The Tigress and Lioness

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Chapter 61


POV: You

Part 1.

Were a week into Lara's training, her hand to hand combat has almost become on par with mine, especially in my own fighting style. However, Lara may have hit a limit, that being physical limitations. We are at a point where there are techniques only I can do due to my strengths. That doesn't mean she can't win against 99 percent of soldiers. It's around mid-day, The girls and I were in the field, however, the only ones besides Lara that were participating in this particular training were Annie and Mikasa. Lara wearing her sports bra and short shorts, Mikasa wore her own, revealing her entire muscular figure. Annie however war a sports bra and her standard uniform pants. For me, I wore my uniform.

"Lara, I'm gonna have you sparring with Mikasa and Annie today. I may be the one training you but I need to see how you can handle someone who isn't me" I explain to her.

"Understood (Y/n)" Lara says. Something I've noticed as well is that she has been calling me by my name more than she did before.

"Mikasa, Annie, which of want to go first?" I question as I looked at them.

"I'll go first" Mikasa says as she steps in front of Lara.

"Remember, This is sparring so be constructive, not destructive. However, that doesn't mean for you to hold back" I explained to them "That goes for both of you"

Lara gets into her south paw stance, Mikasa stands bladed almost sideways. Her fists clenched together. It was almost like that of a boxers but too narrow of a stance. They stood there looking at each other, waiting for me to give the go ahead.

"Go" I state.

Mikasa is the first to move as she steps forward while throwing a punch with her right hand. Lara blocks the hit with her right fore arm, Mikasa then throws a left jab at Lara's bicep of her right arm. As her hand is there, she grabs Lara's right with her left hand then right  hand and throws Lara over her onto the ground.

"I know I said to be constructive and not destructive, but it seems all Mikasa knows how to do when it comes to fighting is be destructive. However it wasn't a half bad decision to use a throw"

After hitting the ground, Lara immediately came to her senses and goes for a leg sweep as she gets to her feet, Mikasa jumps back to evade. Lara advances forward in her south paw stance. She evades a right hook from Mikasa and twists around it, hitting Mikasa with a left elbow to the chest then turning that elbow into a flicker jab to the gut then a flicker jab to her left cheek. Lara gave Mikasa some space as Mikasa rumbles a step back. Lara now stood in a regular Philly Shell stance as she faced Mikasa.

"She's already created a move of her own? Her own way of transferring from her South Paw stance to a Philly Shell"

Mikasa gains her balance and raises her hands back up. Both Lara and Mikasa step forward as they advance, Lara goes on the offensive, throwing a left Muay Thai kick. Mikasa blocks the kick with both the arms, however, With momentum from the spin, she's pushes through the block, continuing to spin. Once Lara's left foot touched the ground, she continues to spin and goes for a right back kick, focusing the hit being with her heel. Mikasa being somewhat surprised that Lara was able to get through her defenses with her kick, had her guard down and Lara's heel connects with the right side of Mikasa's rib cage. Mikasa slides a bit before holding her side where Lara kicked.

"That's enough, good work, both of you" I say.

"Thank you" Lara says while she relaxed slightly.

I step up to Mikasa who was still holding her side "Let me see Mikasa"

Mikasa moves her hands and look at the spot where Lara kicked, there was no oblivious mark. I feel the spot with my hand, a small sized lump but her ribs were okay, She'll most likely bruise however. I smile a bit then kissed her on the cheek.

"Go rest for a bit" I tell her and she nods, a light smile on her face, I knew on the inside she most likely felt defeated. Though, I could tell things would of been more even if they both went all out "Annie, you're up now"

"Of course" Annie says as she steps in front of Lara.

Lara goes into her South Paw stance, from sight it seemed she was tense a bit. I was insure if it was from now having Annie as an opponent or something else. Annie puts her arms up, her Muay Thai stance was a bit different from her normal stance. It was narrower and lower, arms parallel with each other and fists at eye level, compared to her usual stance which was wide and higher in nature.

"A change in stance?" I say to Annie.

"I have been honing this one recently, both of you haven't been the one training you know" Annie tells me as she looked at Lara.

"Fair enough" I say "Go"

Annie immediately steps forward to advance, as she did Lara stepped back at the same time, almost like she predicted that Annie would advance first. Annie goes in for a high right kick to start, seeming to aim for Lara's head. Lara ducks under the kick and counters with an underhand to the back of Annie's thigh. With a relaxed hand, Lara then grabs Annie's leg and pulled Annie onto the ground, maneuvering into a knee bar as the fell to the ground. Her intentions being to break the knee or a bone in Annie's right leg.

"A knee bar, interesting choice, however, Annie also happens to be good ground combat as well"

Annie knew the situations she was in as soon as Lara did the maneuver. Before Lara could fully lock up and extend Annie's leg, Annie was already shifting her body in a way to escape, putting her left foot behind Lara's knee and pushing herself out. Rolling back then using her hands to spring back to her feet. Lara jumps back to her feet after the failed knee bar.

"Next time, don't bring your opponent onto the ground unless your absolutely confident you'll win the engagement" Annie tells Lara as she raised her firsts up "The last thing you want is to get stabbed or, like I did, escape"

"Understood" Lara says, taking Annie's advice. Lara then, openly changes stances from her South Paw to a Philly Shell "I am confident with this stance"

"It's good to be determined to win, but in sparing, it's more about improving your fighting based on the variable is someone else, that's makes for good experimentation, like I am doing" Annie says while in her new stance.

Annie charges forward and goes for a right cross, Lara evades but then gets hit by a left elbow in the cheek. Lara then gets hit with a side shot. She endures the hit but Annie grabs her arm then reel her head back then headbutts Lara in the face before doing an out ward kick to push her away.

"She's not using Muay Thai. Annie's using Lethwai, Thats the reason for the change in stance makes sense"

"Lethwai? Didn't think you'd use that" I say to Annie.

"I've had time to refine it now" Annie says.

The two continued sparring again. Their match lasted longer than the one Lara had with Mikasa, I let it go longer as Annie has a healing factor, Mikasa doesn't. The day was left to nothing but me having those two spar with Lara. Lara's getting better and better, tomorrow we'll be able to go into weapons.

Part 2.

It's morning the next day, Pieck, Ymir, and Sasha went into town to get supplies, leaving Mikasa, Annie, Lara and I at the cabin alone. I was getting ready to go and train with Lara.

"(Y/n)" Mikasa says from the door.

"What is it? Need something?" I ask her.

She walks in then grabs the collar of my uniform and pulls me in for a kiss. She pulls away a bit "I did good yesterday right?" Mikasa asks me, wanting praise.

"Yes, of course" I replied.

"I deserve a reward for that don't you think?" Mikasa asks me.

"More like WE deserve a reward for that" Annie says as she walks into the room, the door being left slightly ajar but mostly close.

"Wait, hold on, you want to right now? I have to train with Lara" I state to the girls.

"I told her you'll be out soon and that you had to help us with something first" Annie says then tackles me onto the bed. Her eyes. Those hungry lioness eyes, looking directly into mine "Don't think you'll be let off without treating us nicely"

Annie sits up strips off the white tank top she was wearing showing her chest. Mikasa crawls up next to her. The eyes of a yearning tigress peering at me. Mikasa then begins to take off her uniform, unbuttoning her top. She reveals multiple bruises on her body, the largest being the one on her side from Lara's side. The only thing she kept on was her scarf that I gave her.

Mikasa moves her exposed body up to my chest, she grabs my right hand and places it onto her body, feeling her bruises "I pushed my body this hard for you (Y/n)"

"Mikasa..." I say and she then grabs my hand and places it on her cheek as she smiles.

"I may have a healing factor, but do you really think I'd just let myself get put in that position by just anyone?" Annie says while leaning down to face me.

"No, you wouldn't Annie" I state.

"Good, you understand. Now, who will be first? Me, your strong, willing, blond, lover" Annie says as she got closer while tracing my lips with her finger. She then pulls away and gets behind Mikasa and begins to caress her thighs. Mikasa seemed almost defenseless, a cute version of Mikasa"-Or, Maybe your loyal, faithful, always at your side and ready to melt, Mikasa"

Mikasa was almost melting in Annie's hands, is it that she's waiting in anticipation, or perhaps that Annie's really good and making women defenseless like when she did the same to Ymir.

"I want to be first (Y/n)" Mikasa says in a yearning tone.

"Look, she's begging (Y/n), I'd say she should go first" Annie says with a small smile.

"Alright, I'll treat Mikasa first" I say, stripping the top of my uniform off.

I get up and took hold of the defenseless Mikasa and then laid her on the bed, a light blush across her face "Has Mikasa always been this cute?"

I take my pants off before going onto the bed, placing myself between her legs. I raise her hips a little as I pressed my erect cock against her lower lips. Mikasa moans lightly as I pushed myself inside, she grabbed onto the sheets with one hand and her scarf with the other.

"(Y/n)~" Mikasa moans cutely, hiding her face behind her scarf "Can gentle this time?"

I smile a bit, leaning down, moving the scarf out of the way and pecking a kiss "If you wish" I reply  before sitting back up.

I began to move slowly, thrusting my hips at a slow pace. A moment later Annie stands in front of me, over Mikasa, ass in my face. She bends over, putting her hands in the wall.

"Don't forget about me (Y/n)" Annie says while pushing her ass closer to my face "Go on, I'm waiting"

As I kept my pace with Mikasa, I use my left hand to spread her ass a bit before leaning in having my lips meet her lower lips. I slip my tongue around her folds, some of her blond carpet was growing back after a recent shave. While essentially making out with Annie's other lips, Annie let out pleasured moans. Mikasa tried to hide her moans with her scarf but she could only do it so much.

"God~, why are you so good at this?~" Annie moans questioning.

"Ask Ymir" I say after pulling away before going back in.

"No wonder she becomes dough in your hands. Fuck" Annie says. Her thighs clenched up a little before squirting a bit as she orgasmed.

"Already?" I say with a question tone.

"Screw you" She says playfully.

"I am fully capable of fulfilling that for you" I say to her "Get down on Mikasa"

"Yes daddy~" Annie says and I frown at her.

"Please don't say that again" I say as I pulled out of Mikasa.

"Aww, don't like it? You don't want submissive Annie?" Annie says as she got on top of Mikasa, pressing her pussy against hers "You know how I like it when you dominate me"

I grabbed onto her short pony tail and shoved my cock inside her, Annie letting out a loud moan "Remember that you asked for this" I tell her.

"I know~" Annie says.

As I pulled on Annie's hair, thrusted my hips with a rougher pace, fitting what Annie was asking for. Mikasa letting light moans as her and Annie's clots rubbed against each other. Annie's moans were, let's say, wild, she wasn't holding them back.

"Yeah, that's it (Y/n)~" Annie moans. I then pulled out of Annie and put it in Mikasa before moving my hips once more "The hell?"

"What? Mikasa deserves it too" I tell her as Mikasa moaned more.

"Leading me on, that's fucked up" Annie says.

"Too bad, I'm the one in control" I tell her and I tugged in her hair, she lets out a yelp mixed moan "If only if I didn't know other things that turn you on"

"Go faster (Y/n)" Mikasa moans as her walls constricted around me like if I were putting my dick in a vise. Thats what happens when your girlfriend is literally built different.

I go faster and Mikasa soon lets out an extended moan as she orgasmed. Her insides absolutely clenching down on me before relaxing. I pull out of Mikasa then put my cock back inside of Annie who moaned as I put it back in.

"Yes~" Annie moans.

As the two girls moaned, a symphony of moans. I was going to near my limit soon. Annie's insides hot and wet. My hand still on her pony tail. I wonder, is this how you tame a lioness and tigress.

"You better let it out inside (Y/n)" Annie demands.

"B-But I want it inside too" Mikasa pleads.

"How about you both get it" I state to them.

I hit my climax, shooting the first part of my hot load into Annie, pulling out then putting it in Mikasa, letting out the rest of my load. How was I able to do such a feat? Thats a secret. Let's just say you learn a thing or two with having so many girls. I pull out of Mikasa, leaving two satisfied women in front of me.

"There, you both have been treated nicely" I say then went over and gave each of them a kiss as they laid in my bed "Love you two.

"Love you too" They both reply, satisfied and pleased.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and train Lara" I say as I get out of bed and began to put my uniform on.

"Have fun with that" Annie says.

"I will" I state before leaving the room.

"Those girls, Those two scare me and make me happy at the same time some times. I guess that's what happens when their a lioness and a tigress"

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