~Secret Admirer~

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Well as you can see...

It's AU!Levi X Reader.

Levi is your secret admirer~

I'm still thinking of the lemony lemony lemons... But I have no idea who am I gonna write first or how am I going to write it... *grumbles* Lemon writer's block.


You hummed as you wrote in your notebook in the classroom, it was lunch break and you were done eating, so how else are you going to enjoy it?

With writing fanfics, duh!

You were plotting and detailing most of the fanfic, you kept on humming since you were listening to music, specifically Red Swan. Until someone knocked on your table.

"(Y/n)! Hey!" Hanji said as she kept on knocking.

You took off one ear plug and looked at Hanji with irritation, "What?"

Hanji smiled, "I just heard from someone that a boy likes you~"

You rolled your eyes, "Really? Who is it?"

Hanji smiled brighter and crazier, "Oh sorry (Y/n) I can't tell you that~"

Your eyebrows knitted, "So you just told me I have a secret admirer yet you won't tell me who is it?"

Hanji nodded, "Yup! But I'll give you a hint, he's a friend of yours"

Your head tilted, you know your only boy, space, friends are Levi, Erwin, Miche, Moblit, "How is that going to help me?"

"Well, at least your list of boys would shorten up. One of your friends like you, See ya!" Hanji said and skipped to her table.

You groaned, How would that help me? I mean... I have tons of friends...


It has been a few days after Hanji told you about the secret admirer of yours. You almost forgot about that until Erwin came in the gate with Levi and Miche.

"Oh hello, (Y/n)!" Erwin smiled, you waved back to him.

Miche wrapped his arm around you, "Did you know, sweet, sweet (Y/n), that you have a secret admirer?"

You groaned, "Yes, I do, Hanji just told me a few days ago."

"Did you know he's really 'in love' with you?" Erwin said while taking a glance at Levi.

Levi grunted, "No he doesn't."

Your eyes widened, "Aw c'mon guys! Tell me who is it, you all know who is it, when the one who is being admired doesn't know!"

Miche laughed, "Well, he's super shy-"

"He isn't, just a bit anxious," Levi interrupted.

Miche rolled his eyes, "Yeah, he's just a bit anxious, and if I told you, he would knock me out in the light of speed."

You chuckled, "Really huh?"

Erwin nodded, "Really, really. He would NEVER forgive us if we told you, and not him."

You sighed, "Well he should better come and tell me now."

Miche patted your shoulder, "In time, (Y/n), in time."

You chuckled as you let go your grasp from Miche and walk into the school. This secret admirer of your gave you an idea for the fanfic you were writing, Thanks admirer! You thought.


Your friends kept on telling you about your 'secret admirer'. You hated it, since none, NONE of their clues made sense. Finally after a few weeks, you forgot about it. But thanks to him, whoever he is, you had an idea for your fanfic.

You are now in the library with your other best friend, Eren.

Eren smiled, "Psst (Y/n)," he whispered, you looked at him, "What?"

"I heard you have a secret admirer~" he said and you rolled your eyes.

"Also you? I mean, how come I don't know who he is," you whisper exclaimed, Eren chuckled, "He's short."

You rolled your eyes, "I know about that already. I have two friends who are short. So I don't even know who really."

Eren sighed, "Oh well, that's all I can give, bye," he said while waving and walking out the library.

"Seriously... Who is this secret admirer of mine?" You whispered.


You were walking home, you had enough of your secret admirer. If he shows up or not, you don't care.

You walk past the candy shop, you remembered that you used to go there with Levi, since you both live in the same street.

You walked into the shop, it still smelled like it used to before. You jumped when you say Levi.

"Levi! What are you doing here?" You asked. Levi jumped when he saw you, "Oh, I came here just for some... candy... Like before," he said while looking at the assorted candy on the shelves.

You smiled, "Yeah, like before... I wanted to buy some Taffy anyways," and leaned on the counter and asked the candy man some Taffy, while Levi ordered for Skittles.

After getting your candies, you both walked out.

"So," you said, "Wanna walk home together?"

Levi smirked a bit, "Sure."

You both walked home, like the old days, and you looked at Levi, "Hey Levi, do you know who is my secret admirer?"

Levi looked at you, "Tch, sure I did."

You looked at him with pleading eyes, "Can you tell me who is it?"

Levi sweatdropped, which he didn't normally do, "Uh... Sorry I can't."

You held onto his arm, "C'mon Levi, I am sick of those stupid clues that doesn't make sense," you pouted and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Levi looked down you, "Did someome told you he likes to clean?"

You nodded, "Yeah! I don't get it though..."

Levi poked your forehead, "One day, once he gets his anxious away."

You rolled your eyes, "You mean shyness."

"Oh he is just scared you'll say no."

"So he is scared! And shy!"

"Um, no, just worried about it, anxious."

"Don't get smart on me Levi, he is scared."

"He is not."

"How do you know?"

"Oh, he's... A close friend of mine.... Very close."



It has been a month, and when Levi said that guy likes cleaning... And Hanji said he was a cleaning so so so much that he's alreay a clean freak... Well, you found out who is he... And you are quite terrified.

Levi walked to you, "Hello (Y/n)."

You looked at him and blushed, "Uh... Hey Levi."

He looked at you with confusion, "What's wrong?"

"I... Ah... Found out who is my secret admirer," you said.

"So...-oh," He said and looked at you. You smiled.

"What would you say to him if he somehow would want to date you?" Levi asked.

You sighed, "I will say yes, if he stops reffering to himself to thrid person."

Levi smirked, a real smirk, "So (Y/n). Would you want to go out me later?"

You lean and kissed his cheek, "Sure, my secret admirer."


Was Levi OoC?

Perhaps... I really can't write Levi well... Dafuq!

Levi: Shut up you midget.


Levi: Oh but you are still short.


Levi: Are you cutting me off again?


Levi: hey I'm not yet done!


Wattpad: 1174 words, Publish Finished.

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