Chapter 4 : Meeting Again!

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( Shivaay )

I sat smiling, on my bed. I had given mom the 'yes' she had been waiting to hear, as soon as I had arrived. I had also told her to check if she reached home. Which gave my brothers ample opportunity to tease me. Come on, I just wanted to be sure she reached home safely!

"Mind if we come in?" I heard Rudra's voice.

"Yes, I do. Guys...I need to sleep." I replied keeping my tone bland.

"What if I say I found 'her' Facebook account?"

I looked up from my phone looking at him, who was standing at the door to my room. "You seriously did?"

"Damn. Look at that excitement!" Omkara commented grinning ear to ear. I gave him a look.

"Okay just quickly show what you've got and leave. " I said sitting upright on the bed and folding my legs so that the two of them could sit. Her Facebook, meant more insight into her life.

"We aren't here for .. " Omkara began.

"Please," I added before Om could even complete his taunt.

"Gosh, Bhaiya... Bhabhi is pretty!" Rudra said happily walking up to me with the laptop followed by an Omkara who was rolling his eyes. Jeez, the way he called her bhabhi had my insides fluttered.

"Oh, she is more pretty in person," I said my eyes gazing at the picture of her surrounded with kids in grey and blue uniform.

"Really?" Omkara asked teasingly giving my shoulders a squeeze. I ignored. 

"And she's got a really amazing sense of humor," I added, hitting the side arrow key, to move to the next picture.

"Then we both will get along well," Rudra spoke excitedly. I noted she didn't really look that great in pictures as she looked in person. Oh, those curves, the smile, and that blush!

" Of course." I smiled muttering. 

"Someone's smiling a lot. Is it the dinner or the lady?" Omkara's teasing voice echoed behind me

"Both! " I winked turning around to glance at him.

"Wow. You are already agreeing. You're such a goner." Omkara chuckled.

"Come on man.." I rolled my eyes.

"I mean it. The Shivaay, I knew was the kind who'd throw attitude even if he likes a girl. Certainly not the one to behave like a lovesick puppy. Love, at first sight, huh, our Romeo?"

"Oh, Shut up Om. She's ...nice. Oh, that reminds me ...remember the woman who ran into me in the afternoon ?" I suddenly remembered.

"The sexy woman?" Omkara asked perplexed at his sudden excitement. Shivaay and excited had to be equal to wow.

"No. The one who almost made me fall? Running into me?"

"Oh, that!" Om exclaimed.

"Wow. She already had you falling!" Rudra commented giggling giving Omkara a high-five. I beamed.

"I can already imagine what kind of life you'll have Shivaay!" Omkara exclaimed laughing.

"Not funny." I sat back, looking aside.

"Oh, someone is offended, already into Joru-Ka-Gulaam mode?" Omkara asked continuing to laugh. 

"F off Om. I pray that your wife makes you go around the world before saying yes to you!"

Omkara shook his head mocking me for what I had said. "FYI, One -Women die to be by my side. Two - I don't think a woman like that exists who could make me go around the world for her. Three- I don't need a, yes you know! " He winked at me. "And...whoever said I want a wife?"

"You're such a bad influence on him," I said pulling my hands back from Rudra's ears that I had immediately covered looking at Om's far from decent expression.

"Ahh, just to let you know. I heard every word. " Rudra piped in sheepishly and then focused his attention back on the screen. 

Omkara laughed while Shivaay glared at him.

"Come on Bhaiya. I am twenty-one plus!" Rudra threw up is hands. "Honestly I feel it's okay to ..."

"Have you?" The two of us asked astonished. It was a known fact that Omkara had casual sexual relationships with his temporary girlfriends. But Rudra? Had he joined the same club?

"Of course, not."

"That's like my brother," I said smiling relieved.

"What the hell? What century you guys are in. Trust me... One person... It isn't a great idea. I mean..." Omkara

"Quit it, now. " I said sternly narrowing my eyes looking at Omkara.

"Whatever!" Omkara threw up his hands giving up. 

"It's not that...I am with anyone of you over this topic. I mean...I just feel I'd want it with someone special."

"Exactly, not a broadcast! " Shivaay commented giving a giggling Rudra a high-five. Omkara rolled his eyes. "Come on guys!"

"Well whatever, good luck with to-be-Bhabhi! If you need tips, you could ask me!" Omkara winked at me. 

"I don't practice, that doesn't mean I don't know." I winked back at Om. 

"Ohhooo...savage Bhaiya!" Rudra laughed.

"Alright , guys....leave...I need a good sleep. And Rudra, focus on studies instead of girls."

"Of course. After marriage, someone's getting more into action and less into sleep!" Omkara nudged me while getting off the bed.

"Shut up Om!" I shouted throwing a cushion in his direction.

"Give me my laptop at least. Do you plan to hug it and sleep or something?" Rudra giggled much to my irritation. 

I handed him the laptop while Omkara looked at me suspiciously. I ignored and shooed them away from my room. Exactly after ten minutes, I texted Rudra asking him to send me her photographs we had just seen. He responded with laughter emojis and sent it right away. This guy was useful when not in Omkara's radar.

* * *

( Anika )

"Anu, tell me naa, what did you guys talk?"

"Mom. I told you, he was nice know... That's it." I said trying to have fun with mom. Ever since I had come she had been constantly trying to get inputs from me to make sure I hadn't done anything to be rejected.

"I hope you didn't screw up." 

"He wasn't an English Language paper mom!" One thing I always screwed up was English Language paper. English was so easy when spoken but when it came on paper it was all too confusing. 

"Anika." She was interrupted by the message beep of her phone. 

"Who is it?" I asked curiously, glancing at the wall clock as I resumed to straighten the bedsheet.

"Your possible mother in law," she said engrossed in her phone.

"Really?" A smile curved up on my face while nervousness washed my heart. "What does she ask?"

"If you reached home. ..Anika are you sure you didn't do anything..." My mom looked up suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes. "I just spoke honestly. Whatever he asked, I answered." I said wondering what else was in store.

"What did he ask?"My mother asked nervously.

"He asked me your normal bp!" I chuckled.

"Very Funny. Anika. I am asking again..did he ask about your college or..."

"Of course he asked me how many boyfriends I had had. I told him with all honesty I had been with thirty!"

"What?" My mother exclaimed horrified. I thoroughly enjoyed her expressions.

Her message beeped. "Oh my God. Miss Anika Talwar...he said a yes. They want to meet tomorrow."

It was my turn to be shocked. "What? They? Tomorrow?" I muttered walking around the bed and sat beside her. She got up quickly moving away. I huffed in irritation. while she typed. After a good five minutes, she finally looked up from her screen. She looked at me with a goofy grin on her face. She simply smiled at me silently. My patience hit rock bottom. "Mom, will you stop smiling and say something, anything?"

"We are invited to dinner. Tomorrow."

"With his family?" I asked surprised. This was way too fast. I mean I just met him. 

"Yes, his family and him." My mom took me into a hug. 

"So fast?" I muttered.

"Anika, it's just a dinner invitation. Oh my God.. do you think I should dye my hair? It looks white on the center naa." She lowered her head for me to see. I rolled my eyes, "Mumma, nothing can be done of you!"

"Shut. Up. I am going to meet a family who has a chance of being my only daughter's in-laws. Must I not look my best?"

"Looks don't matter mom!" I sighed.

"Come on Anika. They matter. Ask yourself why you liked Shivaay!" 

"Because he is nice and he tries to be understanding." I blurted out without second thoughts.

"Why is he nice?" Mother smartly shot the next question all set to get out whatever she could from me. I didn't see it coming.

"Because he is chivalrous, speaks well, has a well-mannered way of speaking."

"Wait, well-mannered way of talking?" She looked at me carefully reading my expression.

"Yeah. And he let me pay half the bill. Not like those other men whose male ego is wounded if a girl pays."

"Isn't it early to judge him, Anu?" Mother asked perhaps baffled that I had actually liked a man in the first meeting itself.

"You know what happened. I couldn't even pronounce the name on the menu right to forget about ordering something. He offered to go to some other restaurant. So he basically understood."

"Anika. Why do you have to be so choosy? That's the first impression you put on a guy? Oh God, you're an idiot."

"O hello, you were the one who chose the restaurant. So now don't blame me." I made a face.

" Very nice, if I do something you would like then it's a problem. If I don't do something you would like then again it's me to the blame. Very convenient." Mumma argued.

"Oh, my drama queen, cool it. He liked me anyway." Anika shrugged as a smile curved up her face.

"That he did. You're so lovable who wouldn't like you!" Mumma pressed a kiss over my temples.


"Hmm, I won't marry right away okay? I am warning you beforehand."

Mother smiled widely while I stared at her. "That only means you liked him very very much."

"Nothing like that!" I replied quickly as my mother's word made sense to me now. "Anyways, let's sleep. I am tired."

"Anika likes a guy. Anika is all shy." She exclaimed in a sing-song voice.

"Mumma. Stop it. I am running away otherwise."

"With Shivaay?" Mother grinned thoroughly enjoying teasing me.

"Grow up Mumma. I just met him!"

"So you're okay with running away after a few days?" 

"You know what Mumma, I am running away to the next room. Bye." I got up and made a beeline for the door.

"Oye, shut up and come back here." I eyed her mother as she walked towards the bed. "One more time you tease me.."

"Whatever. Let's sleep." Mumma muttered smiling to herself. "Seems like someone gets affected by my teasing." I sighed. 

"Did you say something?" I turned to my mother.

"No. Did you hear something?" 

"Good night!" She sighed. 

* * *

(3rd person )

"Hi!" Anika finally greeted him after she had greeted and exchanged smiles with every person in his family. This was so awkward. She would any day choose a dinner with him than with bis family.

"Hi!" Shivaay greeted her and then turned to Omkara whose hand landed on his shoulder making him sit. "Stop staring at her," Omkara whispered.

"I am not." Shivaay glanced glaring at him.

His Daadi and mother started talking to her. Shivaay simply sat trying to not look at her. She looked gorgeous in the grey anarkali. It was sleeveless and had ruby pink embroidery. Damn. She was way too pretty for him to not look. Her chiffon dupatta was fixed to her dress on the shoulder. 

"Shivaay, why don't you show Anika around." Pinky's voice brought Shivaay back into the room. 

"Sure." Shivaay offered to get up.

Anika looked uncomfortably at her mother who nodded to urge her to go. She met her eyes and then glanced at Shivaay.

"We'll also be with them. While you all continue the oldie talks," Rudra spoke starting to walk after Shivaay. Pinky made a face that made Omkara grin amusingly. He followed the trail. 

Anika was like a fish out of water. It was as though she had a team of bodyguards following her. "Bhaiya told me you work in the branding department of Hush, the company that makes baby products." Rudra started the conversation walking beside Anika while Om and Shivaay followed.

"Yeah. I do." Anika smiled. 

"This is the living hall, where the three of us generally hand out. The oldies stick to the one on the ground floor. And that is the bar. Do you drink?" Rudra was totally in the flow of excitement. 

Shivaay rubbed his forehead at that and exchanged a glance with Omkara, who seemed visibly amused. "I don't," Anika answered offering a small smile. His question made her nervous.

Shivaay placed his hand on Rudra's shoulders pulling him back. "Why don't you go tidy your room before Anika sees it? Until then I will show around." Rudra stared at his brother. Well, he did make sense. "Cool." He stated quickly disappearing in the direction of his room.

Anika exchanged a smile with Shivaay.  Omkaar smirked as Shivaay glanced at him. He knew it was the cue. "I think, I forgot my phone downstairs. I will meet you guys in a bit." He sent a wink in Shivaay's direction and headed back to the stairs.

"This way...." Shivaay spoke leading her.

"I didn't expect you would say a yes so soon," Anika spoke as they entered the terrace after they had seen his room.

Shivaay grinned. "I don't miss opportunities."

Anika smiled turning towards him. "I can never take decisions that fast."

"A businessman has to."

"But still, you barely know me.." Anika spoke placing her hand on the parapet wall. "I am sure a businessman doesn't enter a contract without even knowing the clauses in the contract."

"Well, you haven't met ten guys before have you?" 

"I don't remember the count but certainly not ten." She grinned.

Shivaay smiled stepping forward. "You remember the count."

Anika turned to face him once again. This time she looked at him rather oddly. How the hell did he know? "Why do you think so?" She asked him out of curiosity. He shrugged, "I just knew. How many?" He asked stepping beside hr rand placing his hand on the parapet wall. "Three." She answered, "the view is amazing from here." She added. Shivaay smiled, "It is!"

Happy last weekend of the year 2019!


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