In a Bind

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you and Historia got kidnapped by a human enemy.


POV: Mikasa

Part 1.

All of us stood on the roof tops, waiting for our next orders from Captian Levi. The body double plan worked as intended, we all hoped nothing would happen to Historia and (Y/n) but nothing ever goes like we want it to.

"Ugh, How long are we just going to sit around with our thumbs up our asses?" Ymir exclaims aloud in a bored state.

"Probably once Historia and (Y/n) are safe" Connie replies.

"Not to be a bearer of bad news but (Y/n) literally draws in trouble" Jean states.

"Correction, That would be Eren" I reply.

"Yeah, you're right" Jean says.

"I'm standing right here you know" Eren says as he looked at us.

"Well, Mikasa isn't exactly wrong. Two weeks ago Reiner and Bertholdt specifically went after you as their main target and the four we felt with in Stohess" Annie simply says as she sat on the roof.

"Also, if (Y/n) didn't fake your death, you would be in his position right now" I add.

Eren sighs before sitting down "I guess your right. I do draw in nothing but trouble"

"There is one good thing about that trait" Ymir says while turning to face him.

"And what in the hell would that be?" He questions.

"That trait tends to help us show whose friend and whose foe" Ymir explains.

"I hear shooting, from there!" Sasha shouts then points in the general direction that Levi was in "I heard close to a dozen shots"

"Do you think they ran into some trouble?" Jean asks.

"Seems likely" I reply "Captain gave me a message, "As of now, it's not just titans, we are fighting humans too"

I then jump off the roof top and zipped off in the direction of the gun shots. The others followed me as the gun shoots certainly meant trouble. As we flew, Connie spots the wagon. We change direction and we begin to follow the wagon. We see Historia is unconscious and (Y/n) was covered in blood. We watched as he was on top of a woman and drove his knife right into her heart. We then hear gun shots from the side and see three people with ODM gear we haven't seen before. I then see (Y/n) fall back, unconscious. The three people land on top of the cart, one taking the reins.

"Fuck this" Ymir says before drawing her blades.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Connie shouts.

"Seems obvious if you ask me" Ymir replies then cuts her hand as we flew.

A light emits from Ymir and we all changed directions and landed onto roof tops as Ymir transformed into her titan form. Ymir let out a loud roar before landing on the ground to run after the wagon.

"C'mon, let's back her up" Jean says then flew past everyone.

We took to the air once more and followed Ymir as she chased after the wagon. One of the two people who were on the wagon use the ODM gear to fly towards Ymir. The person shoots the guns on their ODM gear and the shots hit Ymir in the face but were ineffective against her. Ymir grabs the person out of the air and slams them into the ground, killing them.

"Give me a an update on the situation" We hear Levi shout as he comes flying next to us.

"Historia and (Y/n) are in the hand of the enemy, Ymir is in pursuit in her titan form" I replied.

"Damn it" He states.

"Sir, I'd like to deal with the enemies behind us" Annie says as she motioned towards the five enemies that were following us.

"Go for it. Keep collateral damage to an absolute minimum" Levi tells her.

"Understood" Annie replies.

"Mikasa, stay back with Annie" He tells me.

"Yes sir" I reply.

I land onto the nearest roof top then watched as Annie transformed into her titan form. I noticed a striking difference in her form this time. She had black armor on her fists and hands, as well as black armor on her fore arms and the front of her lower legs. She didn't have that yesterday during the experiment. Annie grabs the wire of tone of them and then turned them into a blood stain on a wall. One of them, a guy then lands in front of me and I draw my blades. I did not hesitate as I charged at him, he shot both of his rounds at me. I was able to quickly evade them before swinging my blades and cutting his head off.
Some of the blood sprayed onto my face before the body fell onto the roof.

"Killing's no real difference then killing titans..."

I turn my attention to Annie as she had delt with the other four with ease. She had the last one in her hand. She stared down the guy as she slowly crushed them. However, before she squeezed all the way to kill him, Annie just stops and drops him.

"Get on" Annie states.

I get onto Annie and then she be gins to walk through the streets as we tried to find where the others went. Soon enough we hear fierce roaring near the gate of Trost, Annie started to walk in that direction. Once we got close, we saw Levi removing an unconscious Ymir from her titan. Annie walked up to them then I got off and she pulled herself out of her titan.

"What happened?" I asked after landing on the ground.

"They got away with Historia and (Y/n)" Sasha says "Captain Levi had to stop Ymir before we draw any more attention to our selves. Also, he didn't want to end up causing any unwanted damage"

"I see" I say.

I felt angry, I wanted to be angry, however I felt like I couldn't  be. (Y/n) knew exactly what he was walking into. It was obvious he did it to keep Historia safe. I gripped my blades tightly, not knowing what to feel now. I then feel a hand on my shoulder. I look back and I see Annie, I turn back towards her.

"Don't worry about (Y/n), you know how he is" Annie states to me.

"Yeah..." I say as I loosened my grip on my blades.

"(Y/n) knows what he's doing. He'll figure a way out and bring Historia back" Annie adds.

"I guess it's just that..." I say, not being able to finish.

"I understand. You want to protect him" Annie states.

"Annie, there's something I want to ask you about your titan form" I say while looking at her steaming titan "Why does it have black armor on it? Like (Y/n)'s titan form does?"

Annie looked away while her cheeks became slightly pink "The thing is I consumed some of (Y/n)'s.....semen...last night...some of his blood too...."

I wasn't mad at her response, I was more confused if anything. (Y/n) can do as he pleases with any of the other girls. However, I was interested in how that changes her form and when they found the time for Annie to give (Y/n) a blowjob in the past 24 hours, the blood would be simple though. I played back the past 24 hours in my mind, trying to figure it out. It was cut short by Levi however.

"Hey, we have to go!" Levi shouts at us.

"Yes sir" we all replied.

Part 2.

POV: You

My eyes feel heavy, my body felt sleepy. I couldn't move my body, I was hog tied, with my arms and legs behind me with a metal bit in my mouth. I start to open my eyes, I laid on a hard wooden floor, in a dark room lit up by the moon light that shines through the window. My face felt crusty..I assumed that it was the blood from the guy I killed earlier. In front of me, I see man with short dark hair hugging Historia, I wasn't able to see her facial expression. To be honest, he looked nothing like her.

"I beg for your forgiveness child. Please know that everything that I've done, I did to protect you" The man says.

"F-father" Historia says.

"Father...that must mean..that man is Rod Reiss"

"Not a day has passed that I haven't thought you. Long have I dreamed of the day that I could hold you like this. You are special, the blood of the king flows through your veins" Rod tells Historia, I then notice a tear flow down her cheek.

"Is that true?" Historia says.

"The true royal blood line is carried by the Reiss family. As it's heir, the power to save all of humanity rests in your hands" Rod tells her..

I couldn't help but feel nothing but rage. It was obvious to me what was happening. Rod was trying to manipulate Historia, using her emotions against her. Historia told squad Levi her childhood before she joined the military. I hated this guy, more than anyone can. I start to groan as I tried to break myself out of the binding I was in. As I moved, I heard the sound of clanking metal. Chains were used to tie me up, not rope, and in this position, even with my almost inhuman strength, I can't break these chains. Historia hears me and turns around and sees me and how I am.

"What-what have you done to him?" Historia questions as she crawls over to me "Get these chains off of him"

"I can't do that my dear. He is far too important for what is to come, we cannot have him run away" Rod tells her.

"Are you okay?, are you hurt?, what's with all this blood?" Historia questioned me. I just groaned since I couldn't speak. Historia then turns her head to Rod "Father please, at least let me to clean him up"

Rod looks down at her, with an almost sour look then says "Fine, if you wish to do so my child. The chains and bit stay on"

Rod then leaves the room, mostly unhappy. Historia looks back at me "I'll be right back" Historia then leaves the room. A few minutes later Historia walks back into the room with a towel and a bowl of water. She puts in the ground then tries to sit me up "There you go" She says as I get onto my knees.

"I'm sorry for all this (Y/n) I see why you did what you did with Eren..." Historia says as she starts to clean my face off with the wet towel.

As she cleaned me off, I could only think and hope that Historia would come to a realization of what her father is doing and will get this bit and chains off of me. However, Rod's emotional manipulation worked on Historia and she believed him.

Historia finishes wiping of all the dry blood from my face, Historia lays the towel down then hugs me tightly and lays her head on my chest "Please forgive me for anything that happens to you after this. I don't want you hurt. I want you to know that I still love you, no matter what"

Historia pulls away then places a kiss on fore head before giving me a small smile "Looks like there is no way of brute forcing my way out of this one...I have to trust Historia to make the right decisions from now on. Please make the right choices Historia..."

"Historia, are you done in here?" Rod says as he walks through the door of the room.

"Yes father" Historia replies.

"Historia, please come with me, allow me to show you were it all began" Rod says as he extended his hand to her.

Historia took his hand and Rod led her out of the room. Soon after, two guys, wearing the same ODM gear as the people from earlier walk into the room. They walk over to me and picked me up. I tried to struggle out of their grip, but alas it was useless with these chains on me. They carry me through the building, I wasn't able to figure out what kind of building it was though. They exit the building with me and out from was a carriage waiting. The two guys open up the back and throw me in it.

"Nighty night kiddo" one of the guys says before poking me in the neck with a tranquilizer dart.

"Damn this..."

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. I know it was a little shorter then my usual chapters. Until next time bye.

P.S.: I mentioned to you all about adding Hanji to the harem and seeing that you clearly want her in it. She will be in it, she will be the last girl, rounding the harem found to 7. She won't be added immediately, she will  be added probably around the second part of season three. I don't wasn't to rush it.

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