The Chase

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was about putting faith in the right person.


POV: Ymir

Part 1.

I'm sitting on the tree, ignoring Eren's shouts towards Reiner as he struggled. I rolled my eyes at Eren's childish behavior. Bertholdt then lands next to me. I was interested on why they changed their plan, I over heard Eren question Reiner, saying that (Y/n) was right.

"I need to confirm if Eren's hunch is right. If it's true, I can play my cards right and we can get our ticket out of here"

"Explain to me why we are leaving early?" I question Bertholdt.

He ignores the question while looking at Reiner and Eren then asked me a question right back "Ymir, when you changed back into a human, do you have any memory of the person you ate?"

I was kind of taken back by his calm demeanor and his simple question "No, not really, we're talking about something that happens five years ago. By the way your asking, I'm guessing I ate someone you knew" I say and he just looked at me and I took that as a yes "I see, sorry for not remembering"

Bertholdt looks away "Hey, it's not your fault, that you don't. It was the same for Reiner and Me"

"Yeah?" I say.

"Eren doesn't remember either" Bertholdt adds.

"Is that how it works?...Do you hold that against me?" I ask him.

"I don't think so...I mean..I don't know. Suppose I have to believe you didn't want to eat anyone" Bertholdt says then asks me "So, how long were you wondering outside the walls?"

"About 60 years,  it was like, I was stuck in a nightmare that would never end" I tell him.

We then saw as all the titans below us turned their attention away from us and began to run away from the forest. The sound of a roar rings as heavy steps approached our location. We then watch as a familiar 17 meter, black armor covered titan punches the abnormal titan from earlier to the ground. I then see that Eren was now out cold. Reiner began to strap Eren to his back.

"Alright let's go as (Y/n)'s distracted with those titans!" Reiner shouts.

"Ymir, get on my back" Bertholdt tells me.

I look back at (Y/n) as he stomps on a 4 meter titan "I need to wait till the times right"

I look back at Bertholdt then got onto his back. Reiner and Bertholdt then zipped off and we started to fly through three forest.

"Damn it, I was hoping (Y/n) would of been out for longer" Reiner shouts.

"How could you of hoped that? This is (Y/n) were talking about here" Bertholdt tell him.

We hear the sound of heavy footsteps running behind us. We all look back and we see (Y/n) on our tail. He stared us down with his uncovered onyx colored eye as he ran after us.

"How the hell did her get here so fast!?, there's no way he could of felt with all those titans already!?" Reiner shouts.

"You seriously need to stop underestimating (Y/n)" I shout at Reiner.

(Y/n) closed the distance between  him and us. I knew it, my chance was almost here, and I only had one shot. Soon enough, (Y/n) was right on our asses.

"It's been fun guys, but it looks my rides here" I tell Reiner and Bertholdt with a smirk.

I then let go of Bertholdt and jumped off of his back. Everything then felt like it was going in slow motion, Reiner and Bertholdt looked at me wide eyed as I fell. (Y/n) reaches out with his left hand and catches me. Once he does he immediately stops in his tracks.

"Nice catch" I tell him as I stood up onto my feet.

(Y/n) raises me up to his face then says "Christa.Safe"

"That's good, Thanks for the update" I reply.

(Y/n) then holds me up to his right shoulder and I get onto his shoulder. I grab his hair and tell him "Look, (Y/n), Eren's unconscious, and Reiner is able to transform again. Be careful"

"Under.stood" He states.

"Now go get'em lover boy" I say with a smirk.

(Y/n) then starts to run in the direction Reiner and Bertholdt were going at an incredible speed. I then notice a girl, looking at me from (Y/n)'s left shoulder. I didn't notice her when (Y/n) caught me or when he lifted me up.she has long black hair and red eyes, and wore a red and black dress. It was the same girl I saw when (Y/n) fought the masked titan.

"Hmm, you're the fifth one, Ymir correct?" The girl says.

"Yeah that's me, who the hell are you?" I question.

The girl giggles a bit "Sorry for my rudeness, I am Lauren, (Y/n)'s dead sister that now resides inside of him" The girl says.

I looked at her confused, trying to process it a bit "Something tells me it's a really complicated story"

"I guess it is in a way. Would you like me to tell you?" Lauren says.

"Nah, I'm fine, it's probably better if you tell me some other time" I state.

"I suppose your right" Lauren says.

There's then a bright flash of light infront of us outside of the forest. Right outside of the forest we could see Reiner, as the Armored titan, running away with Bertholdt and Eren in his shoulder. I hear rumbling behind us and I see a few titans ranging from different sizes on our tail.

"(Y/n)!, we got titans on our ass!" I shout at him.

"Transform. And hold on" He states.

I look around to find something to cut my self with then looked at my hand. I sigh before bitting my hand and transforming. I rode on (Y/n)'s back, holding onto his hair and shoulder. (Y/n) picks up the pace and breaks into a sprint, chasing after Reiner.  This was the first time I noticed just how fast (Y/n) is in titan form when given the space. Our gap between Reiner and us closed with the gap between us and the titans became slightly wider. As we got close to Reiner, we watch Bertholdt jump into Reiner's chest and Reiner uses his hands to cover Bertholdt and Eren. We are then right on Reiner's ass, (Y/n) then tackles Reiner down onto the ground. I held on tight as we tumbled to the ground. (Y/n) gets off the ground and we see Reiner, with his arms over his chest with his hands on his neck. He was face down, trying to get off the ground without his arms. (Y/n) steps over to Reiner and leans down before flipping him onto his back.

"Give me Eren, Reiner" (Y/n) says in a clear voice unlike before. I was slightly confused but went with it.

"No" Reiner states.

(Y/n) gets on top of Reiner and then punches him in the face "Why are you protecting them?, they are the enemy" (Y/n) questions then punches Reiner once more.

"You wouldn't understand!" He shouts.

"How so?, I fully understand the predicament both of you are in. You need to remember that I was sent here before you to do the same job as you"  (Y/n) tells him "There's a reason why I forgave Annie. I know the three of you came here as kids, to do things you didn't want to do but had no choice"

"Then you must know we have people back home as well!" Reiner shouts.

"Of course I do, they have my mother!" (Y/n) shouts then goes to punch Reiner but instead hits the ground right next to his head "The corrupt government you're protecting is only using you as a pawn. They're using us all as pawns, You, Me, Bertholdt, Annie!"

"Yeah well, I'm not risking my family" He states.

"Suit yourself then" (Y/n) states.

(Y/n) punches Reiner in the face, breaking chunks of armor off with each punch. (Y/n) then grabs each of Reiner's arms and begin to pull them part. Slowly but surely, (Y/n) pried open Reiner's arms. Once (Y/n) gets the arms open, he over powers Reiner and holds Reiner's arms down onto the ground. On Reiner's chest, we see Bertholdt wide eyed with an awake Eren strapped to his back.

"Ymir, Get Eren" (Y/n) tells me.

I get off of (Y/n) and get onto Reiner's chest while looking Bertholdt and Eren. I start down Bertholdt then said to him.

"Give me Eren" I tell Bertholdt.

"I can't do that Ymir" Bertholdt says.

"Fine, I'll just take him from you then"  I tell him.

I grab them both with my right hand and used the nail of my thumb to cut the strap that held Eren to Bertholdt. I drop Bertholdt onto Reiner and took Eren with me. I then crawl back onto (Y/n) Eren I. Hand (Y/n) gets off of Reiner. (Y/n) turns towards the direction of true wall and steps forward to start running. However, we end up falling to the ground and not going forward.

"You think you could just run off" Reiner states as he's in his feet.

(Y/n) quickly gets to his feet and raises his fists towards Reiner "Ymir, take Eren and run towards the wall. The scouts should be on their way. I'll buy you some time"

"What do I do about Eren? I can't run with him in my hand" I ask him.

"Put him in your mouth" He states to me.

I sigh internally before raising Eren and bringing him towards my mouth. Eren started struggling as he still had a cloth in his mouth to gag him.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe, and I won't swallow" I tell him.

I then place Eren in my mouth " think that Eren of all people would be in my mouth. I was hopping (Y/n) would be the first thing in my mouth....maybe even Christa" I jump off of (Y/n) and began to head towards wall Rose.

POV: You

"So, how much time do you expect to buy them (Y/n)?" Reiner questions me.

"As much as they need" I state.

"The titans from earlier will be here soon. That's when I'll make a B line towards the wall"

"You can't stop me" Reiner tells me.

Reiner charges at me and I hold my ground and block him. My feet dig into the ground, I take a step forward and pushed him back slightly. We looked each other dead in the eyes, face to face.

"I won't let you have Eren, I don't care how much Marley wants the founding titan. It's my duty as the Guardian titan to protect him" I tell him.

"(Y/n) we got a problem" I hear Ymir say from behind me.

"Why aren't you heading towards the wall?!" I shout.

Ymir gets onto my back and replies "Because of our problem!, we have titans on all sides heading our way. There's no way I can make it" She says.

"Reiner, you head that. If you want to fight. Let's go, just remember we'll have titans on our asses soon" I say.

"I'm game" He states.

I begin to push Reiner back, while starting to roar with every step. I continued pushing him back, Reiner tried to get better footing but couldn't. Reiner then backs up and takes a swing at me. I duck under the punch and gave him and upper cut to the jaw. The armor on his jaw cracked a bit. I then punch the other side of his face, cracking some of the armor on his face. I punch Reiner in the stomach multiple times before giving him a heavy hook with my left hand. I feel rumbling under my feet, and I knew that the titans will be here any second. I step back then I look around and see the hoard of titans heading our way.

"(Y/n)!, their here!" Ymir shouts.

"Hold on tight" I state.

Reiner sees the titans and prepares himself. An abnormal titan lunges towards me and I punch it with full force, almost obliterating the head of the titan. Another one tries to grab Ymir, I grab it's arm and swung it into a group of small titans, killing the smaller ones. The endless amount of titans that came our way was surprising, however it wasn't exactly impossible considering the amount of time given. As Reiner and I fight off the titans, we both see a flash of light in the distance along with green smoke flares. We then hear a high pitched scream, all the heads of the titans around us began to explode and their headless bodies fell limp onto the ground.

"Reiner, you have two choices right now" I state while turning to face him "Either you run, or you fight an unfair battle"

A few moments later, Annie gets to my side in her titan form and she raises her firsts into her fighting stance "Are we going to beat them to death?" She asks me.

"Calm down Annie, I don't want them dead" I state to her.

Reiner looks past the both of us and then makes a decision. Reiner turns his back to us then starts to run away from us. Annie slowly gets out of her stance and looks at me.

"Was it wise to let them go?" She asks me.

"Annie, I let them go for the same reason that I let you in. I know they are not the true enemy, just pawns" I say to her.

"I understand" Annie says.

Ymir then takes Eren out of her mouth, Eren was covered in titans saliva and the expression in his face looked like he went through hell. A few minutes go by and the scouts reach us. I get on one knee and then pull my self out of my titan. It was refreshing to breath some fresh air. Annie got out of her titan as well, Ymir got off of my titan and placed Eren on the ground before getting out of her titan. I get on the ground and I walk over to Eren, I take off the gag for him and he just stared at Ymir.

"What the hell was that for Ymir!?" Eren shouts.

"Stop complaining Eren, be lucky your alive. I didn't want you in my mouth either" Ymir says.

"Ymir!!!" We hear a familiar voice say. We see Historia run toward Ymir and hug her. Historia was crying "I'm so happy your safe"

"Christa, I-" Ymir says and Historia cuts her off.

"It's Historia, my real name is Historia" She says.

As Historia and Ymir had a moment, Annie walked up to me "Thanks for the back up Annie"

"No problem" She replies.

"Oh god Eren, thank god your safe!" Armin shouts as Armin and Mikasa run up to Eren who was sitting on the ground.. Armin then stops when he notices the titan saliva "Why are you covered in titan saliva?"

"Long story" Eren mutters.

"Hey, lover boy" Ymir says as she walks up to me.

"What is it Ymir?" I start while ignoring her nickname for me.

"Thanks for saving my ass, twice today" Ymir says.

I smile "Your welcome, happy to help"

Ymir turns around and takes a step forward, she stops herself in her tracks, debating to her self "Fuck it" Ymir says then turns back around to me. Ymir grabs my collar and pulls me towards her then forces our lips together. I looked at her wide eyes as she kissed me, while also forcing her tongue into my mouth. After a substantial amount of time, Ymir pulls away and looks me in the eyes "Look here lover boy, I like you, a lot, so make me one of your girls"

"I'm fine with that" Mikasa says as she walks up to us.

"I'm fine with it as well" Annie says.

I smirk "I guess you can then" I reply.

"Yay, Ymir gets to join" Historia says in a cheery voice. Ymir let's go of my collar, and I fix it "Ymir, you looked so cute when you were on (Y/n)'s shoulder while you were in titan form"

"Don't call me cute again" Ymir states.

"Aww don't be like that Ymir" Historia says with a giggle.

"Good grief" Ymir says with a sigh.

"(Y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice say. I look in that direction and I see Sasha running towards us. She then stops in front of me and bows while holding out an open ration "I would like to share some of my rations with you"

I looked her kind of confused and started to connect the dots "Is this supposed to be a confession?" I ask.

Sasha stands up straight with a blush on her cheeks "uh...well.."

Mikasa sighed "Sasha, this is not what I meant by confessing"

"You like me too?" I ask Sasha. Sasha nods "Alright then, I have no reason to not accept, especially if Mikasa gave you advice"

Sasha smiles like she just ate a piece of meat then grabbed me and hugged me "Thank you thank you thank you"

"Uh, your welcome?" I reply.

"Look, I know (Y/n)'s a badass and all but don't you think having five girlfriends is a little extreme?" Eren questions.

"Believe me Eren, five is being subtle about this" I state.

"Ymir and Sasha being my girlfriends now, I did not see this coming at all"

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

P.S.: I know a while back I said I was going to stop only have Mikasa, Annie, and Christa in the harem. Well, I change my mind now. It will be Mikasa, Annie, Christa, Ymir, and Sasha. Maybe Pieck but I'll figure that out once I get there.

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