The Truth

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you and Eren cleared the titans around HQ. Mikasa now knows that your both alive. Now let's get into the chapter.


POV: Mikasa

Part 1.

(Y/n) walks up onto Eren's decaying titan and stands in front of me. He didn't have any ODM gear, he just had everything on for his uniform except his coat. I was looking at him with tears of happiness in my eyes. I was suprised about all of this but my feelings over ran that.

"I've missed you too Mikasa" he says with a small smile.

He then dropped onto his knees while breathing hevily. I grabbed him and pull him close to me. (Y/n) looks at me with werry smile then kisses me lightly on my cheek.

"I love you Mikasa" he says quietly

"I love you too (Y/n)" I cry a bit.

(Y/n) closes his eyes and falls asleep from fatigue and exhaustion. The others came down to us and we brought (Y/n) and Eren to the top most roof of HQ. I held (Y/n) close to me as Armin held up Eren in shock. Jean then looks at all the steaming titan corpses on the ground.

"Okay, soo uhh, (Y/n) and Eren did all this...." he says then trails off.

Part 2.

POV: You

I started to open my eyes from what felt like a eternal sleep. I looked around and saw Mikasa, Armin, and Eren right next to me. My right arm was around Mikasa's neck and she was holding out her swords. Armin was holding up Eren the same way Mikasa was holding me. I look around us and see multiple Garrison troops holding their weapons at us.

"Your all going to die" I hear Eren say.

I look behind me at Eren and he has a scary look on his face, Armin looked at him with wide eyes. Eren then looks around and notices the situation. A situation I'm not exactly clear about yet. I then figured it out.

"They found out about us, that we are titans. There's nothing much we can do now, their scared for their lives, they will never let us go"

Armin tries to get Eren to respond to him as Eren looked around at all the soldires trying to figure out what's happning.

"He's forgotten about being a titan, or he still thinks it was all a dream"

Then the commander of the soldires spoke with fear written all over his face.

"Cadets (Y/n) (L/n), Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackermann, and Armin Artleit, the 4 of you have jointly commuted a act of high treason. Weather or not a swift execution is a result depends on you" He shouts "any attempt to move from where you stand now, anything I deem the least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire, do not test me"

Eren looks at the cannon with wide eyes. I look at the cannon then looked back at the captain.

"Do you really think a cannon will kill me" I scuff mentally

"Answer carefully" he shouts "(Y/n)
(L/n) and Eren Jaeger, What exactly are you!?, Human or Titan"

Eren looks at the captain with confusion. He looked at all the soldires with confusion trying to make out what's happening as they all glared at me and him.

"Sorry sir I don-" I then cut Eren off.

"Shut up Eren let me handle this" I tell him.

I then look at the captain.

"Me and Eren are Human" I tell him.

"(Y/n) what's going on?" Eren asks me. "Do they thing were titans?"

"That's exactly what they are thinking. They are thinking we are titans" I tell him.

"Don't play innocent, You will be blown to hell before you can assume your true form" he shouts.

"What true form?" Eren asks.

"You 2 emerged from the carcasses of fallen titans in full view of your comrades. Creatures of unknown origin, ability, or allegiance has slipped through and infiltrated wall Rose and those creatures are you. Under the circumstances you'll be sanctioned by his majesty is neither here or nor there. You are a risk and I am well within my rights eliminate you, I will not let this situation stand. Everymoment I squander, mulling over your supposed innocence puts all in further jeopardy from a attack from the armored titan. Hell, for all I'm aware your a tactical diversion precisely for that purpose. I'm sorry, humanity's fate hangs in the balance, I can not waste any more time or man power on you. Do you under stand!, My concious will not falter to watch you die" The captain rants then points at us.

Mikasa stared at the commander as she held me up. I then was able to get to my feet. Then a woman with platinum blonde hair and silver eyes speaks.

"Nor should it, as soldires they all know the price of their position. If they are this commuted to defiance under the threat of death so be it, they won't be persuaded. And as you say it's just a waste of time"

"Sir please, this may be our best chance. We will epend far less artillery if they are in human form" on of the soldires say.

Mikasa moves foward abit with her swords out. I grab her arm and pull her back and she doesn't resist. Anger was building up inside me. This guy is really getting on my nerves.

"Were human!" I shout at the captain.

"So you say, I'm left with no choice, forgive me, when push comes to shove all of us are monsters" the captain says quietly as he raises his right hand up.

"Well shit, I didn't think he has the balls to do this"

"Head for the wall" I tell Mikasa, Eren, and Armin.

I look at the cannon that was pointed at us. Mikasa held Armin and Eren close to her. The captain swings his hand down and the cannon was fired. Since I had no time I bit my hand to the point were blood came out I was able to turn into part of my titan allowing me to stop the cannon ball. Smoke and dust was flown it the air making it so the soldires weren't able to see my half made titan. When the smoke and dust disipated there was a colum of smoke from where I stood. They saw me as a partially made titan that had no skin on and was only from the torso upwards with no right arm. I protected Mikasa, Eren, and Armin inside my rib cage. All of the soldires stared at me with terror and shock. I then pull my self out of the nape and dropped to the ground.

"Are you guys all right?"I ask them.

"(Y/n) how did you-" Armin trys to ask but I cut him off.

"Now is no the time to ask that" I tell him.

The corpse then starts the vaporizing process.

"We need to get out of here" I look out through the smoke "I can't exactly tell if they are standing their waiting or they are dazed. I'm sure once the smoke clears they will resume the attack. I think we blew all our hope with reasoning with them" I tell them

Then Eren looks at the cellar key thst is around his neck "The cellar, I'm starting to remember, th is key, our house in shanganshina. My father said I would have to go back there and everything hinged on it. I think that's why he gave me this power. The power to transform into a titan. If I make it back to the cellar I might find the titans secrets"

Eren then starts to bang his fist on the vaporizing bones as he was geting mad about his father keeping secrets about his titan ability. I then put my hand on his shoulder.

"Eren, we have other business to deal with" I say.


We then get get out of the way of the vaporizing corpse. Bones started to fall as the structure became unstable. Then the skull gel off the shoulders and fell to the ground creating more smoke. We are grouped in the center of the smoke where it's clear and we crouched down. Eren then turns to us.

"Listen, I'm getting out of here" Eren says to us.

"Where and how?" Armin questions.

"Anywhere but here, then I head over the wall and strait to Shanganshina, but that means I have to become a titan again how ever the hell I did it the first time" Eren says.

"So can both of you transform at will?" Armin asks me and Eren.

I nod then replied "Yes, we are allowed to transform at will, but there are limitations. Right now Eren has only transformed once into a titan and during that time he thought it was all a dream"

Eren then looks at me puzzled "So you really are a titan" He says.

"Titan shifter, get it right" I tell him "I'm going to tell you how I was able to transform like a moment ago. I thought of what I wanted to do, All I thought about was that. Then you have to make your self bleed as you think. Pain is key with the blood, then it happens. I only made what I did earlier to only use as much as I needed to stop the cannon ball. I made the body to meet the requirements for that task"

"How do you know so much (Y/n)?" Mikasa asks me with a serious face.

"Now is not the time to explain a full story, after this whole feasko is over I'll tell you guys when there is time" I tell her.

"I will become stronger, I will be a 15 meter high titan slayer like I was before" Eren says then some blood comes out of his nose.

"Eren, your nose is bleeding" Mikasa says with some worry.

"Your breathing is eratic and your pale, somethings wrong Eren, your not well" Armin tells Eren.

"It's the side affects of the first time transforming into a titan, it's a bit more sevier in his case because he was going on a rampage before I got to him" I say to them " I then look over at Armin "Armin I have a idea"

"And what is it?" Armin asks me.

"I trust that you can do this, it may sound unrealistic to most bur it's worth a try. Me and Eren use our titan abilities strategically u derived military direction. This might sound crazy but if you can convince the Garrison regiment right here and now that we pose no threat to them. I put all my trust into you Armin. That's my idea" I propose to Armin "if the doesn't work then it looks like I'm going to have to transform and deal with the situation accordingly thst has a result of Zero deaths. I think we have about 15 seconds until they have their cannon ready. Will you do it?"

Armin looks at me in shock "(Y/n), why would you leave something so major up to me?" He asks.

"Because, as long as I've known you, you have always kept a level head, you always choose well no matter how ugly things get. I figure that's worth relying on" I answer him.

"When have I done that?" He questions.

"You do it all the time, but we don't have the time for me to give a example" I tell him

More bone cracks and falls behind Armin. Armin sits there thinking to him self as Me, Mikasa, and Eren waited. Then Armin stands up and his bangs coved his eyes.

"I will persuade them trust me, You three act as non aggressively as you possibly can" Armin tells us.

Armin then turns the other direction and starts to walk to get out of the smoke.

Part 3.

POV: Armin

I started to walk way from (Y/n), Mikasa, and Eren to get out of the smoke. I walked with a serious face.

"Since (Y/n) and Eren first appeared and we're fighting as titans, something had been nawhing at the back of my mind. I haven't had time to collect my thoughts yet but I can do thos, I will just have to think as I talk"

I then take ODM gear off as I walked to show that I mean no harm. I run put of my smoke then stopped as muskets were pointed at me. I put my hands up to show thst I am not here to harm.

"Is this supposed to be your true form monsters, I don't buy it are you the things of the fire?, I mean it" The captain shouts

"(Y/n) and Eren are not foes of humanity, we are willing to cooperate with military command and share everything we know about their powers" I tell him

"Your pleads falls in deaths ears, one of them showed their true form. Because of that threat they can not leave here alive. If you insist that they are not a enemy of ours show me proof other wise we will blow them back to what ever nightmare they crawled out of" He shouts.

"You don't need any proof. The fact of the matter is that it dosn't matter what we proscive them to be" I tell him.


"The reports say hundreds of soldires saw them, and those who were there saw them fighting other titans, and that means they saw them get swarmed by the titans as well. To put it plainly, the titans saw them the same way that they see each and every human being as their prey, and it doesn't matter how else you may look at it, that is a irrefutable fact!" I shout at him.

"The kids got a point" a soldier says.

Them soldires holding weapons at us start to lower their weapons bit by bit as they made small comments. The captain looks down in defeat then looks up with something to say.

"Percale to attack!, don't let yourself be slain by his cunning lies. The titans behavior has always been beyond put comprohention, I wouldn't put it past them to asume human form, they are speaking our language to deceive us, I won't let them continue this behavior uncheacked" The captian shouts.

The soldires raise their weapons again as she gritted their teeth. I stood their in shock and my jaw dropped.

"It's hopeless, He let logic evoid histaria to frighten them" I then turned around to see (Y/n), Mikasa, and Eren sitting there with faxes saying thst I can do it right "(Y/n), Mikasa, Eren"

I then turned aback around while I grit my teeth, then I do the military solute.

"I am a soldier and I have dedicated my heart to the restoration of humanity Sir!. Nothing could make me prouder the dying for such a noble cause. If we were to use their titan abilities and combined them with the man power we have left I believe we can do it, we can retake this city. For humanity's glory and what little time I have left to live, I will advocate their strategic value" I yell as hard as I could.

"Captain Woermann, his words are worth considering sir may be we should-" a guy with short blond hair standing behind the captain says before getting cut off.

"Quiet!!!!" The captain yells at the guy.

The captain starts to raise his arm up ready to fire. Before the captain could being his hand down someone was held the captains are back.

"That's enough, you should really do something about your nervous disposition Captain Woermann" a the voice says.

"Commander Pyxis..." Captain Woermann says hestitently.

Commander Pyxis then let's go of the captains hand.

"Can you not see this soldiers heart felt solute?. I've only just arrived, but I'm quite aware of our situation. Gather our reinforcements, I think we could at least do these young soldiers the favor of hearing them out" Commander Pyxis tells Captain Woermann.

I fell to my knees with some tears in my eyes.

"Were saved"

I looked behind me and saw Mikasa laying her head in (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"What's that about?"

Hello everyone it's the end now. This chapter wasn't my the most entertaining chapter but it was for th sake of this being canon. Now until next time bye

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