S.1 E.6 The World the Girl Saw/The Struggle for Trost Part 2

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[Armin is sitting on a roof completely out of it. Conny is screaming at him to snap him out of it. Christa and Ymir are with Conny. Mina is by Armin's side]

Conny: Armin! Armin! Can you hear me? I need you snap out of it! Say something! Talk to me!

Mina: I've tried forever but he won't snap out of it.

[Armin refocuses himself]

Conny: Good. You with me now? What's going on? Where's your squad? Why are you so slimy?

[Armin has flashbacks about what happened. Mina gets very upset]

Armin: (Screams at himself) You are so worthless! You coward! Damn you!

Conny: Calm down, Armin.

Ymir: Let it go, Conny. He and Mina are all that's left. The rest are dead.

Conny: Don't talk like that! There has to be more!

Ymir: Take a look around. No one else is here but him and Mina.

Conny: Why would they ignore them then?

Ymir: Maybe they thought they were already dead? I'm not surprised that Mina survived but I am about Armin. That's the real tragedy. Besides Mina, everyone else dies while trying to do their jobs but he's still left standing.

[Mina stands quietly. Not willing to say everything that happened]

Conny: Damn you, bitch! I'll shut you up for good!

[Christa rushes in]

Christa: Everyone, stop it right now! We're all scared! We're watching our friends being eaten like animals! It's normal to be upset!

[Ymir hugs Christa]

Ymir: Look at my Christa keeping the peace! We should get married after all of this shit is over!

Christa: But I want to marry JP.

[Ymir lets go disgusted while Mina looks away upset. Conny comes back to Armin]

Conny: Armin, we have to get out of here. Can you stand?

[Armin stands]

Armin: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

[Armin rides away]

Conny: Come back, Armin!

Male Cadet: Conny, hop to! We've been given orders to advance!

[Armin continues to ride away]

Armin: (Thoughts) I was wrong. This world hasn't become hell. It's been hell. I've just been too blind to see it. We're doomed. All of us. It's been this way since the beginning. Strength preys on weakness. It all makes sense.

[Armin has a flashback of him being beaten by bullies as JP and Mikasa come to rescue him]

Armin: (Thoughts) My friends. They tried. They knew how the world worked. They wanted to be strong for me.

[In the flashback, JP helps Armin stand]

Armin: (Thoughts) I was the one who brought them down. I was always the victim. I needed protection, but I always wanted to stand equal to them. I wanted to be strong like them. I wanted to be worth something.

[Armin snaps out of his flashback and falls to the ground from the air]

Armin: (Thoughts) This is how it all ends. JP tried to protect me. I let him down!

[Armin hears someone performing CPR. He sees a girl trying to bring her dead friend back to life. He walks towards her]

Armin: Hanna, what are you doing?

Hanna: Armin, help me please! Franz quit breathing and I can't wake him up! He won't respond to CPR! Come on, baby! You got this! Stay with me! Somebody help us!

[Armin looks down in shame]

Armin: Hanna, please, you're not safe here on the ground. We need to get you on a rooftop!

Hanna: No! I'm not leaving him!

Armin: You don't get it, do you? Hanna, I'm sorry. Franz is...

[Hanna keeps trying with no success. Armin breaks down at the scene]

Armin: Please stop! Please stop doing that! I can't! I can't take it!

[Armin breaks down in tears]

Armin: This is hell!

[Meanwhile at the gate, people are trying to get through but a man with a large cart blocks the way. Sofie and Lucia stand near the edge trying to get through but can't being really small]

Man: What's wrong with you people? Don't you know what's going on?

Boss: I do! You want to make it out alive? Stop whining and help me get my cargo through.

[The crowd shouts in disapproval. A man shoves a soldier towards the boss]

Man: You're a soldier! Make him move his cargo!

Soldier: What do you want me to do?

Boss: You really want to mess with me, boy? I'm a very big man in this place.

Soldier: Uh...

Boss: Who do you think pays for your food? Or maybe you have some money stashed away to fund your pathetic job. Now, everyone, push! This cargo is worth more than what all you make in your whole lives! No one gets out unless my cargo goes first!

[A mother tries to comfort her child. Suddenly a giant titan starts running their way! Everyone panicks]

Boss: Push! That thing will kill us all!

[Three soldiers are following the titan from behind]

Soldier #1: Why is it ignoring us?

Soldier #2: It's an abnormal!

Soldier #3: It's too fast! We'll never catch up before he reaches the gate!

Soldier #1: Stay with him!

[Then from behind, Mikasa comes flying past and kill the titan. It falls hard to the ground. Mikasa sees the situation]

Mikasa: Why isn't everyone evacuated yet?

Boss: Perfect timing! Tell these people to push my wagon! I'll pay you well!

[Mikasa stares in shock. She then gets angry but still keeps a cold face]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) JP wouldn't back down so neither will I! (Out loud) Seriously? Soldiers are dying back there! Laying down their lives for you! All because this is taking too long!

Boss: That's their job! You expect me to feel sorry? They should be willing! Don't get all high and mighty with me just because you now have a job that will support you!

[Mikasa walks over to the boss with a very cold look in her eyes]

Mikasa: Can't argue with that! You're right! Guess what you call the greater good! Still, sometimes it doesn't take a life of a soldier to make the biggest difference.

Boss: Don't you dare! I know your boss! One word from you and you'll be put to death!

[Mikasa has a flashback of JP and her having fun]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) I'm not dying today. I am JP's girlfriend and I will marry him!

[The boss's employees rush at her. She knocks them out with her blades]

Mikasa: How would a corpse talk?

[Mikasa approaches the boss and raises her sword as if to kill him. He becomes terrified! She stops with the sword in front of his face]

Boss: Pull the wagon out!

[The wagon is removed and people start to walk through. Sofie and Lucia walk over to Mikasa]

Mikasa: I made you proud today, JP.

Sofie: That was amazing, miss! You were awesome!

[Mikasa smiles and salutes]

Mikasa: Now get through the gate so JP knows you're okay.

Sofie: Come bring our daddy back with you, mommy!

[Sofie and Lucia walk through the gate. Mikasa stares in almost disbelief at the statement]

Mikasa: Mommy? Daddy?

[Mikasa walks away. It starts to rain. Ian, her officer, speaks]

Ian: Good job, Ackerman. I'm impressed. You might have showed Yeager up with that kill.

Mikasa: I'll never be as good as him. It's my job and I'll make him proud. I still have much to learn. He'll teach me.

Ian: He really means that much to you, huh?

Mikasa: I owe my life to him.

[Mikasa covers her face with her scarf. She has a flashback of Sofie and Lucia. Then has flashbacks of her own family]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) Why are these memories coming out now?

[Mikasa has a flashback]


[Mikasa and her family are inside their log cabin as it's raining outside. They are all working on something. Mikasa has more emotions back then. She shows her mother her stitching]

Mikasa: I'm finished! Did I do good?

[Mikasa hands her mother the stiching]

Mrs. Ackerman: It's beautiful!

Mikasa: Thank you!

Mrs. Ackerman: Doing broidery is a family tradition secret. One day when you have children of your own, you can pass the secret on to them.

Mikasa: How do I have children?

Mrs. Ackerman: Honey, want to explain?

Mikasa: Yeah! Please, daddy?

Mr. Ackerman: I'm not an expert on the subject. Dr. Jeager is coming by so you can ask him.

[There is a knock on the door]

Mr. Ackerman: Speak of the devil.

[There is another knock on the door]

Mr. Ackerman: Just a moment.

[Meanwhile, Dr. Yeager and JP are standing outside a door with Dr. Yeager knocking]

JP: Here name's Mikasa?

Dr. Yeager: Yes and she's about your age. Try to get along okay.

JP: Okay.

Dr. Yeager: She also has beautiful, long, raven hair so don't get caught staring!

JP: Dad!

Dr. Yeager: I'm just saying. There aren't many children here and I'd rather not have you not grow up to be an outcast.

JP: I'm looking forward to it.

Dr. Yeager: There you go.

[There is no answer]

Dr. Yeager: That's odd. Are they home? Mr. Ackermen! It's Dr. Yeager.

[They open the door and see lots of blood and the Yeager parents dead]

Dr. Yeager: Is there anyone there? Huh?

JP: Is everything okay?

[Dr. Yeager just stares in horror]

JP: Dad, what's wrong?

[Dr. Yeager inspects the dead bodies]

Dr. Yeager: Damn it. Look around! Do you see the daughter anywhere? Perhaps she's outside!

JP: I'll look.

Dr. Yeager: This is bad. I need to alert the Military Police about this. Wait for me at the foot of the mountain. Understood? Don't go playing hero! Understood?

JP: Yes, sir.

[In a house in the middle of the woods, Mikasa is tied up and lying on the floor as two men talk to each other]

Man #1: All I'm saying is that she should go for a decent price. I didn't get blood on my hands for nothing.

Man #2: Look at her face and tell me what's she worth.

[Man #1 steps on Mikasa to turn her over]

Man #1: She's cute and all. Just young. Wouldn't go for her myself.

Man #2: Then I guess we're lucky you're not the one we're selling to. Plenty of folks who would pay a premium. She's exotic, what they used to call "Oriental." You know why they're special right? They are special type of race. The old perverts in the Capital really go for that type of thing.

[Mikasa hears all of this but stares blankly at the ceiling]

Man #2: This little beauty will be worth a lot at auction. It's great business. She's the last of her kind. The rest died out.

Man #1: Tell me another one. It's not like she's a pureblood or anything. Her father wasn't Oriental.

[Man #2 gets angry]

Man #2: Good point there! The mother would've been a nice addition! Too bad she's in pieces!

Man #1: Give me a break! What was I supposed to do? She fought me!

Man #2: You could've just knocked her unconscious!

[Mikasa thinks back to how the men got there. There is a knock at the door. Her father walks out]

Mr. Ackerman: We were just talking about you, Dr...

[He doesn't finish his sentence. He is killed with a knife. The father falls dead. Mikasa and her mother look to see what's happening]

Man #2: Sorry. I hope we're not interrupting.

[Mikasa's mother sees the blood on the knife and grabs a pair of scissors]

Man #1: Let's do this nice and easy! No one has to die today.

[Mrs. Ackerman attacks]

Man #1: This bitch is out of control!

Mrs. Ackerman: Run, Mikasa! Run as fast as you can!

Mikasa: Stop! You're scaring me!

Mrs. Ackerman: I want you to be scared! Move it! Get away from here!

[Mikasa stands frozen in fear as her mom fights. Mikasa sees her dead father]

Mikasa: Dad.

Man #1: Screw this! You ain't worth this crap!

[Man #1 kills Mrs. Ackerman with his axe. Mrs. Ackerman falls dead. Mikasa is parlyzied with fear as she her mom die]

Man #2: Stupid, bastard! We we're only supposed to kill the father!

Man #1: She was nuts! She was trying to kill me!

Man #2: Just bag the kid.

Man #1: Fine!

[Mikasa stares at her dead mother. Man #1 walks towards her]

Man #1: Don't give me attitude, alright?

[Man #1 knocks Mikasa out. Mikasa's mind returns to the present]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) So cold.

[The two men continue to talk. The door suddenly opens which scares the men. JP is seen outside wearing a red scarf]

JP: I'm sorry.

Man #1: Don't move! How did you find this place?

JP: I got lost in the woods. I saw your cabin and...

[Man #2 motions to Man #1 to send JP away]

Man #1: Lost in the woods? A kid like you shouldn't be out there all alone. Big bad wolves are out there. It's okay. My buddy and I are happy to take you in...

[JP stabs Man #1 with a knife]

JP: I apprecitate that, sir, but I'm not stupid. I'm the last thing you'll ever see.

[Man #1 falls dead]

Man #2: What the hell?

[JP then closes the door. Man #2 chases after him]

Man #2: Get back here you, little bastard!

[JP rushes back in with a knife tied to an end of the broom and stabs Man #2. JP takes the knife and stabs Man #2 repeatedly. Mikasa sees this and is shocked]

JP: You're an animal! You hear me? You're a disease! This is what you get you son of a bitch! This is what you get for being what you are! Die! Die!

[JP stops stabbing and looks a Mikasa who's still lying on the floor. He is taken back by her hair]

JP: Dad wasn't kidding.

[JP walks over to Mikasa]

JP: The hard part is over. You're safe now.

[JP cuts Mikasa's binds]

JP: I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise. You're Mikasa, right? I'm JP. I'm Dr. Yeager's son. I knew your folks. We were coming by your house for a check up. We saw everything.

[Mikasa turns around, closes her eyes, and embraces JP in a hug and holds him tight]

Mikasa: Thank you! Thank you!

JP: I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise.

[Mikasa's eyes snap open]

Mikasa: What happened to the third one?

[Man #3 walks in. JP and Mikasa turn around and see him which makes them scared. JP goes for the axe but Man #3 grabs it first and cuts off JP's right arm]

Man #3: This is all your doing isn't it?

[Man #3 holds JP in the air and begins to choke JP out. JP, due to the loss of his arm, is unable to fight back]

Man #3: I'm going to kill you! You're going to die!

[JP looks at Mikasa]

JP: Take...take him out! Fight! Kill or be killed! Fight for your life! It's...it's the only way!

Man #3: Who do you think you are you little brat?

JP: The only way to live is to fight!

[Mikasa grabs the knife but still doesn't move. She trembles with fear and the knife shakes in her hands]

Mikasa: I can't! I don't think I do this.

[Suddenly seems to stand still. JP is still be choked out and is starting to fade. Mikasa just stares in fear]

Present Mikasa: (Thoughts) All of a sudden. I remembered. I'd seen all before. Many times since the day I was born.

[JP passes out. Past Mikasa has flashbacks]

Present Mikasa: (Thoughts) It'd had been all around me forever. But I always looked the other way. Yeah. The world is a cruel place. And it's home.

[Past Mikasa focuses back to the present moment]

Present Mikasa: (Thoughts) All of a sudden. My body wasn't shaking. I was in total control. Focused. Ready. I was going to save the boy who saved me. He promised to protect me forever. I wanted to do the same for him. He wasn't going to die today. I was going to save him. He can't protect me if he's dead. I owe my life to him. I will never forget this. All of a sudden I could do anything.

Past Mikasa: (Thoughts) Fight.

[Something in Past Mikasa snaps]

Past Mikasa: (Thoughts) Fight! (Outloud) Fight!

[Past Mikasa stabs Man #3 from behind while screaming. Later the Military Police show up. They see Man #3 dead]

Soldier #1: Stabbed in the heart from behind.

Soldier #2: A couple of kids couldn't have done this.

[The soldiers see JP lying on the floor unconscious with Mikasa crying]

Mikasa: Get up. Get up. Please. I can't lose you. Don't let your efforts be in vain.

[JP starts to wake up and leans up. Mikasa smothers him in a hug. JP, with only one hand, hugs Mikasa back]

JP: It's over. You're safe now. I'll protect you forever.

[Later outside, Mikasa stands by herself while Dr. Yeager's treats JP's arm]

Dr. Yeager: You had to play hero didn't you? I told you to wait!

JP: I don't regret what I did.

[When Mikasa hears JP say that she's surprised]

JP: They were animals who needed to die. The Military Police would've been too late! We couldn't wait.

Dr. Yeager: You've always been strong. Always been unafraid. Maybe a too much for your own good. I'm not angry with you. Just be more careful.

JP: (Starts to cry) I didn't know how else I was supposed to save her.

[Dr. Yeager turns to Mikasa]

Dr. Yeager: Mikasa. Remember me? I'm Dr. Yeager. We've met a few times before.

[Mikasa doesn't look at him. She has a sad look on her face]

Mikasa: (Softly) Yes, Dr. Yeager. So, um...can you tell me how to get home? It's cold. I'm tired. There's nowhere else for me to go.

[JP walks over and takes off his scarf. He wraps the scarf around her the best he can with one arm]

JP: You can keep it. This ought to keep you warm, right?

[Mikasa feels the scarf]

Mikasa: I think so.

Dr. Yeager: Mikasa, how do you feel about living with us?

[Mikasa stares just confused. JP looks at her]

JP: You'll be safe. I'll protect you. I won't let anything happen to you again.

[Mikasa throws her arms around him and begins to cry. JP hugs her back with his one arm]

[Flashback end]

[Back to the present, Mikasa continues killing titans]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) The world is a cruel place. If you want to live, you have to fight.

[The bells ring and the gate closes]

Ian: That's it. We're done. Scale the wall.

Mikasa: I should help the Vanguard withdraw, sir.

[Mikasa doesn't wait for an answer. She leaves]

Mikasa: (Thoughts) It's a cruel world but I have a place in it. JP, as long as you're in my life, I can fight to the bitter end.

[To be continued]

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