Maid in Training

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Chapter 60


POV: You

Part 1.

I am a few days in to training with Lara, today actually being only the second day as the first two days I had other priorities. Our location, the cabin we had used once when we trained before the new Levi squad got raided by the MPs. I stood with Lara in the large field in front of the cabin. I wore a pair of pants with my boots, shirtless. Lara stood in a sports bra and short shorts. She had her hair still up in her bun. I haven't seen her with her hair down yet.

"Alright, so yesterday I used to see the limits of your titan powers" I say with my arms crossed as the spring sun beat down on us "One complete transformation and a failed transformation when transforming in rapid succession. For someone who as you've told me only transformed a few times isn't that bad, however it isn't good enough"

"Tell me what to do to be better and I'll do it, anything to serve you better" Lara tells me, her eyes filled with unwavering determination.

"I still don't like that she is on this path of serving me. Maybe after some time it can be altered so she isn't so determined on that fact"

"Look Lara, this isn't something we can do instantaneously, it will take time,with our limited time, I'll have to break your body and push you past limits you never thought you had" I say to her "I want you to get to a point with your titan that even after cycling through weapons, you can transform three times in rapid succession. However, I doubt we'll get that far, cycling through weapons burns your stamina"

"If that is your desire I'll do everything I can to meet that outcome" Lara states to me with a slight bow.

"Today, I'm going to teach you hand to hand combat basics. I know your titan revolves around weapons, however, while in human form, you won't always have a weapon so it wouldn't hurt to know" I explain to Lara and put my arms down "Now, I want you to get into a fighting stance, whichever feels the most comfortable and we'll go from there"

Lara puts her hands up and moves her feet. I watched curiously as she gets into an almost perfect South Paw style boxing stance. It's like she's done this hundreds of times. Her body relaxed, no tension whatsoever so ever. I raised a brow before speaking.

"You're left handed?" I ask curiously.

"Yes" She replies simply.

"Have you boxed before?" I ask her as I began walking around her.

"No, not once. I've never been trained to fight. Most of my duties in the Tybur household were that of a maid and nanny to the children. I never had the privilege to have a child as I had been destined to become the war hammer" Lara tells me. Sounding displeased.

"I only ask as your stance is one most professional boxers hope to achieve" I state to her.

"I'm glad it meets your standards" She says, a small, minute, smile forming on her lips.

"How do you know this stance then?" I ask her.

"I may not have trained physically, I have ready books on war and fighting however. I personally haven't tried to train in any of it, I never had the time. I've seen pictures of stances and such" Lara explains to me.

"I see, now throw a punch" I tell her. She does and does it with perfect execution "Now two jabs" She does the jabs perfectly with ease. I then give her something she most likely wouldn't have learned from a book "Jab, uppercut, right hook, straight" I tell her.

Lara does the combo with great speed and precision, after the straight punch, pivoting a bit, something I wasn't expecting her to do. This is making me guess on something, that with the power of the war hammer, it might allow her to easily learn the art of war like fighting.

"Does the war hammer allow you to have the ability to easily learn how to fight?" I question and she shakes her head as she slowly relaxes her body out of the stance.

"No, it's a natural ability I've had since I was a little girl. I am able to easily pick up and understand things, whether it's by pictures, sight, or just reading" Lara explains to me.

"Now I can see why the Tyburs made you the war hammer titan" I reply to her "However, it's wasteful if events were different, never actually using the titan"

Lara shakes her head "Tension in the world we're getting thick. I was bound to have to enter the fray" She then looks at me, her dark grey eyes looking into mine "The day I got the war hammer titan, was the day word of your betrayal of Marley had arrived along with your new moniker as the Monster of Paradise. That was when Marley's warriors returned from Paradis"

"I understand now" I say "Alright, back to training. I guess extending your library of fighting with the South Paw stance will be the best thing to do"

"If I may ask first, what is your ideal fighting style?" Lara questions me "In Liberio, you didn't show a fighting style, though that could of been summed up to your anger at the time"

"My ideal fighting style isn't something I use in my titan form, it's useless. In titan form I don't need to rely it as my personal fighting style is about breaking the human body down, Titan bodies can heal to a degree. Thats why I use more conventional styles" I explain to Lara and she nods in understanding.

"You'd be simply draining the shifters stamina, useful in some cases but not all, sheer destruction has more use, especially when titans are bigger threats" Lara says.

"Correct, If you want to see it I guess I don't mind though" I tell her.

I get into a fighting stance, my left foot forward and left hand down with my fist closed, it almost looked like it was dangling but wasn't. My right first was up like normal "This is a fighting stance called the Philly Shell, a southern nation boxing stance"

I then do a consecutive flurry of jabs, called flicker jabs "The stance is a defensive orientation stance, however, with my speed and power, I can make it offensive" I then did a combo of a flicker jab then diagonal strike then right straight, then pivoting into a South Paw "My style is a mixture of fighting styles. Creating something that is realistically unpredictable and hard to counter"

"I want to learn how you fight" Lara tells me with conviction in her voice. Lara gets on one knee while bowing and hand across her chest "If I learn to fight the way you do, on my own I may stand a chance to stand uncontested. As my duty to serve you and the queen, I'll do what ever it takes to be your strongest tool, to be your war hammer"

"Again with her duty.."

"Whatever it takes?" I question.

She looks up at me "Yes, Whatever it takes"

"On one condition" I tell her.

"Name it" She replied immediately.

"I want you to be able to make your own choices. Not everything has to be out of duty or service. Think for yourself" I say then crouched down to her level "Like if you told me that you want to be a housewife and live in the country side, then I'll let you, war hammer or not. It would be all your decision Lara. Not mine, not Historia's, no one's but yours"

"I want to be the strongest war hammer titan to exist, for the sake of Paradise" Lara tells me.

"That's a start" I say while standing up, she stands as well "We'll train your body and titan every day, a break day once a week. I promise you that it will strenuous on your body, you will hurt"

"I can take it" Lara states.

Part. 2

POV: Pieck

I sat in a chair on the porch watching as (Y/n) trained Lara, they've been at it for a few hours already. From what I could see, Lara was a quick learner, and she's being trained by (Y/n), a guy who's most likely in the very top of the top one percent when it comes to fighters, though that's my personal opinion on it.

"Having fun?" Annie asks me as she walks outside, in her hands were two cups of tea then hands me one "Here"

I take the cup she offered me "I guess, there isn't much for me to train for. My titan is based around support, it's not versatile in an attack role. For me personally, I'm not suited for fighting, I can if I have to but I'm not like you" I say to her as she takes a seat in a chair next to me.

"I understand, we can't do everything" Annie replies.

"I'm sure (Y/n) could. His whole life has been dedicated to the sole purpose of being the best titan shifter to exist" I say to the then take a sip of the tea "He can take on any titan, maybe even the colossal, and win. He makes the nine look like just another set of mindless titans"

"Yeah, he really is special isn't he" Annie says with a smile.

"Seeing you smile, it's still a new sight every time I see it" I tell her and she puts a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Well, (Y/n) makes me smile, that's enough to say right?" She tells me and I nod.

"Mind if I join?" Sasha says as she walks out of the cabin, she was eating a baked potato.

"Of course, we're just talking as we watch (Y/n) and Lara" I say with a smile.

Sasha leans up against the wall, watching (Y/n) "So, what do you guys think of (Y/n)'s abs? Like, if I put my mind to it, I think I could grate cheese on them"

I look at her with a raised brow "Maybe potato's too" I say to her.

"Mash potatoes made with (Y/n)'s abs...I want that now" Sasha says then takes a bite of her potato.

"I'd rather feel them up than try to use it as a cooking utensil. First time I felt them, I got a little wet honestly" Annie says and I giggle a bit.

"How girly of you. Getting wet off touching some muscle~" I tease her.

Annie shrugs, a small smile on her face "Can you blame me?, you've felt them, they feel like they're chiseled out of marble, there isn't a good way to describe that slab of meat (Y/n) calls abs"

"I drooled on accident the first time I touched them, I couldn't help but think about steak" Sasha says then pauses for a moment "What about eating a juicy steak off his abs?....thats hot"

"Only you'd think of something like that, that a fantasy of yours?" Annie asks Sasha as she had finished off her potato.

"No, but if he offered I'd dive right in" Sasha replies.

I giggle a bit "Sounds about right for you" I say, I may not now this group very well as only knowing them for a week, but Sasha's love for food was easy to pick up on.

We hear a whistle as Mikasa and Ymir walk from our back, an axe leaning on Mikasa's shoulder. Ymir was the one who whistled "What are y'all talking about? Presumably (Y/n)" Ymir says.

"Guilty" I sing.

"Let me guess those amazing abs he has. God, I love that slab of meat (Y/n) calls abs" Ymir coos then looked at Mikasa "What do you think?"

Mikasa shrugs "I mean, their great but, I have them too" Mikasa says then looks down while she lifts her shirt a bit, showing defined abs "Feeling his are comforting in a way"

"Of course you and your Amazonian body wouldn't be turned on by his abs" Ymir says with a sigh then looks at (Y/n) and Lara as they trained "Look at that, I need a threesome with both of them"

"Is sex always the first thing that comes to your mind?" I ask Ymir.

"I say what's on my mind" She replies.

"More like she doesn't have a filter" Mikasa states.

"No, it's just sex" Annie states with a smirk "I'd know, she likes it rough"

"Hey, don't make me sound like I'm a sex crazed freak. I have a personality you know" Ymir says with a hand on her hip.

Annie looked at Ymir with a raised brow "Our first day here was literally, (Y/n) fucking you into submission for half a day to get you to shut up"Annie then sips her tea "Now we all know your actually a submissive pillow princess who becomes dough in (Y/n)'s hands at the sight of his dick"

"T-Take that back!, it's just good to mix things up from time to time!" Ymir exclaims with a stutter.

"Can't say that with how you were moaning, moaning his name over and over" Mikasa states.

"Also the bed broke and (Y/n) had to fix it" Sasha adds"

"T-That doesn't mean I'm a bottom!" Ymir replies then tells Annie "And, You like getting dominated!, why are you getting on me about it?"

"At least I'm willing to admit it, unlike you, trying to hide it. (Y/n) and I switch every so often depending on the mood" Annie tells her before standing up, setting her tea cup down, then walked over to Ymir and Ymir stepped back as she got close, before speaking in a cold yet alluring voice "If you want, we can go again, just me and you instead, I can prove just how much of a submissive pillow princess you are~"

"I-I-I'm good, I-I swear. (Y-Y/n) satisfied me good" Ymir stutters.

"If you wish" Annie says with a teasing giggle.

"What's going on over here?" (Y/n) questions as he walks up to the cabin, a small smile on his face.

"Just teasing our resident jaw titan" Annie says before stepping back and sitting down.

"That so" He says with a soft chuckle "So, what's the occasion? All of you out here?"

"It's nothing really, just us girls talking" I say with a soft smile as I looked at his sweaty abs.

"Yup, that's one hot slab of meat"

"Yeah, we have our own type of conversations like guys do" Annie adds.

"We were talking about your abs" Mikasa says plainly.

"Huh, interesting, anyway, I just came so I could get a pale of water for Lara and I" (Y/n) says to us, he then walks inside to get a bucket, I look at him as he walks inside, seeing his sweaty muscular back.

"That's hot too"

{Time Skip}

It's evening, nearing the end of the day. Teaching Lara my personal fighting style is an odd bonding experience. This was a fighting style I developed on my own, I wasn't taught it. Today I focused on just the bare bones of it, since Lara learns exceptionally fast, I was able to teach her the basics of most original fighting styles that mine is derived from.

"You're doing great, no hiccups and you've almost mastered all the basics" I tell Lara, a soft smile forms on her face as the glow. Of the evening sun hit her face.

"It's all thanks to you, (Y/n)" Lara says to me, pleased to hear my praise.

"Well, I wouldn't have been able to do it if you weren't a fast learner Lara, it took me days to teach Sasha the basics of hand to hand combat without a fighting style" I say to her.

I hear Lara lets out a light giggle, the first time she's giggled since I've met her. Lara tends stay less expressive. She bows slightly "I'll continue doing all I can for Paradise"

"Tomorrow, I'll have you train in your titan form with what I've taught you today. It will be a good reference on just how different things are when in titan form compared to human form. Actions will feel different, it is an extension of you, however, in away it's almost like an extra limb" I explain to her "Understand what I'm saying?"

"I do" Lara replies.

"Good, now let's get go and eat dinner" I say.

"At this rate, Lara might end up becoming as skilled a fighter as me if not more. Not that I mind, I'll be more at ease about Historia and our child's protection when Marley decides to invade"

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