Chapter 36 : Insatiable Needs

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Long chapter again!


Anika was beginning to get weary of the party. Shivaay was a social butterfly. She was amazed how almost everyone they'd met so far had one thing or another to congratulate Shivaay on. The only thing Anika loved was being beside his her arm wrapped around his. She wasn't a sucker for romance but hell she was loving the feeling of being close to him. She marveled at how drastically she and her life had changed after the marriage.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked him once they were sand the company of any other guest.

He looked at her, "come on," he spoke, leading her towards the buffet counter.

"Wait, I need to use the washroom first," Anika spoke wrapping both her palms around his arm stopping him. He nodded glancing at her hands that were around his tuxedo's black sleeve. 

"I will meet you here," he told her and she nodded hurriedly walking away to the washroom.

Shivaay was waiting for Anika when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to be greeted by Mrs. Usha Basu, she was a dear friend of Jaanvi. "Hello, Mrs. Basu!" He greeted touching her feet. 

"Bless you, Shivaay!" She spoke lovingly, adoring him. "It's been such a long time,"

"Indeed, it has been long,"

"I just returned from Jakarta a week back, sorry to hear about your Daadi. And congratulations on your wedding. I met your wife a little time ago.."

"You did?" Shivaay smiled surprised. Maybe she had met Anika when he was busy talking to a group of few men.

"Yeah, Malika is a sweet lady. You guys are made for each other," the woman went on to say and Shivaay looked on confused. Malika? Maybe she had assumed he had married Malika because the last time he had met her was when he had taken Malika to an art gallery launch.

"Oh, no, Mrs. Basu. I am not married to Malika, actually my wife.." he turned to find Anika standing a few feet away. "There she is..." he pointed at Anika who quickly walked towards the two. He put his arm around her waist, "this is Anika, my wife." He clarified.

"Oh," the woman smiled sheepishly. "I am so sorry. Actually, the last time I saw you, was with Malika so I assumed..." 

"It's okay Mrs. Basu, Shivaay managed to smile. "This is Mrs. Basu, Badi Maa's very good friend," he spoke turning to Anika signing her to touch the woman's feet. Anika took the cue and quickly leaned forward to take the woman's blessings. "Nice to meet you Aunty," She spoke smiling.

"Sorry, Anika dear, I goofed up," the lady apologized again.

"No issues aunty," Anika smiled warmly.

"Bless you two!" The woman smiled giving Anika's hand a squeeze. "I should get going, Jiya must be looking for me," she said referring to her daughter. "Will catch up some other time.."

"Sure, Mrs.Basu!" Shivaay nodded and the woman hurried away.

Shivaay sighed and turned to Anika, "Umm, sorry for that. I ..."

"It's okay," Anika smiled.

"Are you sure?" Shivaay asked uncertainly.

"Yes! Let's go and eat?" Anika asked.

"Yeah," he smiled thankfully. 

* * *

Anika sat on the chair beside Shivaay with her plate in hand. They had chosen a quiet corner, on Anika's insistence. "The paneer gravy is so good," Anika spoke looking up at him. "Why didn't you take it?"

"That's the most overrated dish ever," he piped in chewing.

"So? It's tasty, here try it," Anika spoke taking a morsel and holding it up for him.

Shivaay looked around immediately, "Anika, we are at a party. You mustn't do this," he glanced at her hand which held out the morsel for him to try.

Anika was taken aback by his curt response. "Okay," she muttered pulling back her hand. Shit, that was stupid of her to do. She hadn't even thought once before doing it. He definitely would take her to be an idiot. 

Shivaay noticed how her face fell, just like a kid deprived of her candy. "Hey, I didn't mean to make you upset," he spoke glancing at her. She didn't even look up from her plate. "On second thoughts, I think I can taste it at least."

"We are at a party, might come off as inappropriate, for your image." Anika blurted out not bothering to even look at him. Seconds later she regretted it. Why was she taunting him? Why was she acting like it was a great deal?

"Anika, it's...  just that I am not used to it," Shivaay tried explaining.

"I understand," Anika finally looked up and gave him a small smile.

"Go on, feed me," he spoke looking at her.

"It's okay Shivaay, you don't have to,"

"Let me taste it!" Shivaay spoke cutting her off.

Anika sighed and gave in to his request and held up a morsel which he ate. She looked away. She was appalled at her own behavior. She wasn't the kind to feel bad so quickly. Yet, when that woman assumed Malika to be his wife when he behaved aloof, it mattered to her. It shouldn't have. But it did. 

"Are you upset?" Shivaay asked as they reached the main hall after dinner. She didn't even bother to hold his arm anymore. She barely spoke after that small incident.

"No, why would I be?" Anika asked casually.

He held her hand in his, she looked at their hands and then at him. "I didn't intend to be rude,"

"I know, can we drop that? It doesn't matter, really," Anika drew her lips into a smile, hoping it seemed convincing enough. His blue eyes pierced into her gaze. She hated how his eyes captivated her, charmed her.

He said nothing and didn't leave her hand. He simply led her to the dance floor where a few couples were already dancing. "Do we have to really?" Anika asked.

"I want to. Besides people will have a clear understanding of who is my wife," Shivaay spoke looking at her. He whisked her off to the dance floor. "Finally, we can put our practice to some use," he spoke placing his hand around her waist while she placed hers on his shoulder. 

Anika's lips drew into a wide smile remembering the dance practice sessions. "I don't think I even remember the routine,"

"I do. Let me lead," he winked and she blushed. He smiled as she warmed up to him again. "I shall keep it simple,"

Anika nodded in agreement looking at him. They swayed to the music aware of their steps. He held her hand stepping away and then pulled her back into his arms. This time his hold stronger. Anika was used to his possessive hold, his intently looking gaze and his proximity. It never failed to cause a swarm of butterflies to appear in her tummy. His hand inched lower, his fingers pressing over the fabric. Anika's resistance faltered and she stepped closer to him wanting to ease that hold. 

"Shivaay, the grip," she spoke softly into his ears looking over his shoulder.

"What about it?" He asked his lips inches away from her ear as is palm ran up to her waist and then down again feeling her body's curve lazily.

"Ease it, please," she whispered breathlessly, as it got her heart to race and mind to run in wild ways. What was he up to!

"Don't you like it?" He murmured intoned ear his lips twisting into a smile.

"People are watching," Anika spoke quickly looking at the scattered people in the huge hall.

"Let them," he whispered in his husky tone, and Anika knew her knees were all set to get weak.

"Shivaay, you --" her words stopped when a woman came up to them. Anika quickly stepped away, still feeling his palm press against her hips. He blinked and then noticed the other women. 

"If you don't mind, may I have a dance with the gentleman?" The woman asked sweetly her dark eyes sparkling. 

"Sure," Anika mumbled walking away. She took in a deep inhale. He sure knew how to create havoc in her system. Thankfully, the woman had intervened. She turned around to find his eyes on her. She blushed looking down at her gown. She assumed it was natural for people to ask for a dance like that. She looked up this time Shivaay's back was towards her. The lady was dressed in a black sleeveless gown with a tie-around neck. At her thigh the gown had a slit giving a glimpse of her tanned legs. 

Shivaay looked around and gritted his teeth as Shilpa Kapoor placed her hand in his shoulder. He didn't want to create a scene, at least not until the deal was signed. He glanced at her and her red painted lips curved up. "Looking sexy as always Oberoi!" She complimented. Shivaay's mind was barely registering her words. His gaze was on the one woman he couldn't stop thinking about. She had aroused him by nothing. She had to just breathe to get him in for her. Her scent that was lingering around him was now replaced by a strong vanilla scent. He glanced at Shilpa as she swayed moving her hands to sit around his neck. His eyes traveled down to her cleavage as she did so. 

"Like something you see Mr. Oberoi?" She smiled teasingly.

Shivaay placed his hands lightly at her waist. "Have seen better," he smiled.

"She's average honestly, I wonder how you settled for her," Shilpa spoke glancing at Anika over his shoulder.

Shivaay gritted his teeth, "she's wonderful! If you get what I mean," He winked at her pulling his hand back. "And I need her already, so excuse me Mrs. Kapoor," he added smirking. He walked away his eyes trained on his wife.

She smiled as he reached her. "Never let another woman dance with me," he muttered leaning to kiss her cheek as his hand wrapped around her waist. "I think we should leave?"

Anika blushed nodding, matching his step. When they were climbing down the stairs, Anika's foot twisted again. "Ouch!" She held on to his arm for support. He was swift in standing before her with his arm already around her waist.

"Are you okay?" He asked his eyes shining with concern. 

"Yeah, I think my ankle twisted again." She guessed placing her foot on the next step. "I can manage," she announced climbing down.

"Sure?" He asked looking at her black heels. 

"Yes," she answered positively holding on to his arm and in the other hand her gown as she walked down. 

* * *

"Who was that lady who danced with you? You don't like her or something?" Anika asked thinking about his words when he walked back to her.

"Bingo!" Shivaay grinned. "I don't really like her, but since she is now married to Manish Kapoor, one of the tycoons I am going to sign a deal with," Shivaay explained, trying to get rid of the bow tie, slowing down the car to a normal speed. He used both his hands but failed. 

"I think it's knotted," Anika pointed out as she looked at him observantly. 

"Help me with it..." he spoke shifting in his seat. 

Anika shifted on her seat and turned her body towards him. She leaned slightly while her fingers tried opening the knot.

"You should try buying hook and loop, the velcro one's next time," she muttered struggling with the knot.

"Okay, but coming back to present, please don't choke me," Shivaay joked.

"It's a difficult knot, and you're moving," Anika declared giving up. 

He brought the car to a halt at the side of the road and shifted in his seat such that he was facing Anika, and looked up.  "Just undo this, it's suffocating," he muttered annoyed.

Anika cautiously leaned forward and brought her teeth closer to the knot. Just like her mother did to open tight knots. Shivaay was caught off guard by the act. She easily opened the knot using her fingers after she had loosened the knot using her teeth. "There you go!" She muttered smiling pleased having completed her task. Her eyes traveled up his jaw to his eyes while his gaze moved down very swiftly. His gaze hurriedly moved from her eyes down to her chest as there was much on display due to the position. Anika parted her lips involuntarily realizing where his gaze was. She quickly sat back on her seat with his tie in her hand. Shivaay opened the first three buttons of his shirt and sat properly on his seat. His primary aim was to get to his bedroom as quickly as possible now.

* * *

Anika stepped out of the car and the pain in her ankle announced itself. She winced taking a step ahead. The entire ride back home, after their brief stop had been silent except the old hits playing on the radio. 

"Anika, are you okay?" Shivaay asked noticing the limp in her gait as they entered the mansion. The maid was awake, Anika had instructed the maid to lock the doors and check on the garden doors. 

"Yeah, just the ankle," Anika explained walking towards the staircase. She had barely taken her first step when she was lifted bridal style by her husband.

"Shivaay," she whispered, "I can manage," she spoke softly looking at him. 

"You don't have to when I am here," he winked.

"Am I not heavy?"

"You are but it's manageable," he grinned.

She smiled admiring his eyes. They sparked like sapphires in the dark. 

• • •  M  • • •

He put her down once they were inside the room and shut the door locking it. Anika had quickly got rid of her heels. She was analyzing her foot when she was pressed against the wall with his body. 

He was leaning in and nibbling on her lower lip, his hand cupping her breast. Anika was stumped for a few seconds, she moaned as he bit harder on her lower lip. "I was freaking dying to do that since I laid my eyes on you, today evening." He muttered his hands groping her dress for an opening, invoking restlessness in her in the process. 

His lips seized hers for a hot kiss. Anika loved those sensations. Her hands went around his neck and eventually tugged at his hair pulling him closer. He suppressed a groan which turned into a low growl at the back of his throat. Anika kissed him back fervently gaining confidence. She had no clue how he did it but he was brilliant at getting her wet between the legs.

She broke away forcefully turning her head sideways, when she needed to breathe. Their kisses just got hotter in seconds. He inhaled her scent and nuzzled her hair, his lips quivering against her cheek. His hands now on her waist to support her. 

"Shivaay," she moaned sweetly when his tongue flicked all the way down the column of her neck. Her hands tugging at his hair. 

"Anika, get this stupid dress off you," he murmured pulling down her sleeve to leave wet kisses all over her shoulder. 

Anika's lips drew into a smile and she turned to face him her hands cupping his face. He hurriedly claimed her mouth again with maddening urgency. He tried peeling the gown off her shoulders. He needed to touch what lay beneath.

"Shivaay, wait," Anika managed to speak pulling away from his lips. "It's an expensive gown, you'll tear it," she spoke while trying to catch her breath. 

"I don't care, I need you," he muttered kissing her jaw. Anika tilted her head backward loving his he teased her jawline. She quickly turned around facing the wall. "The zipper., " she muttered pulling her hair to the front. 

Shivaay's eyes feasted on her form moving from her neck to her backside. Both his palms rested on her neck massaging it gently. He put his both hands to use and unzipped her dress. She tried moving when he held her shoulders in place. "Not yet," he muttered. His hands peeling the dress off her lazily while his eyes feasted on her bare skin. He pressed wet kisses against her back while his hands gently lowered the dress. Anika bit her lower lip shuddering in the wake of the sensations which he made her feel. His stubble pricking against her skin and tongue flicking over it made her feel on fire. It wasn't the first time he was loving her this way, nonetheless, she felt it was like the first time. The sensations, still fresh and new.

Her hands pressed against the wall for support as she felt his lips rub against the curve of her lower back. Time, place, and everything else remained forgotten. Her entire attention was on the sensations she felt. The way her muscles tightened in anticipation and loosened after he had marked her skin. 

Shivaay tugged at the dress and it slipped down the flare of her hips bundling up on the floor. He stared at his wife in nothing but marron undergarments. His heartbeat racing crazily. He stepped closer, his lips pressing against her shoulder blade while his one hand cupped her butt cheek. His right hand touched her thighs, moving between her legs over the soft fabric which was wet. His lips twisted in satisfaction, proud of his doing.

Anika gasped as she felt his fingers roll down her undies. "Shivaay," she whispered flushing from the tip of her ears to her toes. She tried turning but couldn't because he pressed his fully clothed body against her almost naked one. 

"I just can't have enough of you," he murmured pressing his chin on her shoulder tilting his head to leave a kiss while his fingers found their way to her pleasure nub. 

She gasped, her knees threatening to give away as her body reacted to the waves of pleasure Shivaay's fingers were triggering. "Oh, aah"  she moaned biting her lower lip. He put his free arm around her with fingers reaching her bosom while the other worked on getting her to orgasm right there. He never thought getting a woman to see galaxies could be equally exciting, oh, but it was. He loved the muffled sounds that escaped her mouth they were melody to his ears and triggers to his manhood.

Anika pressed her upper body against the wall as warm liquid trickled down her legs. "Oh, Shivaay!" She drawled. He smiled turning her around, slowly. She was trembling and stumbled over him. He wrapped his arms around her. "Did you like that?"

Anika kissed his cheek leaning over him. Shivaay picked her thigh up in a swift move, she locked it quickly around him. He walked to the bed not caring about anything at the moment. His wife was getting the hang of matters of the body and he was loving it. He flopped her on the bed. He undressed himself while he looked at her waiting for him. He smiled as her eyes widened when she looked at him. There was no way he'd ever be over her. His needs went into overdrive when it came to her.

Would love to know your thoughts on their dynamic relationship!

Hopefully, those who had expectations of the post-party found what they expected! I hadn't planned it but the majority was waiting so, yeah, hence the longer chapter.


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