Taking Back Trost

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter and sorry for taking long to update this. Last chapter was one of the least entertaining chapter of this book with the truth about you and Eren being able to become titans. Now let's get into the chapter.


Part 1.

POV: You

As the afternoon sun hung in the sky Me, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin were on top of the inner wall over the massive door. I stood with Mikasa to my left, Armin stood to her left and Eren was sitting on the ground next to Armin.. Commander Pyxis stood at the edge facing Trost. Eren explained to him that we need to get to Shanganshina and to the cellar to reveal the secrets of the titans. I know some but little to none when it comes to everything.

"That's that, so visiting this cellar should clear everything up?" Commander Pyxis asks Eren.

"Yes sir, well I think so" Eren replies.

"For the moment their is no way to validate all of the claims you've made. For now I will just catalog then in here" He says while point to his head. "With that said, I can usually tell the difference between the unctuos and the sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety" Commander Pyxis says after turning around to face us.

He then looks at Armin.

"Your Armin Artleit is that correct?" He asks.

Arming stands up strait and does a military solute and answers "Yes sir"

"You mentioned a plan to harness this so called titan ability, and then utilize your friends' powers to retake the city. Do you believe it can work? or were you grasping at straws to try and save your hides?" Commander Pyxis questions.

"Umm well both commander. I was going to suggest that (Y/n), using his strength could lift that giant boulder, we could use it to block off the recked gate. That was the best idea I could come up with on the spot, I just wanted to make everyone see how
(Y/n) and Erens abilities might provide a solution to the problem we all face. I didn't want to include Eren in the plan due to his current condition" Armin explains. "Granted I was pretty desperate to survive"

"Desperate to survive huh, that's as credible a reason son" Commander Pyxis says then takes a sip from his flask.

He then walks up to and stands in front of me " What do you say Cadet (L/n), will you plug up that hole son"

"Yes sir" I say quickly with out hesitation "I can do it, I swear of it. I won't let's humanity down"

Pyxis nods then pats my shoulders "Thanks will be said, you have the heart of a lion- no a dragon" he states.

Commander Pyxis then went towards the edge of the inner wall that faced the kingdom.

"Staff officers get up here, we have a plan to flesh out" He shouts while waving his hand.

"Huh, wait we can't actually be moving foward with this sezerlin pinch strategy it's just something I tossed out their" Armin says with a shocked expression.

"That's what I was thinking, but Commander Pyxis seems like the who knows what he's doing. He has it all under control, now all its down to is our part in this" I say and lean against a set of crates.

"What makes you so sure this plan that Armin has will work?" Mikasa asks me.

"I know my own strength and I know my limitations, our only reason that we should worry about is what the titans do" I say as I point out into the city "The requirements of this plan souly rests on what those titans do. If the conditions stay the same during this mission the it will go smoothly, if not then we must keep going to seal that hole even if it requires Eren to defend me" I explain.

"Like what exactly are you saying, what could disrupt the conditions of how the titans work right now?" Eren asks.

"The Armored titan and Colossal titan. I know for a fact that with how rusty I am with my titan shifting skills are I won't be able to take down the Armored titan let alone the Colossal titan" I explain" but with time I'll be able to get it back up to how I used to be" I say under my breath.

Commander Pyxis then walks up to us and we all stand in a casual line in front of him.

"The fate of mankind rests on your shoulder" Commander Pyxis says as he stood in front of us with the staff officers behind him.

{Time Skip}

Me and Commander Pyxis talked as we went on a small walk on top of the wall.

"It's thought by many that before the titans held sway man kind consisted of scores of different races, different greed all scratching and bitting at eachother for blood. It's not difficult to believe the second part. Some wise man or other is reputed said, though I'm paraphrasing here that humanity required a enemy grater than its self just to survive. What do you think he could of meant?" Pyxis says.

"That humanity would all join forces to defeat the greater enemy. One person alone can't take on everything" I reply "but look at us at the moment, we're ripping our selves apart"

"Exactly, if our species doesn't pull it together soon titans will nearly be the instruments of our demise not the cause" Pyxis says.

As we were walking we start to see some soldiers working on the cannons. I look to see Hannes working one one of the cannons and he looked at me with a relieved face.

"(Y/n), well all be damned" Hannes says to me and I give him a small wave as I walked by.

Commander Pyxis then takes out his flask and takes a swig of it. Then he extends it out to me.

"Care for a swig?" He asks.

"No thank you, I don't want to get tipsy before a mission like this" I reply.

"Suit you self" he says before putting his flask away.

"The real reason is that I don't want Mikasa to kick my ass for drinking alcohol" I say in my head.

When we got back to above the gate, some of the soldiers below were yelling and screaming about going back to deal with the titans. Commander Pyxis stood at edge of the wall facing all of the soldiers and I stood a bit behind him.

"ATTENTION!!!" Commander Pyxis my shouts at the top of his lungs and the soldiers shut up "Take note, the blueprint of the Trost recovery operation is this. Our primary objective is to reseal the hole, yes you heard right, what's more is that it will be done manually" The soldiers then broke put with some shock "As for how the task will be done that's where this young man comes in. Allow me to introduce cadet (Y/n)
(L/n)" Commander Pyxis says then I do a military solute. "Don't let apperences deceive you, this young man is infact the succesful product of cutting edge science. Fantastic as this may sound cadet (L/n) possesses the ability to fabricate and control a titan body at will. Recall the massive boulder about a league from the gate, having assume titan form cadet (Y/n) will hoist said boulder on his back, shove it in the hole and vuala, and thus is where you all come in. Your Job will be to defend him, yes defend a titan from his own kind. If we need to cadet Eren Jeager, who is also able to control a titan body will assume titan form to protect cadet (L/n)"

A commotion then begins between the soldiers. Captain woermann was about to kill a soldier who was scared to go back into Trost.

"Anyone wishing to leave will be, by my personal order, not be charged with treason. Those who have seen a titan first hand will not be expected to revisit such horror again. Whom ever this applies too you may leave with my blessing. Additionally, anyone with family or loved ones they would spare from the same problem may also leave. The crown will continue to recognize your survice. Thank you and good luck" He says. The people who started to walk away stopped then turned back and came back "Now think back 4 years ago, mainly the operations to take back wall Maria. I bring it up because you all deserve to have your suspicions confirmed. Officially we labeled it reconnaissance but in fact as most of you know it was little more then a purge, a thinly disguised exercise of population control. We knew this in out hearts, of course we did yet we turned a blind eye, we supported states sponsored myth because the deaths of our fellow human beings allowed us to survive. Pure and simple. The guilt is ours, we share the blame, all of us. The citizens of wall Maria sustained them selves on whole sale slaughter of the refugees whom flown to us for help but turned about as fare play is it not. If wall Maria sitcoms the population well fall by a whole other order of magnitude. The lands comprising wall Sina wouldn't support half of the people now living. If we are wiped off the face of the earth the culprit would not of been the titans let me a sure you, we would of done it to our selves. If a line isn't drawn now it won't be drawn at all. If We Must Die Let Us Die Here!!!"

"I will save humanity, I will save humanity from the ones who have forsaken me, I will protect Mikasa from the ones who have forsake me. They won't take any more from me"
I thought as I looked at the crowd of soldiers.

Part 2.

As Commander Pyxis talked to some of the elite soldiers of the Garrison I talked to Mikasa, Armin, and Eren. Me and Eren were given a new set of ODM gear to replace the ones that were lost.

"(Y/n) and Eren I'm so sorry. I was just talking out of my head, it wasn't my intention to be pulled into all of this" Armin says sincerely.

"You don't have to apologize Armin. It was something I would have to do sooner or later. Plus it's something only Me and Eren can do, no one else can do" I say to Armin.

"(Y/n) I really think I should-" I cut Mikasa off.

"Your not coming with me Mikasa" I say with serious and direct tone "Your on the decoy squad and that's where you will be. I don't need you getting hurt or worse getting killed. I hope you understand where I'm coming from" I say in a calmer tone.

"What's the real reason you don't want me to come with you?" She asks while looking into my eyes.

"I don't want to kill you if I go rouge. My chances are high with how long it's been since I've used my titan form. I wouldn't be able to forgive my self if that happened" I tell her.

"Don't worry (Y/n) I won't let that happen" she says while putting her hand on my cheek.

"What I said still stands, your not coming with me" I tell her.

Then Me and Mikasa her some one call for her.

"Ackermann" Ian says.

We both turn to him.

"I want you on the squad that will be providing (L/n) with back up. We will need your skill" Ian says.

Mikasa's face lights up from what he says. My fear of me doing something grew more. I didn't want to do it again. It killed me on the inside the last time it happened.

"Hop to it let's get moving" Ian says.

Me, Mikasa, Eren were running with the three elite soldiers of the Garrison to where we were in range of the boulder. As we ran Rico comes up to the side of me.

"There's something I won't you to be aware of (L/n). Make no mistake more than a few of our comrades are going to die to day trying to pull this off. Their bloods' are on your hands. I'm talking friends, captains, lieutenants, pieons, yes they are soldiers and are prepared to die, but remember every one of them are a flesh and blood person. Every one of them have dreams, hopes, fears, every one of them have a name, Aliosha, Dominic, Fiene, Isabell, Martina, Gwido, Hans. Their not pawns, their people, some of them living to get her like family since their cadet years. This may well be the end of them, whole families snuffed out in a moment. What ever you think your mission is (L/n), your first and fore most concern today is to make sure their deaths mean something. Whatever happens you keep that lodged in your mind, take everything that comes with deadly seriousness" she says.

"I got it" I reply.

"I don't need to be reminded of blood being on my hands Rico. The blood of one person was enough"

"This is the place let's do it" Ian says.

We then jump off the wall and zipped from building to building traveling to the boulder. As we did Rico stayed on the wall for a moment to shoot off a green flare into the air. I felt the wind rush through my hair as I zipped towards the boulder. Once I got close to the boulder I pulled out my combat knife my hand.

"Let's do this!" I shout to my self.

I then slit my hand and a light engulfed me but this time it was brighter than it was when I did it last time, the light was seen from the wall all around Trost. The emotion in me was through the roof. I transformed into my titan form and yelled into the air with rage and sadness as memories of the past rushed through my mind.

"No, I need to push it away, those memories of the past. Focus on the task at hand" I thought then faced the huge boulder.

I stood I front of the rock with emotions running g through me. Then she came into my mind, the reason I continued to demolish everything in front of me. They are the reason I continued to live to see Mikasa.

"I made a promise to her, I promised her I would stop them, I promised her that save and protect them. But.....BUT I-" I then blanked out.

POV: Mikasa

I watched from a roof top next to the boulder as (Y/n) turned into a titan. A blinding light appeared from where (Y/n) was at in the air before a 17 meter titan replaced him. He then made roar filled with rage and the sound of sadness mixed into it. He then turned to the boulder to pick it up but just stood their.

"When it comes to proportion it doesn't look like (Y/n) would be able to pick up the boulder but in terms of sher will he's got this, I know he does"

That's what I thought before he turned his head to me with his 2 onyx eyes visible and were lit up red. He then faced me, what was happening didn't seem right. (Y/n) then almost punched me but I jumped out of the way but the force from the punch made me go flying into a wall. I look back at (Y/n) and he nearly punched his hand off. He then goes in got another punch with his other hand and I use my ODM gear to escape the punch and I landed on his nose and grabbed his bangs.

"Ackermann stand down now, get away from him that's an order" Ian yells at me.

I ignore him and focus on (Y/n) "(Y/n) I know your in their somewhere, I know you recognize me. You need to snap the hell out of it we have a breech to seal up" I yell at him.

(Y/n)'s hand started to heal back up as Rico set off a red flare into the air.

"Get out of there" Ian yells.

I look at (Y/n)'s right hand and it was comming right at me. I jump off his nose and back into the roof. I watch as (Y/n) hits his face and stumbles back and leans his back against the boulder looking down.

"(Y/N)!" I yell as I looked at him.

"Your telling me the kid was a regular titan all along?" One of the elite says.

"Captain we got two titans bering down on us from the front, a 10 meter and a 6 meter" one of our squad members yell.

"Heads up theirs a 12 meter closing up in us from the rear" another adds.

"Ian thats it please, just look at him, we need to get out of here the plans a bust"Mitobi says

"Agreed, full withdraw. We have to leave him as he is" Rico says.

I then glare at them with killing intent making Ian jump. They then started arguing amongst them selves since Ian wouldn't give them the order to get back on to the wall. He then orders them to go kill the titans getting closer to (Y/n).

"Change of plans, our job now is to keep the others off him until he can be recovered, whether we like it or not he's still one of our last best chances. We're not about to abandon him, he's not expendable, he can't just be replaced" Ian says.

"Please don't talk to me about our last best chances, he's a failure countless soldiers have died because of. Just look at him Ian, do you want more of us to die saving that" Rico says.

"That's right, down to the last man, if that's what it takes then so be it" Ian yells them.

Then after more arguing they agreed to protect (Y/n) and went on their way to slay the titans.

"Thank you captain, that was brave" I tell Ian.

"No it wasn't, theres no thanks needed. The fact of the matter is I was petrified about the mess you were about to get in to but your free now, so do your thing and make good use of that inborn skill" Ian says.


"Now go save the man you love" He tells me before running off leaving me blushing a bit.

I look down at (Y/n) and he still wasn't fully healed yet, his injury weren't healing.

"(Y/n) what is this doing to you, ohh god what if you won't be able to change back. No I got to stop, I'm thinking about it to much that's all. I need to focus on doing"

Eren then comes up next to me and looks at (Y/n).

"What the hell happened to him, why did he try to hurt you?" He asked me.

I then remembered what he told me right before we started the mison.

"I don't want to kill you if I go rouge. My chances are high with how long it's been since I've used my titan form. I wouldn't be able to forgive my self if that happened" (Y/n) told me

I then tell him what I think happend.

"I think he went rouge. He told me that he had high chances of it happening due to it being a long time since he's used his titan ability" I explain to Eren.

Eren then puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Mikasa he will be fine. He's not one to just leave us" Eren tells me.

"Yeah your right, well I hope your right" I say as I eye him.

"Why are you eyeing me like that?" He asks me hesitantly.

"You should goout their and protect him with your titan ability" I tell him "I can deal with try to get him up"

"Okay, I'll go turn into a titan and protect him" Eren says before jumping off the roof and biting his hand.

A bright light engulfed him and he turned into his titan form. He then walks off to take on a titan that the other members haven't gotten to.

"(Y/n) were all counting on you, especially me"

Part 3.

After blanking out I dozed off into a dream I think. When I opened my eyes looked to see my mother and my older sister Lauren . I was sitting on the couch with a blanket on top of me. Mom was cooking dinner as Lauren read a book about combat. Then dad walks through the front door. Me, Lauren and mom greet dad.

"Hi dad, how did work go?" Lauren asks.

"Good I would say" he replies before giving my mom a kiss.

My mom and dad chat a bit as she cooked. Lauren then came over to me and showed me a fighting technique from in her book.

"(Y/n) look at this move, it's a move that's well used when luring your opponent to make the first move. Then you take your opponent off guard" she says as she shows me the image on the page.

"It looks cool I guess" I reply to her.

She then looks at me with her red soul piercing eyes that would make anyone shiver, and she has long black hair that flowed down to her waist. She looks like a serious girl but her personality isn't quite so serious, except when it comes to training but that's something else.

POV: Mikasa

I was going around cutting the napes of titans as they more came in through the hole and from the looks of it were coming after (Y/n). Eren was doing well but not good enough to take out every single titan. Then I see one that's about to jump onto (Y/n) so I hook onto its nape and I Goin and cut it out. I look over at (Y/n) and I see Armin by his nape.

"Mikasa why did the plan go belly up?" Armin says.

I then get off of the dead titan then zipped over to Armin on (Y/n).

"He went rouge. He told me it was a high posobility since it's been a while since he's transformed except earlier" I told Armin.

"How long has he been like this?" He asks franticly.

"A few minutes. We've had to change our task to defending him. Theirs so many I'm not sure how long were going to be able to keep this up" I tell Armin.

Armin then looks over to the nape and thinks abit before facing me.

"I want you to wake him up, stab his arm or something. Don't stab directly in the middle or you could paralyze him. Once you wake him up talk to him, it seems like you know the most about him" Armin tells me "when Eren first emerged from his titan he came out of the weak spot so that's where he should be"

"If you think it will work" I say to him.

I use my hooks to stabilize my self in the case he freaks out. Armin then goes onto a near by roof to watch out for titans. I lift up one of my blades as I wished to not hit anything vital. I knew it was going to hurt but I have no choice but to do so. My hands shock as I held the blade upwards. I then stabbed down the blade into the nape until the handle touched the skin. (Y/n) then starts to scream as shakes around trying to get me off before calming down. I then tried to talk to him.

"Hey (Y/n) can you hear me? You need to fight whatever is happening to you. There's soldiers dying out here (Y/n)" I shout as I pounder on the back if his neck.

POV: You

After I replied to Lauren about the move she saw in the book and she looked at me in the eyes I began to hear a pounding sound come from the window behind me but I felt really tired. I turned my head a bit to see a girl with black hair that went to her chin. She wore a uniform like out fit that I was familiar with. It was Mikasa.

"Hey (Y/n) can you hear me? You need to fight whatever is happening to you. There's soldiers dying out here (Y/n)" she shouts.

"Mikasa? How did you get here?" I ask.

"(Y/n) wake up. You need to wake up" she then stops and looks like she's thinking before asking "I never really asked you this but what do you fight for?" She asks.

I look at Lauren and she was still looking at me as if she hasn't noticed Mikasa.

"I fight to-wait what do I fight for?" I said before going into thought a bit before remembering "I fight to save and protect humanity. To keep the promise I made to my......" I trailed off as I looked at my sister.

Then I realized it, this was a dream.

"What if I die today (Y/n), what will you do if I died by a titan since you weren't awake" she tells me "Do you remember the promise you made Me, Eren, Armin, and Mrs. Yeager?"She shouts at me loudly.

"I promised that I would protect the 4 of you and I wouldn't let any of you die" I shout and everything starts to burn away like lighting paper on fire.

My eyes shout open and I was laying against the huge boulder. I stand up and roar into the sky with determination. If I don't plug up this hole I won't be able to keep the promises I made. I turn around and look at the boulder.

"It's show time" I say and my titan says it also but not very clearly due to how my jaw is.

POV: Armin

I was watching over Eren as he took out another titan. Captain Ian and the others were with us. Then we heard foot steps, heavy foot steps. We look over to the foot steps and we see the boulder was moving. His eyes glowed black as red high lighted his one revealed eye.

"(Y/n) is doing it" I say with shock.

"Armin" Mikasa shouts as she lands next to me "he got out of it some how and now he's determined to see the mission to the end. As long as we've got his back as he heads to the wall victory will be ours"

Captain Ian looks at (Y/n) with shock in his eyes.

"Defend him, to the last man if that's what it comes to. (Y/n) must reach the gate, I don't want a single titan near him" Ian shouts

Eren understands then starts charging to take out 4 titans that were heading towards (Y/n). Ian then looks at me and Mikasa.

"The both of you go, I want you with (Y/n) immediately" he tells us "Hop to soldiers that's a order"

"Sir yes sir!" We shout.

Everyone then starts running on the ground luring the titans out of (Y/n)'s path to the gate.

POV: You

As I walked the weight of the boulder was heavy but if Eren was the one doing this he could of buckled under the weight at any moment. I looked at the ground and saw Mikasa and Armin on the ground in front of me.
I look around with my eyes as I watch other soldiers screaming as they were about to get eaten. Soldiers sacrificing their lives so I can plug up this wall.

"Why, why did this have to happen"

I was getting closer to the gate with not much to go.

"Why did they have to do this"

I then get to the small bridge that goes over a trench.

Why do they think this is going to get them what they want"

I then watch Mikasa and Rico take out the last titan in my path so I can plug the hole.

"But they won't because I am the guardian!!!" I shout in my head as I slam the boulder into the hole.

I make a shock wave as rhe boulder slammed into the home and making cracks where it made contact with the wall. I turn around with all the energy I has left and did a roar of victory before getting onto one knee and a fist.

"A victory for the defeated"

Hello everyone here is the end. I hope you enjoyed this almost 5000 word chapter. If you have any theories or opinions write them on this passage. No until next time goodbye.

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