In Pursit

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter Annie got an upgrade and Rod was manipulating Historia.


POV: Mikasa

Part. 1.

I was with Armin at the river next to the building that we were on the roof top of earlier, also being the same building he and Jean were taken to for our plan earlier, it was a warehouse of some sort. Armin threw up into the river then started to cry while coughing. Today, just a bit ago, He killed his first human being.

"Was it like this for you?" He asks me then crying more. I pay his back, trying to ease him "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" I reply calmly.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" He repeated.

"Let it all out..." I say.

A few moments later, Jean walks out and shouts from the back door "C'mon guys, let's sit down an have something to eat"

"We will be right there" I reply then tuned back to Armin "Feeling any better?"

"Y-yeah..." he replies as he wiped his tears.

"Let's get inside" I say.

I give Armin a moment then we head inside.Sasha and Annie were outside keeping guard. Ymir, who was awake now was leaned up against a wall of crates, not in a particularly happy mood either. Everyone else else were sitting around a lantern. They were having some small talk, besides Connie who was eating some combat rations.
Armin and I grab a small crate then take a seat. Armin takes out his combat rations, he opens it up but doesn't go to take a bite. He was hesitating.

"Did all this filth kill your appetite?" Levi asks him.

"No.." Armin says then looks at Jean "Jean, there's something I don't understand"

"What's that?" Jean questions.

"When I turned around to save you, that woman already had her gun at your head. It's could I have shot before she did" Armin says.

Jean struggled, trying to figure it out as well "I don't know"

"You shot first because she hesitated. It's that simple" Levi states.

"I'm sorry Armin, you wouldn't of had to save me if I had just done my job" Jean says.

"I know what it is, that woman I shot back there. I bet she was a really kind person. She must have had a lot more human empathy than I ever did. I pulled that trigger so easily, without a thought. I'm-" Armin says then Levi finishes his sentence.

"A killer, but now that your hands have been soaked in blood, the person you once were is gone for good" Levi states.

"Why would you say that?!" I shout at Levi. I look at Eren, expecting him to say something, however Eren must know that Levi is right.

"And you shouldn't regret it for one second, because if haven't have chosen too, Jean would be a corpse on a cart right now" Levi says "I'll tell you why you pulled the trigger, because your comrade was about to die. Armin, everyone on our squad survived today because you got blood on your hands. Thank you"

Armin looks down, taking in what Levi said. Jean then speaks up "Captain Levi. I-, I thought it was wrong to fight other humans sir. I thought it was wrong for you to order us to do it" we became soldiers to protect people. Now, I see that I was in the wrong sir. Next time I swear I'll shoot"

"I never said anything about what's right and what's wrong, my moral high ground is shot to hell. I have no idea who is right at this point" Levi says then stands up "Well then. I think it's time we hear what our guest has to say"

Levi walks up to the man sitting to the side with a cloth in his mouth to keep him quiet. Levi then takes it off "Mercy please, I'm just an old man who used to move cargo around-"

I recognized them man and stood up before walking over to them "I've met this man before. He seemed to be a prominent merchant "

"Yeah I know him. Dimo Reeves right?" Levi says.

Dimo scoffs "This job was forced on us by the military police, and now that we've completely botched it, they will plunder the Reeves company for everything it's worth. First they will kill me, then they will set up accidents for the rest of my employees and my dumb son too"

"You just going to lay down and take it? There's a reason why Trost recovered so fast after that titan attack. It's largely because of jobs and money brought in by the Reeves company. Tell me, if your company were to disappear, how many would survive the coming winter?" Levi tells him

"So what, you want me to join you?" Dimo asks.

"We just need to know where Historia and (Y/n) are. If you are in contact with the MPs, I think I have a plan" Levi says while scheming up a plan.

"And can you give me your word that the people of Trost won't end up starving to death?" Dimo ask.

Levi crouches down "I can't guarantee it, however I do believe that they will do better with us then without"

"Let's do this then" Ymir states as she walks forward and cracks her knuckles "If they hurt Historia in any way I'll tear them to shreds"

"Look freckles, can killing people not be the first thing you think of after what just happened. I understand that you and Historia are inseparable, but can you not go over the edge just once?" Connie tells Ymir, clearly annoyed.

Ymir walks up to Connie "What did you just call me?!"

"Stop it you two" Levi says as he stands up while looking at them "I get it, you're all off the rails and are worried about Historia and (Y/n). Being at each other's throats won't solve anything"

"Guys..." Eren says with slightly wide eyes.

"What is it?" Levi says.

"I think I know what they are going to do to (Y/n). I think they are going to make Historia eat (Y/n). That's why he faked my death" Eren says.

Part 2.

It's night time, and we carried out Captain Levi's plan. We were at a house inside wall rose, I think it was used to be able to interrogate people with no trouble since there were cells in the basement and an interrogation room. The eight of us were waiting as the interrogation proceeded. I leaned against the wall, while the others sat at a table with a candle in the middle of the table. From the basement, we hear another scream of pain.

"God, can this guy scream any louder?" Ymir says while putting her hands over her ears.

There's another scream of pain from below. Annie gets up and walks out of the house. After a few minutes and another scream later, I exit the building to look for her. I look around a bit, then noticed her on top of the roof, she had her knees to her chest while looking up at the sky. I see a few crates on the side of the house and climbed up onto the crates then the roof. I walk over to her then sat on the left of her.

"It's quiet up here, you can actually hear your thoughts" Annie says as she looked up to the sky.

"Yeah..." I replied then looked up at the sky. The night sky was clear and filled with shinning starts with our surroundings illuminated by the moon light.

"The screams...they were getting to me. It brought up some unwanted memories" She tells me then says "Mikasa, today, how was it to kill your first human being?"

I remained silent for a bit before replying "To be honest, it felt no different than killing titans"

"I've helped with killing hundreds of thousands of people. I did it because I had to, and was left with no choice. Then, I broke, I felt guilty for it all after the realization of it all. (Y/n), was able to help me through it" Annie tells me, then looks at me "But today... today was the first day I killed for the right reason. I took the lives of others to do the right thing"

I wasn't sure how to reply, I understand what she means however I couldn't relate "I'm sorry that I can't relate or empathize with you, but I understand what your saying. I guess I'm desensitized to killing  humans, maybe it's because of back when my parents were murdered...or maybe it was during the attack in Shinganshina when wall Maria fell...I'm not exactly sure" I explain to Annie.

"I see, for a long time when we were cadets, I thought you were just an emotionless person shrouded in trauma" Annie tells me.

"Well, you are mostly correct, since that started with the deaths of my parents" I replied "However, their deaths have nothing to do with titans. When I was nine, kidnappers broke into our house and killed my parents. Before they could do anything severe to me, a boy, who looked a lot like (Y/n) killed them and saved me. I don't think he remembers though"

I then put my face in the black scarf that used to be his before he gave it to me "Knowing (Y/n)'s history with memory problems of his early years, that's probably so" Annie tells me.

"Maybe" I say "but, why wouldn't he remember something like that....He killed three men without any hesitation"

"That's a good question, something probably only he would know. It isn't easy to forget that you killed someone" She replies "However, I wouldn't put it past (Y/n) to force himself to forget"

" are you able to understand (Y/n) so well?, (Y/n)'s always had this sense of mystery about him...he appeared almost out of no where then instantly becomes apart of my life. Since over first laid eyes on him, some thing inside me just knew that I wanted to be with him forever..." I say to her, I was letting down my defenses to her. The only person let my guard down this much to is (Y/n).

"I has something to do with us being titan shifters. When you become a titan shifter, you get this understanding of sorts, of what others go through, the things people do to survive, to protect the people they love.....sometimes, even robbing themselves of a better life and drowning themselves in guilt....though, that's my take on it anyway" Annie explains to me then sighs "In away, that's ultimately he reason why I fell so hard for (Y/n), how easily he could understand me, empathize with me...and forgive me"

"Annie is no better then me, with how emotionless and cold I used to be. For the longest time that I've known her, She's always had a cold front up. Now, she's come out of that shell......(Y/n) like how he did with me...."

The door to the house opens and we see Hanji looking around, Hanji then looks up and spots Annie and I on the roof "Hey, There you are, We've got a lead on where Historia and (Y/n) are"

"We'll be right down" I reply to her.

{Time Skip}

Annie and I were back in the house with the others. Levi, Hanji, and Moblit were infront of us "So, after our nice friendly talk with the MPs. We have been able to figure out who had Historia and (Y/n)" Hanji says.

"Who is it so I can go kick their ass?!"Ymir says while jumping out of her seat.

"It just so happens to be this guy" Levi says while holding up a piece of paper with a portrait "This man is Rod Reiss, Historia's father. We believe that he's taking them to his estate"

"Then what are your orders sir?" I ask.

"Get ready, we are going to head to Rod Reiss' estate" Levi says.

"Yes sir!" We all say.

Part 3.

It's the next day, Levi Squad was in the forest a distance away from one of the districts to get some supplies. Me, Jean, and Armin just got back from getting some supplies. Everyone else was waiting for our arrival.

"Captain, we got all the supplies" Jean says.

Armin then walks over to Levi with a flyer "The MPs were handing out these flyers. If this is true, the scouts will be disbanded. They said they will be hunting for us in the mountains tonight. They are also posting guards on all the vital roads. No one can get through without a pass. So Captain, what now?"

"We need to hurry and find (Y/n) and Historia" I say.

"They will be fine. They are in a wagon. That gives us a day before they reach Reiss' estate, and we need every second we can get to come up with a plan"

"Captian, I hear foot steps, they are approaching from that direction" Sasha says then points to where she heard the steps.

{Time Skip}

After coming up with a plan on how to deal with those who were approaching us. We see that it was two members of the military police, so we preformed the plan and restrained them. We had them strip of their gear with the plan of disguising ourselves as MPs to slip past the guards.

"Here you go sir" Jean says as he handed Levi their papers.

"Now then. You are Stohess district military police. Private Marlowe Freudenberg and Private Hitch Dreyse. We will need to dispose of you" Levi says as he walked around them. They both shuttered at his last comment.

Hitch then gets a crazed look "Why do you guys always think you can do what ever the hell you want. The last time you were in Stohess you tried to unleash titans on us and now four of our best members have gone missing"

"What?!, where the hell did you get a story like that!" Eren shouts.

"You're supposed to be playing dead" I state to him.

Annie walks up to Hitch and crouches down in front of her "Listen here, the four that went missing. Their names Eric, Hector, Lex, and Max?" Annie asks her and Hitch's eyes widened.

"What the hell did you do to them you sick bastards?! You killed them didn't you!" She shouts.

Annie sighs while shaking her head before standing up "You should be happy we were there. And if it wasn't for what (Y/n) did with Hector, there would be no Stohess"

Hitch stared at Annie "What are you talking about?"

"So, you've been kept out of the loop, it makes me sick, no one knows a thing, neither us or anyone else, only the bastards at the center of it all" Levi says the sighs "The four titans we fought were the four that went missing"

Both Marlowe and Hitch look in shock, they couldn't believe it "We're letting you go, but we have to ourselves a head start"

"Hey, Captain Levi. Please, let me join in your cause. I believe the military police are in the wrong here. If there is anyway I can fight this worlds injustice, then that's what I want to do!" Marlow tells Levi.

"Easy, calm down" Levi says.

"I swear, I won't let you down sir"

"No, I have no idea if you have enough resolve to become an enemy of the state" Levi tells him then looks at us "Let's go. Take them deeper into the woods and tie them up Sasha"

"Yes sir" Sasha says as she jumped across the creek.

"Hey Captain, would you let me do it instead?" Jean asks.

"Knock yourself out" Levi replied. We all begin to walk away with their gear in hand. Jean took Marlowe and Hitch away.

{Time Skip}

After some time went by, Jean had come back to us with Marlowe and Hitch. He vouched for them, saying that they were on our side, with some convincing, Levi agreed. They then showed us to the least manned guard post in the region. As Levi assessed the situation with them, we all waited on our wagon and horses.

"I wonder..." Sasha says then looks at me "Hey Mikasa, what's (Y/n)'s favorite food?"

I looked at her with a blank face "Why are you asking me that now of all times?"

"Just curious that's all" Sasha says while thinking then starts to drool a bit "Maybe it's meat..."

"Sasha, your drooling again" Connie states.

"Sorry" Sasha says then wipes the drool off her face.

Levi then arrives back at the wagon "Were going to charge right in. I know it's shit plan but it's all we got"

"Yes sir" we all reply.

Jean took the reigns and he wipes the horses into gear. We then begin to charge forward towards the guard post. We break through the barricade that they had set up. A few of us jump off, including me and knock out the guards around the post. After we finished our part. We waited for Levi, he then came up to us while dragging a man by his jacket.

"Captain, who is he?" Armin questions.

"He's from the interior police. I've got questions for him. Let's move" Levi says.

Part 4.

It's night time now, more then a day since (Y/n) and Historia we're taken. We're in a forest, Currently, Levi was interrogating the man. He was kicking him, at then moment he's already knocked out a few of his tears.

"Screw you" The man says to Levi.

Levi then kicks him in the face again "Where is (Y/n) and Historia"

"You think you are so brave. That post was manned by recruits. They barely knew how to wipe their own asses. No one is going to think you're heroes for beating them down"

"Yeah, the guilt is tearing me apart" Levi says before kicking the man and shoving his boot into his mouth "What's really getting to me is this mouth of yours. I'm going to suggest that you start talking while you are still able to use it. So where is (Y/n) and Historia"

Levi then took his boot out of his mouth "You can't win. All that's left for you now, is to find some filthy corner to hide in. Covered in mud and shit. If you don't turn yourselves in then every scout we capture will get the noose staring with the guiltiest one of all, Erwin Smith" The man shouts.

Levi was about to step forward, however Ymir gets in his way and grabs the guy by his hair and slams his head into the tree behind him "Listen here you little shit. Tell me where Historia and (Y/n) are before I bash your head into a bloody pulp. Better yet, I could transform into my titan and tear you to shreds"

"Fuck you!" The man shouts at Ymir.

Ymir growled before starting to repeatedly bash his head into the tree "Where. Are. They!"

"Ymir" I say while laying a hand on her shoulder. Ymir let's go of the man then turns to me. She was trembling, she looks at me I couldn't tell what she was feeling more, worried or angry. The man was bleeding from the back of the head, unconscious but not dead "Well find them alright..."

"Sorry about that Captain" Ymir tells Levi.

"Don't worry about it. I was about to do that my self" He says back.

"Someone's coming towards us!" Sasha shouts while readying her bow. I draw my blades and everyone also got into a position to fight "There's more than one"

We watched as two figures walked through the tail grass in clearing next to the forest, heading our way. We waited as the figures got closer and closer. Levi speaks up.

"Lower your weapons" He tells us.

We do as he says and when the two figures reach us they take off their hoods, revealing Hanji and Moblit "Got some good news for you" Hanji says while handing Levi a piece of paper.

Levi opened the piece of paper, which was actually a news paper. It was from today. We all looked at the paper from behind Levi as he read it.

"And there you have it,  the coup d'etat was successful. Premier Zachary has full control of the capital and government, for the time being at least, the nobles seem to be staying in line" Hanji says.

"Okay, but what about the incident with Mr. Revees?" Armin asks.

"We got a public confession out of one of the interior police. Revees' son Flegel pulled through for us. It's all written right there, the abuse of power, the bogus charges against the scouts, and that King Fritz was both a liar and a fraud. It's clear that we only acted in self defense. In short, we are no longer criminals" Hanji explains.

Levi stands up as the others cheered. Annie and Ymir aren't in the cheering mood, Sasha was hanging onto me as she cheered. I couldn't help but smile a little

"Looks like Erwin's gamble paid off" Levi says to Hanji.

"That it did, but it wasn't just Erwin. Many people had to make a lot of hard choices for this to work" Hanji replied back.

"Where as my choices got three of your people killed. I'm sorry" Levi says "Here's the thing, the interior may have lost but not all of them know it. They still have (Y/n) and Historia, we need to find them quickly"

"Right, I think I might know where they might be" Hanji says while pulling out a book "Let's get there and put an end to this fight"

"(Y/n)...Historia...Hang in there, we'll be there soon"

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

P.S.: How do you guys think I'm doing with how I have incorporated Annie and Ymir into the story?, also how do you feel about the interactions I have done between the girls?

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