~I Miss You~

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Marco X Reader

If you cried, and felt the feels, here have a tissue since I'm heartless.
Mumu: She doesn't cry on sad parts on any movie or book so, ya, she's heartless.


You walked along the lake where you once met Marco, you sighed. You sat down as you remembered when you first met him.

You walked out of the cabins one time for a little walk before the early training, you huffed as you sat down on the grass as the rising sun crept up to the sky.

"U-um, g-good morning," a voice said behind your back, you looked behind and saw a freckled boy smile as he walked up to you. You smiled, "Mornin."

"What are you doing up so early?" He asked.

You sighed and stood, "Just some excersing."

He nodded, and you looked at him, you felt a heat rising up your face, you looked away before he saw you staring.

"So," Marco said that broke the silence, you looked at him, he held out his hand, "I'm Marco, Marco Bodt."

You smiled and held his hand, "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)"

And there bloomed a friendship and also feelings.

You stood up as tears streamed down your face, you rode your horse and galloped back to the old HQ before anyone noticed you were gone. Once you were at the castle you brought your horse to the stable and walked along the halls of the old castle, it was midnight and you just wanted to be alone.

"(Y/n)? Where were you?" You hear Jean behind you ask, you didn't look back, but you just sighed, "I was out for some fresh air."

You felt Jean hug you, "I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

"For what?" You asked him.

"I-I know you went to the lake today, where you met Marco, I'm sorry, I wish I could've saved him," Jean mumbled, more tears streamed down your face.

You smiled, but still your eyes held sorrow, "Marco wouldn't want us both to be like this. He would want to see us smile," Jean said, you sighed, "I just want to be alone, please," you said as you broke from the hug and opened the door to your room.

You closed the door behind you and plopped down your bed, crying some more, until you closed your eyes as sleep came and had some kind of nightmare or dream together.

You looked around you, it was only white, even if it was white, it wasn't bright. You walked around this void, looking around. You looked down and saw more endless white below you, but it felt like there was ground, sighing, you kept walking.

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice called you around this white void, you looked around and ran looking for that voice while tears streaming down your face.

You stopped your tracks and saw the boy you've seen dead, the boy who you love, more tears streamed down your face as you ran to him and hugged him, "M-Marco!"

You sank deeper to his chest, crying, you felt his arms wrap around you and held you close. You kept crying, you looked up and place on hand on his cheek, "I-I miss y-you."

He smiled, "I know, I know."

You cried and looked down, "I miss you," you repeated.

"(Y/n)," you looked up, "Don't keep yourself down, I'm not gone, I will watch over you," he said and hugged you close, "You and Jean."

You cried, and Marco leaned forward and kissed you, you kissed back, "You will?"

"I will," Marco said, and rested his forehead on yours, "And I'll miss you too," he said while kissing your forehead.

You wished you wouldn't wake up this dream, "(Y/n)?" You heard him say your name again, "Yes?" You ask.

"I want you to live on, live on with someone else," he said.

"But, Marco!" You said but he silenced you, "I don't want you to feel sad because of me. I want you to remember I will always look after you. I also want you not to be alone, I don't want you sad, (Y/n)."

You bit your lip and nodded. "The first person you see, I want you to live on with that person," Marco said as he kissed you forehead and made you wake up from this dream.

You gasped, tears dried up on your cheeks, you felt the sun pass your window and on your skin. You looked up and smiled, and headed out.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Jean, you looked back, and you heard Marco's voice repeat in your mind, the first person you see, I want you to live on with that person. You smiled, and hugged Jean, "Jean, I think Marco came to me last night."

"Oh?" He said.

"He said to live on, and that he will always look after us," you said.

You heard Jean chuckle, "Finally you're smiling, you looked ugly when you are sad."

"Hey!" You said as you hit his head, which made him laugh, finally, after those days, you laughed as well.

Up above, Marco was looking at you and Jean, he smiled, "Finally you laughed, I don't want you sad, both of you."

After that dream of yours, you and Jean became a couple, and you've gained some kind of confidence to fight, you knew Marco would look down on both of you. And that made you happy.


I dunno, eh, eh, eh...

Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh...

Mumu: What are you doing?

Eh, eh, eh.... eeeeeeeh...

Myoni: Just publish this already if you don't have anything to say.

Ya, ur right...

Wattpad: 958 words, Publish Finished

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