~I'm Dating a Horse~

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You don't need to know who this guys is...

Its a Jean X Jeager!Reader everybody.



"Jean~!" You called, walking around the grounds of the old Survey Corps HQ, looking for your best friend.

"(Y/n)? Why are you looking for that horseface?" Eren, your brother, asked as he walked near you, you grinned, "N~o~t~h~i~n~g."

Eren sighed, he knows about you little crush for Jean, he almost punched him if you didn't pin him down which was hard, both you and Armin tried to pin him down, but when Mikasa came, she just dragged Eren out.

"If you are telling him now, I'm telling you, if he hurts you I will kill him," he said and walked to the castle.

You sighed and walked at the stable, "Jean~!" You kept calling, you heard Jean respond, you saw him tending his horse, you smiled.

"What is it, (Y/n)?" He asked, but you walked to the horse and petted his nose, "Jean I was looking for you!"

Jean ticked off when he saw you pet his horse calling his name, "(Y/n), I'm right here!"

You turned around, "Oh it's you, Jean, you look really the same as your horse."

"What?!" He shouted, and made you laugh, "You two look very similar, Jean!"

You kept on laughing and the horse whinned, "See? Your horse agrees!"

Jean blushed this time, hearing you laugh, her laugh is so cute he thought. When you finally pulled yourself together you looked at him, "What?"

Jean looked away, "Y-you're c-cute," he stammered, and that left you blushing. You balled you fist and punched his side, "SHUTTAP!"

(Ok, I guess I made you a tsundere, but oh well!)

Jean laughed, "You're also cute when you're all flustered up, (Y/n)" he teased, and made you redder.

"D-do you mean it?" You asked, looking at him, and he blushed.

"I-uh, um," Jean looked away, and you looked down.

"Yes, I do," Jean said and you looked up at him surprised.

"Really?" You asked.

You jumped when he kissed you, "I mean it," he said one you two broke away.

You smiled and kissed him back, "I like you, too."

He smiled at you and you laughed for no reason.

"I'm dating a horse~!" You shouted and ran.

"Hey!" Jean shouted and ran after you.


Shit, it's short.

Mumu: stop cursing.

I hate short stories, but I was out of ideas so, yeah...

Myoni: You can do this, Master!

Yea, yea...

Wattpad: 428 words, Publish Finished

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