Chapter 13 : Confusing Proximity

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(Edited- I wonder how you all read this one! It had major typos. )

"Anika!" Shivaay called out as he ran to caught up with her. "Where are you running away?" He asked holding her wrist. "Nowhere!" Anika replied not meeting his eyes. "Oh, so it's Omkara's comment!" He spoke as his scrutinizing gaze analyzed the pink hue of her cheeks. 

"No!" Anika muttered trying to put up a smile. 

He grinned and tugged at her hand. She totally wasn't expecting it which landed her closer to him. Before she knew his hands were on her waist. "Shivaay!" She mumbled shocked at the proximity while her heartbeat rate escalated. Her hand rested on his shoulders to keep their chests from touching. Needless to mention that her cheeks were burning up in red.

"I never thought you'd be so shy. I mean you are so bold, outgoing, uncaring about what people think, doing everything the way you want to do it, not giving a damn to the rules... I never saw it coming that you'd be so shy." He whispered the last word. His gaze flickered to her lips which were now clearer in his view, a couple of times.

"Shivaay.." Anika exclaimed uncomfortably trying to wriggle out of the closeness. "Shhh, do you trust me?"

"I do but a little...too much...too fast.," Anika muttered extremely conscious of their closeness. "Move away.." she requested. His gaze bore into hers. "Why?" He challenged. 

" will be awkward if someone sees us like this." That was the only justification Anika could come up with. "Really now?" He asked amused stepping back. "My room is a few steps from here." Anika looked at him shocked and he took the perfect opportunity to wink. Fluttered, Anika stepped away looking hither thither. "I will leave.." 

"No," Shivaay said quickly wondering if he had crossed the line. Although he enjoyed every bit of it. She looked up at him. "I need to discuss a few things...come on!" He spoke stretching out his hand. She hesitated. He blinked sighing, "I will keep distance if you prefer so." He spoke giving her his charming smile. She smiled placing her hand in his. He tugged a little at it playfully as they walked and then chuckled when she reacted by swiftly turning in his direction. "Anika, you aren't supposed to be so shy!" He whined as they entered his study.

He was about to shut the door but paused. He let it be open. He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. He turned around to find her looking at him with a soft curve. As though she noted his small thoughtful act. "Thanks!" She muttered when he passed by her to sit on the table. 

"For?" He asked quickly.

She stared at him. She shouldn't have said this. She thought momentarily then glanced at him. "For not closing the door. For understanding that I am still not comfortable..being with you."

He smiled at her honest answer. "You know, that's the best thing I find about you."

Anika gaped at him taken aback. "...that I am not comfortable?" She asked dumbstruck.

"Ah, No. Not that. Not at all." Shivaay fumbled with words. "I mean your honesty. People nowadays can't be honest with themselves and you.. are very unique when it comes to that." He pressed a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment." She smiled teasingly. 

He grinned, "finally, I thought you didn't know how to react to compliments. All you knew was to blush and go into I-am-shy mode."

Anika gaped momentarily and then grinned. "I don't."

"Oh, you do. And you do most of the time. At least of the time, you're with me. Tomorrow leave your shyness at home." He suggested.

"I am not shy." She knew she was lying.

"You don't lie well." He remarked.

"Shivaay, you brought me here to discuss something." She reminded him. Shivaay nodded noticing that she was changing the topic. "About the sexy show this morning!" He teased looking squarely into her eyes. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. He chuckled, "there I prove my point." He said pointing to her cheeks. Anika lowered her gaze. She hated how his remarks got her all tongue-tied and shy. 

"Hey!" His voice was soft. He got off the table and walked closer to her. He placed his index finger at the top of her chin making her look up. "I am going to tease you a lot. So, you better get used to it and come up with your Anika style retorts. Just the way you give Rudra. And if I make you uncomfortable then you can always tell me on the face to stop."

She smiled nodding. "What do you want to say?" He asked her carefully observing the restlessness in her eyes. "Nothing!" She mumbled. She desperately wanted to be honest and tell him the way she felt. But perhaps it was too early in their relationship to tell him how she felt. How weirdly powerless she was rendered before him. The smart, witty, confident, outspoken Anika totally became a shy, tongue-tied, nervous mess before him. That was one thing she didn't like- she became a totally different person, the kind she didn't like before him. 

"Okay so coming to what I actually had to say.. do you want a pre-wed photoshoot?" He asked indicating her to sit. She sat and wondered what was the answer he was expecting. 

"Anika, I want your answer." He spoke as though sensing her hesitation.

"I think it's a sheer waste of money on a pointless thing!" Anika answered on one go and his lips curved up. He had seen this coming. He smiled, "I find it a little immature idea. I mean it might be you know - fun and look good. But wearing clothes and posing for that one Bollywood or Hollywood-like picture is like going overboard to me."

"Exactly! Natural candid pictures are any day better!" Anika agreed. He smiled, "finally we agree on something!" Anika giggled in response. 

"Next thing. So I have short-listed a few resorts around Goa for the wedding venue. We need to visit and check them. So when are you ready to leave?"

"What? I we have to..I mean of course we have to we both have to go? I mean..I wouldn't mind whatever you pick." Anika tried to make her words into a perfect sentence. 

"Well, mom gave me the duty. I thought we both could finalize."

"Oh, okay. Umm, you want me to come?"

"Hey, it's not just my marriage. It's your marriage too. So obviously you have to come. You can't get away by making me do all the hard work." 

Anika grinned. "Okay okay. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow sounds cool? If you shortlist the resorts based on your judgment then a day will be sufficient for us to finalize and come back. Although I wouldn't mind a two-day trip. It would be nice hanging around together." He gave Anika his bright smile.

"Umm, if you promise to try water sports with me then two days. Otherwise one day trip." 

"Okay, Madam. Two-day trip it is. But all the watersport research is up to you."

Anika looked at her watch. "Okay cool. I will browse and book tonight. You set up the itinerary for the first day. I will book the tickets and you book the hotel. By tonight we will finalize the plan!"

"Woah. That's pretty fast." Shivaay chuckled. "And don't mention water sports to mumma. She will go crazy about how I might catch a cold or break my bones...and disrupt the entire wedding scene."

"Of course, I won't let you.." Shivaay said quickly. "And yes,  it will be a secret. Only you and me. I am going to say that it will take us time to see the resorts."

"Cool, but I think it will be better if he reduces the list from ten to at least a seven," Anika suggested.

"Right, let's do it right away?" Anika thought momentarily and then nodded in agreement while he reached out to his iPad."

* * *

Anika was super excited at the thought of finally trying water sport. She always wanted to. She had made bookings for parasailing. However, she wasn't going to tell him. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed texting Shivaay. He was curious to know what plans she had made but Anika told him it would be a surprise for him. 

"God, what are you both talking about? Look at my baby girl flushing and smiling." Her mother's comment made Anika widen her eyes. She saw her mother peep in to read. She immediately moved away. 

"Anika Talwar! What is it that, you're hiding it from me?"

"Nothing important!" Anika exclaimed shrugging.

"Shut up, I know it's Shivaay. Now I want you to tell me what is it?"

"Mumma, it's nothing!"

"Your cheeks are red like a tomato and you still expect me to not believe? And that smile... it doesn't disappear. What are you up to?"

"Offo, it's nothing. Just relax and calm."

"Anika! Fine, I get it. Now you are Shivaay's Anika. Not mine. I get it." She sighed looking away. "I used to always tell my friends that my daughter..."

Anika facepalmed, interjecting. "Mumma, please. No drama. Do you want to know? Fine, let's talk. She kept her phone aside. Shivaay said I am shy."

Her mother grinned. "Not like this...from the beginning how did you finally talk? Because here at home after the saw you like were behaving like a chicken only nodding your head."

Anika made a face and then laughed at her own stupidity. "He said that  I shouldn't be uncomfortable around him. And, yeah that it. And then we went shopping. I had to try so many dresses. I told him that you'd decide the dress for the main ceremony. He was okay with that and Pinky aunty had given him specifications so we selected according to that. Then..we had dance practice .." Anika didn't know that she had started blushing at the mention.

"And...what happened there?" Her mother questioned smiling widely. It warmed her heart to see Anika so happy and girly. She had always seen Anika being happy for others. Bit for once she was seeing her happy for herself. 

"Umm, we shared an awkward moment," Anika spoke laying her head down her mom's lap. "We didn't realize the music had stopped and we were still dancing."

"Oh, Ho!" Her mother exclaimed with a burst of short laughter. "My Anu was lost in her prince charming, huh?" Her mother teased bending down to kiss her cheek. Anika giggled. "You go overboard with that title."

"I can totally see how much he liked you. And more than that how much you like him!"

"He's nice. And... different." Anika confessed remembering how in a minute he was teasing her and in another being the perfect gentleman. Would it be right to ask her mother for a solution to her problem? The problem of becoming a nervous wreck? 

"Say it, Anika. It won't be a bad idea!" Her mother said, noticing her furrowed eyebrows and lines of confusion on her forehead. Anika sat up. "If you promise to not tease me. I need some advice."

"Fine. I will try not tease." Her mother giggled.

"Then I am not in a mood to take your advice."

"Fine drama queen. Ask, I won't tease."

Anika took a breath looking at her hands. "I feel awkward when he gets close." She expressed rather quietly.

Her mother gently held her fidgeting hands. "why?"

"I don't know. He has this aura around him. I can't think straight. And then he comes so close that I get weird.."

"You mean shy?"

Anika rolled her eyes, "whatever. And times when he teases me I can't even give a fitting reply."

"You cannot give a fitting reply to me as well. So that's an old problem!" Her mother exclaimed smirking.

"Oh please. I always give back. And give back well. But with Jim I go in silent zone like I am a monk trying to meditate." 

Her mother laughed patting her cheek, then growing serious she asked. "Does he smell bad?"

Anika stared at her mother  dumbfounded. "No. He has a really nice scent."

Her mother concealed her smile behind a thin-lipped expression. "Does he try to touch inappropriately? Or see you .."

"No no. He is always very chivalrous. And he is very caring. Just that he leaves no opportunity to tease me. And ..he loved holding my hand. Like I am going to run away."

"Idiot, that's what romance is. You see so many movies and still don't understand. You freaking like him Anu. That's what you feel all weird and nervous."

"How do I get over this then?" Anika asked. She didn't want to correct her mother and tell her that she knew what his motives were. Obviously, he wanted to be romantic. Anika wasn't unaware of the idea of romance. Honestly,  there were times when she wanted to experience this cliche moments. But what she didn't expect was for them to be so nerve-wracking. 

"That's simple. Start reciprocating. If he holds your hand then respond by holding back. At times you initiate it. If he you know...hugs then high back. If he pecks your cheek..then you give back a pack. Anika, you have to get started somewhere. I can't believe you're my daughter!"

Anika rolled her eyes and then swiftly turned to stare at her mother. "Did you just mean to say were the romantic one between you and Papa?"

Her mother blushed slightly and then smiled. "Your Papa didn't know the R of romance. But being honest, in a week's time we had totally got used to each other."

"You guys were too forward. I have known Shivaay for months now and I.."

"Because you have forced your mind into action Anu. You are also a romantic at heart. But when you're with him you are using your mind. Anika, no matter what you say. You are putting a wall between him and yourself...even if it's a transparent one. Things won't work that way.."

Anika sighed. Her mother had a point. She somehow was always calculated around him. "I am just scared..I mean..we both are very different from each other. Our engagement broke once. What if.."

"You like him more than you think you like him, Anu. That's why you even said yes to the marriage. Because for once you let your heart decide. Anika, your heart rules at most times. But when it comes to letting people come close to always choose your mind. Even with your friends. If there's anybody other than me...who is close to you then it's Gauri. You've never let anyone actually come close to you. You make people believe that you're outgoing and mingle easily but that is not how it is. You discretely lock yourself in a glass cage. Don't do that with Shivaay at least. Open yourself Anika. Let him in. I know it can be terrifying. I know a part of you still believes he is rich and so a brat. And one day he will be what he doesn't show. But that's all your mind's making. He is a nice guy. Follow your heart with him. Confide in him. I can't be there for you always. You need somebody else. He's a perfect option."

Anika shifted close and hugged her mother. "Anika, tell him about yourself. Show him what you actually are. Not what you show you are. He needs to live with the real Anika not the one he sees. This trip is the perfect opportunity try opening up. Alright? And ... of your heart says it's right, if your heart wants it...then it is right. Never regret Anu."

"You know right, you are the world's best mumma?"

"So, I have been told!" Her mother giggled as Anika a kiss on her cheek. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Her mother spoke hugging her with joy. "Now let's sleep. You need to leave tomorrow."

Woah, that was long!

And I have no clue which direction this story is heading in. It's gone off the plot outline. I am just going with the flow. Hence, I decided to change the name of the book - Attraction Is The Easy Part!

Anyway, please do leave your views, I will need them to give this story a better form.


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