Bored? Let's Play!

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Various X Reader ft. Writer and Gang...

I got the idea from another AoT one-shot by eliryo

Don't worry, eliryo-chan, I will revise and write this one-shot my way and mash it to another one-shot, but it's not AoT.


ENJOI! \(Ο ω Ο)/

You plopped your head on the table in the mess hall, again, another boring day.

You raised your head and Connie yawned, "I'm bored..." Your eyes widened in fear.

Bored, that word was almost the worst word to say because, Cindy slammed opened the door and had sparkles, everywhere.

"Hmmmm, your bored? Let's Play!" Cindy jumped and clapped her hands giddly.

"N. O," You said and shake your head.

"Aww, c'mon (Y/n)! Let's play Hunter and Hunted!" Cindy jumped.

"Hunter and Hunted? What's that?" Eren asked.

"A simple game of two groups, Hunter and Hunted. Hunter finds Hunted, Hunted tries to run away from the Hunter for at least when the time is over," Cindy explained.

"I still hate that you made me go through that test of courage," you muttered, and Cindy laughed, "You were scared?!"

"No!" You exclaimed with flushed cheeks.

"Anyways, right now, Hanji and the others are fixing the forest before we do the game sooo," Cindy got out the same top hat, "Let's start the name picking!"

Cindy: This time I asked his permission...

Mumu: You better did.

Jacob: My top hat!

Cindy: I'll give it back to you 'kay?!


You walked around the dark forest, leaves crunching below your feet, you are part of the Hunted group, and your team agreed that you would spilt up in twos. Unluckily, Levi is in the Hunter group along side Cindy and Hanji. So sarcastic great.

"(Y/n), wait," Mumu called, you stopped and looked at the half cat, "What?"

You see Mumu's ears twitch from side to side, he was scanning the surroundings, "A hunter?"

He nodded, you both then ran until Mumu grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside a pile of leaves.

"Oh where are they?" Myoni's voice called the forest.

Myoni looked at the silent Cindy, and she shrugged. She's not noisy since they will notice her.

The two kept walking, Myoni purposely made her walking louder to die out Cindy's footsteps.

"It's only one," you whispered and looked at Mumu, but Mumu shook his head, "No, Cindy's with her, they always do that in this game, Myoni purposely make everything louder so that no one will notice Cindy. Then once someone will try and run away since they believe it's only Myoni, they will be caught," he whispered.

You heard Myoni sniff, only a few minutes and that dog will notice you and Mumu.

"Four," Myoni said and Cindy looked at her, Cindy nodded and walked away when Myoni pointed the direction.

Four? You thought. You then heard Myoni walk around the bushes, looking for you two, you saw Mumu grab a stone and threw it away, making a noise.

"Oh, so they went that way, such clumsy people," Myoni said and ran to that direction.

You two went out and you gave Mumu a 'wtf' face.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't believe that would work," you said.

"Myoni is the most naïve and stupid person more than anyone I met, more naïve and stupid than Cindy. If Myoni wasn't, she wouldn't be in my top list," Mumu shrugged.

"But don't you like her?" You asked and Mumu jolted, you know since his gray tail jolted too. You saw some blush creeping on his cheeks.

"No. And tell me why did our conversation went there?" He asked and you smiled widely.

"So you like her!" You exclaimed not to loudly.

"Sh!" Mumu hissed and walked away faster, you smiled brightly since you saw his ears are reddening.

Who knew that teasing someone who has a crush on someone else was so fun?

(Y/n): so do you like her?

Mumu: NO!

Myoni: Who?

(Y/n): oh Myoni it's you know that-

Mumu: *covers (Y/n)'s mouth* That she likes sushi more than anything!

Myoni: What?

Cindy: MYOMU!

Mumu: Shut up!

Myoni: ... *blushes*

Mumu sighed and kept walking in front of you. You stopped your tracks when you heard repeated footsteps, like as of running. You see Mumu also stop.

You looked back and saw Sasha and Armin run, "(Y/n)! Mumu! Run!"

You looked farther back and see Levi... Before you knew it Mumu grabbed you wrist and made a mad dash which was just like running for him. (He's a damn cat of course he'll be fast!)

The four of you sprinted away from Levi, you see Levi bring down Sasha, you managed to grabbed Armin's wrist and the three of you dashed away from Levi.

You three stopped when you didn't see Levi anymore. You leaned on a tree while Mumu held his knees and Armin sat down, all of you catching your breath.

"Thanks," Armin said.

"You're welcome, so one down?" You asked.

Armin shook his head, "Three down, a while ago Connie and Historia got caught."

"So we are now just two groups," you said and sighed.

"And we got until sunrise," Armin said.

You saw Mumu look around, he walked away, "The two of you stay here, I'll find somewhere to rest. If there would be footsteps, hide in the bushes or that conveniently placed pile of leaves."

You and Armin nodded, right now all you want is rest.


After a small light nap, you heard footsteps. You shook Armin awake.

"Armin! Wake up!" You shook him and he stirred.

"What, (Y/n)?" He asked and slightly opened his eyes.

"I hear footsteps," you said and Armin opened his eyes wide, you grabbed Armin's wrist and hid in the pile of leaves.

"Guys? It's me, Mumu, I found something," Mumu said. You sighed and went out.

Mumu smiled, "Looks like you really followed my orders, c'mon I found something we can use."

You two followed Mumu and there was a small spot with leaves scattered around, you looked at Mumu, "A trap?"

Mumu nodded, "We can use this in our advantage."

Armin wiped his eyes, "Then we can lure some hunters here. Those who don't know where are the traps."

You nodded, "So Myoni, Cindy, Hanji are out."

"Except if Cindy told the others where are the traps," Armin placed his fingers on his chin while thinking. Mumu sighed, "Nope, Cindy is secretive. She wouldn't tell where the traps are even if you are in a group with her."

"Then, we can set someone as bait, and then the hunters will be captured," You said and both of them nodded.


Levi, Reiner, and Mikasa walked the forest until they saw a clearing. Armin was leaning on a tree and napping with you beside him. (Armin's getting pretty tired now and I don't know why... But I can imagine his sleeping face. (> □ <))

"Really? These brats don't even take these games seriously," Levi muttered.

"You also don't take these games seriously," Mikasa said, "You short evil man," she muttered.

"Tch, what did you say?" Levi looked back but Mikasa shrugged and they kept walking closer to you and Armin.

Mumu smirked from his hiding place, he will make a mad dash and make sure they will follow him, but, end up in the trap. Mumu found another trap along the way, so if any of them sets free... They'll be trapped again.

"Oi, hurry up and tie those up," Levi said, Reiner shrugged and walked closer, making the gap between the trap and him closer.

And he got into the trap.

"What the?" Levi backed away and also Mikasa, and they both saw a blur, they look back to where you are resting but you two were also gone.

Levi clicked his tounge and ran after Mumu, Mikasa also followed him.

But sad for them, they got on the other net, you walked in there with Armin and Mumu looked up at them with a cocky grin.

"You brats," Levi cursed and glared at the three of you.

"Sorry not sorry, Levi!" You chirped, then the three of you walked away the traps that was very handy.

You three walked and found a good hiding spot, a small cave that was covered with hanging vines, to hide, and so you three did, and rested a bit.


"(Y/n), wake up," Mumu shook you, and you rubbed your eyes, "Waht?" You muttered.

"Sunrise is coming, let's go back to castle before the remaing hunters do," Mumu said and you nodded, Armin was already out of the cave and you streched your arms.

"Morning, (Y/n)," Armin smiled and you nodded, then the two of you heard footsteps, "Mo~rning~!" Cindy's voice chirped, you three gulped, "RUN!" the three of you shouted and ran to the castle, but Cindy and Myoni was close behind.

"Tell me, Mumu, is Cindy strong?" You asked while three of you were running.

"No, but she can sadistically hurt ANYONE without fighting!" Mumu said and you gulped.

"And, Myoni? Just one snap of her Royal Loyal she could knock a Titan out!" Mumu said.

"I-I think you are excaggerating!" Armin said trying to keep up.

"NOPE, I'M NOT!" Mumu exclaimed as he finally grabbed both your's and Armin's hands and ran fast.

"Just shout I LIKE YOU MYONI AND MYONI WILL CALM DOWN!" You shouted from the wind, and Mumu stopped, not that he was flustered, but Myoni was infront of you three.

"What?" Myoni tilted her head like the confused dog she is.

Mumu grumbled something before looking at you and Armin, "You two head to the castle, I'll handle this naïve dog."

Myoni stopped her boot, "I'M NOT NAÏVE!"

Mumu smiled, "Really huh?"

You grabbed Armin's hand and walked away the two which were having a cat-and-dog fight. (Ahhahahahahahajahahajahahahah get it? Cuz they are a neko and inu? Ya know what I'mma shut it)

And Cindy was behind chasing the two of you in lightning speed.

Hoping for some miracle you kept running and Armin right behind you.

Unfortunately, Cindy caught up and caught the two of you.

"Sorry coconut and (Y/n)-chan," Cindy giggled while bringing the two of you back the castle. With a blushing tied up Mumu and also a blushing Myoni trying to avoid contact with Mumu.

Whaaat a night...


You lost, sorri...

Wanna what happened why Mumu and Myoni are blushing?



meheueheueh, *grabs out a teared paper of one part the one-shot*

*ahem* Mumu and Myoni were fighting head on with their respective powers, Dark Strength and Loyal Royal-

Mumu: Noooooo!!!!

The fight was long and hard since the two were equally strong as how the kami-writer made them to be.

Myoni: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *hides her face in her fuzzy pillow*

Myoni somehow got the upperhand and locked Mumu, his hand behind his back as he was face first on the ground.


While Myoni was tying Mumu up, Mumu said, "Hey Myoni."


Myoni's eyebrows twitched, "What?"


Mumu sighed, "I...."

Myoni: *rolls into a ball and blushes*



"You, Myoni"


Myoni's grip on the tape loosen, "WHAT?!?"

Mumu laughed and pushed Myoni off of him, Myoni still in a .exe crash and he hoped to run, "It's a joke!"

Myoni suddenly twitcher her head to him and tied him up quickly, "YOU JERK!!!"

-le end-

Wasn't it so beautiful?

Myoni: IT WAS A JOKE RIGHT?! *looks at Mumu*

Myoni: RIGHT?!

Mumu: ummmm


Mumu & Myoni: SHUT UPPP!!!!

XD how lovely to mess with others feelings...

Wattpad: ............. Holy cow, 1977 words, Publish Finished.

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