~My Mother's Ring~

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Eren x Reader


After the wall was breached, and your mother died, before your mother died she gave you her ring, and you kept it and always held it close. Your father was also killed when the tried to retake Wall Maria.

Now you were homeless, and with no family, with only their memories and mementos.

Going to the present, you sighed as you walked to the mess hall, fidgeting with your mother's wedding ring that she gave to you, before it didn't fit so you wore it in a chain so it could be a necklace, but now you were old enough for it to fit, you wore it, and gotten the habit of fidgeting it.

You sat down, and looked at the other trainees, especially Eren.

You guys met after the walls were breached and you could remember it like yesterday.

You held your knees close as you sobbed, the Colossal Titan had breached Shiganshina, and all the other events happened. You were all rolled up into a ball at the side at where they give off food to refugees. You can remember how your mother died in front of you, and that made you sad the most.

"(Y/n), run!" You could hear your mother shout as she protectivly pushed you behind her, your eyes had tears and was wide with fear.

"But Mom, let's run! I'm not going without you!" You shouted as you tried to drag your mother but she stood her ground.

"Just do what I say, (Y/n)! If you run now you could still live!" Your mother shouted and looked at you, you saw the same fear in her eyes, but she hid it with courage for you to not be scared. You heard a thud, and looked in front, there was a titan and saw the both of you.

You grabbed your mother's hand, "MOM! LET'S GO! PLEASE MOM LET'S GO!" your cried, but she just stood and looked at the titan, she looked back at you and crouched down, taking off her ring.

"Take care of yourself (Y/n), I will always be with you," she said and kissed your forehead, "Don't think I am gone, I will always be with you, now please, run."

Tears streamed your eyes as you took your mother's ring, you looked at your mom and hugged her the last time and ran away. You looked back, and more tears streamed down. Your mother ran to the titan and the titan picked her up, you heard your mother's scream, but you heard a whisper, "I love you, my daughter, take care," your mother's voice called, and you saw the titan cut her in half with it's two big hands and devoured your mother.

You looked back in front, still weeping, there you bump into Hannes and the other two, and you were both brought to the boats. You weeped loud and heard a voice, loud and clear.

"I WILL KILL THEM! ONE BY ONE! ALL OF THEM!" Eren shouted, with tears streaming down his face, yes, I will kill them all, you thought as more tears streamed down your face.

You sobbed and sobbed, you weren't finished mourning for your mother.

Eren heard your sobs and looked to where the sound came from, when he saw you, he felt sorry for you and crouched down beside you. He didn't know what to do so he rubbed you back, you were shocked at first but you kept on crying, leaning to him a bit.

"It's okay," he said, and you kept crying, rubbing your tears away with your palms, Eren gave you a tissue and you used that to wipe and blow your nose.

"T-thank you," you said and he hugged you for comfort, rubbing circles to your back.

He smiled at you, and there bloomed a friendship between the two of you, and you, not really surprised, saw him on the training grounds.

You sighed as you kept fidgeting you mother's ring, you like Eren, and you really want to tell him. You then pulled out the ring and placed it back, boredom creeping you, a loud thud was heard and instantly your eyes went to the source of the noice, which was Eren throwing Jean. You rolled your eyes and unknowningly placed the ring down, heading out to the cabin.


It was time to sleep and you rolled around, thinking about something, something you forgot, you started your regular habit but when you placed your thumb to the ring's regular place, it wasn't there. You instantly stood up and shuffled your sheets looking for it.

Oh god where is it? You thought as you slowly panicked.

(Eren P.O.V)

The bell rang signaling it was time to sleep, and I was about to I go out and head to the cabins when I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

"Eren?" Armin called to me, I looked at him, "You go, I be right there," I said and he nodded, and went out.

I crouched to the floor and picked up a ring, huh, it must have fell down, I examined it and I noticed a craving inside, this was a wedding ring.

"(F/n)," it read, I looked at it's cravings and it looked like (Y/n)'s ring she always wore, she told me it was from her mother, I guess this was her mother's ring.

Hold on, what is this ring doing here?

I jolted when the door opened and I saw (Y/n) with a panicked face, I could see it in her (e/c) eyes as she looked around the room and landed on me, I sort of blushed, okay I blushed, I have a crush on her a long time and I don't know how to say it.

Author: Wing it, like what Levi did, no words, but actions.

Eren: whatevah.

Mumu: I see that you've coped.

Author: No, I'm still feeling HORRIBLE

"Uh, (Y/n) were you looking for this?" I asked as I stood up but was instantly hugged, and my blush reddened. She instantly broke the hug and got the ring.

"Thank you! I thought I lost it," she said and sighed, she the slipped it in her finger and looked at me, and me looking at her.

Silence, everywhere...

I was about to tell her I was going to leave until I felt a small peck on my cheek, I looked to her and saw her kissed my cheek.

"I, uh, consider that a thank you, Eren," she said while looking away and blushed, "and t-that, I l-like you."

It felt like time stopped, I just stared at her with wide eyes, and I can really feel my face look like a tomato.

She looked at me and looked away, sadly, so before she would think of it the other way or run away, I pecked her on the lips, soft and quick, which left her beet red.

"H-huh?" She asked dazed, I smiled, "I like you too, (Y/n)," I said, she looked at me and hugged me, and I hugged her back. Then I heard her yawn.

"I think we should go to sleep before Keith would spot us and give us a horrible punishment," I said and she broke our hug, I thought she was going to leave but gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Goodnight," she said and walked out, I stood, and smiled while I walked out and back to the cabin to sleep.

(Back to 2nd person)

You skipped happily back to the cabin, you opened the door and saw the girls either chatting or sleeping, you went to your bed and lied down, still smiling while you fidgetted the ring. You felt your eyes becoming heavy so you closed them and slept.

And tomorrow, a new day, and also a new relationship.


Tell me, is it okay?

Mumu: Just shut up and publish this.

Yea yea, here we go.

Wattpad: 1344 words, Publish Complete

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