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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter Reiner and Bertholdt took Ymir and Eren.


POV: You

Part 1.

I stood at the edge of the wall, looking at the tracks that Reiner left while running away. I grab my combat knife and I was about to jump and cut my hand but someone lays their hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/n), what do you think your doing?" Hanji questions.

I look back at her as she was covered in light burns "I'm going to go get Eren and Ymir" I tell her.

"You think that's a wise thing to do by yourself?" She questions.

"If you were to go, there will sure to be more casualties" I reply.

"So what, your just going to follow the tracks?" She asks me.

"Yup, that's the jist of it" I say.

Hanji sighs before taking out a map of the area. She then points at a spot on the map "I believe they will be holding out here until night. I think they are resting here so they can run to wherever they need to while the titans are motionless" Hanji says while pointing at the Forest of Giant Trees.

"Understood, thanks Hanji" I say.

I jump off the wall and cut my hand, turning into my titan form. I start running in the direction of the Forest of Giant Trees.

"Nothing will stop me, nothing shall get in my way, I'll force myself through a hundred titans if I have to"

"That's the spirit" Lauren tells me.

POV: Eren

I open my heavy eyes, above me I see branches and leaves of trees. I couldn't feel my arms, I sit up and I notice, I don't have any arms. It was steaming where my arms should of been connected to my body. I see that I'm sitting on a large branches. I quickly realize that we are in the Forest of Giant Trees. The same forest from the past expedition.

"So, You're awake welcome back" I hear Reiner says. Both Reiner and Bertholdt were standing on a different tree.

"What the hell have you done to my arms!" I shout.

"Eren, I'm not in any better shape either" I hear Yimir say as I look at her. She was waving around her handless left arm and footless left leg. "Seems like we are both having a shit day"

"Sorry, that was my fault. You can pin your injuries on me. I guess I was in a bit of a hurry back there. I bit your nape without thinking about your arms" Reiner tells me.

"Is that right" I reply while looking down before hitting down on my arm and nothing happening.

"Eren, don't do it" Bertholdt shouts.

Ymir then moved next to me "Easy their hot head. Take a look at where we are. We are in the giant forest inside wall Maria. Wall rose is leagues away, which means we are deep in the middle of titan country" Ymir says then starts pointing at the various titans around us "You see our buddy down there, he's an abnormal. It may look like he's kicking back, but his eyes hasn't left us once. Lots of smaller ones down there too, that's plenty bad enough, there's another big one over there, fixated but keeping his distance, strikes me as the shy type. And then there are these chumps" She says then points towards Reiner and Bertholdt "Dirty bastards, they had the foresight to suit up in full gear, of course Reiner took yours. Point is, changing into a titan isn't going to accomplish very much. One, they can do the same thing if they want, two, they can zip into the trees if not, three, were basically surrounded on all sides. Power or no power, getting out of this would be tricky as hell even at the best of times. You read me, there's nothing to gain by being a dumbass"

"She's right, you can't turn into titans right now want way. Don't count on that ability coming to the rescue. Your body can only handle so much, it's preoccupied with healing at the moment" Reiner says.

I growl then stared him down "Nice try, You expect me to sit here and take the word of a liar"

"Yeah well, we are sort of at a dis advantage here, it's not like we know the ins and outs of how this works. Unlike you guys, I'm basically clueless about the whole thing"  Ymir says then looks at Reiner "Hey Reiner, you told me to start talking once her Eren woke up. Isn't it about time you explain what your going to do with us"

"We're taking you to our home town. Of course I realized that neither of you will just do as I ask. Like Ymir said though, this place is crawling with titans, their everywhere. We could beat the ever living shit out of each other if that's what you want. I wouldn't recommend it, our friends below are hungry and they aren't prone to discriminate, whether you try to cut and run or stick around, believe me when I say that our options are limited. We wait for night fall"

"Home town...wait a minute"

"When you say home town, you mean the country that's south of us right?" I say to them while staring them down.

Both of their eyes went wide as they looked at me "How do you know?" Reiner questions in disbelief.

"(Y/n) told me, he told me who you were as well" I tell them "I'm surprised I didn't kick your asses sooner"

Ymir then starts to laugh a bit "What's so funny?!" Reiner shouts.

"It all makes sense now, and here I thought (Y/n) was checking me out all these years, lucky me" Ymir says with a chuckle.

"What are you babbling about now?" Reiner questions.

Ymir looked up at Reiner and Bertholdt "He knew from the beginning. Ever since the first day he met each of us, (Y/n) knew we were titan shifters. If either of you morons noticed, he kept an eye on us, he knew but didn't do anything since he didn't know which of us were against him and which of us were with him, But looks like we know now"

"Reiner...I think she's right. There are more then a handful of times where I thought (Y/n) was looking our way while we were cadets" Bertholdt tells Reiner.

Reiner didn't reply to him "Whose side are you on then Ymir?"

"I'm on Christa's side" Ymir states.

"So, your on (Y/n)'s side then" Reiner states.

"To be honest, it's looks a whole lot better his side then it does on yours" Ymir replies.

"How is that, have some faith in us here Ymir, this place is nothing compared to out there. Do we need to take Christa with us for you to side with us Ymir? We know she's the main reason your in the scouts in the first place. The two of you are inseparable" Reiner tells Ymir.

Ymir laughs a bit "You don't understand do you?, Nothing would make me side with you. What the hell have you showed to make me have a drop of faith in you. Both of you have only showed that you are bitches in every sense of the word, besides the official definition of course"

"Why you-" Reiner spits out but Bertholdt holds him back.

"(Y/n) on the other hand, he's a man who knows how to get shit done. He got top in our class, he plugged up the hole in Trost, he killed the masked titan during the expedition, And if my fuzzy memory serves me right, he saved our asses last night, should I continue?, I can think of smaller things to demean you with on how much better (Y/n) is then the both of you jackasses" Ymir tells them.

"I can think of something, Yesterday , (Y/n), Annie, and I killed four fake weaklings. Not a singe casualty on our side, you had four on your side however. You picked the wrong side to fight on, now you have to pay. You have to pay for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people you've killed" I tell them.

Reiner's face starts twitching "You think we asked for this!, We were kids for gods sake! We had a job as warriors and we are getting it done right now. We didn't want to be come murderers but we had to!!, we had no other choice! So stop shoving it down our god damn throats!!, You wouldn't understand the shit that's on our shoulders!!!" Reiner shouts.

I chuckle a bit as I stared him down "Yeah...what do I know about way or another, you will pay and it will hurt"

Ymir rolled her eyes "Eren grow up, Continue spouting childish bullshit like that Eren and my hope for you will start to drop" Ymir tells me then looks at Reiner "Tell me something, What's with the giant monkey?"

"Monkey? What are you talking about?" Reiner says in almost a calmed state now.

"Huh, I thought for sure you would know, thats surprising. From how you were ogling old slack jaw I figure we were looking at some living legend, weird" Ymir states.

"A monkey?, don't be cute" I tell her.

"Shut up and listen, monkey, beast titan, he's behind this latest fiasco. That's why titans are cropping up out of nowhere. I have a feeling he's gauging our strength. Reiner and Bertholdt are trying to get to where ever he is so they can get back home. Feel free to correct me if I'm way off base"

"Wait, how did you know! Who are you!?, what else's haven't you told me!!" I question her.

"Be patient, I'm caught up in circumstances of my own" Ymir tells me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I shout.

"Look Eren, if you think killing these morons will put this to an end, you are sorely mistaken" Ymir says.

"What!, then whose the enemy?!?!" I shout.

"If I told you things would g-" Ymir says then Reiner cuts her off.

"Ymir!, There's no future for this world and you know it" Reiner tells her.

"That's where your wrong Reiner, sure, before I came here I would of said that was true. However, now, I see a future, a bright one in fact, one where this place may actually become a true paradise" Ymir tells him with a smirk on her face.

Reiner doesn't reply, Reiner and Bertholdt then looked away from us, out away from the forest. They then begins to talk amongst each other, neither Ymir or I knew what they were saying. After a few minutes, they then zip down to us.

"What are you two doing now?, I thought we were waiting for sun down" I question them.

"There's been a slight change of plans. I'm going to have to ask you nicely to not put up a fight" Reiner says.

I then smirked at the realization of events "It's (Y/n) isn't it?, he's almost here"

Reiner doesn't reply verbally, only with a first to the face. I fall back and I stumbled onto my stomach. Reiner gets behind me and puts me in a choke hold.

"Bastard!, I'll kill you!!" I shout at him as the choke hold got tighter.

Bertholdt lands next to Ymir, the begin to talk to one another. I continued to struggle but it was no use,. I was starting to lose consciousness as everything started to go black. I felt rumbling and I hear a roar.

"(Y/n), give these bastards hell" I thought before passing out.

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

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