~I'm a Monster~

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Uhhh, I'm sleep deprived, I have practice tomorrow and I feel totally upset about it and it's like God condemed me not to sleep AGAIN.









Well along the way I thought of this soo...

AU!Eren X Monster!Reader...

I getting my sad feels on for some reason...


Your P.O.V

They say I'm a monster...

And maybe because I am one...

This being I have been putting in chains inside me.

I can't take it...

Back to 3rd person

You walked out your house sighing, you locked the gate and walked to school. You are a monster. But you never met the monster inside you, all you know is that it's so scary that your parents left you alone because of that.

You didn't even knew how this monster came inside you... But... It always gave you hell.

Entering the school gates you bump into a guy.

"Hey! Watch it!" He shouted at you and you just kept your head low, the boy started to rant and called you names.

"You bitch! You better watch out where you are going! Do you know who I am?! I am the principal's son! What if you hurt my feet?!" He shouted and you looked away, the start of school and your off to a good *sarcastic* start.

"I'm sorry," you said and 'tried' to walk away but the boy grabbed your arm, you looked back at him, but hoping not scaring him a bit since your eyes started to change from (e/c) to full black, because the monster inside you got pissed.


No, you calmed the monster in you, and looked away before sliding your arm away from the boy and walked away.

"MONSTER! SHE'S A MONSTER!" The boy yelled and shook, what he saw in those black eyes were the intention if the monster and he could hear people's voices pleading.

Tears streamed down your face as you walked into the hall... What a beautiful day to really start school... *sarcastic*


You shoved your books in your bag and started to walk out, along the halls, a hand grabbed you and pulled you into the side of the locker.

"Well, look what we have here?" The same boy from a while ago said as he pinned you from escaping with two big buff guys at his side.

"Can't you just leave me?" You snapped, a bit irritated by the boys who chuckled.

"Those who bump into my way should be punished, and I know the perfect thing to do~," he glared at you with predator's eyes... But sad thing is that if he continues this, he'll be prey.

The boy punched you to the stomach and you gasped as the fist made contact and made you vomit, but you kept it in, you rolled your hands into fists but the two big guys pinned you to the lockers and the boy continued to punch and kick you.

After that pain and everything. The three boys tied you up in the janitor's locker and locked the door... Everywhere there was bruises and they also stripped off your clothes and left you in your underwear in which everywhere there was bruises from the punches.

You weeped, but inside, the monster was planning revenge and growled, JUST LET ME OUT!

No, you repeated. Then a memory flash through your mind.

You were heading back home and skipping along the way, yes, this memory was the time you had that being inside you. You walked the streets, bright and beaming. This attacted a monster, who was looking at you in the dark, this had rolling (h/c) fur and horns, it also had jagged teeth and looked at you, it grinned. You are the perfect prey for it.

Along the way, you walked to the normal place you'd go when you are heading home, like the park's forest. Today it was dark but you weren't scared, I think you should've.

In the corner of your eye, a figure ran in the shadows, you stopped your tracks, and looked around. The monster started circling you and lunged on you. And then... It became black. That was all you remember.

But once you woke up from your trance, you are in your house, blood was on your lips and school uniform, your mother and father looked at you with fear, you looked up to them.

"Mom? Dad?" You asked, but they still stared at you. Like you were some kind of monster.

Author: Cuz u are one!

Mumu: no shit, Cindy.

Author: *^* Shuttap!

"Mom, Dad, are you guys okay?" You asked while standing up and attempted to hold them but the both backed away.

"S-stay away f-from u-us! Y-you monster! W-what d-did y-you do to o-our sweet (Y-Y/n)?!" You father shouted, you stood there in shock, and your mother teared up.

"But, it's me! It's (Y/n)!" You said and tried again to hold your father's hand but he pushed your hand away.

"No! You killed my daughter! You monster! I won't fall into that trick again! Look what you did to (B/n)!" Your father shouted and you looked back and saw... Your brother's corpse, with bite marks.

(Okay... You are like a ghoul... or the ailens in Parasyte... That's kinda cool but this monster is a demon that eats people and uses a person as it's host to lure it's 'food' to it. It's made up. I have a story with the same thing about demons eating people... Ya know what let's go back to the stowie)

Tears welled down... You ate your brother. You are a monster.

After that your parents left you. But they still gave you money and allowance since they believe maybe some of your soul is still in your body. You, on the other hand, lived a wretched life of transferring one school to the other in fear of that monster berserking and suddenly eats the whole school.

You cried, I'm a monster, you thought. And cried some more... Hoping someone will save you.

Eren's P.O.V

I was heading out the school when I heard crying, and it came to the janitor's closet. I leaned closer to the door and heard someone.

"Help... Me.... Please," it's voice was almost inaudible but I managed to hear it, my eyes widened and held the doorknob and tried to rotate it, but it wouldn't budge!

I slammed my fist to the door, "Hello?! Can you hear me?! I'll get help don't worry!" I said and went to get a teacher.

I found a teacher, Mr. Ocea (an OC) I instantly told him the problem, the turqiouse haired teacher nodded and went to get the keys. I went back to the locked door of the closet, Mr. Ocea came with the keys and opened the door, revealing a (h/l), (h/c) girl with bruises everywhere. I gasped and saw she was only wearing her underwear and made me blush.

"What the?" Mr. Ocea gasped as he saw the girl's state, "Eren stay here and untie (Y/n) I'll go get the nurse," Mr. Ocea said and I nodded, then he left.

I untied her from the rope that held her, then set her down. I placed her on my lap and her hair covered her face, so I brushed it away and saw two closed eyes filled with tears. And... she was... beautiful even with those poor bruises she has. I jumped when she moved and curled up in a ball. She must be cold so I gave her my jacket.

I looked around maybe I might find some of her clothes and I saw the skirt and the blouse, I got it and I placed it on top of her, hoping she might become a little bit warmer.

"Hn?" She muttered as her one eye opened, she had pretty (e/c) eyes... It looks like jewels to me.

"W-what happened?" She asked as she looked around.

"Shh, it will be okay (Y/n)-chan, everything will be alright," I reassured her and she sank deeper to my lap.

"T-thank you," she muttered before sleeping again, and Mr. Ocea came with the school's nurse Usagyuun. (okay that's another OC... She's a half bunny but here she's just a person...)

They then carried (Y/n) to the infirmary, I haven't seen her yet so I guess she must be new here...


Back to 3rd P.O.V

You opened your heavy eyelids, looking around to what seems like an imfirmary. Although you can remember small peices of it, you remember someone bang the door, and assure you... Whoever they were, you thanked them.

"You're awake," a high sort-of squeaky voice said, Usagyuun, the kind of shy school nurse, checked on you.

You tried to sit up but Usagyuun stopped you, "Don't, take a rest, I've treated your cuts and bruises. You need to heal," she said.

"Who... Who saved me?" You asked, and then the door opened and entered a brunet boy with green eyes, he looked around and once his gaze fell on you, he smiled, "You're awake!" He said and walked over to your bed, Usagyuun smiled at the two of you, before the light brown haired girl stood up and left the two of you alone.

The brunet boy sat next to your bed, "Y-you... Did y-you save m-me?" You asked and the boy nodded, "Yes, I did."

You looked down, "Thank you... Uh..."

The brunet smiled, "Eren, my name's Eren Jeager."

You looked at him and smiled too, "My name's (Y/n) (L/n)."

He chuckled a bit, "I know."

You giggled as well.

Maybe... Even if you are a monster... You can find love...


I can't believe it...

Mumu: What?

I slept... And I finished this right after I woke up... It feels good to sleep. ( ; ^ ;)

Myoni: Awww, it's okay master!

Oh well, I finished this...









Anyways! Bai-bai Vonnies (HOLD ON WHAT HAPPENED TO ta-ta?!)

Wattpad: Holy Gravy 1702 words! Publish Finished.

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