Chapter 26 : Growing Fondness

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Anika was very self-conscious as she made her way to the dining table. Firstly, the tunic was sleeveless and short. Secondly, she had paired it with a pair of jeggings that appeared like second skin. Shivaay looked up at her as she pulled the chair beside his. Anika passed him a smile making herself comfortable on the chair. Her eyes glanced on his forearm on the table. She remembered the Gauri's so-called golden rule, "Touch- Caress-Kiss-Smile and look him in the eye" She mentally discarded the rule helping herself to the breakfast laid out on the table.

Shivaay was slightly out of place. She looked gorgeous in that outfit. He noticed that she also had make up on. Off late he barely saw any make up on her face. Then there was her new perfume perhaps. Damn, it wasn't her usual. It had a rose scent.

He turned to Gauri who asked him if he slept well.

"Of course, I slept well."

"Obviously," she muttered under her breath only for him to hear giving him a teasing smile. Shivaay simply looked at his plate. How were she and Anika even friends? Anika was nothing like Gauri. Anika was shy and reserved when it came to a few things while Gauri was unapologetically cheeky!

"Jiju is taking us out today..." he heard Gauri answer to Pinky. When did that happen? He turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Anika is ready so am I. Rudra said he has college!"

Anika was coming. Okay maybe it wasn't a bad idea. He turned to Rudra, "you're going to college on a Saturday?"

"Yeah, we have classes on alternate Saturdays!" Rudra answered stuffing the toast into his mouth while Shivaay's gaze lingered on him suspiciously. He raised a brow questioning him in silence, Rudra simply shrugged his shoulders putting up a face that said -nothing-.

Anika didn't want to go out but Gauri forced her too. Gauri took the back seat while Anika sat in front. Shivaay was taking a driver along but Gauri chided him asking him to drive.

"Gauri, don't tell me we're shopping?" Anika scowled at Gauri with narrowed eyes.

"You need lingerie!"

"Have you lost it?" Anika whispered, looking at her in disbelief.

"No. You seriously need some, "Before Gauri could say anything more Shivaay appeared after parking the car. He never did shopping malls but well, there was lot of things he didn't do until Anika came into his wife.

"What happened?" He asked when the two women just stared at him.

"We were deciding which way to go, Gauri smiled.

Shivaay looked around, "Do you guys want to shop?"

"You know I hate shopping!" Anika muttered, "Gauri wants to perhaps!"

"Yeah, why not!" Gauri replied sparing a glance Anika's way.

They started walking around. Gauri walked slightly faster so she was ahead of them. She pretended to be engrossed checking out the stores.

"God, these malls spend so much on the lighting. I mean it's broad daylight and they have such a nice skylight."

Shivaay's lips curved up, "Just don't get all critical, will you? It's been a long time since you and me are actually out together!"

Anika smiled, "you don't get time these days!"

"Hey, that's not true. In fact, this entire week I was at home, you were the one who was busy." He spoke as his hand brushed against hers as they walked.

"No way... I mean..." Anika tried thinking of an excuse. In a way he was right. She felt the back of their hands make light contact.

"Drop it, your stammer gave away your defeat." His hand finally held hers. Anika smiled widely looking at him and he grinned back at her.

"Love birds! This way." Gauri called out ahead of them as she walked around the corner.

Anika bit her lip looking embarrassed. He still didn't let go of her hand. They followed Gauri's trail that led them to the Popular Scary House.

"No!" Shivaay muttered.

Anika looked on surprised, "Come on it's super fun."

"Your girls carry on, that place makes me sick. It stinks in there."

"Jiju, come on, don't be a buzz kill!" Gauri spoke dragging Shivaay towards the ticket counter by the arm.

"Gauri, no!"

"Anika, you didn't tell me Jiju was a scared goose."

Anika gaped at Gauri's choice of words.

"Shut up, Gauri. Anika you didn't tell me she was such an annoying woman!" Shivaay gave back. Anika was impressed at their colorful bonding.

"Guys, we are in public place." Anika intervened, she then turned to Shivaay, "please come it will be fun." His eyes met hers and he nodded. Gauri gaped at him.

"Jeez, Jiju should have just told me to tell Anika to invite you!" Gauri rolled her eyes walking to the ticket counter.

"Jiju, I need cash!" She spoke breaking the exchange of smiles between the couple.

"She's a freaking Tsunami!" He murmured to Anika before stepping forward with his debit card.

Gauri smiled, instead of taking the card she left him in the line to buy the tickets walking back to Anika.

"That's rude!" Anika scoffed.

"Come on, Blushy, don't always take his side!"

"Don't call me that!" Anika whisper-yelled.

"Call you what?" Shivaay asked standing before them flashing the tickets in front of Gauri.

"Blushy, that's the new name I gave Anika. Because every time things come to you, she goes all..."

"Shut up, Gauri, Let's go the next batch is going in!" Anika cut Gauri off placing her hands on her shoulder's pushing her towards the entrance of the Scary House.

Shivaay chuckled following them, "I like the name, Gauri!" He said standing behind Anika.

"I told her so!" Gauri replied only to receive a pat from Anika.

"I think I should call you Blushy too!" He spoke softly putting his head forward such that it was near her ears.

Anika blushed.

"Jiju, tickets!" Gauri exclaimed.

"God, she's such a ..!" Shivaay muttered passing the tickets to her.

"Blushy, better be careful, because I think Jiju might take advantage of the dark inside." Gauri said loud enough for Shivaay to hear.

"Sweetie, you totally read my mind." Shivaay gave a fitting reply with a smirk. Gauri made a face walking in. Anika was now in a fix. Where was she stuck? Of course, literally between a tsunami and husband!

She felt his hands on her waist as he stepped inside behind her. She quickly peeled it off and held it in her hand as the door shut behind them with a thud.

"Damn, I can barely see!" Shivaay said aloud.

A menacing laughter echoed literally creeping out Shivaay. He shifted closer to Anika. "Shut up, Gauri!" he heard Anika scold.

"Damn, I didn't know you were a part-time witch, Gauri!" He taunted. Stupid lady actually got him jump out of his skin.

"Jiju, definitely got scared." She spoke as the made their way deeper into the darkness, towards a weak source of light.

"Shut up, Gauri, or a ghost may gobble you up!"

Anika giggled, feeling Shivaay's sweaty palm clasp hers. He definitely didn't do well with horror. She walked slowly so that he could keep up with her.

"Be careful guys there are steps here!" Gauri warned as she led the way climbing down.

The next thing they heard was Gauri's frightened scream. "Leave me!"

"Shit!" Shivaay muttered.

"Gauri, you okay?" Anika shouted concerned.

"Freaking short ghost!" Gauri cursed walking ahead.

"Anika, be careful." Shivaay muttered walking ahead. She nodded.

It was Shivaay's squeal that filled the air next, when the same short ghost appeared from nowhere grasping his foot. He tried to kick wrapping his arms around Anika. "Fu*k!" He muttered as the ghost disappeared. "This is such a crazy place."

"I can't believe you got scared, despite my warning!" Gauri replied hearing his curses.

"Not scared just taken aback!" Shivaay argued pulling his hands away from around Anika. Even in the dark he was so remotely aware of the tension between their bodies. If sexual tension could kill, he was long dead.

"Where's Anika?" Gauri asked aloud. "Anni?"

"She's here!" Shivaay answered before Anika could.

"Can't keep your hands off her huh?"

"Shut up, Gauri!" Anika mumbled feeling Shivaay's hand around her as he led her forward.

"Jeez, ewww," Gauri exclaimed as something like a snake fell on her.

"What is it?" She heard a desperate Shivaay's voice.

"Find out for yourself Jiju!" She smiled hearing him mumble something.

* * *

Shivaay ran a hand through his hair. "That place is so stupid. Random costumed people trying to grab you and throwing things at you."

Gauri giggled. "Poor you, Jiju, I didn't know you got scared so easily.

"I wasn't scared." Shivay argued, scoffing.

"Of course, I am totally buying that." Gauri laughed.

"Shut up now! What's next?"

"Shopping! Remember we need to buy stuff." Gauri turned to her with watchful eyes.

"You need to buy." Anika quickly replied looking at her in the eyes.

"What exactly?" Shivaay asked glancing at his phone, he had meeting scheduled in the evening, so he needed to get to the office after lunch.

"Just clothes!" Anika said before Gauri could answer. "let's walk this way." She hurried holding Gauri's hands. "please, no!" she whispered.

"oh yes!" Gauri whispered back, turning, "Jiju, don't get lost!"

"Gauri, you need to tone that down." Anika said seriously.

"Anni, he doesn't mind it."

"She's right!" Shivaay spoke catching up with Anika putting an arm behind Anika only to give Gauri's head a pat. "She is just filling in for my non-existent annoying sister."

Gauri grinned, "Trying to take me on you team Jiju?"

Shivaay's lips formed into an amused grin. He quickly took long strides and was now beside Gauri, with Gauri in between. "The idea seems nice,"

"Shivaay, Gauri!"

"Blushy, give us a moment please."

"okay, I am going home..." Anika played her card.

"Uhh, Sorry Jiju, Fatty comes first."

"I am not fat!" Anika repeated the fact.

"Yeah, she's definitely not fat."

"Once upon a time she was." Gauri informed him.

"Really?" Shivaay turned to Anika to confirm.

"I was just slightly healthy!"

"She means fat!" Gauri added, "By the way Anika, there is the store we were looking for!" Shivaay glance ahead to see a lingerie store!" he arched a brow interestingly.

He quickly pulled his phone out. "You two carry on..I have a call to make."

"Come on Jiju, you won't help," Anika efficiently covered Gauri's mouth with her palm.

"We'll see you in a bit." She informed Shivaay not peeling her hand off Gauri's mouth while her husband looked on amused.

He took out his shopping card and handed it to Anika. "use this!" Anika did not fuss and simply took it dragging Gauri away.

"Gauri, like seriously what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me. It's you Anni. Stop being so fake around him. He's your husband."

"I am not fake around him." Anika snapped.

"But, well, you aren't yourself either." Gauri gave back entering the store. "By the way he's pretty generous!" Gauri spoke taking the debit card from her hand. "Let's use this!" She winked.

Anika shook her head smiling. Gauri's words resonated in her head. Wasn't she right? Lately she herself didn't feel comfortable in her skin. She was just trying to fit in all the roles she got after marriage. But losing herself in the process. But it didn't feel wrong. It felt nice to do things to fit well.

"She's newly married, so you know what to show us!" Gauri told to the girl behind the counter, and a grin appeared on her face. Anika ran her palm over her face exasperated. Shivaay was right, Gauri literally was tsunami!

"Size?" The girl asked.

Gauri cocked her head in Anika's direction.

"Thirty-four." Anika answered in a clipped tone knowing pretty well that it was futile to dissuade Gauri.

* * *

The two of them joined Shivaay after almost fifty minutes. He was seated in the food court in the mall engrossed scrolling on his phone.

"Hey, Jiju!" Gauri greeted placing the two shopping bags on the chair. Anika placed another. Shivaay tried not to show his surprise on the amount of shopping the ladies had done from that one particular store.

"I have a meeting at five, and a presentation before that, so I have to leave after lunch. I have summoned the driver, the two of you can shop around and leave as you please." he informed looking at Anika. She nodded, turning to Gauri.

They ordered burgers while Shivaay ordered a salad. Anika excused herself to get some water. Shivaay couldn't help but notice her swaying perfect backside.

"Tone that gaze down Jiju, she's your wife!" Shivaay choked on his salad being caught by Gauri.

"I wasn't," He tried to brush it off.

"Of course not, I have buttons, not eyes!" Gauri smiled.

Anika returned and Shivaay simply passed her a smile glancing at Gauri who looked on very amused. She was such a devil!

* * *

"Hey!" Shivaay greeted Anika, to find even Gauri was in his room seated with Anika on his bed.

"Hey Jiju! You're back!" Gauri greeted back.

"Hi!" Anika smiled looking his way.

"Guess my time to walk out!" Gauri muttered walking past Shivaay. She turned mouthing 'KISS' and Anika froze staring at her. Gauri quickly shut the door and sauntered out smiling.

"So, she got you to shop!" He spoke noticing the same shopping bags on the desk.

"yeah!" Anika muttered looking away.

"You okay?"

Anika glanced up at him, "yeah, I just wanted to apologize if Gauri went..."

"No, no, she's amazing. You don't have to apologize and all. She's fun to be around."

Anika's lips curled up. "At times, she gets very annoying with her cheekiness."

Shivaay nodded rolling up his sleeves, walking to the washroom. He stepped out of the washroom after a quick wash to find Anika closing her cupboard.

She smiled, "how did your meeting go?" She asked.

"Pretty well!" He answered walking towards her. He so badly wanted to be close to her but after yesterday he was in two minds.

Anika found Gauri's words resonating in her head. "Initiate and welcome his touch to let him know that you like it or he's going to think otherwise."

She took a deep breath and covered the remaining distance between them and hugged him. He smiled taken aback at her sudden hug nonetheless he returned it back.

"You get scared easily," she grinned tilting her head away from his chest, her hands still around him.

"Thanks for not letting Gauri know that!" He flashed her a boyish grin. Anika was totally charmed. Her gaze dropped to his lips and then went up to his eyes. Yes, they were on the same page of desire. She leaned closer her hands still wrapped around him and his around her.

Shivaay was freaking impressed that his wife was finally initiating some kissing. If lingerie shopping made her do that, he'd buy her an entire chain of stores or even her preferred brand. Ever since the time he had laid his eyes on those bags he couldn't stop thinking about what would be in them.

She pulled away smiling, not exactly blushing. It was more like a winning smile. He grinned. "I liked that, but," He nuzzled into her hair, letting his hands find their way up to her face. His palm rested below her ear, with his thumb caressing her cheek. His eyes looking at her with desire that could shy away the deepest of oceans. "...we can do better." he whispered over her lips, almost immediately sucking on her lower lip.

Ten or more minutes later they finally stopped the make out between their lips. Anika's cheeks were crimson with their indulgent activity. It was only slow kissing. He made no attempt to touch her anywhere, or get his lips away from hers to elsewhere. However, strangely, it left her disappointed. She liked his touch that left her skin blazing.

Shivaay pulled away after their repeated kissing. His mouth was hot and tongue tired. He looked at her with eyes narrowed as his eyelids felt heavy. "You know, it's very difficult keeping my hands off you." He let his words roll out slowly. His hands had dropped to his sides but hers were still on his shoulder. She didn't look away, she only kept looking at him. He really didn't know what that meant.

She inched her lips closer and kissed his cheek. She didn't know how to tell him to not keep his hands off her without sounding like a deviant. She withdrew her hands from his shoulders.

Shivaay was even more baffled than before. What did that kiss mean? Thank you for keeping your hands off me? Mostly that, she couldn't mean anything else, could she?

Anika sauntered towards the exit. She didn't know if it would even be right to say it in words that she loved his touch, his hold and his kisses. She feared he'd keep his hands off her from now on. Like he did today. She certainly didn't want that. She turned towards him opening the door, just say it Anika.

"Umm, Shivaay, don't do it if it's that difficult." Involuntarily her lips curved up and she dashed out of the room not wanting to witness his reaction.

Shivaay stood gaping at the open door. Did she actually say that or he imagined it?

I had a wonderful time reading all your takes on the two of them. Would really love to know more of your thoughts about them!

And yes... the update is here sooner than expected! ;)


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