~Book Buddies!~

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Yea! It's mai shweet coconut boi Armin's time to shine!
(AU!) Armin Arlert X Reader
This is the one-shot I didn't finish because of shock. And I'll revise it


Books, they are the most facinating and amazing object to you, they are portals that lead you to an unknown world or an subconsious world or island that was uncovered by the author and describe this wonderful place which was waaaay better than the real world. Whatever it was, you loved reading and spent most of your time cooped up in your book in your house or library.

Right now you are skimming throught books you have read and will read, your fingers stopped when they saw a different covered book of blue, pulling it out it read 'Morrigan's Cross'. Shrugging, you went to the table and read the story while waiting for someone.

(Morrigan's Cross is a book by Nora Roberts, I've read it and I love it, I am now reading it's second book, Dance of the Gods.)

Your (e/c) orbs skimmed the page while you read the book, not noticing the blond who walked behind you and got himself also a book, you only noticed Armin's presence when he sat beside you and made you jump.

"Armin!" You chirped not too loud, he smiled, "Sorry if I was late, (Y/n)."

You returned his smile, "It's okay, Armin, I guess I was a bit early," you said and went back to your book, Armin got out his own book and the two of you started reading.

"Oh, the Book Buddies are here today," an old woman chirped, and it was the librarian, ever since you two met and both showed your love for books, every day, you two would meet up and read a book. Ms. Hamnart (completly made.up. not an OC), the librarian, gave you two a title becuse of that, the Book Buddies.
You looked away from your book and to Ms. Hamnart, "Hello, Ms. Hamnart, how are you today?" You asked.

"Trerrible, I've met up the guy I was talking about and his face in that dating app was photoshopped! I'm never using that app again," Ms. Hamnart gumble, you giggled as she waved and walked away, not wanting to disturb the two of you, you smiled as you remembered that special day that changed everything.

You held your (f/b) close as you walked around corridors and looked for your favorite spot, once you did, you were slightly upset since a blond boy sat there, you sighed and sat on the chair in front of him and started to read that story you've always read, but you never got sick of reading it over and over again, actually, it made you sparky and happy.
You skimmed over the pages for the favorite part and slightly reading it along the way. You yawned as you stood up leaving the book there to read another one, once you had found a nice book, when you came back to the table, the same blond boy started reading your favorite book, which you didn't mind, but he notice you coming and jolted a little bit.

"Sorry, were you still reading this?" He said, his voice was nice to hear, and you stared unto his beautiful blue eyes, when you noticed you were staring at him, you sat down, "No, I was just done reading it," you said, the boy hummed in response as he read the book, you used the book to cover your slightly red face and you staring at him, you sighed and just read 'Spellcaster'.

(Again a book I've also read, this one it was written by Claudia Gray and it's about witches, enchatresses, demons and the like. This was the second book, I didn't read the first one.)

There was just silence at the two of you but soon you two bumped into each other when you were returning the book to the shelves, and you sotra almost tripped if Armin didn't catch you.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked you once you straightened yourself.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you told him, you looked at him and really couldn't resist staring at his blue eyes and felt a blush creeping its way to your cheeks. Both of you didn't notice that you guys were staring at each others eyes. Once you noticed that you started walking away, but Armin grabbed your wrist.

"Hm?" You looked at him and saw a little tint of red in his cheeks too.

"U-um, w-what's y-your name?" He asked, while looking down and releasing his grip from your wrist.

You smiled, "It's (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)."

"Well, I'm Armin, d-do you always come here in the library?" He asked you.

And because of that simple conversation, the two of you became good friends. You were quite shocked when you saw him at your school, and you knew his childhood friends Eren and Mikasa. But you really had a crush on Armin, and fighting to tell him and times when you two were alone (which was A LOT of times) you didn't got your courage to tell him.

Little did you know, he felt the same way to you.

You sighed as you closed the book, for once in your life, you felt like you didn't want to read a book. So you stood up and walked around the corridors, Armin noticed this and followed you.

You were on a dark and silent part in the library and oblivious Armin was looking at you, he really liked you since the two of you met, he liked your (e/c) eyes that looked like jewels and your silky (h/c) hair that he really wanted to touch. He saw you skim the title covers of the books on the shelves, your finger tracing the books. Armin gulped, he was going to tell you now, and he will.

"(Y/n)?" Armin called and you jolted when you heard him, you looked at him and relaxed when it was only Armin.

"Oh, Armin, you scared me there," you said as you dropped your hand to your side and faced him.

Armin laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, telling her would be hard, but I will do it! He thought and stared at you, "Um, (Y/n), I-I want to talk to you," he stammered.

You nodded your head informin him to go on, and Armin slowly blushed beet red.

"I-uh, (Y/n), I-I l-like y-you," he stammered, and your eyes widened in shock and a blush made it's way to your face, you wished you misheard it but you wish you didn't the same time.

"What?" You said and Armin slumped a bit, but took a deep breath and repeated those three words with confidence even he had a beet red face already.

"I like you."

It felt like time stopped for the both of you, he said it loud and clear, and your heart fluttered for joy, instead of saying him, you wanted to show him that you liked him back. (Ya know what I mean...)

You leaned closer to Armin and gave him a soft, sweet kiss, and his eyes widened by your sudden action, but kissed you back. You rested your arms around his shoulders and he held your waist not wanting to leave a space to the two of you.

Author: Ugh, nope, I can't.

Mumu: Woman up.

Author: I've gotta get used to this...

Myoni: yeah, especially you accepted Lemons.

Author: *sigh* I knoooo.

You two parted and you blush reddened, "I like you too, Armin," you said with a smile. Armin looked at you and smiled like a dork.

"So that makes us a couple now?" He asked you.

"Wanna date later?" You ask and dropped you hands to your side.

Armin leaned and kissed your nose, "I think we already are."

You pouted, "Let's have ice creaaam!"

He chuckled and held your hands as you two walked out the library, you smiled, you two are now more than Book Buddies.


It's goddamn horrible!

Mumu: Fucking woman up.

Urrrrrrrr, I'm sorry Armin!

Armin: for what?


Armin: It's okay Cindy!

Fineee, welp, after this will be an Eren X reader so ta-ta Vonnies~!

Wattpad: 1399 words, Publish Finished.

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