Bored? Let's Play!

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Another Various X Reader ft. Writer and Gang, annnd, MUMU DRUMROLL PLEASE!

Mumu: *rolls his eyes* *does the drumroll*



Carolina: Yaaaaaaaay!

Hope ya'll enjoyed!


You walked in the mess hall and bump into a raven haired girl with coral eyes.

"I'm sorry," you said and the girl smiled.

"Nah, it's alright," she said and looked around, "Have you seen Mumu?"

"What? What do you need from him?" You asked.

"Eh, Cindy and Hanji are think-"

"CAROLINA THOURENBROUGH! Don't even dare to spoiler that woman!" Cindy shouted.

"What the hell, you have a long last name," you gasped and Carolina just chuckled.

And Mumu walked in the mess hall and looked at the three of you, and you three looked at him, "What?"

"Mumu! Cindy needs your help!" Carolina called to him.

"I've already done help Cindy for the next game," Mumu sighed.

Levi entered then he groaned once he heard Mumu say 'game', "What is the game this time?"

Cindy smiled, "Heheheheh, drunkness."

"What is the game?" You rolled your eyes at Cindy.

"GETTING DRUNK!" Cindy yelled and waved out her arms dramatically. And you sighed, this is going to be a looong night.


After everyone came to the mess hall, Carolina grabbed the whiskey (and since I have the anime power I'll also add vodka hahaha) and vodka.

"What's that?" You asked as Carolina placed down the alcohol.

"One is whiskey and the other is vodka from Cindy's little reserve," Carolina said and also got the shots.

"Hey! My vodka!" Cindy called once she saw her bottle of vodka on the table.

"Don't worry, you'll drink it," Carolina assured.

"So what's this game?" Eren asked, and Cindy giggled, "Let's drink this shall we?" She said and nodded to Carolina who lined up shots of whiskey and some shots of vodka. The others got it and drank it.

"So what is this game?" Eren asked.

"I know!" Armin suddenly shot up his hand like those in school who knows the answer and pointed to Cindy, "She wants to know who will drop down first."

Suddenly Eren, Jean, and Reiner stood up.

"Hey where are you boys going?!" Cindy called.

"I might wake up with make-up again or is on top of Jean," Eren said.

"That was horrible...He was shouting HORSIE at me!"

"And I don't wanna wake up from a horrible hungover."

"NOOOPE! Once you drank your in!" Cidny laughed and the three groaned hoping they didn't drank it.

"Tch, I'm sure I'll win," Levi tched.

"Whatevah Levi, let's gulp!" Cindy jumped and all of you drank another shot, then another, then another...


After the... 15th shot, lets just say... Everyone is hella drunk, *Can't contain laughter*.

You are on the floor holding Cindy's vodka bottle since you grabbed it and drank it, and for Cindy, she wobbily stood up from the table and sang, "I have a dreaaaaam.... I have a dreaaaaam... I wanna see the floating lanterns GLEAAAAAM!" And then she fell down to the floor after she shouted the last word.

Levi, who is wearing a princess outfit with a matching crown, was still drinking and Reiner also, but both of them already plopped down before they got to drink the shot. Hanji was on the corner laughing maniaclly, and looking at the others.

Carolina was on top of Armin's chest and snoring while Armin was also snoring and they were both on the floor.

Eren was on Mikasa's lap sleeping, who was sitting down on the bench and sobering up.

Jean was also down on the floor with the words 'HORSEFACE' on his forehead, and nobody knew who wrote that.

Berthold was sweating a lot and was knocked out while still standing.

Sasha was also drunk and had food pieces around her mouth as she gobbled up half of the food supplies a while ago, and Connie had also words on his forehead, 'AVATAR',  and who wrote that, was of course Cindy.

Historia and Ymir were also passed out, and were sleeping in each others arms.

Mumu and Myoni are actually the only ones standing, but they continued to drink but still they didn't got knocked out so they just looked around the mess hall and laughed, "This is beautiful."

"Should we picture this?"

"Yeeeaaaa," Myoni said as she got her phone.

"Heheh, I'll go get the camera too," Mumu said and walked in the portal to the real world office, and went out the portal with a camera, and the both of them pictured everyone's drunk asses while laughing.


You streched as the light pass through your eyes, you looked down and saw Cindy's vodka on your hand and it was empty, you gulped, knowing she'll kill you.

You looked around, Mumu and Myoni made the situation funnier. Cindy wore a Rapunzel costume, Levi was still on his beautiful princess costume and his matching crown with engraved flowers, but he had MAKE-UP, he had beautiful rosy cheeks and a matching pink lipstick, purple eyeshadow and cat-eyes eyeliner, he also had fake eyelashes. Jean had a mustache drawn over his face and he was wearing baret while holding a baguette, then he also have a mole below his lips and he was wearing hot bright red lipstick.

Reiner had a doodle on his arm and Berthold was wearing make-up, a nice red lipstick and red blushy cheeks. And seems like Mumu and Myoni enjoyed the make-up service since Armin, Eren, and Connie were all wearing make-up.

Armin had a simple red tint on his lips while he had eyeliner and mascara.

Eren had green eyeshadow and bright red lipstick and he had a pink blush-on.

Connie had orange matte lipstick and very VERY red cheeks, makeing him look like a very red tomato. And he also had red eyeshadow.

And you, you saw your refelction and saw they also doodle all over your face, you had two circles on your cheeks like blush and they drew circle glasses and a lighting on your top forehead. You groaned as you stood up to hope you could wash it off.

Walking back to the mess hall with your face finally clean, you saw them all stirred and woke up, seeing the boys with their make-up, they looked beautiful and you laughed.

Carolina looked at Armin and laughed her ass of too, "What?" Armin asked.

"S-S-See for yourself!" Carolina laughed as she gave Armin a mirror.

And as if on cue, Mumu and Myoni came in and laughed.

"Look who's the prettiest men in the whole world!" Myoni fell down from laughter.

The other boys looked at themselves and looked at Myoni, "You did this!"

"Haha, I don't regret it!" Myoni straighten herself and held Mumu shoulder for support.

"Oh look at you Jean, you look beautifully Frenchy," Cindy snickered.

"Well we also have two princesses," Mumu said, and you laughed.

Levi opened his eyes and looked at his dress, "What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Wearing?"

Cindy giggled, "You are a Disney princess Levi."

Hanji also woke up and looked at Levi, then laughed.

"Who-Who did that?" Hanji asked.

"Yeah, who did this?" Levi asked irritably.

Mumu and Myoni gulped, then ran away.

"COME BACK HERE," Levi said and chased after the two.

After that, Levi never got the chance to catch Mumu or Myoni. And all of you still laughed your asses off.




Mumu & Myoni: We'll do it again!


Wattpad: 1268 words, Publish Finished.

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