~All Because Of A Dare...~

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Yeet!!! It's an AU!Eren X Reader!

Two one-shots about parties in a row! Haha!

Oki! Enjoi!


Oh how you hated them.

You hate being in a crowded room, with people which you mostly don't even know, and maybe suddenly kissing someone.

Okay, especially kissing someone.

It's your motto in life, Never been kissed, and never will, you will never be kissed and you won't let that happen.

But many tired to be your first kiss, you pushed them away because you don't want to be in a relationship and in the end the boy will use you, toy you, and leave you with a much better girl with flawless skin and a sexier body.

Not that you've experienced it, your scared that would happen. And those thoughts always rattled your head.

But back to the present, you are now in front of two begging best friends to take you to a party. Much to your disagreement, but they thought of just dragging you to the party anyways.

"Tell me why am I here again?" You questioned as you looked behind your two best friends who are literally pushing you to the door of this person's party.

"Because," your best friend, (B/f/n), huffed while she rested from pushing you when you three reached the steps to the porch, "You've been ALWAYS cooped up in your house and never experienced a party!"

"That doesn't prove the point why am I here, I hate parties," you said and turned to both of them.

"And also... Your crush is here," (S/b/f/n) smiled, you groaned, "I don't care if he's here, and besides, I'm pushing my feelings away because I know in the end I'm the one in vain."

Your two friends rolled their eyes, "You and your social and relationship anxiety," (B/f/n) muttered your eyebrows knitted, "Why? It's better safe than sorry."

"For being so safe you don't even know how it feels like to be sorry," (S/b/f/n) said and you sighed, "I don't care."

You felt your two best friends give you puppy eyes, "Just for an hour or two? Thirty minuets? Fifteen minuets?" They both pleaded, and you gave in, "Fine! But when I want to go home I will go home!" You said in gritted teeth and your two best friends hugged you, "Oh thank you, (Y/n)! We promise you not regret this party!" They both said and you sighed, as you followed your two friends to the door.

(B/f/n) knocked on the door and Jean answered, "Oh you came!" He exclaimed and smiled wider when you stood behind the two, "(Y/n)! You are also here! Well isn't that a surprise, come in!" He said and opened the door wide. You three all went in.


That was all you have to say.


Loud music, crazy drunk people, and perhaps some high teenagers too. It made you overwhelmed and sick.

"Okay, I'm making it 5 minuets," You grimaced, and your two best friends sighed, "Well, let's make sure this 5 minuets will make it worth it," (B/f/n) said and (S/b/f/n) nodded, "Hell yeah, let's go (Y/n)," she said while grabbing your wrist and dragging you into the sea of crazed, drunk, maybe high as frick, teenagers.


Five minuets I said, I will go now after that I said, you sighed, it was waaaaay after five minuets, it was twenty? Thirty minuets after you came.

Your best friends made you meet and greet from their friends, like as if you care. Some boys came to you and tried to flirt with you but you'd walk away, not wanting any of it.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Come here! Let's do Truth or Dares game!" Sasha called and you sighed, "Fine."

Five minuets I said, your brain kept on telling you, After this I'm going I promise. You walked into the truth or dare circle.

"Yaaaaay!" Sasha jumped.

"Just make this quick!" You said and sat down.

"Okay!" Sasha said as she sat down too and spinned the bottle, it pointed to you.

"(Y/n)! Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," you said, no matter who are you playing with in Truth or Dare, you'd always pick Dare first.

Author: I'm like that. Understand me feeling? No? Okay then... *sulks in the corner*

Sasha grinned, so did (B/f/n), they had a little mental conversation before looking back to you, "KISS EREN FOR FIVE MINUTES!" Sasha squealed and so did (B/f/n).

Then you only knew Eren was also in the Truth or Dare circle. You blushed, he was your crush, and you highly doubt he'd like you back.

Eren looked at Sasha, blushing too, "What?!"

Sasha jumped, "KISS EREN (Y/N)!"

Mikasa smirked, "I approve."

You blushed a deeper red, "W-what?! No!"

Sasha smiled, "It's a dare, go do it!"

You blushed a much deeper shade of red.

The others now chanted "Do it! Do it! Do it!"

You grumbled and sighed, "FUCK THIS!" You said before running into Eren's place, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to you, then kissed him on the full lips.

You closed your eyes and hoped he would pull away, but he placed his hand behind your back and pulled you closer, you sat on his lap, straddling him.

Sasha, (B/f/n), and the other girls (aside Mikasa) squealed like no tomorrow, and it is called a fangirl squeal.


Eren parted and looked at you, "Well that's one way to meet," he said and you blushed.

"D-Don-n't g-get i-it i-in your h-head. I-I d-don't like y-you o-or anything!" You stammered.

Eren smirked, "I beg to differ."

You scoffed, "As if you like me."

Eren then grinned, "I wouldn't kiss you back if I didn't."

Your eyes widened, mouth agape, what did he just really say?

Sasha clapped her hands, "HEY! FIVE MINUTES ISN'T DONE YET!"

Eren held your chin and kissed you again very sweetly. You heard the other behind you sqeal, shout, hoot, and simply go crazy.

Sasha clapped her hands, "OKAY! OFF OF EACH OTHER LOVEBIRDS!" she squealed.

You didn't want to, but you pulled away, blushing so deeply red it would change the meaning of the color red. Then you stood up and ran away.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Eren said and ran to you.

Sasha pouted, "Aw, oh well! Who's next?!"


You kept on running, to where ever but not in that house EVER again. You stopped on the pond, you took deep breaths from running so much.

"(Y/n)?" Eren said behind you, you looked at him then blushed, remembering what happened.

"What?" You asked bitterly.

"I just wanted to know why did you run," Eren said.

You rolled your eyes, "Obviously from embarassment."

Eren smirked, "Why? Didn't you like the kiss?"

You blushed, "S-shut up! N-Not another word about that!"

Eren sighed, "Well, I just wanted to say..." he trailed off, and you looked at him.


"Are you free this Saturday?"



Chill down, I'd make a part two.


It's about 1200 words! I don't want to write anymore!

Goodbye readers!

Eren: BUT-


Wattpad: Publish Finished.

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