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Chapter 62


POV: You

Part 1.

We are on the last stretch of our training, in the mists of week four. Lara has trained in her weapon usage and hardening control. We've gotten up to two rapid succession transformations and the third one being a fail, that's with the usage of hardening ability as well, better than I thought we'd get to. Learning to be able to conserve stamina by limiting the weapons she changes and uses. Lara's made her war hammer and cross bow her specialties. Most weapons would be use less unless a specific occasion arose.

"Ready for your final test, to see just how far you've gotten?" I ask Lara as she stood in front of me. She wore her black and white dress. I wore my uniform.

"Yes, I'm ready" Lara says.

"Any questions before we start?" I ask her.

"Why did you request that I wear my dress? Is it to simulate a more realistic fight?" Lara asks me as she fixes her hair and made sure the bun stayed in.

"Correct, in a more realistic situation, you'd be wearing your dress when playing as Historia's bodyguard and maid of sorts. If a fight were to occur, you would be wearing that, not a sports bra and short shorts" I explained to Lara.

"That makes sense" She replies the readies herself into her South Paw stance "Ready"

I get into my Philly Shell stance "Now, anything goes. You must land a killing blow understood. Not a fake one. A real one. Understood?"

"Understood" Lara says.

"Good" I say before stepping forward toward her.

I throw a few flicker jabs to start, Lara dodging them all with their quick speed. On the last jab, she gets hit in the shoulder, quickly countering, spinning in her heals and elbowing me in the jaw. Right after the jaw, She hits me with a hook from the other hand. I step a few steps back, giving distance between us.

"I didn't expect you to land a hit on me already" I say.

"I learned from the best" Lara says with a small smile before charging forward.

Lara throws flurries of punches and jabs, I block or dodge the punches as she threw them. Being on the defensive for once is a new experience, Lara has exceeded me in her own way, creating her own moves and techniques. I grab one of her punches and pulled Lara in before grabbing her throat and throwing her onto the ground. Still holding onto her arm, I go to try to break her arm. Lara however, swings her legs around and sweeps me off my feet, ending up on top of me.

"Nice move" I say as our faces were inches away from each other.

"Thank you" She replies with a small smile.

I push Lara off me then got to my feet, Lara getting to her feet just as fast. I fire off a flicker jab, Lara dodges and goes right into the line of fire of a right hook, pivoting into a South Paw stance. Lara blocked the hook with her for arms. I shoot two jabs, then a right uppercut then a left haymaker. Lara blocked the first three hits, the haymaker breaks through her defense and hits her straight in the nose. Blood begins gushing out of Lara's nose as she stumbles back.

"You said anything goes correct?" Lara asks as she sees the blood dripping onto her hand after feeling her nose.

"I did" I replied.

Lara looks up at me, a small smile on her face "I understand" She replies before being engulfed in light as she transformed into her titan form. I jump back away from her as her titan formed, in mists of her transformation a war hammer forms in her hands and swings it at me

"Holy shit" I say as I jumped out of the way.

She completes her transformation then begins to swing her war hammer more, slamming it into the ground as I continued to evade the attacks. I grab my knife then cut my self before transforming. Lara tried to hit me mid transformation, I block the war hammer with the armor in my fore arm.

"Not hard enough" I say as my transformation finished.

I kick Lara away and she digs her war hammer into the ground to stop her. I step forward and go for a heavy left hook, my fist colliding with her face, her titans's skin on the face, tearing, leaving a large gash. Then going for a heavy right hook into her side, punching a hole into the side of her titan. Lara then bounces back, using her war hammer to push her back away from me.

"I'm not letting you get away"

I moved with her, pushing myself forward, not letting her escape me. I go in for a low kick to trip her but she blocks it with the handle of her war hammer. I go to hit her once more with punch, she summons a sword in her left hand and uses it to cut my right arm off. As my arm grew back at a rapid pace, Lara jumps back away from me, then shifting her stance. Readying her war hammer to swing, unsummoning the sword and holding onto the war hammer with both hands.

As I looked at  her stance, I could tell she's waiting for me to move forward. She won't move a muscler until I do "Good, she's learning"

I charge forward at Lara. Lara swings her war hammer, it looked like she was swinging high so I duck down. Mid swing, her swing makes a different angle and hits my titan head in the dead side, obliterating it. Once this happens I change my footing to prepare to step back. While stepping back, Lara twisted with the momentum of her swing and spun around.

"She bites me, I'm in no position to dodge"

I put my arm out to my side to the hammer as it came back around. The war hammer hits my hand, and kept going, forcing its way through my hand and all the way up my arm, taking out my entire arm. My eyes widened a bit as the hammer was about to hit my normal body, the head of the hammer made a dead stop directly before my human hand. Lara's titan eyes looking at me with her ear hammer held tightly.

"You did good Lara. You passed" I say aloud to Lara.

Lara moves the war hammer away from me, looking relived as she made the hammer disappear from her hands. I kneel down with my remaining arm and pull myself out of my titan. Lara does the same. We meet each other on the ground.

"Good, I'd say you're about ready to protect Historia" I say with a small smile.

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you (Y/n)" Lara says, bowing a bit.

"Don't say that, you did your part as well Lara" I state to her "Now c'mon, let's head inside and eat some dinner"

"Actually, there's something I'd like to talk to you about first" Lara says, behind her, our titans crumbling in to steam.

"Oh, alright, what is it?" I reply.

"It's about me making my own decisions. I have made some decision of my own" Lara says as she held her hands clasped in front of her.

"That's good, what are they?" I ask her"

"You said as a condition to training me you wanted me to make my own decisions, like being a house wife or live in the countryside. Well. I've decided that I want to be your housewife, and I want to live with you in the countryside, and I want to have your children" Lara says as she steps closer to me "I no longer have the desire to serve you (Y/n), Now, I want to please you, be one with you. Is this love that I'm feeling that makes me want these things? Or perhaps it's the happiness you give those other girls that makes me want the same thing. Whichever it is, those are my wants (Y/n)"

I wanted to be surprised about her confession but I can't. I told her to make her own decisions on what she wants, and that would be fucked up if I simply rejected her and shot her down. She now stood a foot in front of me. Behind Lara's usual less expressive face was an eagerness for an answer.

"I won't reject you then Lara, and I'll give you what you want. I'll have you as my house wife, possibly live in the country side if possible and one day I'll have children with you"  I reply to Lara. A smile graces her face "In return, may I ask what made you feel this way?"

"I've felt us drawing together during the gave me a purpose (Y/n). Wanting me think on my own, to desire my own wants. To be seen more than just a maid or the war hammer titan. Now, I can be savior and protector, that is my decision and my decision alone. Not a duty to serve" Lara explains to me making me smile. I never thought I would have made her feel this way.

"I'm glad Lara, keep making your decisions and think for yourself" I say with a smile while crossing my arms.

"Then I'd like to steal a kiss from you" Lara says.

Lara stepping forward and pressing her lips against mine, her eyes closed as she did it with grace. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Lara steps back, separating our lips from each other. A smile gracing her lips.

"I thank you for this (Y/n), and for letting me be your forever one and only war hammer" Lara says bowing with a hand across her chest and smile on her face.

Part 2.

It's night now, I'm in my room of the cabin, relaxing on my bed reading a book. We leave in a few days so I'm leaving that to relaxing. My thoughts going back to Lara's confession earlier. It couldn't be helped though. I then hear a knock on my open door.

"Lara" I say as I see Lara standing in the door way.

"I am not troubling you am I?" Lara asks me then walks in and closes the door behind her.

"No, you aren't, do you need something?" I ask her.

Lara steps closer to me then crawls onto the bed "I'd like to spend the night with you and have the same intimate moments you have with the others"

"Um, Straight to the point I see" I say to her.

"Is that a no?" Lara says displeased as she sat up.

"No, it isn't, just surprised is all. I don't mind it Lara" I reply, giving her a gentle smile.

Lara smiles "I'm glad"

Lara grabs the ends of her dress and pulls it over her, stripping herself of her dress. Underneath, were elegant black laced undergarments that certainly only the rich would be able to have. It must of been what she was wearing that night in Liberio. Lara sits in my lap and straddles me, facing me. She leans forward, stealing a kiss from me. Her movements were elegant, everything about her showed elegance.

Lara pulls away a few inches. Taking my left hand into her right and intertwining our fingers "Earlier. When I thanked you for letting me forever be your one and only war hammer. I meant it. I am the only war hammer titan you will ever need. You don't need any other but me. Only me (Y/n). No other. Just me" She tells me, laced in an almost possessive like tone before going in for another kiss, however she stops right before our lips connect "Tell me, am I the only war hammer you need?"

This was not a turn out I expected, however, I should have expected it after I gave a woman who didn't have a purpose but to serve like a tool, something else like freedom "You are the only war hammer I need Lara"

"Good. Because you are the only guardian I'll ever need (Y/n)" Lara replies before closing in and pressing her lips into mine.

With her free hand, Lara undid my buckle and pulled my pants down as we kissed while continuing to straddle me. Lara kept her mouth a gape a bit as we kissed, silently asking for a more passionate kiss then with just lips. I replied with action, slipping my tongue into her mouth. A soft moan escaping from her as she settled into the new experience for her. Lara then grabs my free hand with hers and places it on her hip, moving it across to her ass.

"Let's proceed forward" Lara says after pulling away from the kiss. Let's go of my hands and leave my right hand where it is on her ass.

Lara pulls down my boxers, revealing my erect cock. Lara then moves her panties to the side and grabs ahold of my cock. With grace and elegance, Lara slides it inside of her, letting out a light moan as she does. She hits base, her body squirming a little at the new feeling.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, putting my left hand on her cheek.

She looks at me with caring eyes, happy to see that I care "I'll be fine. I'll adjust. I'll get used to it" Lara replies.

"Let me help you" I say, placing my hands on her hips

I helped her move slowly, letting her antiquate to this new experience. Lara put her hands on my chest, unbuttoning my uniform to expose my torso to her, then laying her hand upon it for stability and something nice to look at.

"This...feels good" Lara says as to me.

"It's supposed to" I reply simply.

"So I've heard...though..this..feels different than what I feels..pleasant...meant to be" Lara says before smiling.

Lara then reaches up to her hair, then pulling out her hair tie. Her black hair falls out of the bun like a curtain revealing its true length. Her hair was long enough to go all the way down to her waist.

"What do you think? Do you like it?" Lara asks me.

"Your hair looks great Lara" I reply,

Lara smiles then leans down and puts her head next to mine, putting it into my neck. Lara rocked her hips a bit by herself as I still held onto them "I'm glad, I know you'll be a great husband"

While we continued, our talk was limited, Lara's hands wandering to being around my neck as she hugged her head into my neck. When Lara was with the Tyburs, her mental state was limited to duty and servitude, whether that was intentional or not I can't say. However, giving her something new in life has filled her with feelings to go after the desires she's always wanted. In its simplest, all she's wanted was a family of her own.

"(Y/n)...I think I'm..." Lara says as she moaned into my neck. She then her arms tensed up as she gripped me, letting out an exasperated moan into my neck while she orgasmed "S-Sorry..."

"It's okay Lara" I reply with a smile.

After a few moments, Lara pushes her hips down on me as she felt me release my load inside. Lara pulls away from my neck to look at me, moving again with elegance. A smile gracing her lips. Lara leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away slowly.

"Promise me (Y/n)...that you won't replace me" Lara tells me.

Her expression started to go back to her normal expressionless face. Her eyes eager for me my reply. I leaned forward and kissed her, making this the first time initiated a kiss with her "I promise Lara. You will forever be my only war hammer"

"Understood" Lara gets off the bed then picks her dress up and slips it on "I'm going to go prepare a bath for us. How does that sound?" Lara asks me.

"Sounds great Lara" I reply with a smile. Lara then leaves my room.

"All wives accounted for now" Lauren says with a giggle.

"You told me 5 or 6" I reply.

Lauren giggles a bit "Maybe I sugar coated it a bit"

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