Bored? Let's Play!

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Yassssss, Various X Reader ft. Writer and Gang part two!
Mumu are you pumped?!
Mumu: No, f you.
Myoni are you pumped?!
Myoni: HEC YAAA!


You walked around the halls sighing, you yelped when a hand grabbed your arm and dragged to the broom cupboard and saw Levi in there.

"Levi? What the hec-?" You were about to asked but was silenced with his lips, you blushed and looked at him.

"Stay quiet, I heard from the cat and dog those two shitty glasses thought of another game," Levi whispered.

You groaned, and stayed silent since you also didn't want to play the whatever game it would be, you also blushed since that Levi was so close to you.

It was only silent until you heard footsteps. "(Y/n)?" You heard Eren's voice, and another pair of footsteps

"Mikasa have you seen (Y/n)?" You heard Eren ask.

"No, but I think I saw her somewhere here," you heard Mikasa.

"Hm," Eren looked at the broom cupboad, he smiled, "(Y/n), you can't escape those games~". Mikasa raised her eyebrow but understood, then just stood there while Eren slowly reached for the door, once he opened it you ran away.

"H-heichou?!" Eren jolted as he saw Levi with his death glare, and Hanji skipped and saw the three.

"Oh there you are Levi~. Me and Cindy have a new game," Hanji said and saw you being pinned by Mumu, using his Dark Strength power. You tried to brake free from his grasp but he's as ficking strong as a stone golem.

"Let. Me. Go. You. Gray. Cat!" You elbowed Mumu from his side but still strangled you.

"Resisting will make things worse, (Y/n)~" Mumu purred, and Cindy walked in with Myoni, she rolled her eyes, "Myoni, be a dear and help (Y/n) be free from Mumu's grasp."

Myoni sighed as she used her own powers, Loyal Royal, and used her paws to take off Mumu's hands and held him. You ran behind me, "Those animals of yours are MAD."

Myoni winked, "The best people are dear."

"Tch, what is this game you two shitty glasses have been thinking now?" Levi asked as he glared at Hanji and Cindy.

Hanji and Cindy grinned and looked at everyone, "Cops and Robbers!" They both jumped.

"But," Hanji trailed off, "My version!" Cindy finished while jumping.

Hanji nodded, "Yes, yes, Cindy's version of cops and robbers."

"And how does it work?" Eren asked.

"This same as Cops and Robbers, and just do anything in your power, if you are a cop, capture the robbers, but robbers can also strangle cops, tying them up with this," Cindy showed a white thin cloth, "The team that captures the other team wins, either cops or robbers."

"And we've set occasional traps here and there so, this will be fun!" Hanji jumped and skipped away.

Levi 'tched' again,"Let's just get this over with."

Cindy nodded, "Delightly."


You walked around the forest with the 'capture tape'. You are a robber, and you looked up and saw two figures on the tree branches.

"Cindy and Mumu, show offs," you muttered as the pink haired girl and neko boy jump from branch to branch. You looked up and saw Cindy signaling you to hide in one of the bushes, you nodded and did so, creeping and saw Eren, Jean, and Myoni. Eren seems to be seems to be picking a fight with Jean and Myoni is trying the best of her powers to cool things down. You saw Cindy with her hand up, signaling to wait.

"You two stop! I can smell master and the others and stop that diddly daddly nonesense!" Myoni shouted as she finally pushed the two away from each other.

"Wait, what?" Eren said with wide eyes.

"I can smell them I'm a dog for goodness sakes!" Myoni exclaimed as she paced around, "But I don't know where are the traps ARRRR-!"

She was held up by a net and screaming all the way, you looked at Cindy and saw her hand go down, signaling to go, you nodded and held Jean and tied his arm, with a bow when you finished.

"Look at you, you look like some present!" You exclaimed at Jean who blushed.

"ONE DOWN, COP!" You shouted.

Eren ran to you but was plummeted down by Mumu, who had ochre eyes, not yellow, "Let's tie you up shall we~?" He said and tied Eren's hands together.

"ONE DOWN, COP~!" Mumu shouted.


"Heichou! Two cops are down!" Connie shouted, Levi 'tched' "Where?"

"Over there, I can hear it!" Sasha shouted as she ran to the fighting ground, and so far... Eren was tied up, and gagged, Jean was tied up too by a tree, and also Myoni, who was brought down the net and instantly tied, upside down, but no signs of either the attackers.

"Heichou! U-up t-t-there!" Eren warned in his sort of gagged state, (Cindy is the cause of that.) Levi looked up and saw a pair of magenta eyes.

"Hallo~ Heichou~!" Cindy shouted as she plopped down and knocked Connie out. Then instantly tied the white cloth around his arm.

Levi then lounged on Cindy but she blocked it, Sasha was rather preoccupied with Mumu's stealh attacks.

A shout was heard, "ONE DOWN, ROBBER!"

Cindy gulped as she dodged Levi's attacks, if she leaves now Levi will have time to free Eren, Jean and Myoni but if she doesn't she's dead meat.

Oh right, that's what she thought until you plopped on top of Levi, "Thanks (Y/n)."

"That little tree trick was a fine one," you said as you tied both of Levi's hands and tied him to a tree.

"I. Can't. Believe. You. Made. Me. Lie. On. Dirt," he said.

You waved it off and looked at Cindy as she saw Mumu tie up Sasha, "Whatever, let's go to the captured robber," Cindy said and climbed the trees swiftly, Mumu nodded and climbed along, you just stayed at the ground just in case.

You three saw Hanji and Armin tied up, you hid at the bushes while Cindy scouted the area and saw Reiner, she jumped from tree to tree and knocked Reiner out, tying up the cloth, "GO!" she shouted to you and Mumu.

Bertold ran to Mumu and Mumu dodged, then punched him in the stomach. You got a small dagger and cut the cloth loose, freeing Hanji and Armin.

"Thanks~!" Hanji said and Armin nodded. You three watched the two versus one fight. Cindy managed to tie Berthold's arms up even for his tree like height and Mumu tied his legs.

"TWO DOWN, COPS, WE WON!" Cindy shouted while jumping.

But that's not the end...

After the game Levi made you and everyone fix the mess and clean.

But that's not the end of the games.


Woooo done!
Mumu: Is it okay to show my powers I mean it's evil...
Daijobu, daijobu!
Myoni: That was some nice fun!

Wattpad: 1180 words, Publish Finished

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