The Magic Of Love

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Hermione woke up the next day and stared at the opposite wall for a few minutes.She had been thinking from.last night about something that happened.

Had Draco Malfoy asked her out to the Ball?

She noticed that Draco,like her,had been silent yesterday and was still sleeping.Maybe he couldn't believe it too.She felt something was making them.come.closer every day and couldn't help feeling unusually happy about it.She got down and took her towel glancing at the clock.She was happy to wake a bit late.

Benefits of weekends.

She stared at Draco who was fast asleep,snoring a little.His face was relaxed and calm.No one would believe if someone said he was a bully,egoistic bouncing ferret.Hermione chuckled and mentally locked herself for staring too long at him.She walked inside the bathroom and took a long,relaxing bath.

She walked out with her towel wrapped around her and saw he was sitting up on his bed yawning.She blushed but something made her still walk towards her wardrobe."How plain"he muttered.Hermione spun around her cheeks flushing pink and glares at him"What...What did you just say Malfoy?"

Draco chuckled"I wad talking about how plain the dat had started for me you know..I only referred to the day"he said with a small smirk.Hermione found it hard to believe but turned back to her wardrobe."Good Afternoon Bouncing Ferret"she said chuckling.Draco got up smiling"How much you adore me Granger..I appreciate it"he said stretching himself.Hermione couldn't help but admire the smooth and flawless muscles in his chest.She looked away choosing her dress.

As he looked out of the window she quickly changed to her Black shirt and blue jeans,her hair left free.She dropped the towel on the bed."Perfect day right?"she asked him looking at the sky from behind him.

Draco nodded smiling.He had wantedly restrained himself from messing with her much that morning.Or.for the past few days he should say.He had become a totally changed person.He could feel some magic at work that was making him feel great.

The magic of Love he thought."Perfect day for a good sleep"he grinned.Hermione rolled her eyes."I meant it was perfect to go to the ball is.approaching..I wanted a.."She started.Draco knew what she was going to say.He hated Shopping more than anything else.He quickly grabbed the towel and rushed to the bathroom.

"Malfoy!!I want to tell you that..."she started.

He went inside.And locked the door grinning"Later Granger!!"he said turning on the shower.

Hermione completed the sentence anyway in a low voice.

"....that it was my towel that you took inside"

"Omg Alice!!You never told me!!"Hermione said in a loud voice that made the students from the other tables turn to look at her with awkward looks.Alice glared at her best friend"Shhh Hermione!You will tell this to the whole school just by screaming!!"she said her cheeks flushed.

Hermione calmed down and looked the the Gryffindor beater and Seeker sitting silently nibbling on their toast without talking with each other.

"They make such a cute pair I knew!!"Hermione giggled and Ginny a shot her a glare before engaging herself with the bread,staring anywhere but at the boy who lived."I can't actually believe two important things happened and I wasn't there"she sighed looking down."It's fine Hermione.I couldn't believe it myself when Cedric showed up in the dorms"she said smiling goofily.Hermione grinned and nudged her friend.

"Have fun!"she winked and saw Malfoy enter the Great Hall.She knew all girls automatically turned their gazes at him wherever he entered.He was like a chic magnet.He could attract all girls..sometimes boys too.Hermione shivered at that thought,her eyes fixed on the boy.

He was wearing a white shirt that hugged his abs and a blue jeans pant.His hair was still wet and was messy,which gave him the more manly and I-am-the-sexy-God look that any girl.would fall for.

Well,Hermione surely did.

He flashed a smile at his friends in the slytherin table and winked a few girls who started giggling madly.Hermione felt something burn deeply in the pit of her stomach.She could feel her jaws tighten,her teeth grit and eyebrows raise,clenching her fists into balls.

Possessive Girlfriends are too much to handle.

Alice nudged her with the same grin"You have a lot more fun with the sexy god"she said in her ear.Hermione blushed madly and walked away to the slytherin table.She could feel almost all eyes on him and her.They were the talk of the school for days.Arch enemies asking each other out to the ball wasn't some thing simple.

Many rumours had passed around.

That they both had been secretly loving each other fir a long time,went to sleepovers in summer to each other's houses,and even had babies which Hermione waved away with a blushing face.

Draco smiled at her and made place for her"Need one or is my Lap comfortable?"he asked smirking.She made a face and sat next to him"Sitting in your lap is as comfy as sitting on a bed of cactus"she said smirking back.

He raised his eyebrows and started eating.She tried to ignore the glances of others and could feel Alice smirking at her.She would pay back later.

Harry and Ginny on the other hand were oblivious to what was happening.They didn't say a word to each other from the previous night.Ginny glanced at Harry the same time he did.They kept their glance for a second before Harry smiled"Uh..hi Ginny"he said his voice not firm as it always wad.Ginny smiled"Morning Harry"she said.Alice face Palmed and tried to make them talk.more.

Before they could Professor Dumbledore came inside his eyes screening the crowd and staying on Hermione and Draco a second more before moving away.

"As the ball is nearing,you will be given permission to go to Hogsmead for shopping for your attire today and tomorrow."

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