Part 2

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After the 10-minute break, everyone is already back in their seats. As they watch the screen, it shows the words, "Chapter 2, Sinners."

"Sinners? What does that mean?" Hange asks.

"All of us were sinners... maybe it will focus on more about us than the Rumbling?" Armin asks.

"I don't know." Erwin says, "We should start the video right now.

The flying boat was now soaring in the sky above the clouds, everyone in the boat lowered their heads, remembering how Commander Hange sacrificed for them. Mikasa, Jean, and Connie were sitting on one side, while the other side sits Levi and Pieck. Reiner was standing while looking out the window.

As for Armin, he was at the pilot with Onyankopon, noticing the fuel, he said, "The fuel..."

"Yeah. They only managed to fill the tank halfway." Onyankopon said.

"Will it get us to Fort Salta?" Armin asked.

Onyankopon was silent at first, but he showed a determined expression. "I'll make sure we reach the fortress. This flight is our last hope, and Hange died giving it to us. I'll deliver you to that base. I swear it. So make sure you stop the rumbling no matter what it takes."

"That doesn't sound so good... I mean, without that much fuel..." Ymir says.

And everyone is still thinking of Hange's death, they still can't get over it.

Armin said to Onyankopon before getting back to the others, "Yes, we will. We're in your hands, Onyankopon."

He faced the other scouts and said, "Now Let's hammer out our plan."

Armin started to draw the Founding Titan and said, "Pieck, Captain Levi, is this roughly the shape of the Founding Titan?"

When they look at the shape, Hange is trying to draw the same while Moblit is helping her. Jean says, "So that was the outlook of Eren's new Titan?"

Eren closes his eyes as Mikasa squeezes his hand, "Eren..."

"Yes, though I didn't get a great look at it." Pieck said.

"Basically, it's a humongous bundle of bones that moves like an incest." Levi said.

"If it's like a normal Titan, Eren would be in the neck near the head." Pieck said.

"Given the War Hammer's abilities, that's not guaranteed." Levi said.

"In other words, we don't know which part Eren is in." Armin said.

"Can we pause it now that Eren is here with us." Armin asks before turning to Eren. "Eren, if it was you, where would you place your head in?"

"Why are you asking me this? I haven't transformed into that yet." Eren rolls his eyes a little. "How would I know where it is?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry about that..." Armin says.

"And it is better if we don't let Eren transform into that, or else the Rumbling is going to happen and that's against why we're here." Jean says.

"Even if we don't know where he is, we can blast the whole thing away." Pieck said. "The same way you annihilated Liberio's port with the Colossal Titan."

Armin frowned and said, "That certainly would be the most effective method."

Mikasa let out a gasp, and Armin said, "But we'll leave that for after we've exhausted our chance to talk. If there's still no other way to stop Eren, that's our last resort."

Mikasa could also nod, and Levi suddenly said, "It's great to have a last resort and all, but isn't Eren controlling the Founder through Zeke? Won't the rumbling stop if we kill Zeke first?"

This causes everyone to be surprised, Historia says, "Considering the whole military was willing to sacrifice Eren, it's surprising that Captain Levi really wanted Eren to live."

"He did mention back in I forgot what episode, but all this time he had been protecting Eren, only to be killed in the end, he couldn't accept this result." Petra says, "Right? Captain?"

Levi grunts a little, "Don't get the wrong idea. All I want is to kill that Beast, nothing else."

"True. That might work!" Armin said.

"There's no definite proof, but Hange thought it would." Levi said.

"But if we don't know Zeke's location either..." Pieck said.

"We'll just have to find that shithead, the Beast, in those bones." Levi said.

Everyone stood silent before Levi said, "I'll take Zeke out. Help me do it."

"Captain..." Jean muttered. "Of course. We killed many friends and comrades to get this thing in the sky."

Connie flinched a little before Jean continued, "We can't allow that slaughter to have been for nothing. Everything is to stop the rumbling. I'll do whatever it takes."

"Jean..." Reiner muttered.

"I shot Samuel and Daz and sliced up other people I knew. I got called a traitor as I did so, all the while telling myself it was to save the world." Connie then turned to Reiner, "Tell me, Reiner. It was agonizing for you, Bertolt, and Annie, too, wasn't it?"

Now everyone turns to the Warriors who are watching with them, and the three of them can only lower their heads.

"We already understood, since we're all here, we should face everything together." Erwin is the one to speak first, and the warriors can only nod.

"I can't even make up for the sins I committed anymore. Even if we save what remains of humanity, I doubt I'll ever forgive myself." Reiner said.

Everyone lowered their heads, with Connie having tears in his eyes. Reiner placed his hand on Connie's shoulder and said, "So... Well, let's at least save what remained of humanity."

"You're right. Reiner." Connie placed his hand on Reiner's. "Even if we can make up for it, we still gotta do what we can."

Jean said, "That's right. We're the same, Reiner."

The words caused Reiner to turn to him. "I never had any right to judge you. I became a murderer to save others."

"You know." A flashback of Eren and Reiner's talk flashed on the screen. "On the night of the raid in Liberio, Eren said the same thing to me. I feel like I understand some of what's going on in Eren's head. Could it be Eren wants us to stop him?"

Everyone widens their eyes in realization, and Eren just gives a small smile before going back to his stoic expression. "Is that true, Eren?" Reiner asks.

Mikasa asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's just a thought that occurred to me." Reiner said.

"Something's been bothering me this whole time. Eren has the power to affect all Titans and Eldians. And yet our ability to use our Titan powers remains unchanged."

"You mean Eren is purposely giving us free rein?" Pieck asked.

Eren closes his eyes and says, "Who in the right mind will want to do this? If I really want to do this, I would have done more precautions to make sure it is unstoppable. Just like she said, I would have controlled your Titans so that you won't be able to interfere... but there was also one more that I would do."

"And what is it?" Mike asks, and Eren says, "Like creating a vow like a vow of renouncing war, so that if I die, the Rumbling won't stop until it's finished."

This causes everyone to gulp with horror, it's a good thing that Eren doesn't want to do this, or else they are just going on a suicide mission.

"Exactly. He's letting us act freely. As if to test how we respond to what he's doing." Armin said.

"Why? We might succeed in stopping the rumbling." Mikasa said.

"It has to be agonizing for him, too. Committing mass murder... that's not a burden you can just bear." Reiner said. "If it was me, I'd be desperate to leave the Founder's power with someone else. And if that wasn't possible, I'd want it to end for someone to end it."

Reiner suddenly looked at Mikasa, who asked, "What?"

Just then, all the Eldians on the plane were suddenly transported to the paths.

"Hold on, does that mean you have been hearing everything we did all this time?" Connie asks.

"What do you think? I decided not to interfere, but that doesn't mean I can't listen to what your choice is. Everything was like Armin said." Eren says.

"Again?!" Jean gasped.

"This is..." Connie added.

"What, was he listening in?" Levi asked.

Armin stood up and yelled, "Eren! Please hear me out! This is already enough! I'm sure that no one will be able to attack the island for hundreds of years! The terror and destruction have been just that extreme! If you stop now, we can end all this by agreeing to a non-aggression treaty! You don't have to kill any more people! The island will be okay now!"

Armin was silent before he yelled again, "I'm sorry, Eren! We were the ones who drove you this far!"

Eren clenches his fist after hearing that, Mikasa can feel his anger and says, "Eren?"

"I'll tell you what I actually think after that, it won't be Armin the only one yelling like that." Eren says.

Jean yelled, "Eren! We'll figure out the rest! You don't have to keep committing genocide for our sake!"

Connie joined in, "That's right. Eren! I hated you after what happened to Sasha, but in truth, you were hurting too, weren't you?! And yet, I didn't even try to see things from your perspective at all!"

"Really? Mad at my death again? That's what you're saying to Eren?" Sasha asks Connie.

"Then what should I say?" Connie asks back.

"You could have said something similar to Armin and Jean." Ymir adds.

"Eren...I... I want to shoulder your sins with you." Mikasa said. "The sins you've committed... We're guilty of them, too. So please, don't push us away anymore. Please, Eren, come back to us!"

Eren and Ray both frown at what Mikasa said, Ray knows that her Papa is never going to let her Mama share the burdens that he had.

Levi was the next and he said, "You heard 'em, Eren. Do it now, and I'll let you off with just a swift kick in the ass."

"I thought Connie's was already weird, but it seems like the Captain's much weirder..." Eld says.

"And I also thought Reiner would have said something as well." Annie adds while looking at Reiner, who flinches.

"Well? Ain't it about time you said something?"

After a silence, Armin noticed something and he turned around, "Eren?"

"The rumbling will not stop. Nor will I leave Paradis Island's future to chance." Eren said. "I will keep moving forward."

Everyone gasps in surprise, and Eren decides to say, "It is true that I don't want to do the Rumbling, as I said, the only way to completely end the ongoing hatred is to eradicate the hatred outside this island for good. If I stop, how are you sure that the remaining people don't want revenge? Signing the non-aggression treaty? Didn't you forget back at the past with the Founder Ymir? Eldia was signing the peace treaty with Marley, but then a soldier backstabbed and killed Founder Ymir instead. How would I know the same thing won't happen again? Besides, you know very well that you managed to escape the Rumbing by going on the Flying boat. There are probably more of them in other nations and the people might have escaped by going on them as well. What if they decided to leave the innocents while saving their skin by escaping alone? Then the hatred was still there."

"But if it happens, then we still have a few years to spare..." Armin wants to reason, but Eren says, "A few years to spare? So you're going to put all the fault on the children? Eldians are hated because of the sins given to them by their ancestors. And the people outside were already brainwashed well. Do you think words from peace would make them listen? A few of them maybe. But to all of them? That's impossible."

"Papa. Please stop, I understand where you're getting at. I feel the same way as you." Ray says as she tries to calm Eren down. Erwin says, "It is true that Eren is doing this for the people on the island, and since we were the only ones transported here, the people on the island still believed that they were the remaining humanity. And since we saw the war with the Mid-east nations, they already created weapons that could counter even the Armored Titan, while our island still had nothing even until now."

"Then what do you think is the right way to do, Commander Erwin?" Nifa asks.

"I already had a plan set in mind, but first, I wish that we finished the remaining episodes before I gave you the answer." Erwin says.

Eren turns to Mikasa and says, "And Mikasa, you know me, I would never want you to share the same sins with me. You are important and you deserve better."

"But... Mikasa wants to protest, but Eren says, "I think we've already stopped for a long time, please continue."

"There." Levi pointed in the direction of the coordinate, Eren was standing there. Mikasa was the first to rush towards him, with Armin, Jean, and Connie also running.

"Eren!" Mikasa yelled.

But as they move forward, they noticed that it is the nine-year-old Eren standing there. Jean asked, "Huh?! Ain't that... a kid?!"

"Yeah, but that's Eren!" Armin said.

Mikasa's mind changed as she saw the younger Eren running in front of her as she tried to chase him. "Eren!"

"Why refuse, Eren? You think you can't rely on us?" Jean yelled.

"The truth is, I can't. And it's not your fault, it takes two parties willing to talk. Even if you want to talk, what about the other side?" Eren adds.

"Why did you leave us able to use our Titan powers?" Armin yelled. "We can talk for as long as we want here, right? Talk to us! We've always been together! Please don't go any farther away! Eren!"

"In order to obtain freedom, I will take freedom from the world." Eren replied, and the four scouts found that they were just running in circles as Levi, Reiner, and Pieck were in front of them again. "But I will not take anything from any of you. You all have freedom."

They stopped when they reached the other three, and Eren continued, "You are free to protect the world's freedom. And I'm free to keep moving forward. As long as we each hold unbending connections, a clash is inevitable."

Just then, standing beside Eren, Founder Ymir was also there.

"Wait, Founder Ymir was there as well?" Mikasa asks.

"So it's true that even the Founder Ymir wants this..." Hange frowns.

"There is but one thing for us to do. Fight." Eren said.

Mikasa frowns, it was the same word that caused her to obtain the powers of the Ackermann. But right now, Eren is using the same word to have them fight against him.

"But... Then why..." Armin asks. "Why did you call us here?"

"To discuss the fact that there's no need to have a discussion. If you wish to stop me, make me draw my last breath. You have freedom." Eren said before sending them all back to the flying boat.

"You're not serious, right? You wanted us to kill you?" Armin asks.

Eren closes his eyes and says, "If I have done something as massive as the Rumbling, then yes I will."

"I'm not going to kill you... I can't..." Mikasa says while trembling, and Eren frowns, he knows that in the end, it has to be Mikasa to kill him.

Onyankopon felt a thud, and he turned around, "What's wrong? Is everyone okay?"

Everyone was feeling defeated, and Reiner muttered, "It looks like I was right."

"So there's really no way to work this out?" Jean asked.

Connie punched the wall with anger, and Pieck sat next to Levi. "Looks like we aren't gonna solve this by talking." Levi said. "What now... Commander?"

Armin and Mikasa were also feeling defeated but sad as well.

"I'm sorry... I really wished I could stop as well..." Eren frowns again. "But stopping it means the doom of the island and I already told you that I can't accept that ending."

On the ship where Annie and the Hizuru were, Annie asked, "Where are we going now?"

"We'll spend the next several days making the voyage to Hizuru. I have faith that Lady Mikasa's group will hold off the rumbling." Lady Kiyomi said. "However, I expect that Hizuru is already in a state of collapse as a nation."

"Sounds like there'll be nothing to eat but fish for a while." Annie muttered.

"But at least the seafood is also delicious." Sasha says, causing everyone to look at her with weird faces.

"It's also a good thing you can still joke around like this." Armin says.

"Hizuru's fish dishes are splendid." Lady Kiyomi joked.

"Good." Annie sighed. "Oh, guess there'll be birds to eat, too."

Kiyomi frowned and said, "I am the one who brought Zeke and Eren together. I imagine there's nothing I can do to atone for the sin of bringing out this mass slaughter."

Annie asked, "Then, if you could go back and redo everything, would you refrain from getting involved with Eldians and watch Paradis die?"

"Time will not turn back. But my sense of regret will never end. I cannot say that I did everything in my power to find a path for Eldian survival. I treated my clan's interests and my family's honor as my greatest duties. Why must we experience loss before we can realize..."

Tears started to fall onto Lady Kiyomi's sleeve, and Annie could also frown. " to respect and value others without putting ourselves first?"

"But now... it's too late." Annie frowned.

Gabi and Falco approached and Falco said, "Annie, I... had a dream."

"A dream? Was it from Galliard?" Annie asked.

"It was a dream from Zeke... no, they were memories." Falco said.

"If I recall, the Female Titan can manifest the abilities of other titans by taking in a part of those Titans, right?" Gabi asked.

"Why is she asking this right now?" Annie asks.

"Don't tell me they still want to go back and fight..." Ymir says as everyone widens their eyes.

"No... that's too dangerous for them." Reiner says in horror.

"Yeah. Since the Female is particularly suited to manifesting, I had to swallow all sorts of stuff. But what does that matter?"

This caused Gabi and Falco to gasp. "It's like we thought! So, then-" "There might be something we can do!" "But no... Wait, do you think-"

Annie was annoyed and she yelled, "Oh, be quiet already! Go carry some coal or something!"

But then Annie realized while lowing her pointing arm. "Did you say you saw memories from Zeke?"

"Yes, I was turned into a Titan using Zeke's spinal fluid." Falco said.

"It seems he's manifesting characteristics of the Beast Titan because of that." Gabi said.

"Wait for a second. Does that mean Falco not only got Galliard's memories because of the previous shifter, but he also got memories from Zeke because of the Spinal Fluid?" Hange asks. "Does that mean he could use the Beast Titan as well?"

Everyone widens their eyes as they have never thought about it.

"I see. Go on." Annie said.

"The memory I see most often is... a memory of flying above the clouds. And that's not all. I can do it, too. That's how it feels to me."

"Hold on... we know that the Beast Titan is a Titan that represents an animal... but if one of the Beast Titan is a bird... that means the Titan can fly?" Jean asks.

Hange decides to record it because they don't have any confirmation about the whole thing.

On a train that is speeding to Fort Salta, an Eldian muttered, "That's Fort Salta... Are there really airships there?"

"Dad?" Annie looks at the screen with a gasp, that means her father is still alive even now.

"Beats me. We won't know until we got up there." The Marleyan said. "Do you really think you can escape by stealing an airship? You Eldians?"

Mr. Leonhart pointed the gun at the Marleyan. "Watch your mouth, Marleyan. It's thanks to us that you haven't been squished under a Titan's foot. If the airship idea doesn't work, your family will die in the rumbling. If you betray us, you'll die from my bullet. This is the only way for all of you to live. It doesn't matter if the chance is slim. We're gonna survive."

In another part of the train, Falco's father put his hand on Gabi's mother, who was crying with Gabi's father by her side. "It's okay, Mrs. Braun. Those two were strong. I'm sure with Colt and Reiner - "

"Our girl is on the devil's island!" Mr. Braun yelled. "How could she survive there? If only she'd never tried to become a Warrior, we could've been together in the end..."

Karina stared at them before looking down at the Warrior Armband. "Reiner..."

"Mom..." Reiner is also happy to see her still alive.

A young man turned to Pieck's father and said, "Mr. Finger, throw that armband out the window."

"This armband is something my daughter earned by sacrificing everything to help me." Mr. Finger replied.

"Ugh." The young man looked outside and gasped, "Hey! Look there!"

Mr. Leonhart gasped, and the Marleyan yelled, "Oh, no! The airships!" The airships were already in the sky.

"Does that mean they didn't get on the airships?" Annie asks.

"No! It has to be a mistake!" Reiner yells. "They can't die..."

"Hurry! We can make it if there's even one left!" Mr. Leonhart yelled.

"I know!" They tried to speed up the train, and some of the Eldians noticed the giant fog.

"Hey, what's that fog?" The man asked.

"It's the Rumbling." The other man replied. "It finally caught up to us!"

In the fog, Eren's Titan's shadow could be seen, and once the train reached the top, they were searching for the airships, only to find none.

"We're screwed! There isn't a single one left!" A man yelled.

Leonhart gritted his teeth once again, and Mr. Grice said, "No. Not after we made it this far..."

"It's all over." The Marleyan muttered before noticing the airships. "Hold on... Those airships... are heading toward the Titans!"

"What does that mean?" Leonhart asked.

"It's a bombing run!" The Marleyan yelled. "They're gonna blow the Titans away from the safety of the sky! They intend to stake the fate of all humanity on this!"

"Wait, how are they sure that bombing from the sky worked on the Colossal Titans?" Armin asks.

"We all saw how they managed to kill our people back in Shiganshina using the weapons from the airships." Eren replies while crossing his arm.

"A bombing run?!" "Are we gonna be saved?"

In the fort, the fort commander said, "Attention, all airship units and every soldier in this fortress." A commander is a white-haired man with a beard he continued, "This fortress will be the last bastion left to humanity. The pressure weighing down on your shoulder is immeasurable. But no matter the result, the responsibility does not lie solely with you. The responsibility for this lies with all of us adults. We took advantage of hate... instilled and fostered it... believing it would bring us salvation. All the problems arising from our faults we dumped onto the "island of devils." As a result, that monster was born, and now it's marching our hatred right back toward us."

"It seems that they finally realize their errors of dumping all the faults onto our island. Will that be enough to stop the Rumbling? Eren?" Armin asks.

"To tell you the truth, did you hear what Lady Kiyomi said before? 'Why must we experience loss before we can realize how to respect and value others without putting ourselves first?' It is because they experience the huge loss from the Rumbling that they would say such a thing. If I didn't do the Rumbling, do you think they will say those things?"

Everyone frowns, and once again, Eren says another thing that they can't find any counter to it.

"If, by some miracle, we manage to have a future again," A woman is crying with a baby in her arms. "I vow to never repeat the same mistake."

Karina started to remember the day when she was pregnant with Reiner, and then with the memories of Reiner, she kneeled on the ground. "Karina?"

Reiner is also surprised as he stands up. "Mom?"

"This whole time... I treated my boy... as a tool for revenge... I've still never done... a single motherly thing for him..."

Leonhart muttered, "I'm the same."

"Dad..." Annie frowns, she knows that her father realized the mistake just before going to Paradis Island, and that's why she wanted to return to him as soon as possible.

"I hope you will all make the same vow. To break away from the era of mutual hate..." The commander finished the speech.

"The airship unit is in formation!" "They'll begin the bombardment upon reaching the target altitude!"

The backs of the airships open and they prepare to throw the bombs to the Rumbling. "To create a new world where people take care of each other... Here and now, we say farewell to our monster!"

Eren noticed the airships as a bolt of giant lightning glowed on his back. "The Attack Titan is taking action!"

"What are you doing this time, Eren?" Erwin asks, and Eren frowns, "Wait and see..."

"Begin the Bombardment!" The commander yelled.

"Bombs away!" The soldiers started to throw bombs from the air at the Colossal Titans, and some of the Titans were falling to the ground because of it, but most of them missed. Eren's Titan also hit by the bombs, but the bones were still inact.

"Eren..." Mikasa is concerned, she still doesn't want Eren to die like this.

"Is it just me, but the bombs don't seem to do that much damage to Eren compared to the Titans?" Historia asks.

"And by that altitude, they might have missed as well." Ymir says.

"They're so high up that the bombs keep missing!" "Have them continue! Put everything into this attack!" The commander yells.

The bombs are kept thrown, but Eren continued to move forward. After the lightning died down, the Beast Titan appeared.

"Of course, you have to summon the monkey to fight the airships?!" Levi glares at Eren.

"But something is not right... the Beast Titan is so white..." Hange says.

The Beast Titan threw a lot of projectiles at the airships, causing them to be destroyed and people were killed in the blast.

Everyone at the fort gasped in horror at how easily the airships were destroyed.

"The airship units... have been wiped out." The Beast Titan then raised his head.

Back at the fort, the Commander closed his eyes, "I'm sorry. All you innocent children... we failed you."

Back with the woman with the infant, a girl was crying by her side and she asked, "Hey... Mommy... The Titans are coming this way. I'm scared..."

"I'm so sorry."

Leonhart walked towards Karina and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm certain Annie and Reiner are alive on Paradis Island."

"Yes..." Karina replied.

As everyone started to lose hope, a girl pointed at the sky and said, "Look. What was that?"

She was pointing at the flying boat that Mikasa and the others were on.

"Finally! We made it!" Connie cheers.

"About damn time!" Jean says.

The plane was shaking, and the fuel meter was about to reach 0. Onyankopon said, "Damn it! We're running on fumes!"

There were lightnings around the plane when they descended, and then they could finally see Eren. "I found him! Get ready to jump!"

Everyone prepared their ODM gear and weapons, and Jean yelled, "Onyankopon, you get over here, too!"

"Not yet! I'll keep going till we're over the Founder!" Onyankopon said. "Afterwards, I'll make an emergency landing! So make sure you land on the Founding Titan! Got it?"

"Onyankopon!" Mikasa yelled before he was trying to dodge the attack from Zeke, and everyone fell to the side because of the dodging.

"Damn, it... with the Beast Titan throwing those, it was hard to land." Jean says.

"The bastard's down there!" Levi said. "That damned Beast!"

The screen showed Zeke, who was trying to throw other projectiles at the flying boat.

"That saves us the trouble of finding him!" Armin said. "Target the Beast Titan! Put all your power into taking him out! Let's stop the Rumbling!"

The plan continued to dodge, and when they finally reached on top of Eren, Onyankopon yelled, "NOW!"

The door opened, and Armin was the first to jump off. "Eren!"

Everyone also jumped off the plane towards the Beast. When the Beast threw the projectiles, they used the ODM Gear to dodge them.

"Damn it! I can't land!" Connie yelled.

Everyone sighs, it is always Connie being the one who has this trouble.

Reiner was also moving forward with the ODM gear as he bit into his hand, turning into the Armored Titan and pushing the Beast Titan to the top of the skeleton.

"Reiner!" Jean yelled, and they turned to see Pieck also transformed into the Cart Titan.

Onyankopon was trying the landing, but the plane finally stopped and everyone gasped to see the plane approaching them.

"The Armored Titan..." The commander and the soldiers used the binoculars and gasped. "...and even the Cart Titan?"

"That's ODM gear..." The commander said. " Could it be?! Paradis Island come to stop the rumbling?!"

Everyone rushed forward, and Karina gasped, "Reiner!"

"Damn we are stopping the Rumbling of course." "It's finally time for the battle."

Armin landed and said, "Eren... I had another question to ask you, once we dragged you out of there. "In what way are you free?" "

The screen shot at Eren's head before blacken out, revealing the words "To be continued."

"Come on! We're about to reach the end and this happens again?!" The Scouts are not happy to see those three words.

"Why does it keep happening?"

Ray doesn't have an answer to that, and Eren says, "In what way are you free... I was never free because of the Future memories and the pressure that was given to me. Knowing the Ymir's curse that caused me to only have 4 years of living, that declaration of war before we attacked Liberio that painted me as the enemy, and the Marley attack in Shiganshina that caused me to almost get killed... no, even when that time I had to watch my Mom being eaten by Dina's Titan, it was also after that my father had no choice but to give me the Founding Titan..."

Everyone frowns as they continue to find themselves in Eren's perspective, Ray says, "And since there are probably 2 to 3 more episodes before the show ends, all I want is to make sure that Papa and Mama have a good life."

"Even though it is intense, I still have to remind everyone that this doesn't happen yet. But we'll change the future together and stop this from happening." Erwin says as everyone nods.

Here is the end of Part 3's first half. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be reacting to the song "Under the Tree"

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