Lost Memories

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter Levi squad is in pursuit to finding where you and Historia are.


POV: You

Part 1.

I started to open my heavy eyes. I think it's been a day...maybe a day and half, I'm not exactly sure since me and Historia were taken by Rod Reiss. I haven't eaten or had any water in that amount of time as well. I fully open my eyes and I see that I am in a massive room with many pillars, all made of hardening crystal. My arms were chained up, while kneeling down. My arms were lifted by chains that were connected to the ceiling. My legs were chained legs were chained to the ground. I had no shirt on or shoes, only pants. My hands were wrapped, presumably to make sure I don't use my fingers. The bit was still in my mouth as well.

"And I was right....fuck"

I tried to pull in the chains with my arms, in this situation my almost inhuman strength didn't work either. I hear foot steps in front of me and I see Historia, walking towards me with an almost worried face. She was wearing all white outfit, a plain white dress and a white robe.

"What the hell has your father told you?"

"She can't hear you" Lauren states.

"I know that" I replied.

"Your awake, I'm glad. Just hang in there a bit, you will be okay" Historia tells me "(Y/n), please listen, my father has always been humanities ally, his only goal is to keep everyone within the wall safe. It's clear to me now that we misunderstood him. He didn't deny anything. It's true that he went after the scouts and he did kill Pastor Nick, but it was because he had no choice. Everything he's done is for the sake of humanity"

"For the sake of Humanity? What a load of bullshit"

I then see Rod walk up from behind her. I felt nothing but anger as I stared him down. He's dragged Historia in deep.

"Thank you Historia, please let me explain the rest" Rod says to her. Rod then takes Historia's hand and starts to lead her up the stairs up to me.

"Historia, you need to see through his bullshit"

"If you are wondering, no, you haven't been here. Although, you may recognize it never the less" Rod says.

"I'm not wondering that. Why the hell would I be wondering that. I haven't been here but I can immediately tell what it's used for" I thought then Lauren chimed in.

"Eren might find this place familiar. It must be how he got the Founding titan" She says.

Historia and Rod get to the top and walk up behind me. Rod then holds his hand out "Um, Father, could you explain to (Y/n)" Historia says.

"Of course, but before that there is something I'd like us to do. This could make him remember without us saying a word" Rod says.

They both then reach out and place a hand on my back. Then it happened, I saw the bright lightning in my eyes and memories started coming back to me. Memories I don't remember having.

{Flash Back}

From the looks of it, I was either 8 or 9 I was in Marley, I was wearing a Marian uniform with a red arm band in my left arm. In my field of view was a fort, there were soldiers around me but I only remembered who one of them were, his name was Commander Magath.

"This is where the first step is in showing your loyalty to Marley" He tells me "Destroy the fort, then, Marley will know that you are an ally"

I pulled out my knife that dad had given me and held it to my hand. I was hesitating, this was wrong, I knew it was. I didn't want to...however...mom..I then hear a voice, it felt familiar.

"I order you to go berserk" The voice says.

My body was then no longer under my control. I cut my hand and transformed into my titan form. I was covered in cracks that looked like they were filled with blazing infernos. I breathed out and titan steam exited my mouth out the sides. I then charged towards the fort, Then broke through the walls. Once I got inside, that's when carnage ensued. I killed and destroyed everything in sight. Once there was nothing left to crush, surrounded by a sea of fire, I stood there while shouting.

"I order you to go back into your human form and forget what you did" The voice says once more.

{Flash Back End}

So many orders. I've killed so many people. Here I thought Lauren was the only person I've killed so far, but I was wrong. Ordered to kill...to seem loyal. Ordered to forget. It felt like a never ending cycle of memories, of destruction. Fort after fort, city after city....the amount of people I killed . Past orders echoed in my head.

"I order you to go berserk"

"I order you to destroy that city"

"I order you to...kill those people"

So many orders in such a small amount of time. Always being ordered to forget in the end of every task. I've killed...so many people...and this entire time I had no idea about it. Innocent, Sinful, there was no difference blood is blood, and my hands were covered in it.

"N-no, how many...how much blood is really on my hands?!"

Everything then changed and I find myself in a room, looked like a living room. In front of me I see the person that Marley took from me. It was my mother, she was sitting in a chair reading a book. On the ground next to her was a child around 7-8 it didn't look like me or Lauren. The child looked like to be a boy and he was drawing something in a sketch book. Mother then looked up from her book and her eyes widened a little.

"(Y/n)...my son" She says in disbelief while dropping the book she was holding, getting the attention of the child. The child then looks up at me.

"Mom!" I shout while trying to reach out to her.

The next thing I know I'm back in reality. I stared into space with wide eyes. I was breathing heavily at the knowledge and memories that were dropped onto me. I tried to put it all together. Sweat beading down my forehead.

"Lauren...those orders....you gave them to me..."

"I'm sorry....I wanted to keep you safe. You were young I didn't want you to get tainted as such an innocent age" Lauren apologizes.

"How long...just how long have you been able to observe and give me orders?" I ask her.

She stayed quiet for a bit then replies "Since you ate me. My order to make me apart of you did that. I didn't show up in your titan form until now because I ordered it so. I wanted to stay out of sight until the time was right"

Behind me, I hear Historia stumble back slightly while letting out a shaky gasp "What's wrong?, is everything alright?" Rod asks her.

"Don't tell me she saw..." I thought.

"How come...how could I forget? In all that time, I was never alone, I had her. She was always there for me. She gave me books, she taught me to read and write. She was so kind to me. So how could I forget about her?" Historia says, I could hear the sadness in her voice. I couldn't look at her but I knew, she was crying.

"I take it that you are talking about Frieda" Rod says.

"Frieda?" Historia questioned.

"If it was a kind hearted young woman with long black hair. Then I would imagine it was Frieda Reiss, she was...your half sister. She must have been worried and checked up on you from time to time" Rod explains to her then says "If she was erasing your memories, know that it was to protect you"

"So...that's why I forgot her?" Historia questions in a quieter voice.

"That's right, touching him must of brought them back to you" Rod says "An unexpected side effect"

"Father, where is she? Do you think we could visit her some time. I'd like to tell her thank you" Historia says. I hung my head, I knew the answer that Rod would give "If she hadn't been there for her, I wouldn't of had anyone. I need to thank her"

There was a short pause before Rod replied "Frieda, is no longer of this world. At one time, I had five children, but five years ago, my wife and our children were murdered by a man named Grisha Yeager, your sister was killed by Eren's father" Rod explained then started to go into further detail.

"Grisha had the ability to transform into a titan. I still don't know where he obtained it. But his goal was to steal something from the Reiss family. What Grisha sought to obtain was power, the power of the Reiss family which resides inside Frieda. Freida's titan was far superior then the others. In theory she had unsurpassable power. Although, at her young age, she lacked the experience to wield it properly, and because she wasn't able to unleash her true potential, Grisha ate her and stole her power. But that wasn't enough. He then turned his gaze to the children, he wanted to eradicate the Reiss family. First he crushed Dirk and Able who were 14 and 12, then trampled my wife as she held onto our 10 year old Florian then squeezed the life out from my eldest son Ulklin. By some cursed fate, I alone managed to escape"

"Jesus...what the fuck" I though after hearing Rod's spry of the events that took place.

"It's not fair. She didn't deserve that. Why would he do such a terrible thing?" Historia says.

"It...no longer matters now...that power, now lives inside of (Y/n) after eating Eren" Rod says.

"She must realize it now. Even if she eats me, it won't work since I didn't eat Eren"

Historia then entirely turns my thought upside down and replies with something entirely unexpected "Then, I will do as you say to fix this then"

I notice in front of me, I notice a man walking towards us from the pillars. He wore a hat on his head, almost like a cowboy hat and wore the same type of ODM gear as the ones as those guys that kidnapped us.

"Hey hey hey, what's the hold up? What ever your talking about we don't have the time for it. Things are going straight to hell outside" The man says.

"Do explain what's been going on?" Rod questions.

"Well the scouts started a coup de tat and all the other regiments have taken their side. Everyone found out that old king Fritz was a fake and now his whole council has been arrested. It's been a Royal shit show. It's only a matter of time before they show up here. You best get a move on" The man explains.

"Alright then, now take the anti-personal squad and defend the entrance at all costs. I already told you that the ceremony can't be done in the presence of your crew" Rod says.

"Aww, where's the trust your majesty? Did I make you mad?" The man says then stays almost sarcastically "Alright sorry, I'm just so worried about you"

"I trust you, because of that trust so why you are here Kenny, now go" Rod says.

"I feel the same, your grace" Kenny says then scoffs as he turns around and starts to walk away.

{Time Skip}

Historia is down below looking up at me. She was looking at me in the eyes, I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Rod comes walking out from the pillars with a bag in his hand.

"Alright Historia, it seems we are finally alone. I'm sorry for making you wait" Rod says as Historia turns to face him. He places a hand in her shoulder then says "Listen Historia, I imagine this might sound strange but Frieda isn't entirely dead. Your sisters memories are still alive. Would you like the chance to meet her again?"

Historia begins to smile "Yes"

Rod puts the bag on the ground then looks through it before pulling out a small black case. Rod opens the case and inside was a syringe. I knew what was about to happen, and I couldn't let it happen. I began ground loudly while pulling on the chains as I stared Historia down. I continued to try to get Historia to realize, Historia turned looked at me with a glare.

"What's the matter with you?, why are you glaring at me like that? " Historia questions.

I stopped after she said that, I felt defeated. Then, I came to the realization of something. It wasn't that Historia doesn't know or remember the fact that Eren isn't dead...it's that she's playing along.

"Because, he's realized what it is that we have to do. The power Grisha stole from us must be returned to its rightful owner. That place is with you Historia" Rod says then begins to drop a lot of information and exposition. When he was done with that, Kenny starts to drop from the ceiling.

"Hey hey hey, just wait a damn minute" He shouts.

"Kenny" Rod states.

"Sounds like you said someone who isn't a Reiss eats (Y/n) they won't get the powers of the king" Kenny says.

"Yes that's right" Rod states.

"So then what, if I do turn into a titan and eat (Y/n) it won't do me any good?!" Kenny shouts then grabs Rod by the collar and lifts him up then points his gun at him. As he did, Rod dropped the syringe and I watched as it broke on the ground.

"Let him go!" Historia shouts.

"What the hell has gotten into you?, do you think I'm lying!" Rod questions.

"No I don't, I've waited a long time for this day because I knew if there was one thing you weren't lying about it was the succession ritual" Kenny says while growling to himself "Damn, you prick, you knew what I was after this whole time and knew I didn't have a chance in hell of getting it. You just went ahead and used me huh!"

"I'm very greatful, when my brother first brought you into his service I just thought it was one of his foolish whims" Rod says then Kenny pushes the gun into his face.

"Keep talking shit about auto and you can kiss this half of your head good bye" Kenny shouts.

Historia rushes up to Kenny and grabs Kenny's gun and pulls it away from Rod "Let go of my Father!" Hestia says in a very hostile voice.

"C'mon, this is pitiful Historia, your daddy doesn't give a damn about you!" Kenny says then tosses Historia to the ground.

I then started to pull on the chains in anger while trying to shout. Historia looks at me then looks at the bag and the broken syringe in the ground. Historia makes a quick decision and swipes the bag. She then starts running my way.

"Atta girl" Kenny says.

"What do you think your doing Historia?!, If you don't eat (Y/n), everything will go to hell. He's a monster!" Rod shouts.

"I don't care!, if he's a monster then he's my monster!, the one who will save humanity!" Historia shouts then gets to me.

Historia first takes off my bit then I say "Cut me"

"Why?" She questions.

"Trust me" I state. From under her dress, she pulls out my knife. She then makes a cut quickly on my arm, causing me to bleed a little.

"I order you to let me show myself" Lauren says.

A small light shins brightly behind me and Historia. Then, we see familiar figure form behind us as Historia starts unlocking the my shackles in a hurry.

"My, what a situation we have here" Lauren says.

Rod stared up at Lauren before Kenny drops him as he chuckled a bit "Now this is entertainment, I think it's better to watch from the sidelines then be in the fray"

Kenny then zips away into one of the near by pillars.. Rod continued to look up at Lauren then says "F-Freida"

"Sorry, but I'm not the one you call Frieda" Lauren says as she stepped down the steps.

"Wait, what's happening?" Historia questions.

"Watch" I reply.

"You are such a fool of a man, a coward. You know, my brother does not posses that of the Founding titan, however..." Lauren says then walked up to Rod "My brother is the Guardian Titan, you deserve what's coming to you"

Lauren places a hand on Rod. Shortly after he begins to scream in terror. I start to see flashes of the forgotten memories I just had, and that of the countless deaths I saw during the fall of wall Maria and during my time with the scouts. Lauren was showing him the horrors of the world. Lauren then steps back and take her hand off Rod. He then falls onto the ground, petrified.

"Y-You monster..." He says.

"What did she do to him?" Historia asks me.

"She shows him the horrors of the world" I state.

Lauren then disappeared into titan steam.Historia was finally able to get the chains off my waist and was working on the one around my feet.

"Historia-" I say, wanting to say something buy turning my head towards he from behind and leaning over and kissing me.

When she parts from my lips she gives me a small smile that was filled with worry "Save it for later, alright"

Then, in front of us a large flash of light appears and inside that light was a massive skull and spine forming. It emits a massive amount of heat, Historia stayed behind me while continuing to try to take off the restraints. As I stared at the titan taking form in front of me only two words came out of my mouth.

"Holy shit"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Sorry if the second half seemed some what rushed. I absolutely did not want to go through all the exposition that took place in this part of the series. Until next time bye.

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