S.1 E.5 First Battle/Attack on Trost Part 1

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Scene 1

JP: (Voice) In the 845, two terrifying new breeds appeared: the Colossal and the Armored destroying the outer walls as if it was child's play. Wall Maria was abandoned. 20% of the human race perished. The titan continued to push forwards. Our only option was to retreat behind Wall Rose.

[JP stands on top of the wall]

JP: Five years later in the year 850: Mankind didn't start this fight but we're going to finish it.

[A giant flash of lightning strikes behind JP and the Colossal Titan appears]

JP: Everyone to your stations! This is what we were training for! Take out the Colossal Titan! Don't let it get away!

[JP makes his way to the top of the wall. He stares down the Colossal Titan with a look of rage on his face]

JP: You! It's been a while! How about a nice slice of vengeance?

Scene 2

[JP runs towards the Colossal Titan as fast as his legs to carry him. The Colossal Titan moved and took its giant hand and swiped it across the wall destroying all of their defensive cannons. JP is to connect his cables to the Colossal Titan and jumps into the air]

JP: Son of a bitch! He took out the cannons! That means that the gate was no accident then. He planned it! HE HAS INTELLEGANCE!

[The Colossal Titan attempts to grab JP but he able to escape]

JP: I can't waste this moment! I was called Humanity's Savior! It's time to prove it! Without him, the other titans have nothing! I have to take him down or die trying!

[JP lands on the Colossal Titan's left arm and starts running on towards the nape. He swings around and approaches the nape. He swings his swords towards the nape and connects]

JP: Take this, bastard!

[But the Colossal Titan escapes in a cloud of steam]

JP: I missed?

[JP shoots his cables into the side of the wall]

JP: He just vanished?

[Thomas approaches JP from the top of the wall]

Thomas: Where did he go? Did he get away or did you take him out?

JP: He's gone! Just like five years ago! He was here one moment and then vanished without a trace!

[JP makes it to the top of the wall]

JP: I'm sorry. I let everyone down.

Thomas: Don't apologize. We were all scared to move.

Conny: Forget about that! There's a breach! We have to act now! If the titans start pouring in then we're doomed.

[A soldier swings to the top of the wall]

Soldier: Back up is here! The rest of you should report back to HQ. If you have any details we need them!

JP: Good luck out there.

Soldier: We'd have better odds with you with us but I'm just following orders.

[The bells ring to sound the breach. Everyone starts screaming. Soldiers are helping people escape behind the next wall]

Soldier: This is it! If we fall here, then it will be like five years ago! We are the last line of defense! Don't let anyone through!

[Cannons are fired at the incoming titans. The shots land and the soldiers charge toward the titans. Back at HQ, everyone is being ordered to get ready to fight. Everyone is running around gathering what they need. Franz and Hanna swear to protect each other. Mikasa arrives looking around for JP. He is with Armin filling up the gas tanks. Armin is struggling to keep it together]

JP: It's okay, Armin. I'm right here.

Armin: Okay. Breathe. Breathe. I can't calm down! This is very bad! There is another whole in the wall and we have no idea how to plug it! That boulder near the wall was our best bet, but we can't lift it! Everyone is going to die if we don't seal the breach! We're running out of time! How long do you think it will take them to take Wall Rose? They can end all of us just like that!

[JP grabs Armin's hand in order to calm him down]

JP: Just breathe, Armin. We can't focus on that right now. We need to focus on what we're doing in this present moment. Can you do that for me?

[Armin calms down]

Armin: I'm sorry. I'm okay. I'll make you proud, JP.

[At the wall, the titans have already entered]

Scene 3

[Inside a castle a man is playing chess]

Man: Take this seriously!

[Moves a chess piece]

Man: That is checkmate! I beat you again, Pyxis!

Pyxis: Indeed, you have, Lord Wald.

Lord Wald: That's funny for you to say! Seriously, though, how do you plan to stop the tians?

[A soldier comes running in]

Soldier: Commander Pyxis Sir! I have news. The wall has been breached! The gate has been destroyed!

Pyxis: I guess it's time to act.

[Pyxis and soldiers begin to leave]

Lord Wald: Where do you think you're going? You just can't walk away! I command you to stay! Command an army of soldiers to protect my estate this instant!

Pyxis: My lord, many of our comrades are laying down their lives as we speak.

[A soldier walks over]

Soldier: I'll get ready the horses, sir.

[The soldier walks away]

Pyxis: If we don't act now the whole human race could be snuffed out in hours.

Lord Wald: There is no helping it. It's their time to go.

[Another soldier speaks up]

Soldier: Your lordship, if I speak freely. If he faces a titan in battle, he won't pretend to be dumb as he does with you.

Pyxis: At ease, soldier. Good day, my Lord. I wish for you to have another day of laziness.

[Pyxis walks away with his soldiers as Lord Wald panics and begging for Pyxis to return]

Scene 4

[Back at HQ, everyone is being given their orders. All of the cadets will be under the command of the Garrison. The Intercept Squadron will be taking the vanguard. The cadets will be in the middle. Rear guard will be the elites. The titans have already broken through the first defenses. Everyone panics when they hear this. The theory is that the Armored Titan will come back and he must be stopped at all costs. Everyone is panicking. If anyone desserts, then will be punished by execution. The cadets are then dismissed. Jean in on his knees in his disappear]

Jean: Just one more day and I would've been in the interior. Why did this have to happen now?

[A soldier beside him is vomiting as Christa tries to comfort him. Everyone is in a panic. Jean walks away in anger. He runs into JP]

Jean: Move!

JP: What's wrong, Jean?

Jean: Obviously it's because we're about to die! Are you happy! You get to go off and be a hero!

[Mikasa sees Jean arguing with JP and walks towards them]

Jean: You get to be hero and have all of the girls love you! Congratulations!

JP: Do you think I asked for this type of pressure? Stop thinking so low of yourself, Jean!

[Jean stares at JP in surprise]

JP: We trained hard for three years! This is what we were preparing for! Those who were weak either left or were thrown out! Other people actually died! We didn't though! We survived! That includes you! You made the damn Top 10! Be proud of that! Now be a man and do your job! Get through this day and you'll be in the interior! Can you do that for me? Someone who views you as a friend?

[Jean walks very confused on how to react to what just happened. Mikasa approaches]

Mikasa: JP, if things turn out for the worst I want you to come find me. I'll keep you safe.

JP: Mikasa, we're going to be in different squads.

Mikasa: This is going to get ugly and the plan will fly out the window! I can protect you!

[A soldier approaches them]

Soldier: Ackerman, you've been assigned with the rear guard. Yeager, you've been given a special mission. You will go on ahead and stop as many titans as you can. As the top cadet it's your duty.

[JP is handed a piece of paper]

Mikasa: Sir, I'm new! I'll just slow everyone down! Also, JP, is a specialist! He shouldn't be in front! He should be in the rear!

Soldier: That's an order! You don't have a choice.

[The Soldier starts to walk away]

Mikasa: Sir, with all due respect...

[JP stops her from following him]

JP: Mikasa...

Mikasa: JP...what are you doing?

JP: Mikasa, I'll be fine. I wasn't the top cadet for no reason.

[Mikasa starts to cry]

Mikasa: I'm just scared on losing you. You have no idea how much you mean to me.

[JP starts to walk away]

Mikasa: Just promise me something...don't die.

[JP moves towards Mikasa]

JP: If I don't get a chance to say this...

Mikasa: Don't say that!

JP: If I don't make it out of this...I want you to know...I love you.

[Mikasa looks into JP's eyes but he immediately kisses her. They melt into the kiss but it has to be cut short due to time. JP pulls away]

Mikasa: I love you too, JP.

JP: That was a great kiss. I'll have to live to get another one.

[JP pecks Mikasa on the lips again and walks away]

JP: I won't allow myself to get killed. I won't let anyone die!

[JP keeps walking and runs into Christa]

Christa: JP, I'm scared.

JP: You'll be okay, Christa. You'll have Ymir.

Christa: I don't want Ymir. I want you.

[Christa looks in JP's eyes]

Christa: I just want you to know...I love you...I always will.

[Christa kisses JP and pulls away. She smiles]

Christa: Feels good to get that out of the way.

JP: I had a feeling...

[JP pecks her on the lips and keeps walking. He then comes face to face with Sasha]

Sasha: JP, I...

JP: I know...

Sasha: What?

[JP kisses Sasha. She refuses to let go so he has to push her off of him]

JP: We still need to have that dinner date.

[JP walks away and then comes face to face with Annie. She just stares at him]

Annie: Are we really doing this?

JP: I know you want to.

[Annie walks over to JP and kisses him passionately]

Annie: Die and I'll kick your ass in the afterlife.

[JP walks away and heads to where he is assigned]

Scene 5

[Armin, Mina, and Thomas stand on a roof. JP then lands next to them. They are going over on how to kill the titans. There isn't much information. All that they know is if the nape is cut then the titan will remain dead and won't regenerate. Everyone is surprised to see JP]

Armin: JP! Aren't you supposed to be in the front?

JP: They put me on a suicide mission. They wanted me to fight all the titans that were coming just to slow them down a little. They had no intention on rescuing me.

Mina: That's terrible! They shouldn't be treating Humanity's strongest soldier like that. You think they would do everything to protect you!

JP: Think of it this way, guys. We've trained hard for three years for this. It's time to show everyone that this was worth it.

Mina: You'll stay with us?

JP: I'll take death then just leave my friends.

Mina: I feel a lot safer now.

[Mina winks at JP. Armin still looks scared]

JP: Armin.

Armin: Yeah?

JP: You ready to march into the heat of battle with me?

Armin: (Smiles) I'm with you all the way. I'll make you proud.

JP: Let's make this fun, guys. Whoever kills the most titans gets bragging rights. I'll give you all handicaps. You all already have ten and I have none.

[Their group is ordered to attack]

JP: Alright! Give them hell!

[The group advances. They see the vanguard in trouble. They were shocked because the vanguard was always bragging about being the best. An abnormal titan comes their way]

JP: Abnormal coming! Watch out!

[Everyone jumps and escapes except Thomas]

Thomas: (Weakly) Please, help me!

[The group stares in shock as Thomas is swallowed. JP becomes enraged and goes after the titan]

JP: You bastard!

Armin: JP!

Mina: Stay with the group!

[JP zooms on ahead and his group follows him]

JP: You'll pay! You're dead! You hear me? You won't get away!

[JP eventually reaches the titans and kills him. He then hears crying in a corner. Two little girls are cornered by a giant titan. He kills that one and lands in front of them]

JP: You two okay?

[The girls continue to sob]

JP: Where are your parents?

Girl #1: They were eaten.

JP: What are your names?

Sofie: I'm Sofie and this is my friend Lucia.

JP: Listen, girls, I'm going to get you to safety. I need you to hold on tight to me okay? Can you do that?

[The two little girls hold onto JP and goes where Mikasa is]

Mikasa: JP? What are you doing here?

Soldier: What are you doing here, soldier! You're supposed to be in the front!

[JP ignores him and talks to Mikasa]

JP: I saved these two little girls. I want you to make sure that they get through the gate. Promise me that.

Mikasa: I promise.

[The soldier continues to shout at JP but JP ignores him]

JP: Okay, Sofie and Lucia, I need you two to be brave for me okay and go with the lady with the red scarf.

Sofie: Will you find us when you're done?

JP: I promise I will.

Sofie: What's your name, sir?

JP: My name is JP Yeager.

Sofie: Be careful.

JP: Don't worry, girls, I won't break that promise to you.

[JP flies off. The two girls look at Mikasa]

Sofie: How do you know him?

Mikasa: He's my best friend.

Sofie: Are you two dating?

Mikasa: (Blushes) What makes you say that?

Sofie: When he looked at you he didn't want to leave at all.

[Mikasa just smiles]

Mikasa: Come on, girls, let's get to safety.

[JP makes it back to his group]

Armin: JP? Where you've been?

JP: Not important. I got the titan that killed Thomas.

[A titan appears and attempts to eat Mina. JP jumps after her]

JP: Mina!

[JP pushes her away but loses a leg in the process]

JP: Ahh!

Mina: JP!

[Mina attempts to help him]

JP: Stay there!

[Mina begins to cry]

Mina: I love you!

[A titan begins walking towards Armin. He is too scared to move]

Armin: What's wrong with me? Why can't I move? My best friend is about to die and I can't move!

[Armin is picked up by a titan and is about to be eaten. He is placed down the titan's throat. JP sees all of this go down]

JP: Armin! Armin! No! Armin!

[JP begins to have a flashback]


Armin: JP! Look at what I got! It's a book that my grandfather hides away. There is a world outside the walls!

JP: Are you for real or are you just acting smart so I would believe you? You could be arrested for having that book.

Armin: It's worth it when you look inside! There is this thing called the ocean out there! It's one giant mass of water! The world is covered in it!

JP: You aren't making this up are you?

Armin: I'm not!

JP: That's so cool!

Armin: There is more! Look at this!

[Armin opens the book and shows JP all of the pictures]

Armin: Look at this!

JP: Wow. That's so cool.

Armin: Don't tell anyone but my parents are going to sneak outside the walls to see it for themselves. Promise me you won't tell anyone.

JP: I promise.

Armin: Look at me!

[JP looks at Armin]

Armin: We should do this together!

Flashback end

[JP, miracously, is able to save Armin from being swallowed. He uses his metal hand to grab Armin. He uses all his strength to pull him out to safety. JP though is still stuck inside the titan's mouth]

Armin: JP! Get out of there!

JP: I won't die like this! Armin, listen. We're still going to the outside world! We'll go together! We'll see the ocean and everything in that book! We'll go on adventures. Just you, me, and Mikasa. I have to see those things! I have to.

[JP stretches his arm out to Armin. Armin just stares scared]

Armin: JP! No!

[Armin reaches for JP but the titan's mouth snaps shut cutting off JP's metal arm. Armin just stares in disbelief as he sees JP swallowed. Armin screams. Far away, Mikasa hears the scream and turns back to see where it came from]

[To be continued]

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