The One

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Hello everyone, it's time for a new chapter. Last time you were informed that wall rose had been breached.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's later in the night and the convoy had reached Ehmrich district. Hanji was talking to me as we walked about our current plan. She could of talked to Eren about this but I guess she though I would be the better person to talk to since I am more informed about these things.

"So, once we are out of Ehmrich, we will be in titan territory" Hanji explains to me "I was thinking that if you wouldn't mind, we could have you and Annie in your titan forms to bluster our defenses against any titans"

"If that's what you want we can do that" I reply.

We then meet up with Mikasa, Annie, Eren, and Armin. Mobit was going to take us to to lifts for the horses. We then notice as Levi walks in with Pastor Nick and Pastor Nick looked traumatized.

"Give me a minute guys" Hanji tells us before walking over to Pastor Nick "Have seen the light by any chance?"

The Pastor just stood there, staring into empty space. It had looked like had seen horrors beyond his imagination. Hanji steps forward and gets in Partor Nick's face.

"Oh god damn it! Make up your mind!. This ain't some spiritual test!, lives are on the line!" Hanji shouts.

Pastor Nick sighs "Alas I have no choice. Neither myself or the others who believe have the liberty to abolish the truth" Pastor Nick explains.

"A fat lot of help you are!, thanks for giving us company, it's been fun!!" Hanji shouts and turns around to stomp away but Pastor Nick says something.

"I'd offer my help if I could, but a duty as great as this one is beyond me. The order of the walls abides by the sacred will our faith commands us to obey" He says.

"Whose sacred will?, you mean like god or something?" Hanji questions.

"I can't answer that" He replies. "However, I can provide you with a name. An individual our divine will has instructed us to monitor"

"Monitor?" Hanji questions.

"Yes, a person you know. Someone who enlisted into the scout regiment as of this year-" He says.

"Don't tell me...."

"-Our child by the name of Christa Lenz"

"You have got to be kidding me"

Everyone seemed pretty surprised and who wouldn't be really, especially me after finding out that my girlfriend is related to a cult. She might be related to the Founding Titan and the order of the walls find her this important. The door behind us then swings open.

"Important message, I'm with the 104th cadet core, oh and my name is Sasha Braus" We hear.

"Who's that?" Hanji questions us aboy Chtista, as Sasha walks up to us.

"This is for you section commander" Sasha says..

"You must find her with all haste. She is the key, she may know things that we cannot perceive" Pastor Nick says "That is all the information I can share, the rest I leave in your capable hands"

"Wait, if she's in the 104th, then she's deep in the front lines right now" Hanji explains.

"Let's go then" I state.

I turn around and instantly walked into Sasha, Sasha falls back and I grab her arm before she could hit the floor, She looked up at me and her cheeks became a tint of pink. I then pulled her up back onto her feet.

"Sorry about that Sasha" I say to her.

"N-no problem" She says nervously.

Sasha composes herself before stepping in front of Hanji "I was sent to give a message to Commander Erwin, who then entrusted me to deliver this to you Section Commander" Sasha tells Hanji.

"Oh okay then, excellent work" Hanji says and takes the paper from Sasha then takes a potato from a near by crate and gives it to her.

Hanji walks over to us as we readied our selves with the ODM gear, except me who would rather do this in Titan form "Hey, who was Nick talking about?"

"Shortest in our class.." Eren says.

"Golden hair, blue eyes" Armin added.

"And also my third girlfriend, the one who isn't standing with us right now" I state.

Hanji's eyes widened at the realization of who we were taking about "Excuse me.."

"She's the least combat effective out of all of us, however she tries her best" Mikasa adds.

"(Y/n), about Christa, if she is what I think she is, it's possible that you could sense her location using the Guardian Titan" Lauren tells me.

"Sounds like a plan" I replied in my head

I start walking away and Levi calls out my name and I stop "(Y/n)!, where do you think your going?"

I turn around to look at him "If Christa is something special like Pastor Nick here says she is, she may have the right blood for me to find her using my ability as a titan. The faster we find her the better"

Levi then grabs a satchel and from a crate and throws it at me "Here then, fire these when you find her, we will recover you both when we can. Don't betray me"

"I won't Sir" I say as I catch the satchel which was filled with flares and a flare gun, I then start walking away.

"Captain Levi, is it alright if I accompany him?" I hear Annie ask.

"Go ahead, however, don't use your Titan form unless absolutely necessary. I don't need complaints of two titans running around" Levi replies to her.

"Thank you Captian" Annie replies then rushes to my side then asks "You think Christa has royal blood don't you?"

"Lauren came up with the idea, and it makes sense" I reply.

"Interesting, and what will you do if she turns out to have royal blood?" Annie asks me.

"Do my job and protect her, both my job as the Guardian Titan and as her boyfriend" I answer.

Annie and I walk out of the building and start walking to exit the district. As we walked, some people looked at us so we decided to take side roads. We get to the wall and we used one of the wall elevators that the garrison use to get to the top.

"Annie, if we are facing what I think we're facing, we are in big trouble" I state as we rode the elevator.

"What do you mean by that?"" Annie asks.

"You know how titan shifters with Royal blood can control and create titans?" I say.

"Yeah" She replies simply then came to a realization "I think I know who were facing"

"Who would that be?" I ask.

"The beast titan, before coming here, I heard that the beast titan was given to a man with royal blood" Annie tells me then says "This must also mean that my anti-titan scream won't work if the titans in wall rose are being controlled by him"

"Well doesn't that suck for us" I state.

"Hold on, wouldn't that mean you can control and make titans as well?" Annie questions.

"Well...., that's a yes and a no. I've never actually done it, I've tried during training back in marly but never could, so the only thing I can think of is that at some point with in the guardian titan's life, an order was given to lock that ability away" I reply.

"That's an odd thing to do, there must be some reason why an order like that would be given in the first place" Annie questions.

"Must be a good reason then" I say.

We reach the top and we started to run along the edge of the wall, so I could gain some distance away from the district. After assuming we got far enough away we stopped.

"This looks good" I say then looked at Annie "Can I borrow your knife"

"Here" She says as she pulls it out from her boot.

I take it then cut my hand then gave it back to her and I give her the satchel as well. I run and jump off the wall, I transform into my titan form then landed on the ground. Annie jumps off the wall then uses the ODM gear to get onto my shoulders.

"(Y/n), if I am correct about Christa, you need to focus on her and her alone, try to sense where she is, the direction" I hear Lauren say into my ear.

I do as she says and I close my eyes, thinking and focusing on Christa, trying to sense her. After a few minutes of trying, I feel a jolt run through me and I knew almost exactly where to go, it was a bit away but I could easily get there. The feeling I got to know where she was, it was kind of like a compass, and right now she was my true north.

"Found.Her" I state through my titan mouth. I turn in the direction where Christa is and started to run in that direction.

Part 2.

POV: Christa

I was a sleep while, I'm at the ruins of Utgard Castle with some scouts along with Yimr, Connie, Reiner, and Bertholdt. The place we were at in wall rose was attacked by titans and now we are here hours later. As I slept, I held (Y/n)'s knife in my hand, I then feel a jolt run through my body and I wake up.

"What....what was that?" I thought.

"Everyone wake up!, get to the tower, Quickly!" Lynne shouts from above.

I put (Y/n)'s knife in my pocket and then quickly got up. We all rush up the stairs of the tower, when we get to the top we see the problem at hand. Their were a ton of titans heading our way, some were already at the castle. It was odd, since it looked like a wave of them, heading in our specific direction.

"We couldn't see them in the dark, but in the moon light..." Lynne says in disbelief.

"How are they moving?!, this shouldn't be possible, the sun went down hours ago!" Hemming shouts.

"What's going on?..." I ask.

"Hey guys, what the hell is that?!" Connie shouts and we turn in the direction he was pointing. We were all mortified at the sight. A tall titan that was covered in hair walked towards the wall "Is that a titan?!, I've never seen one that big, it's more like some kind of beast!, wait it's headed for the wall"

"If only (Y/n) were here..." I say.

"Well he isn't, he's probably off somewhere being dissected or something by now" Yimr states.

"Why do you have to say something like that?!" I shout at her with tears welling up in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Christa..., I didn't mean it like that.." Yimr says.

The titans were climbing the tower and were trying to break through the doors "Rookies stay here, let's let the ODM gear do what it was designed for" Nanaba says while pulling out her blades.

We watched as four scouts did their work, killing the 15 meter range of titans. They did it so effortlessly, killing titan after titan. After a bit, Lynne comes to the top of the tower.

"Titans broke through the dot of the tower. Go back down the tower and form some sort of barricade. If you can't block the , retreat back up here as a last resort" She tells us "Now hurry, the rest of us will stop more from coming in the best we can. There are a few too many so this might be it for us, but by god we will fight to the last breath. Our hearts and souls for the cause right? Now go!"

The five of us then run down the tower, Reiner runs ahead and grabs a torch from the wall "I'll go see how far ahead they've come!, you guys grab boards, rods, or whatever. Get anything you can carry!"

"Wait up Reiner!" Bertholdt says and runs after Reiner.

"Who does he think he is?, he's always has to be the one to step up?!" Connie shouts.

"I know, it's a habit of his" Bertholdt replied.

We get to the bottom of the first long spiral stair case and went to go find something. We then hear Reiner shout from a lower level "Their in the tower!, Get down here and help me!" We frantically try to find something, Bertholdt finds a pitch fork then quickly runs down the stairs.

"There's nothing useful around here!" Connie shouts as we looked around.

"Hey, will this be useful?" I question as I looked behind some crates and found an old cannon.

Yimr runs over to me and smirks "Now that's what I'm talking about, nice find Christa"

"Not a nice find if there's no ammo!" Connie says.

"Let's just use the whole thing" Yimr says.

We move things out of the way and start pushing it towards the stairs we get to to the top of the stairs and we see that a 4 meter titan was trying to get through the door. There was a pitchfork in its face, Reiner and Bertholdt were using it to keep the titan away from them.

"Guys, Heads up, in coming!" Ymir shouts below.

"Where did you find-, good work is there ammo?!" Reiner shouts.

"If only!, it was pure luck that we found this, get out of the way!" Yimr shouts.

Yimr, Connie, and I push the cannon down the stairs and at the last moment, both of them move out of the way. The cannon runs into the door and hits the titan. The door gets busted down and the titan gets crushed under the cannon.

"May miracles never cease, Huzzah" Yimr says as she slowly walked down the stairs towards the dust cloud where the door and titan used to be.

"Yeah, it's not getting up from that, thank god it was a little one" Reiner says.

I decided to stay on the stairs to keep my distance, Connie however went down the stays as well "What now?, a knife all we got. Should I cut the nape or..."

"Don't risk it, get grabbed, you'll get hurt" Reiner tells him.

"Then I think it would best that we head back upstairs for now, we don't know if that's the only one that got in..." I say then watch as a 4 meter tall titan  walks out from the door way towards Connie "Connie!!"

The titan lunges towards Connie with its mouth wide open and ready to bite. In that split second, I felt in distress, as someone else I know could die. At the last second, Reiner pushes Connie out of the way and pushes the titan's face in the opposite direction. The titan then turned its head back around and bit onto Reiner's arm. Reiner grunted in pain before getting into action. He puts the titan over his shoulders while it still bit on his arm. Yimr backed me up the stairs as Reiner started walking up the stairs.

"Holy, what are you doing?" Connie questioned and we all could see what he was about to do as Reiner moved towards the window "Wait, are you going to jump out the window with it?"

"We've got no other choice" Reiner grunts as he steps into the window.

"Hold on, wait!" Connie says as he runs up to Reiner then stabs his knife into the mouth of the titan "Just give me a second and I think I can slice its jaw open"

Connie was then able to cut the jaw of the titan open and it gave way. Reiner takes his arm out of its mouth. The titan sat there for a bit before Yimr kicked it out the window. We move back up to the upper level and we begin to barricade that door closed. I tended to Reiner's wound. I had grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured it onto the open wound. Reiner winces in pain.

"I'm sorry, I know it stings, plus the bone's most likely fractured" I tell him.

"Of course, it's about how my luck runs" He tells me.

"We need a splint and a bandage, easy enough" I say.

I stand up and started to tear at my skirt, I tore where it would now be at a mid thigh length and I sigh and say in a sorry tone "The cloth is filthy, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to wash it in forever"

I then start to wrap his arm "No sweat, it does the job" Reiner replies.

"So are you going to be alright or what?" Connie questions.

"Think so, probably" Reiner replies as I finished up.

"So uh, Christa...I got a little scratched up my self" Yimr says.

"Just spit on it or something" Connie tells her "Anyway, sorry about all that man. Seems like you're always having to save my ass. You and everyone else, I owe you a lot..."

"No no, it's fine. We have each other's back, it's what soldiers do" Reiner replied.

"Huh, I don't know...I don't think I could ever be that courageous" Connie says then looked at Bertholdt "Has always been like this?, the self sacrifice if type?"

Before Bertholdt could answer, we feel the ground below us shake as a loud sound that sounded much like an explosion came from outside.

"What the hell was that?!" Connie shouts.

It happens again and this time the entire tower feels like it was hit. We all run up the stairs to see what happens. When we get to the top, we see a hole in the top of the tower and then see Gelgar and Hanaba laying Henning and Lynne down on the ground.

"Their dead, died instantly" Gelgar says.

"This can't.." I say as I looked in disbelief.

"He did this, the one that made a B line for the wall" Connie says and runs to the edge of the tower "That son of a bitch is.....Guys!, we've got twice as many titans than before heading our way!"

"Your kidding.." Gelgar says.

"It's like their timing their attacks as some part of a larger strategy, this isn't random at all. We're being toyed with" Nanaba says.

We hear a loud, beast like roar come from the wall. The titans below began to hit the tower, trying to knock the tower down. Nanaba and Gelgar jump off the tower to fight the titans. The both of them killed a few titans, and one of the titans Nanaba killed takes out the small tower next to us. We soon watch as they ran out of gas and blades. Watching in horror as they both get eaten.

"There must be something we can do, their dying in our place" I cry out.

"Ahh god damn it, now what!, are we just going to sit around waiting for the tower to collapse so we can be eaten alive, that's it. This is all we can do, this is bullshit, being wiped pout before we could finish what we started" Connie shouts.

I looked at Connie as he sat agains there edge of the tower, some anger grew inside of me. I then looked out towards the large crowd of titans below us "This isn't over yet, if only I could go down fighting, at least be worthy of those who died for us"

"Christa please, enough with that kind of crap already okay, it doesn't suit you" Yimr says while looking at me sternly "(Y/n) left his knife with you so you can live to see him again, not to die to prove your set a hero" Yimr then walks over to Connie "Connie, where's that knife you have?"

"Why?" Connie asks.

"Just give it here" Yimr tells him.

"Fine, what ever" Connie says while giving her his knife.

"You're very sweet, thanks" Yimr states.

"Yeah, yeah, what do you even need it for any way?"

"Not much, I'm just going to give them a little hell"Yimr states.

"Okay, soo do you have a plan?" Reiner asks.

"If I do, we'll figure it out together" Yimr says then walks over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders "Christa, listen to me, I realized you've probably forgotten. But since we were facing the end, try to think back to the oath we made on the snowy mountain. I have no business telling you how to live your life, it's not my place. So I guess, when you break it down it's more of a hope. Live a life you can be proud of. Never forget the promise we made"

The sun started to rise and it shined on her face before she walked towards the other side of the tower and faces me. Yimr runs towards me then past me before jumping off the edge of the tower.

"Yimr!, Yimr!!" I shout while reaching out for her.

She begins to fall and she cuts her hand, a bright light then emerges from her with lightning all around her. A loud roar comes from the light and a then a 5m tall titan emerges from the dying light.

"Yimr...she was a titan shifter all along" Yimr begins hitting and scratching the napes of the titans below.

"Someone tell me, someone tel me it's all a dream" Connie says.

"Tell me the truth Christa, you had to of been in on all this. Yimr's a titan, how could you not know" Reiner tells me.

"She never told me, we were inseparable, and yet I had no idea.." I reply.

"I'm not sure what to think, she's been keeping it under wraps. We never suspected a damn thing" Reiner says.

"Yeah.." Bertholdt says.

"Well, it's possible she didn't know, Eren was caught off guard. He had no clue until he transformed. Then again, it did seem like she had a plan" Connie says.

"Are you trying to say Yimr is a threat?" I question.

"Maybe, it's a hell of a power to hide. How she used it is any ones guess" Connie says.

"For all we know she could of been on their side all along" Bertholdt says.

Yimr jumps onto the tower but the a pair of titans grab her legs. Her nails dug into the tower and some of the brick got lose. I looked down at her and she looked up at me. She lets go and pounces on the titans below before roaring.

"C'mon, you're kidding right, she's more worried about the tower falling down?"

"Exactly, she didn't have to stay. She could of chosen to escape, nothings keeping her here, but still, she's fighting. It's us, she's risking her life for us....why..why are you doing this" I stood on the edge of the tower while thinking a bit. Now she was pissing me off a bit "Don't you die on me, not in a hoble like this. Damn you!, you want to be a hero all of a sudden after telling me not to!, don't make me laugh. You've always been a selfish bitch an you know it!, you're going to die protecting this tower so tear it all down!!!"

Yimr roars before beginning to throw large bricks from the tower at the titans. Quickly doing it as well. The tower began then began to fall "Holy shit people, brace your selves this is happening!"

"Yeah thata girl!" I shout with a bit of excitement.

Yimr jumps onto the top of the tower and looks at us "Wanna live?, grab on tight"

We all jump onto Yimr and grab onto her hair. The tower begins to fall even more, crushing the small titans below. We held on tight, the tower hits the ground and we were thrown off of Yimr. Yimr stood in front of us as the we all coughed on the dust cloud around us. Behind Yimr, we could hear the sound of stone crumbling as titans got up.

"They're still alive..." I say in disbelief.

"Hey ugly, you've got a job to finish!" Connie shouts at Yimr.

Yimr runs towards a 10m titan that had gotten up. She bit into its neck, then another reaches up and grabbed her hair before slamming her into the ground. Many titans, ranging from 5m to 10m swarm Yimr, bitting and tearing into her skin.

"Their eating her.." Connie says.

"No-please..." I say, feeling big like about to cry.

A 15m titan emerges in front of us, walking towards us one step at a time, staring down at us. I fall to my knees, there was nothing we could do now.

"Yimr....(Y/n)...I'm sorry........(Y/n)"

As the 15m stepped closer, we could feel heavy foot steps running our way, almost like a titan was sprinting, or there were mor titans heading our way. We hear a loud roar before a titan with black armor appears out of the forest and it punches the 15m titan at full force, punching its head clean off. We looked at the titans and it was clear who it was.

"Holy shit, I've never been so happy to see a titan in my entire life" Connie says.

"(Y/n)...your alive" I say as I looked up at him with tears running down my face.

He looks at me in the eye and I feel that same jolt from earlier run through me.  We hear the sound of an ODM gear and we see Annie land in front of us, a figure jumps off (Y/n)'s shoulder and lands next to Annie, she was wearing a red and black dress.  The girl then looks at (Y/n).

"Take care of the titans" She says.

"Wait!, Those titans!, their eating Yimr!" I shout.

I see (Y/n) nod before going to deal with the titans to save Yimr. Annie and the girl walk over to us. Annie takes out a flare gun and shoots a green smoke into the air. The girl walks over to me and hold her hand out to me. I take it and she lifts me up.

"My, you must be my brothers other girlfriend. Christa correct?" The girl says with a smile and I nod then came to a realization.

"Brother?" I question.

"Mhmm, I'm his sister, dead however but alive inside him" She tells me "I'm Lauren"

(Y/n) walks our way and in his hand was Yimr in her human form. She was unconscious, he sets her down on the ground and I rush over to her. Yimr was fine, with no injuries.

"More. Titans. Incoming" (Y/n) says from his Titan form. (Y/n) then turns around with his hands up, prepared to fight.

"How did you guys find us?" Connie asks.

"(Y/n) had an ability to find Christa" Annie says while walking up to us.

We began to hear the sounds of battle and roars coming from (Y/n), we all look over and watched as (Y/n) ripped and teared titans while brutally smashing and crushing titans as well. He was acting merciless, and ruthless.

"He's acting different from when he fought in Trost" I says.

"Brutal and Ruthless" Connie says.

"Why is he acting like this?" I ask Lauren.

Lauren looked at (Y/n) and said "He's sending a warning"

"A warning?, to who?" Reiner says.

Lauren turns around and looks at us "To those who get in his way"

Behind we her, as she spoke her words, we see as (Y/n) stuck his hand into the chest of a 15m titan. I'm the light of the rising sun, we watch as (Y/n) rips the chest of the titan open and tears the titans in half. The titan falls to the ground and (Y/n) begins to stomp onto the titan again and again, confirming its death.

"Thank god he's on our side" Connie says.

(Y/n) walks over to us before getting onto one knee. He pulls himself out of his titan and he gets off his titan. As his titans behind to turn into titan steam, Lauren slowly started to fade away as well. (Y/n) walks over to us, Reiner and Bertholdt with wide eye in disbelief.

"Are you all okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, Reiner has a fractured arm however" Connie answers.

"Good, so your all alive then" he says.

(Y/n) walks over to me and gets on one knee and looks at me in my eyes "Christa, there's something I need to know"

"What is it?" I reply.

"What's your real name?...." (Y/n) asks me and I watched as his eyes slowly closed. He falls forward and I catch him. I gently lay his head in my lap to let him rest.

Annie walks over to the both of us "He must be exhausted. He was using his ability as the Guardian Titan while running for the past two hours"

"I see, so he's been trying to find us" I say.

"No, trying to get to you, and it looks like we got here in the knik of time" Annie tells me.

I look down at (Y/n) and smiled. I brushed his hair with my hands and tears welled up in my eyes "(Y/n), you came to save me... you asked me what my name is. It's Historia, Historia Reiss" I say to him.

Hello everyone, this is the end of the chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this almost 5000 word chapter, even though a good 2500~ words is just repetition. Anyways, until next time bye.

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