Chapter 25: Fervent Temptation

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Shivaay lay awake on his bed. Anika left him all bothered lately. The sexual tension between them had only become thicker and denser than before. She left him so desperate. His nights were filled with wild thoughts. He was beginning to get fond of her inexperience, it surely was a major turn on. He sighed, what about her did not turn him on? Freaking everything did. If only Gauri did not have stupid sleepover plans with his wife, he was sure there would be some progression between Anika and him.

Minutes later he got off the bed. Sleep was away. He was just having thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts. He decided to work for some time to get his brain overworked so it only slept and did no dirty thinking.

* * *

"Anika, please, you really think I am going to buy that. It's coming to be almost a month to your wedding and you're telling me that you both have only got to kissing." Gauri exclaimed as the lay on the bed chewing strawberries that Gauri had bought for them.


"Come on, you've known him for months. And I definitely count your marriage as love. So there has to be more than just kissing." Gauri pointed out.

"It was very much arranged."

"You rejected that and you eventually went for a love marriage!"

"It wasn't love marriage. It was just – I don't know what to even call it – just that feeling that you were letting go, someone, you could have a strong connection with."

Gauri's lips curled up, she turned to face Anika, "So the connection hasn't been established yet?" She asked cheekily.

Anika rolled her eyes to see Gauri's waggling eyebrows. "Shut up!"

"He's totally into you!" Gauri muttered putting her head back on the pillow.

Anika sat up and took a strawberry. "What's up with you, you can't be looking that hot and not have boys around your finger. "

Gauri chuckled, "I don't want a relationship. I am happy with myself."

Anika smiled, "I used to live with that motto!"

"And one look at Jiju and your motto was out of the planet!"

"Shut up!" Anika blushed.

"Oh my God, madam is in blush mode."

"Umm, Gauri," Anika wondered if she should actually talk to Gauri about her nervousness and anxiety when it came to intimacy.

"Tell me, I am listening."

"Nothing, let's sleep."

Gauri sat up holding her hand, "Is everything okay? You know, right, you can tell me."

"It's overwhelming!" Anika sighed.

"What is so overwhelming?" Gauri asked looking at her observantly.

Anika looked at her uncomfortably. "When he comes close." She breathed out.

Gauri thankfully didn't laugh or tease she silently waited for her to go on.

"I mean, I like him and everything. It's just that when I think of opening up to him completely... it's just scary."

"You trust him, right?" Gauri asked slightly confused.

"I do!" Anika's reply was swift.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem. Trust me initially you feel that weirdness. But in minutes it leaves. The first time is, well, painful and embarrassing at times, but after that, trust you'll be the one wanting for more!"

Anika blushed hearing it.

"Come on, Anika. You are married, he's your husband, he surely likes you a lot, and perhaps even loves you. I am not asking you to go ahead and do it right away. No. But don't resist whatever comes naturally."

"You are of no better help than mumma!" Anika muttered.

Gauri giggled thoughtfully. "I have an idea, what can help you."


"You initiate!"

"What!" Anika exclaimed horrified.

"Yeah, you start initiating. You know the peck on the cheek, winking at him when no one's looking. Not just smiling and staring. A little more than that. Even initiating a proper mouth kiss. It's going to help you be comfortable around him."

"No way! He's too intimidating. No, no, no!"

"Yes, yes, yes! You're doing that. In fact, I will help you with it. We'll begin our mission tomorrow. Let's sleep!" Gauri said excitedly.

"Gauri, I think you left your brain behind!"

"Shut up fatty!"

"I am not fat!" Anika spoke picking up the box of strawberries.

"Find we'll find a new name for you. Blushy!"

"Shut up!" Anika muttered getting on her feet.

"I think Jiju may like that name too!"

"Stop it Jiju ki Saali! Sleep."

"Where are you going?" Gauri asked frowning.

"To keep these in the fridge. They'll rot here and there will be mosquitoes."

"Lazy bee has learned how to do work!" Gauri commented.

"Gauri, shut up or I will seriously kick you out of the bed at night!"

"Do you do that to Jiju as well?" Gauri asked teasingly.

"Sleep Gauri!" She muttered walking out of the room.

She entered the kitchen switching on one bulb. The light was enough. She walked to the fridge and placed the box of strawberries inside. She turned and gasped. "You scared me!" She murmured.

Shivaay smiled. "What were you doing? And, why are you still awake?" He asked glancing at his watch. It was quarter past one in night.

"I came to keep the box of strawberries. Actually, Gauri and I were talking." Anika replied noticing that his hand moved towards her. This man couldn't think of anything else, could he?

"I will go sleep," Anika said quickly stepping away trying to walk past him as swiftly as possible. But he caught up and cornered her to the wall.

"Why are you running away?" he whispered.

"I have to sleep," Anika answered in a hushed voice.

"Without me?" He murmured nuzzling into her hair. Anika felt his hands on her waist, gently moving around.

"Shivaay, what are you doing!" She whispered the last thing she wanted was Gauri to come down to check where she had disappeared for so long.

His eyes met hers and he placed his lips on hers. Anika's hands quickly flew to his shoulders, trying to keep him away. He tugged at her lower lips using his teeth, his tongue thrusting between her lips to enter her mouth. Anika tried resisting all of it. But when his hands reached to her backside giving her soft flesh a squeeze a gasp left her lips, allowing his tongue in. Back of Anika's head made contact with the wall, while he deepened the kiss. Anika didn't respond waiting for him to finish what he had started, but as his twirls got slower and powerful, she needed to give back.

Soon she was kissing him back her arms around his neck. Her heart was thudding crazily. It was dark around and all she could hear was his heartbeat and the sounds of their molding mouths. Anika felt a pool of warm wetness between her legs. Jeez, he was adept at getting her body to respond like that. She pushed him away falling back into reality.

He stared at her, his eyes glowing more brightly in the dark, barely inches between their faces. Anika was breathing heavily through her parted lips, her eyes falling on his lips. Damn, that mouth had the power to make her go crazy. She felt his palms move over her backside. She swallowed hard staring at him. He gently pressed his body against hers. Anika bit her lower lip, feeling warmth as their bodies from chest to thighs made contact. He moved a little and she stared at him astounded. There was something hard, and she knew what it could be. Darn!

His lips pulled up to form a smile. "That's what you do!" He whispered breathing over her face.

Anika's cheeks were burning. Was he implying he wanted to have sex right now? Shit, Anika had never felt more nervous and helpless in her life before. Maybe her mother was right, she should start confiding in him. That way he'd know what he made her feel.

Anika just stared at him her cheeks flushing. Shivaay was having a hard time controlling his body's call. It took a lot of control to not rip her clothes and have his way with her. He wondered if she was ready? All he would have to do is carry her to the room.

"Anika?" He breathed out staring at her. His gaze dropping to her lips.

"I – I – don't – I – umm, Shivaay, "Anika stammered. It was strange how she was loving the closeness and yet freaking out about it. She liked the way his hands actually touched her. There was a time she would find it gross, but right now she was loving it.

"Relax!" He blew over her face moving his palms from her buttocks to her sides. Slowly he pulled his body away from hers. Damn, his spilling urges got her nervous. She perhaps was thinking, what a pervert she had married. Damn. He didn't want her to have that image of his. He wanted to be desirable, not disgusting in her eyes.

He cupped her right cheek placing a kiss on her left. It took so much effort to be a gentleman when he wanted to go rogue. "Good night!" he whispered passing her a reassuring smile. Praying that she didn't form a bad image of him in her mind.

Anika managed to smile and began walking with slow steps. Her thinking capability was lost when she was around him. His actions were supposed to disgust her but hell no. They made her go giddy and want him. She wanted more of those inappropriate touches. More of that intense gaze. More of those caresses. She just wanted to know how it would be to have more of him.

Shivaay was restless. He really didn't want to scare her. But his damned body couldn't keep away from hers. He always had women hitting on him, but never was tempted. Here, she was doing absolutely nothing and he was freaking tempted like never before. He should just work on being a good husband first. But didn't being a good husband also mean give her a good fu-k. His mind had absolutely lost it. He was desperate for sex and still desperate to not lose his position in Anika's good books. This was crap! What had he done!

* * *

Anika entered the room to find him absent. She saw the locked washroom and knew he was in. Last night had made her insane. She just couldn't wipe away that intense look of his. One thing was clear last night, that he desired her. Anika was scared that she had disappointed him. She just didn't know how to go about the entire thing.

She placed her clothes on the bed quickly and decided to leave the room for him to change. He beat her to it. He walked out and she ended up looking at him – in nothing but a towel.

"Morning!" She wished trying not to look at his naked upper half. But looking at his towel didn't seem like a good idea either. At the same time, she did not even want to meet his eyes after last night. Fudge!

"Morning!" He muttered stepping closer. Anika's body tensed. But he only picked his pants from the bed and moved away very quickly. She was expecting him to tease but he didn't. That was good actually!

"Anika, I need to talk about last night..." He spoke and Anika's heart dropped. What would he say? That he was totally disappointed in her? Damn. Anika looked everywhere but at him.

"I will just." He struggled with getting into his pants. Anika sat that from the corner of her eyes and turned around. He was grateful for that. He dropped his towel and pulled up his pants. He quickly pulled on his vest and put on his shirt. He would have made a record with his lightning speed.

"Anika, I.." he began and Anika took that as the cue to turn around. He was still busy buttoning up.

"I am sorry!" Anika muttered at the same time she heard him echo her statement. They looked at each other incredulously.

"No, Anika. It was really wrong on my part. I should have stuck to my limits, last night."

"Anika blinked at him with disbelief, "No, you don't have to apologize. In fact, I am sorry, I mean I am your wife, and it's natural for you to expect things. I don't' know it just gets me nervous... I don't know." She shrugged looking away.

His lips curved into a warm smile, his top few buttons left unattended. He walked closer and pulled her into a hug. "You shouldn't really be sorry, Anika."

Anika finally got mustered the courage to hug him back. "I don't know, Shivaay, it just gives me heebie-jeebies."

Shivaay chuckled. "What do you want me to about it?" He asked pulling away.

Anika blushed, looking away.

"Come one tell me, how can I be of help."

"You want me to kiss you senseless?" He teased.

Anika rolled her eyes picking up her clothes from the bed. She was expecting him to grab her and she smartly dodged away giggling.


He laughed breathing relief. Thank God, she wasn't mad at him about last night. His lips curved up thinking about her confession. Something needed to be done about her nervousness. But what –?

* * *

Anika stepped out of the bathroom peeping around. There was no Shivaay but there was Gauri seated on the bed flipping through some magazine. She looked pretty in a yellow top and jeans.

She looked up when she heard Anika step out. She looked at her analytically.

"What?" Anika exclaimed looking at her clothes-- a black legging with a blue kurti.

"Whose going to say you're newly married if you dress like that?"

"What nonsense!"

"Come on, blushy! You need to feel sexy in order to be confident with a man. You can't feel sexy in a loose kurti and legging. Poor Jiju, he gets no treat for his eyes!"

"Yuck Gauri! You also left your mouth filter behind in the Philippines!"

"Anika, this is not going to work. You're getting out of those clothes right now. I understand that you strongly believe in what people are on the inside not what they appear outside. But one has to like what he looks on the outside to be confident." Gauri spoke getting off the bed, quickly shutting the door of the room and locking it.

"Which is your cupboard?"

"Gauri, please these are really comfy and it's a Saturday."

"Gives you all the more reason to look sexy. Which one?"

Anika let out an exasperated sigh leading Gauri to her closet. She opened it and stood with folded arms while Gauri went through her dresses. "There is no way mother India wouldn't have packed sexy stuff!" Gauri spoke to herself loud enough for Anika to hear. Anika sighed as Gauri picked out a sleeveless red tunic, with a sweetheart-neck. "And I was right!" She declared smiling victoriously, handing it to Anika.

Gauri pulled out a pair of jeggings. Anika hadn't even worn that once. "Gauri no! I don't like them. They are super tight."

"Excellent! Wear this!"

"Gauri, this is really inappropriate to wear."

"We are in the twenty-first-century wear women wear crop tops and ripped shorts. This is very appropriate. Now, do you want me to help you out of your clothes?"

"How do you manage to be so annoying?" Anika asked snatching the jeggings from her.

"Where are you going?" Gauri asked.

"To Mars!"

"Just change here..."

"No!" Anika muttered.

"Are you all commando?"

"What does that even mean?"

"That you don't have your undies on!"


"Then change here?'


"Look I am going to close my eyes okay? You can't change in front of me than how on earth will you ... you get the point right?" Gauri asked taking a deep breath. She was never like this when she was a virgin. If anything, she was excited about it. Anika seemed to be a lost cause!

Anika quickly changed and she also caught Gauri opening her eyes to peep at her. "You need better bras!"

"Gauri, try going on mute!" Anika scowled.

Gauri grinned, she needed to be cheeky around Anika so that Anika could shed her shyness. Oh, it was going to be an interesting day after all!

Okay, so we are on Chapter 25, which has been delivered early on popular demand!

Now, this story has digressed a lot from what I had initially planned. I am just going with the flow because a few readers are enjoying it. I would love to hear your thoughts on the two of them and their relationship!

As for the updates, I have mostly maintained 2000+ word updates for this book, that's lengthier than my usual and also proofread them before uploading.  Hence, the updates take time. I would, however, try to give more frequent updates so that I can try wrapping this up by May first week and get to completing others. But I would really need an enthusiastic reading audience (that I rarely find ) for that. I would really love to have you, encourage me, by involving in the story as much as you enjoy it. Just a request, not compulsion! Thank you.


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