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Hello everyone, it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was about finding Christa, who was on the frontlines.


POV: Mikasa

Part 1.

An hour or so ago, a group of scouts from the scout corps, including me, gathered Christa, Annie, Connie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. Ymir and (Y/n) were unconscious, both of them were on stretchers. Right now we are on top of wall rose, near the reminders of Utgard castle, trying to find where the titans inside of wall rose are coming from. Christa was talking to Hanji about Ymir and Annie is keeping a close eye on (Y/n), I didn't question her as I knew she would have a good reason to do so.

"Are you injured?" I ask Connie after helping him up onto the wall.

"I'm fine, Reiner's wounded and Yimr has sure seen better days. (Y/n)'s exhausted himself to the bone. I don't know what happened with you guys back in Stohess, but somethings had (Y/n) all riled up" Connie says to me.

"I can explain what happened later" I state.

"Who would of ever peg Yimr for a titan?....and for (Y/n)....I hope will be okay..." Sasha says.

"(Y/n) will be fine, he just needs some rest" I explain to her "He was running on two hours of sleep for the past 24 hours and has been used his titan extensively two separate times as well"

"So, are we all on the same page? We will decide what to do with Ymir later once (Y/n) wakes up" Hanji says as she walks up to us then turned to Connie "Oh, and Connie, chin up, I'll order a squad to investigate your village, for now you need to stay focused. I want our energy at the task at hand. Clear?"

"Crystal" Connie replies.

"It's troubling, you would expect this area to be teaming with titans" Hanji says. We hear the sound of horses below and we see Hannes "Hannes? Is that the Garrison advance squad?, please tell me they've located the breach"

Hannes used his ODM gear to get to the top of the wall. We all gathered around, As he climbed onto the top he says "The walls perfectly fine. We spent all night to try to find out where the damn titans came from. We traveled from Trost to Krolva and found nothing, no hole anywhere" Eren then went over and helped Hannes up onto the wall "We ran into a search party from Krolva and retraced our steps. Not a single titan on the way here either"

"But...we know for a fact that there are titans on this side of wall rose" Armin states to Hannes.

"Oh c'mon, how much have you had to drink, seriously" Eren says.

"Why you little..., wait a second, why are you kids here?" Hannes says.

"It's a long story" I replied.

"Hmm, I guess if there's no breach, I guess we have to change our tactics, let's head back to Trost immediately" Hanji says.

"You'd be smart to keep your guard up. We will go on ahead of you" Hannes says before jumping off the wall.

"How can their be nothing wrong with the wall?" Eren questions.

"Excellent question. Nothing like this has happened in five years, why now all of a sudden?" Armin questions, As we start to walk away while Eren stayed to ponder a bit more.

"Mikasa" I hear Annie call out to me.

I walk over to Annie as she continue to kneel next to (Y/n)'s unconscious body "What is it Annie?" I question.

"(Y/n) had completely pushed himself to the limit. To be honest, I don't think he's getting up anytime soon. That's trouble for us if the Colossal titan and Armored titan attack" Annie states to me while looking past me.

"Annie, you know who the Colossal and Armored titan are don't you?" I ask her after seeing her eyes drift off.

"Of course I do, I came here with them before switching sides" Annie sighs.

"Who are they?" I ask.

Annie then motioned her head to the left, behind me. I look behind me and I see Bertholdt and Reiner talking to Eren. My eyes widen before I grab my blades. Annie grabs my wrists before I could do anything. I then look back at Annie.

"Mikasa, right now is absolutely not the time to go after them. With the shape (Y/n)'s in, he is an easy target for them to take" Annie explains to me.

"That's why you've been at his side the entire time" I say and she nods.

"Also, with just me and Eren, we stand no chance against both of them while their together" Annie adds.

"You bastards!!" We hear Eren shout. Just about everyone look back towards Eren who looked pissed off "After everything you've done, you just expect me to just go with you!, Hell to that!, I'll make you pay right here and now you traitors!!!"

A blinding light comes from Eren as he transforms into his titan form. He goes to swipe at both of them, Reiner turns into the Armored titan and blocks Eren's attack. Reiner proceeds by pushing Eren off the wall, outside of wall rose, and Eren brings Reiner down with him. Before we could do anything, Bertholdt then transforms into the Colossal titan. As he transformed, he let out a large blast of hot steam making everything fly every where. Annie and I stick out ODM gear into the wall and I grabbed (Y/n) before he could get blown away. I watched as Ymir was blown away, Bertholdt reached out and grabbed Ymir then threw her in to his mouth. The steam calmed down and I unhooked my ODM gear from the wall. With his right hand, Bertholdt reached out towards me. I quickly realized that he was trying to go for (Y/n).

"I need to protect him. I can't lose him...No, We can't lose him!, I will stay by his side forever!!!"I thought then drew my blades in anger. I felt a power run through me, something I've never felt before, The ground below me cracked "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM!!"

I jump towards Bertholdt hand at an unbelievable speed and power that I've never felt before, creating a crater under my feet as I jumped. I speed towards the hand and swing my blades, cutting the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger off of the hand. Steam blows out from the cut off fingers. I then stick my ODM gear into the shoulder, before speeding around to where the nape is in view then going for the kill. Before I could get close enough, hot steam blows out of the nape.

"Fuck" I say as I get hit by the steam.

I let go my ODM then shoot it into the other shoulder before zipping back around to the front. I land next to Annie, who had dropped her ODM gear onto the ground.

"Your turn to watch him, if you can, try to wake him up" Annie states before flicking out a spike from the ring on her index finger.

Annie scrapes her thumb against the spike, making her bleed. She then transforms into her titan form. Bertholdt tried to go and grab (Y/n) with his left hand. Annie gets in front of his hand and stops it with her arms. As Annie held back Bertholdt's hand, she started to break his fingers one by one,making it useless to try and grab (Y/n).

"Everyone, get back" We all hear Annie's titan say.

"You heard her!, everyone get back to a safe distance!" Hanji shouts.

I put my blades away and I go to pick up (Y/n) "Here, I'll help you with him" Sasha says as she picks up the other end of the stretcher.

We moved him back, out of arms reach of Bertholdt with some extra space just in case. As Sasha and I place (Y/n) down onto the ground, Sasha was staring down at (Y/n)'s face.

"Is there something wrong Sasha?" I asked her and she gets spooked.

"W-what!, I didn't steal any meat!" She spews out before looking at me with a slight blush on her face.

"Sasha" I state.

"Y-yes Mikasa" Sasha replied, almost seeming frightened. I must look scary right now or something.

"Why are you staring at (Y/n) like that?" I question.

"'s just that...he has a cute sleeping face..." Sasha states in a almost quiet voice while looking away with the slight blush still in her face.

"Understandable, he does have a cute sleeping face" I replied.

"Really!, I seriously thought you were going to kill me a second ago" Sasha says in a relieved tone.

"How about we continue this conversation later" I state while looking back at Bertholdt and Annie.

"Y-yeah, good idea" Sasha replied.

Annie seemed in trouble, she was loosing grip on her feet, Bertholdt was pushing her back. Then, with his right arm, Bertholdt swings his arm towards Annie. Annie couldn't get out of their in time and Bertholdt hits Annie and she goes flying off the wall, into the interior of wall rose. Annie then crashes into the remnants of Utgard castle. We all looked in shock, Annie laid frozen in the ruins and she was steaming quite a bit. I then kneeled down next to (Y/n).

"(Y/n), you need to get up!, we need your help right now. Eren and Annie are in trouble!" I shout at him and (Y/n) didn't even flinch in anyway in his sleep "(Y/N)!!"

POV: You

The last thing I remember is that I passed out from exhaustion, and hearing Christa telling me her real name, now, I was in the mind scape inside my mind where Lauren resides. I sat on bed in the room and Lauren was looking out the window at the nothingness.

"You really pushed yourself today" She says.

"Yeah, I know. It's not like truly had a choice in the matter" I replied.

"That is true, however I am proud that you were able to hold yourself together under the conditions you were in" Lauren says.

"Yeah well, I guess it's partially my fault I only got two hours of sleep" I sighed.

Lauren giggled a bit "Ah, I just saw a part of your future with your five wives, or maybe it was six..."

"Future? Five or Six wives?. I only have three girlfriends" I tell her.

Lauren giggled once more "I can't tell you, or it won't come true~"

"Don't be childish about this Lauren" I tell her "And what about the future thing"

Lauren's demeanor changed slightly into a more serious one "This is the third time it's happened. It's seems to be at random. The first time happened when you ate me. The second time happened after you woke up from this mind scape the first time. The first future already happened"

"Which was?" I question.

"The Trost Incident" She states simply.

"What's the second one?" I ask. Lauren stayed silent "Lauren, what was the second one?!"

"I can't tell you!" She shouts in frustration "If I told you, things will get worse then they will already become in the long run. I can't give you any details or you'll try to avoid it. The second one has to happen for the third one to happen"

I sat in shock at Lauren's outburst then questioned "So the Trost incident correlates with the second one?"

"It doesn't. That I can tell you" Lauren replies.

"Isn't that great" I say sarcastically.

"Don't worry about it right now. You can leave that worry to when it happens" Lauren states.

"That doesn't help" I reply.

"Well, just remember to keep your guard up alright" Lauren says.

"Yeah, understood" I reply.

Next thing I know, I wake up to the sun beaming down onto my face. I opened my eyes and I felt like I was restrained while laying down "What the hell?"

"(Y/n)!" I hear Armin shout as he ran over to me.

I try to look around and I see that we are on top of the wall. There were others laying on top of the wall and also that something went down "What the hell happened while I was out?"

Armin froze up a bit then spoke "Reiner and Bertholdt were the Armored and Colossal titans. They took Eren and Ymir, they tried to take you as well. Many of the scouts are out cold right now, Mikasa has a concussion and Annie is paralyzed right now"

My blood felt like it was about to boil. I broke out of the stretcher I was in and stood up. I saw Annie and Mikasa and ran over to them. Mikasa was looking gloomy as she sat with her knees to her chest while Annie was laying on her back as steam came out from under her.

"I'm sorry I-" Mikasa cut me off by lunging at me and hugging me tightly.

"(Y/n), They have Eren, I'm sorry, We did our best" Mikasa tells me as she gripped my body.

I gently hugged her back "I'll get both Eren and Ymir back, don't worry about it too much. Rest alright"

Mikasa's hold on me weakens and I set her on the ground. I then kneeled next to Annie "Hey, how are you holding up?"

"The best I can be for not being able to feel my legs right now" Annie states.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help out" I tell her.

"Don't be, you did a lot in the past day. I don't hold anything against you" Annie replies.

"How long do you think it will take before you are back on your feet?" I question.

"I don't know, but it won't be any time soon that's for sure" She states.

"Get some rest, I'll fix this" I say.

I stand up then saw Chris-I mean Historia. sitting with her knees to her chest crying. I walk over to her and kneeled in front of her then patted her head "Everything will be alright Historia" I say to her.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes "You heard me before you passed out?"

"That was the last thing I heard" I say with a small smile.

Historia then looked down" They took her, They took Ymir"

"I know, and I'll fix it. I'll rescue her" I reply.

"Are you su-?" Historia was about to question but I cut her off by bringing her into my embrace.

"Yes, I'm sure I can save her, both her and Eren. I wouldn't be the Guardian Titan of I couldn't do a task like that" I tell her with a smile.

"Thank you (Y/n), I love you so much" Historia tells me.

"I love you too, now stop crying and worry about something else, like what the future has in store for us" I reply.

"Alright" She says while pulling out of my embrace and wiping her tears. The then pulls something out from her boot and holds it out to me "Here's your knife. I kept it safe for you"

I take it from her then patted her head with a smile "Thank you Historia" I say then kissed her forehead "I'm going to go figure out how to save Eren and Ymir so stay here" I say while standing up. Historia nods with a reassuring smile.

I then turned my attention to my surroundings and looked around at the carnage that was left from their fight. Apart of the top of the wall was destroyed and there were two massive craters outside of the wall. I go to the edge of the wall, facing outside the wall then saw the large foot prints running away from the wall.

"Eren, Ymir, I'll rescue you and bring you back. That's a promise"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. Until next time bye.

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