once ours! And the Military Police, who's job is to serve the king! The only ones who are allowed to join the Military Police have already been named! Everyone, take a look. These are the top of your class!

[The top candidates stand in front of the rest of the graduates. They are Reiner Braun, Armin Artlet, Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Jean Kirschtein, Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Mikasa Ackerman and JP Yeager. JP is the top of his class. That night the graduates celebrate]

Connie: Oh yeah! We did it!

Sasha: Three square meals for life!

Jean: (Whispers) How did I get ranked under JP?

[The graduates surround JP]

Boy: You're really going to not join the Military Police and join the Scouts? Why would you do that? You're in the top ten!

JP: The Scouts have always been my goal. I don't want to sit around and watch people die in my place.

Boy: You're insane!

[Everyone looks at what's happening]

Boy: You're absolutely crazy! You might have been the top of the class but you definitely aren't the brightest! We can't beat them!

JP: (Angry) So what? We're just not going to try? We're just going to roll over and die? Things have changed! We have grown to understand them more! There is still a long way to go but we've made progress! Those lives lost weren't for nothing! You're telling me that after all we've been through you're just going to run? I'm going to take back what was ours! As long as one of us can say that there is always hope!

[JP runs away. Mikasa and Armin follow him. They find him sitting down outside. They walk over to him]

JP: I'm sorry. I lost control again.

Armin: It's okay. Everyone has the right to say what they want.

JP: I'm still sorry. I probably embarrassed you.

Armin: You didn't.

JP: Thanks.

Armin: Well, I'm joining the Scout Regiment too!

JP: You ready to follow me into the heat of battle?

Armin: Hell yeah! I am!

Mikasa: I'm joining the Scouts too.

JP: I can't shake you, can I?

Mikasa: Understand this, JP. Where you go I go. We made a promise to your mom before she died. We won't let each other die. I got your back whether you like it or not. So just deal with it.

[JP squeezes Mikasa's hand]

JP: I wouldn't have it any other way. Wherever you go, I go.

Mikasa: (Blushes) Thanks.

[The three look off into the night]

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