~It's Not a Joke, I Like You~

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This is AU!Connie X Reader.

Oh well!


You sat at the park, waiting patiently and looking at the people and hoping the person you are waiting for will show up from the crowd.

Who were you waiting for?

"(Y/n)!" A familliar person called, you looked back and saw him smiling which made you smile too.


Author: Who else would it be?


Author: Shut up Esteban.

Esteban: Neigh?

Author: Don't worry I wuv you Esteban.

Esteban: Neigh ♡♥

Mumu: Call the asylum my master is confirmed a mad woman.

Cindy: Grrr, *grabs tuna pillow* *gets a slingshot* *stretching back the slingshot with pillow*


You stood up to greet your friend and he instantly gave you a big hug, you blushed and hugged him back.

"Sorry I made you wait," Connie laughed a bit, you smiled, "It's nothing."

You and Connie had been best friends since, well, since you were young. He came to your neighborhood and everything changed, mostly because he made you smile because you are a depressed wreck in such young age.

You sniffed, wiping your eyes furiously as tears welled down without your permission and you are trying so hard to fight them back, but the more you fight them back they keep coming, which made you grunt and wipe them more furiously.

Why are you crying? Well, your parents have been fighting. You always hear their shouts and misunderstandings and mostly your mothers cries, which broke your heart the most. Papa said he loved Mama, but why is he making her cry like that? You always question every night. Your big sister told you nothing bad will happen but you can feel it, something bad will happen.

And the reason they are fighting? Your father cheated your mother on another woman, much to brake it, the woman was a... whore. And your father denies he did something or tries to change the story, but you just heard it from their last fight.

It's over, I'm getting a divorce, I've had enough with you! Your mother's words ring in your ears. And you and your siser got bullied because of that, your father was kicked out, this, this was hell.

Back to where you were, you hugged your knees close, you are hiding in some shrubs in the park, the bullies teased and hurt you and you all want to do is to cry.

It's your fault your parents are getting separated! The bullies words replayed in your mind. Was is because you were not a good daughter? Was it because you were a brat? Questions racked your brain and you also blamed yourself.

You kept crying, until you heared rustling, maybe the bullies, "U-uh..." you look up to see a boy sheepishly walking to you, he handed you a tissue "H-Here," he said, you got the tissue, and blew your noes, "T-thank you..."

The boy sat beside you, "It's okay," reassuring you and patting your back.

After that day, Connie was your friend when you were sad, but most of the time he'll crack up a joke or two just to see you smile. He was a nice friend.

But things got little tricky for you. You can't be near him without feeling butterflies, or your heartbeat in your ears, or when Connie compliments you you'd blush beet red.

You understood, that, you like him.

But you don't tell him, he might not like you back and you'd end up a depressed wreck you were before.

"Come on! I'm gonna treat you today!" Connie smiled at you.

"But... That's okay with you?" You tilted your head as you questioned him.

Connie laughed, "Yes, so that next time you'll treat me!"

"Wha-?! Hey!" You playfully slapped his shoulder and he laughed making you laugh as well.

Well, even if this guy's jokes are corny sometimes once he laughs you laugh along.

Connie grabbed your hand and you blushed, "So were do you wanna go? I'm guessing ice-cream."

You rolled your eyes, "You know me too well."

Connie nodded, "Ice cream it is!" He said while you two hold hands to the ice-cream shop.


Once you were there you intantly ordered (f/ic (favorite ice-cream)) and Connie ordered matcha ice cream. And the two of you ate at the table near the window. Connie throwing a joke or two about some people in school. And you just find it very corny you laugh along. (I'm not the greatest joker, so I won't write some jokes)

But all in your mind was why was he treating you? Was there a special reason? Then it hit, it's the day you two met, and the day your parents divorced. You mentally chuckled for not knowing that much.

"So, you know what day is it, (Y/n)?" Connie asked.

You chuckled, "Today's the day I met the great joker Avatar."

Connie looked at you with wide eyes, "Did... Did you just joke?" He asked while smiling.

"Yes, why?" You tilted your head.

"Your a sacrastic joker," Connie laughed.

You chuckled, "I'm sarcastic."


After ice-cream, you two went to the arcade, then ended back to the park before you'd walk back home.

You smiled, "Thank you for today Connie."

"Anytime, just make sure you'd treat me back," Connie smirked, and you looked at him, "Fine."

You two stopped at the bench, you chuckled, "This is like a date."

Connie smiled and blushed, "Because it is."

You looked at him after processing those words with a blush, "Is that a joke?"

Connie shooked his head, "Nope! I really like you, and it's not a joke."

You raised your eyebrow, but sighed, blush creeping more of your skin, "I-I like you too... I just thought you-" you were cut off by a kiss, "Don't go drepressed mode on me," Connie told you and you smiled.

"See you next time," You said, "And I'll treat you."

"Nah, I was just joking. Don't treat me next time," Connie waved it off, "But I was really wasn't joking I like you, not a joke. So don't rack quetions on your anxious brain."

You rolled your eyes and laughed, "Yeah, I know."

"Bye, (Y/n)."







Mumu: Someone devolumize her voice!!!


Mumu: Seriously!

Myoni: WHAT?!

Wattpad: 1083 words, Publish Finished.

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