Chapter 14 : Exquisite Experience

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Anika had never felt so thrilled. The instructor was fastening belts around their waist. She turned around to glance at Shivaay. "Excited?" She asked noticing he seemed distracted.

"I haven't done anything like this before," Shivaay answered taking a deep breath. Naked truth was he was scared. However, to not seem a spoilsport he didn't voice his concern. He was trying to impress her by playing cool. However, now that the instructor had made them wear life-vests and was fastening the belt that attached them to the para sail, he was beginning to have cold feet. He glanced at the boat their parasail was attached to. It was already sailing away from the shore.

Anika reached out to his hand and held it in his. "trust my gut, this is going to be one hell of a lifetime experience."

He took a deep breath and looked at her. "If you say so. Aren't you scared?"

"No way. In minutes from now, we will be in the sky, somewhere between the clouds and water. Even if death comes, what a way to die!"

"Shut up. We haven't even married. I wouldn't want to die a bachelor." He grinned and she giggled giving his hand a squeeze before letting it go.

In minutes they were asked to run. Anika smiled at Shivaay, he nodded and ran behind her. A couple of seconds later their feet were off the sand and they were floating away into the sky. The altitude being decided by the boat's speed.

Anika closed her eyes. She always had wondered how birds feel in the sky. Today, she got an idea. There were minutes of anxiety just before leaving the comfort of the ground. But she was glad she had let go of her fear. The breeze against her face, her feet floating in the air, and the waves glimmering below her. The sight was unmistakeably breath-taking. The higher she rose, the higher she felt. The blue sea all around, the greenery covered hills in the distance and the filtering sunshine that made the water glimmer made joy rush through her nerves. She would have given anything to stay like that forever. She blinked trying to capture the feeling and view into her mind. She felt herself going down. It was going to dip in the water! Excitement and anticipation washed over her. Her stomach feeling a frenzy sensation as she was lowered.

It took Shivaay a few minutes to not freak out and actually enjoy the sport. He glanced at Anika who was before him. She was shouting in joy as they went higher. Maybe it wasn't as scary as he took it to be. Closing his eyes, he sent up a prayer. He opened his eyes with more confidence than before. He looked down and then around. He was floating in the air. Damn. The view was phenomenally fantastic!

Anika giggled as their first dip happened. Shivaay burst into laughter as the water tickled his feet. 'I told you Shivaay, this would be one of your best experiences ever." She shouted and he smiled. She was right!

After a dip and two, they were finally lowered as the boat moved towards the shore steadily. They had been asked to run on landing so that the landing was smooth. So, they did, they ran until the parachute lowered to the sand. Panting Anika leaned. While Shivaay looked up at the sky not believing that they had actually not been dreaming all of it.

The instructors ran over and unhooked them. Anika got rid of the life-vest and handed it, turning to Shivaay. Her lips curved upward into an adoring smile. He was looking up at the sky while an instructor was unhooking his belt. He continued to be in a daze after the instructor helped him out of his life-vest. Anika walked over to him and held his hand. He lowered his gaze from the endless blue sky to her face.

"It was extraordinary!" He whispered. She smiled stepping closer. With no thought whatsoever she wrapped her arms around him. Completely soaked in the bliss of the minute he hugged her back affectionately. She could hear his pumped-up heartbeat and labored breaths just as hers. Seconds turned into minutes and they stayed like that still cherishing the fading memory of the wonderful experience they had had.

More than two, minutes passed. When Anika felt her heart rhythm back to normal, she loosened her hold. His hands, on her back still kept him close to her. She pulled away, her face from his chest. It was then that he drifted his gaze away from the horizon to her. She smiled and he returned one. His face inching close to hers. Anika's breath hitched. She parted her lips. His lips centimeters away from hers. She closed her eyes in anticipation.

She felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body when his lips brushed hers. Her fingers fisting his t-shirt at the back. She felt his hands pull her body closer to his. She opened her eyes as the brushing of his lips grew more probing. He took her lower lip between his, tugging at it lightly. Anika gasped at the foreign sensations. She mimicked his act. Soon they were beyond brushing against each other's lips. He peered at her creating distance between their lips. She exhaled staring at his lips. He smiled and tilted his head inching closer once again. Anika parted her lips to welcome his. This time the kiss was different. She was surprised at the sensations she felt.

He steadily swirled his tongue inside her mouth. She shifted against him. He held her close, with his hands on her waist. He patiently waited for her to respond. After many seconds, she did. Darn, the kiss was mind-blowing, nothing like he had imagined.

Anika pulled away running short of breath. His lips formed into a smooth grin. She blushed as reality soaked in. She had kissed him in the joyous moment. He rested his forehead against hers. She took in a deep breath, with her eyes on him. He closed his eyes as though trying to remember the feeling forever. Her heartbeat slowly fell back into rhythm. Her shyness transforming into contentment. The feeling was beautiful!

"I don't think I will ever forget this day, this experience." He muttered his eyes still shut. She smiled letting out her breath.

In silence, holding hand in hand they walked on the sand. A few meters away, she sat on the sand close to the shore. He sat beside her. The water wave came close but didn't fully reach them. They watched the sky meet the water. Shivaay smiled, he was the water that had finally found his sky. Glancing at her he grasped her hand. She let him hold her hand not reacting. "Are you upset about the--?" He asked, unable to figure out what her silence meant.

"No." she whispered. He raised her hand to his lips for a kiss. They sat in silence admiring the scene before them. Trying to memorize the scene outside and the feeling inside. He was surprised when minutes later she raised his hand to her lips, returning the exact gesture. He looked on appalled. She smiled shyly when her eyes met his. He leaned closer and kissed her forehead.

* * *

Anika lay on the bed, they were supposed to leave for the airport in an hour. They had decided to rest awhile after lunch. She was in her room which was beside his. She stared at the shut door. Their rooms had a common door that connected the two rooms. She couldn't believe that they had actually kissed. Like a proper mouth kiss. She grinned letting her tongue swipe over her lower lip. It didn't feel the same as his tongue felt over her lip. She had always assumed kissing would be gross. But she was so wrong! The sensations, the feelings, the pleasure was har to beat. She touched her lips with her fingers. Damn, she was already looking forward to her second.

Shivaay stood beneath the shower. He couldn't get the kiss, off his mind. Her warmth, her scent still lingered around him. After the kiss, his mind had gotten wilder at his imaginations. He couldn't wait to be with her again. Her smile warmed his heart. There was something so magical, so enchanting about her smile that he couldn't wipe it away from his mind. He was a goner!

* * *

Shivaay was perplexed. From Goa to Mumbai she hadn't really spoken to him. He wondered if it was the aftermath of the kiss. He didn't want this distant Anika. Especially not after the magical moment they had shared on the beach. Once they reached the car, he took the keys from the driver saying he would drive. He had decided to talk to her right away. They settled in the car, and he drove it out of the airport parking. "Anika, I really don't understand your silence. Not yet. Are you upset about what happened between us?"

She bobbed her head. She didn't know where to start. It felt weird to talk to him now that the kiss lingered in her mind every time her gaze fell on his face. "I am not's just weird." she avowed, playing with her fingers.

He took an audible breath in relief. "Thank God! I thought you were upset."

"Why would you think that way?"

"I don't know. maybe because, you aren't, yet, comfortable around me." He conjectured.

She smiled, "If I wasn't I would have found a hundred ways of avoiding this trip with just you."

He was amused, "Like?"

"I would have tagged mumma along. Or, I would have faked a fever. There are many twisted ways, I know, Mr.Oberoi."

He grinned, "then I think we'll gel well. Cause I am a man known for his twisted ways too."

Anika laughed, "we already are, aren't we?"

His smile didn't waver. "We are."

Shivaay pulled the car to a halt before her house. "Thank you! I had a wonderful time, honestly."

Anika smiled turning to him after releasing her seat-belt. The way he had turned to her, she was wondering if he would kiss. She had noted his gaze lower to her lips, although, briefly. Maybe he would. "I had a nice time too!" She replied softly.

This was it! He leaned closer with his lips in a smile. Anika didn't want to make him feel awkward. This time she would kiss better. She leaned closer. But was confused momentarily when he placed a kiss on her cheek. Ah, Oh!

She quickly smiled. But Shivaay was perplexed with her sudden movement forward. He blinked and realization dawned. She expected a mouth kiss. Holy Lord! And he kissed her on the cheek, instead. Shit! That was embarrassing. He observed as she turned to the door. Darn, he definitely spoilt the moment for her.

He quickly called her name, holding on to her hand. She turned, wondering what more he had to say. She was embarrassed and feared it showed on her face. She didn't want him to know. No sooner than she had turned than his lips brushed hers. Oh, oh!

She took a few seconds to gauge what he was doing. She heard his seatbelt snap and his hands cradle her face. Oh, those fingers of his, against her cheek! She let out a moan as his fingers stroked her cheek. Soon his tongue danced around in her mouth. She felt him guide her hands to his shoulder, almost close to his neck. She responded to his mouth and gently stroked his neck with her fingertips. The temperature inside the car had just got a notch higher. She heard a weird sound from his mouth and he broke apart. Shit! Did she do something wrong?

She looked at him with widened eyes, her eyelashes fluttering. His gaze first looked deeply into her eyes and then lowered to her lips. She was confused. What went wrong? His fingertips caressed her lips continuing down to her chin and neck. As a natural response, her legs squeezed closer. She tried making sense of her body's reaction. She froze understanding it all. She was turned on by his kiss!

Before she could think anymore, she felt his lips press against hers. Oh, she was so going to grow fond of this feeling! She gently began parting her lips when he pulled back again. Anika was disappointed and stared at him. Was it she who was doing something wrong or him?

"I, umm, Good night!" he muttered sitting back in his seat. Hoping she wouldn't glance down at his lap. He was glad that he had disabled the turning on of lights when the door was opened. She wouldn't notice the enormous effect her kiss had on him. Anika forced her lips into a smile nodding and getting out of the car. "Fuck!" He grunted before driving away.

Would love to know your views and thoughts. Excuse me for the delay, hope you enjoyed this one.

Also, how is the presentation of this in the way it is displayed on your screens. Better than previous? Or were the previous chapters better looking?


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