Chapter 4

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Faint voices filled my ears and I squinted my eyes at the sound. Finally, opening it wide, a familiar face emerged through the blurred vision and I attempted to clear it. Two more blinks, and Uncle Harold's face came into sight. He was sitting next to me with worried eyes. Where am I? When did Uncle Harold return from London?

I surveyed the room around with my eyes and perceived it as mine. Looking aside, I found Amelia along with Colin and Zara beside my uncle, agonized.

"When did you return?" I forced my gaze toward my loving uncle, and the moment he heard my voice, his face lit up and the crinkles which I adore, appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"In the morning, dear." He said stroking my hair. "While you were out."

I managed a strained nod and gazed around, hoping to find a face which I knew was impossible to detect.

Uncle Harold spotted my search and leaned close. "Whom your kind eyes are longing to see is a churlish lady, dear. She refused to see you."

My heart stung deeply, but I would not show it to my uncle as he would not bear to see me hurt so, I smiled. "Aunt Hannah despises me. How can you expect her affection now?" I asked, and then winced on the pounding which arouse in my head.

Uncle Harold frowned, "And yesterday, she was atrocious."

I wonder who filled his ears of the turmoil. I have strictly forbidden to apprise him of such circumstances.

"Should you bear all this?" He asked, "I have adviced you at several situations to speak up against her or to throw her out. What prevents you from it?"

I saw anger blazing in his eyes, but I could not do that for Zara. I know the loss of mama and do not want Zara to lose her mother as well.

"Aunt Hannah is just upset with me." I hoped that it would calm him.

"I do not think so." He said, asserting that my words did not change his perception.

I sighed, "Uncle, I do not mind her words. Why should I speak up if that does not offend me?"

He took my hands and stroked it, gently. "You should speak up, dear. I know that you are offended and I want you to respond. Why are you in reluctant to send her out? If you have just approved me, I would have done it years before. I want just a word, Clara. She will be out of Anderson Hall."

"I cannot." I whispered. "She is my aunt."

"Your aunt!" Uncle Harold reared back, and laughed. "You call her your aunt, despite the struggles you had to face?"

Hesitation was my response, and he smiled. "I know you, my girl. You are silent for the sake of Zara. Not all ladies have the same patience as yours."

I shook my head, but a tsk sound interrupted us and Colin moved with the usual sardonic look on his face.

"My eyes yearned for drama and here it is! Should you dissipate all your emotions, now?"

I burst into laughter, ignoring the throb in my head. "You cheer me up, Colin"

"Do I? But, often you get irked, Clara."

"Not today!"

"Clara!" Edward stormed into the room, taking in my state with a ghastly look. "Alice mentioned the incident." He said, rubbing his face for patience. "And for a ring, Clara? Are you serious? A ring is not so important to us as you!" He yelled. "Why don't you understand that?"

"Keep your voice, low." Uncle Harold, grumbled. "Do not shout at her."

I was not frightened at Edward's outburst. If something ensued in my heart at his words, it was contentment. Contentment on witnessing the affection he had.

"I do not want to yell at her, Father. I just want her to be careful. She was there in the middle of the street, throwing herself in a danger for a ring. What if something betided her? What would we do?"

"I will be careful." I said, nervously twirling the thread which peeked out from my sleeve. "I am speechless, detecting the affection you all shower. I am so fortunate to have you all."

Amelia stirred from her place. "We are the ones who are fortunate to have such a dear."

Everything occurs on a cause, and I believe this incident transpired just to realize the love they possess on me.

"You had a tiresome day, Clara. You should relax." Uncle Harold said, moving away from the bed. "I will be noticing you. Be careful to place your feet down." Even his warning sounded so kind and I grinned at him. "I have ordered Alice to keep an eye on you."

Then, he patted my head gently and was out of the room, Edward and Amelia trailing behind. And, when Zara swung around to leave, I clasped her hand, waving her and Colin to sit. As my head started pounding harder, I grimaced and was perplexed on not discerning any severe soreness in my body, beside my head. Outstretching my legs did not reveal any discomfort either.

"Why does not my leg or body hurt bad as my head?" I asked, Zara who sat on the bed, beside me.

"You do not suffer any impact fractures as Colin rescued you from the mishap." She said. "As soon as Colin saw the carriage on your way, he tugged you by your arm with such a force that you flattened on the ground while bashing your head on it."

"But, I cannot recall anyone tugging me aside."

"You wer already dazed." She paused, and looked aside. "I just wanted the ring, Clara and I did not believe that you would risk it."

"I could not see you disheartened, and as Colin refused to help, I did not find any other way to bring a smile on your face." I said, holding her chin and forcing her eyes to mine.

"In that case, Clara." Colin stretched his legs from the chair in which he was seated. "I would not risk myself for a ring, but certainly I would risk it to my friends."

I knew it and when I smiled, Colin sneered as his help was contempt. Suddenly, my throbbing increased and I pressed my temples, hoping to reduce the pain.

"What did the doctor predicate of the affair?"

"There was no major derriment, so the doctor advised to relax yourself, and has strictly ignored you from deserting the bed till, tomorrow."

"Zara, do not anticipate that I would obey his command and be glued to bed." I moaned.

"If you did not heed the doctor, it would be my displeasure to notify this to papa." Zara sounded exactly as Emma.

I glared at her. "You ___ will not!"

"I ___ will!"

"Obviously!" The flash in Colin's eyes conveyed his merriment. "Do not displease us by your deed. I am glad that I would not be able to find you out for a day."

"Do you find this hilarious? If you did not stop your twaddle, it would be my greatest pleasure to smash this lantern on your head." I bellowed, pointing to the lantern which was on the table near my bed.

"Relax Clara, doctor has adviced you to lounge. Do not drain your energy on my actions." He grinned and tapped his chin, thoughtfully. "You would not be able to visit the orchard as well."

That I would. I will be in the orchard at the same time as I always used to. I stole a quick look at Zara with a sly smile.

"I presume that you are scheming a plan, Clara. Be cautious on involving into any mischief."

"I am not a child, Colin and would not appreciate your guidance in this."

"Is it? I believed that it is the same Clara who got irritated on every small jokes."

"I am not!"

"Are you sure?" He smirked, and I hate when he smirks.

"Would you please conclude this foolish exchange?" Zara craned her neck toward Colin.

"Really Zara, do I arise all the issues?"

"Yo ___"

" Of course, I know your response." He jumped on to his feet and stomped out without a word.

I have not witnessed Colin in anger before, and I can see that Zara was amazed as well. The Colin, who laughs out every problem, marched away on a single disputation?

"What is wrong with this day? Clara, might it be a prank?"

"It is not." I groaned. "Colin is genuinely disturbed. He has never been as this before."

"I have not noticed him either."

I watched her discreetly, and she straightened. "You want me to convince him?" She asked, in disbelief.

I tossed her a weak smile. "If I want you to?"


"Zara." I called her, turning my face naive.

She rolled her eyes and exhaled, ignoring me and when I turned more ingenious, entreating her, she could not decline my request.

"Alright! I would be back with Colin." She said, and walked away.

After Zara's departure, looking at the clock on the wall, I noticed that it was almost time to visit the orchard. And, as the room was deserted now, I felt uneasy in pain with each passing moment. Conversations could deflect me from my discomfort but, now I as have no one with I can converse, the only way that I knew would heal myself was spending the time in the orchard, inhaling its fragrant smell.

I should leave this room! And, I know how. The only possible way in which I could reach the orchard, is to sneak.

Scanning the room, I did not find any intrusion. So, I tiptoed to the door and peered out.

The path was clear and safe!

Applauding inwardly, I was quick to reach the cupboard, and grab my shawl with the aspiration of abandoning the room.

"Don' take a step front!" Alice's voice, startled me and I found my maid, scowling with a cup of hot chocolate. "I will complain' of this to Mr. Harold."

Today, I regret the idea of having a maid. I did not ever presume that the girl who was loyal to me, would cause such a great problem.

Finding her growing anger, I strived to motion my feet forward, but I consider it embedded as I could not move a feet ahead. I grasped my dressed, harder and dragged a foot. No response! I raised the other with more strength. Nothing at all! Why are all the muddle showered on me?

Alic plodded around the room, contemplating my exertion and with a final tug, I succeeded. I wracked my brain for defence, and fortunately my eyes fell on the goblet which was on the table.

"I _____ was just parched." I pointed at the goblet.

"Don' lie. Yer ain't goin' that way and why is the shawl on yer hand, Miss. Anderson?"

Alice was now watching me with a keen eye and I swallowed, hesitantly. "You are so amiable, Alice." I said, moving nearer. "You realized that I would appreciate hot chocolate in this predicament."

I snatched the cup away, and eyeing her from the corner of my eye, I slurped the hot chocolate in a very unladylike manner.

"Go to yer bed, Miss." The young maid commanded as I have finished, drinking the chocolate.

"Alice!" I huffed. "Would you be lounged on bed all day when you are already annoyed at resting?"

She narrowed her eyes, and then opened them wide. "On yer bed. Now!"

Instantly, I thrust the cup to her hands and snuggled to the bed.

"Good lass. Don' move yer feet." She warned, and dashed off with the empty cup.

"Why can't I leave?" I shouted out to the empty room.

Minutes passed and I drummed my fingers on the bed, anxious to leave the room as soon as I can. Getting off the bed, I paced back and forth, keen on treading to the orchard.

Abandoning the least amount of patience I had, I wrapped the shawl around me and slipped through the door which Alice had kept wide open.

Turning to the right, I discerned the route uninterrupted and creeped through the stairs, alarmed everytime I hear a footstep. The sight of the door relieved me and I slinked through it, direct to my destination.

Twilight welcomed me when I stepped into the orchard. Cool breeze reinvigorated my soul and diminished the cramp. A whiff of lavender stole my breath away, inviting me closer to them. I ran my hand through the flowers, and felt them soft under my skin. Nothing is more soul-stirring than the scene before.

Thus, I ambled through the orchard, admiring the way the sky touched the lavenders and the way the birds chirped along. Papa could never have gifted anything captivating than this.

I have spent hours with papa, listening to the prime factors of the lavender. It is he, who apprised me that the lavender oil was the best for anxiety and depression. They were the best hours of my life.

Sounds of crunching footfalls broke my reverie. Who could have found me out? I spun back and was surprised by the sight.

Amelia and Harry!

What on the earth are they doing here? How do they always discover me when I was out in a mischief?

I lifted my chin and watched on with steady eyes, but what I noticed was that they were not in a good humour.

Harry tramped forward with Amelia beside him and I clenched my hands, prodding toward them with the same level of rigidness they had on their face. At once, Harry stopped and began shaking with laughter.

I could not assume what was so amusing that he could not stop that infuriating laughter of his.

"You appear ridiculous when you are cross." Harry chortled, and Amelia joined him in it.

What? Was that the reason behind his nonsensical behaviour? I have received approbation in my life, but this was preposterous. I saw Harry striving to control his laughter, but it burst out again. Harry was generally insane but finding Amelia behaving the same, turned me  irate.

"Do you find me foolish?" I spoke through clenched teeth.

His laughter stopped, but I noticed his chin, quiver. "I do not find you foolish, dear cousin. It's just that I could not resist the humour at your reaction."

"Why are you here?" I raged at him.

"We?" Amelia queried, why are you here, Clara?"

I faltered and looked out for an answer.

"It was lucky enough that Harry glimpsed you slipping into the orchard when he entered Anderson Hall, and I followed him." She sniffed. "I believe that I would have to alert Edward of this."

"N __ No!" I stammered. "I was debilitated by resting and was in need of air and beauty to look at."

When they raised their brows, I waved them to the orchard.

"The scene looks divine isn't it? What else can heal an ailment?"

And on their silence, I asked, "Don't you agree?"

I watched their anger, gradually trickling away and Amelia's face turned soft, gazing at the view.

"I admit!" She said, standing breathless near to me. "What do you think Harry?"

"As a doctor, it is my duty to instruct you back to your room, but at the attestation, I concede your statement."

Harry Stanton concurred my point! Is this a dream? I swear that it is!

"But, Clara. Did you fool Alice? I believe that she would have been ordered to take care of you." Amusement filled his eyes.

Annoying! After his consent to my point, I assumed that he might have altered his deportment. But, now I deny the disclosure.

He awaited my reply and I did not bother to respond.

"From her silence, don't you find your perusal exact, Harry?" Amelia's glare made me flinch.

"What?" He laughed. "Can't you be serious in a situation, Clara?"

I nearly laughed at that. Does this advance from the exceptional Harry who is not ever serious?

Amelia ignored his question and leaned forward. Speaking in hushed tones, she said, "Clara, though I agree with you, the sneaking was wrong. And, now with Mr. Harold and Emma in the drawing room, it would be terrible."

"Uncle Harold?" I bit my lip, harder.

Harry nodded. "They will be anytime, here, seeking us."

"No!No!" I started pacing around, nervously. "I should flee before they arrive."

When Amelia could not abide me marching back and forth, she caught me by my shoulder. "Stop pacing, Clara. Let me think!"

"There are two possibilities to leave." Harry scanned the orchard. "One is to admit your fault before Uncle Harold."

"And the next?" Amelia and I echoed together.

"Climb through the window."

"Window?" I asked. I knew that he could not ever be serious, but at least at this circumstance, he should try to be genuine. "You are not serious? Are you?"

"I am." He signalled to the ladder which was slanted near the library, window.

The first option was impossible, but the next was ludicrous. What if he plans to knock me down, when I was halfway up in the ladder?

"How can I believe you?" I scrutinized his face, searching for any signs of pranks.

"Pardon!" His forehead was creased in confusion . "If you suspect that I would knock you down, you are mistaken. I am not a gentleman who brews troubles for ladies, especially my cousins who are already in a distress."

Mistaken? Of course not! I was well aware of him, and I also knew that I had no other sanctuary.

"Why do you hesitate, Clara?" Amelia was in a haste. "I am here to prevent Harry from pranks."

That was right as well.

So, walking toward the ladder, I held it carefully. When Harry waved to move forward, I gently, placed my feet and climbed the steps, noticing each and every movement of my cousin.

Reaching to the top, I clambered through the window, and instantly slumped myself on the bed without looking back.

After what I thought was hours, there was a knock at the door and I closed my eyes, tighter hoping the throb in my head which just now arose, get ceased.

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