Chapter 3

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"Would you be staring out all day or enter?" Colin's words interrupted my contemplation.

I have been already forced to the modiste by Zara and was still musing on the decision of concealing the inheritance. I could not peeve Colin and Zara, so I have been agreeable to their request. But, I was the one who could not meet Amelia or Edward's eye after returning home. I was fortunate enough that Uncle Harold was in London, attending a work.

"Stop wool gathering and come on!" Zara tugged me by my arm and dragged me in.

Lizzie greeted us a good day as we entered and requested us to wait. The next time she came out into sight, I found her with the exquisite gown on which I have ever laid eyes on.

"The gown has been stiched as you desired Clara." She held out the gown, so I could view it better.

It was exactly as what I have dreamt of but, I never knew that the result would be this. Silver stones sparkled in the dark blue brocade gown and on it's long sleeves. The stone studded bow which rested on the waist of the gown, raised more and more of its beauty that I held on my breath, admiring its perfection.

"It's flawless!" I said, feeling the smooth material under my skin.

"Why don't you try it on!" The young girl looked proud at her work and why should she not?

Accepting the notion, I followed her in and was out in minutes, awestruck by the appearance.

"This is the best gown that I have ever seen." Zara watched me in wonder. "I swear that this would be the finest one at dinner."

"I concur as Clara has chosen it."

That was not Colin or Zara who stated it, and the voice was very well familiar. I bit my lips, wishing that I was not right. But, whirling back, I was not-so-happy to find out my assumption, accurate.

"You?" I barked, looking at Harry who just now closed the door, which he held open.

If I would name a person who vexes me than Colin, It would be none other than my cousin, Harry. Though he is the only nephew of mama, the mere sight of him turns me miff.

"Oh! No, Clara!" His brown eyes mocked at me. "After inspecting this gown more clear, I declare myself wrong. I did not believe that you had such a bad taste in fashion. Come on, Clara! This gown looks lousy."

He strode in with his long legs and I gritted my teeth harder, striving to calm myself. Precisely, this was expected from Harry Stanton. I would be thunder struck if he had shower praises on me.

"Thank you, Mr. Stanton." I muttered under my breath. "Anyone could never have eulogized my gown as you."

"Oh, stop praising me thus." He quipped. "I know that my point is always precise."

If I had known that this inconvenience would appear here at such an unexpected situation, I would never have stepped into the modiste today. I would have spent my time somewhere, I could find peace at the moment. Putting toads on my bed and pulling my hair when I was young, has ended up to this rate and I would not ever tolerate his comportments any longer.

"What a surprise arrival?" Zara jumped in, hoping tho change the tension in the room. "We have not been expecting you from London, today."

"And what was so appalling that you had to arrive in a haste?" I asked, preventing myself, from looking into those mocking eyes.

"Zara, I believe that our cousin has lost her senses. It is she who invited me to the dinner at Anderson Hall."

I groaned. "Unfortunately, I would have to where Emma is concerned."

"That's not fair. I am your cousin as well as my sister."

"Speaking of Emma, is she with you?" Zara again broke in to save the silence.

Just then, Emma moved forward and her kind eyes sparkled at the fortuitous meeting. "I am so sorry. I left my reticule in the carriage and had to return back."

Not th least of her demeanour has been altered. She still looks prepossessing as I met her last in London. Rather, the time has just done wonders to her beauty. Her high cheekbones, the slightly curled brunette hair and her rosy cheeks were all flawless.

"Emma," I rushed toward her, and holding on to her arms, I said, "It's tremendous to see you after such long years!"

She backed away, cocking a brow at me. "I have been writing you to visit London. It is you who could not leave Hertfordshire."

I opened my mouth wide. "I have been to London at your request Emma."

"Oh? Was it five years before when Jane and Bella were two?"

How could I have forgotten the twins? Their laughter still ring in my ears and the mere thought of them, warmed my heart.

"Are they with you?" I stood on my toes, surveying out to find them with Jason.

"I did not bring them here as it would be disastrous. I would not be able to attend my work. I have left them in London with Jason. They would be safe with their papa."

My mouth dropped down at the answer, and Emma walked into greet Zara and Colin. After wishing each other, I was relieved when I saw Colin forming a conversation with Harry. They always get along well. I would not fall into another discomposed exchange with Harry infront of Emma.

"How is Freya?" Zara extended the question to Emma. "Is my sister doing well?"

Freya, being the youngest of Uncle Harold, is the favourite of him and also was great in looks than Zara. Freya never got disheartened at Zara's affection toward me and was always the pet at home. But, the most irritating part of hers was the way she converses.

"Freya is doing well. Jane and Bella are having a great time with her."

"Did she join you to Hertfordshire?" I asked, hoping to meet her in Anderson Hall.

"She will." Emma replied. "She had to attend a ball and would leave London tomorrow, forever."

"Forever? Will not she be returning?" I looked at Zara who was equally confused as me.

"Freya is to be seventeen in few months and I believe it better if she resides in Anderson Hall under the care of her parents."

"Is she aware of this?"

"I have insisted Freya on accepting my advice, and she has conceded it."

"Did she?" I was astonished as I knew how she adore London and how hopes shimmered in her eyes when she left Hertfordshire five years before. And, when it was the time to enjoy balls and parties, she returns to Hertfordshire. I hope she will be alright in Anderson Hall.

"The poor girl has been distressed by my decision and I hope that she will be fine with the passing days." Emma turned worried eyes on Zara. "I had written to Mr. Harold and he has agreed on my presumption."

"Well, we will see to her entertainment here, and I hope that she will be fine." I shrugged. "Before continuing our conversation Emma, I would like to change." I smiled and excused myself, leaving Emma in Zara's company.

When I reached them again, I saw Harry and Colin burst out into laughter. I quickly, averted my eyes away and found Emma, directing Lizzie on some adjustments.

"I have been too busy on other gowns that I had hardly time for mine." She said as I handed my gown to Lizzie.

Precisely, Emma would be occupied as she owns one of the best company in London which outstood at fashion. And, that defined the last minute alteration of her gown.

"What about E.Company? I have been reading it as one of the best in London." I sounded like an exhilarated, ten year old.

"It is!" She laughed. "Jason and Harry have been a great support on helping me to reach great heights."

Jason has been helping Emma as Aunt Betsy denied on opening one, advising that refined ladies don't work. But, I never perceived that Harry assisted her as well.

"Did Harry assist you?" My voice came out a little louder than I intended, but Harry did not hear me as he was engrossed in a conversation with my friend.

"I know Harry infuriates you, Clara but, he follows his duty well as a brother. Even now he is here to assist me for a meeting on the growth of E. Company, and, of course to your dinner. He has also been earning fame as a doctor in London and will soon commence his work in Hertfordshire."

"Hertfordshire? But, why?" That did not appear to me as a good settlement.

"Clara, our home is in Hertfordshire. I know that we reside in London after my marriage to Jason. But, being the heir to our estate in Hertfordshire, it is Harry's responsibility to look after it. Mama is also not loving London. She wants to reside where papa took his last breath."

I could understand the anxiety of Aunt Betsy, and I would be delighted to have her here, but Harry? I would not able to live a peaceful day in Hertfordshire when he returns!

"Ladies," Harry interrupted. "I am glad to inform you that we will be here for the next two days and would have plenty of time to call on each other. And, as we are running late now, I am sorry to cease your conversation and bid goodbye." With than he gripped Emma's arm and marched out.

My mouth was agape at his preposterous behaviour. He did not even leave Emma to bid a proper goodbye. I have never seen such an aggravating person!

I spotted Emma tilting her head with a weak smile, and disappear.

"What was that?" Zara's eyes did not leave the door. "I can find his comportment not altered."

"It is Harry, Zara. His comportment would never be altered." I rolled my eyes.

"I always liked him." Colin rubbed his palm in glee. "He just brightens a day."

That earned him a glare and he scuttled away, whistling along.

"Two days, Zara!" I clenched my teeth harder. "Two days, and I would leave Hertfordshire before he returns, London."

"Not two days, Clara. According to Emma, he will be soon back and not ever return."

"Are you okay?" She asked, at my silence.

"I am not!" I retorted. "I cannot stand his jokes or pranks, anymore!"

"He knows it and that is the reason why Colin too annoys you. I believe, you should be out of the conduct soon." She smiled as she would to a child, which I was not. I was only a year younger to her.

"I would not." I said. "And, Colin and Harry are not the same. Colin is my friend who helped me in my need." I turned away from Zara, toward Lizzie, directing for more day dresses.

Rechecking the gowns, I have instructed a week before, I thanked Lizzie and spun over to find Zara missing. Searching further, I found her next to the carriage with Colin.

"Why did you leave?" I asked Zara, while the coachman placed the boxes of gowns in the carriage.

"I felt so warm inside and was in need of some air." She said twirling her ring using her fingers." "Are you finished with your work?"

I nodded at her question and then touched her arm, gently. "I assumed that you were upset at the way I spoke to you, few minutes before."

"I could not ever be upset with you, Clara, remember that." Her countenance was sincere.

I grinned at her and watched her twirling the ring. It was one of her best-loved things to do when she was bored. I liked this behaviour of hers, as it reminds me of the little Zara. And, as she twirled the ring  faster, all at once, the ring whirled off, from her finger and spun on to the middle of the street.

"My ring!" Zara exclaimed, and turned to Colin. "You know how important it is  to me! It was the first gift from Clara and I do not want to lose it."

"So?" Colin was bewildered. "You want to risk myself for a ring? Zara, have you gone mad?"

"Yes, I have!" Zara yelped. "I want it!"

"You are not a child Zara, and I would not ever retrieve it."

"Colin, if you are a friend of mine, you will!"

Zara was now, hauling attention toward her from the ladies across the street, and I could not view Zara tense, so without thinking back, I did what I thought was right at that moment.

I walked toward the ring, dodging the carriages which came on my way. Reaching the spot, I saw the ring not damaged and knelt down, taking the ring into my palm.

Feeling relieved at my action, I got on to my feet and stopped as I found a carriage storming my way.

I could hear the screams of Zara, but then my brain totally went blank. I stood with my eyes closed, tight and my feet rooted to the path.

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