Chapter 5 : Amidst Confusion

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Seven weeks later 

Anika tied her hair as she spoke to her mom, almost shouting so That her mother who was in the kitchen could hear her. "Mom, I am ready to leave. Shivaay said he will drop me, he must be around the place. Putting her wallet, handkerchief, pepper spray, and a jacket in her hand bag Anika hurried out of her room. She had worn a plain red top and casual blue denim. Over the past few weeks, she and Shivaay had been hanging out. To know each other better they had decided to go to places the other liked. It turned out that they were poles apart. However, they respected each other's choices. 

She smiled as she got into his car. "Hi!" She greeted him, he smiled and uttered a  "hey". He was charming, really very charming. The way he conducted himself, the way he spoke - almost flirtatious, the way he was around. Not to miss the scent he carried around. However, Anika was uncertain. They were very very different. While he preferred a highly expensive five-star hotel for even a cup of coffee, she preferred the next vendor on the street she found. While he spent his weekends in resorts, spas, and dance clubs. She preferred spending her weekends for social causes like helping in the maintenance of government schools, old-age homes or taking part in marathons for social causes. 

Nonetheless, she appreciated his willingness to try out things with her. She had taken him to paint a community wall on Saturday. On another day she had taken him to a small village some two hundred kilometers away to volunteer as logistics of a medical camp. Her mother was mad at her for making him do all of that. But she didn't force him. She just suggested and he accepted. Although,  Anika knew it was a big deal if a man who had millions and a plethora of properties and businesses under his name did all of that instead of simply writing a cheque as a donation. For a while now Anika had been judging him. He never really protested or declined. But Anika wasn't naive to not notice his discomfort. 

Shivaay smiled as he noticed her. In the past seven weeks or so of knowing her, he had only fallen more for her beauty. He really appreciated her dynamic ever charged up life. However, he knew the world she stayed in was different from his. She was beautiful, no matter what she wore. It amazed him that he could find a woman beautiful even when her hair was messy, dressed in an oversized t-shirt smudged with dirt with old jeans. In all honesty, he hated it when she dressed up like that, when she could literally pull of amazing designer clothes.

His liking for her was too strong. He had practically done stuff he hadn't imagined himself to do in nightmares. He didn't even want to remember them. Tonight they had decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant. He sat silently throughout the drive, in retrospect. She didn't speak either. The restaurant wasn't far, the ride was fairly short-lived.

"So?" Anika spoke looking at him after the waiter walked away after taking their order. 

"So?" He smiled, placing the table cloth on one side while repositioning his glass. Anika smiled. He was too well-groomed and his etiquette was class apart. In earnestness, he was totally out of her league.

"Shivaay, you do realize that we are at two different sides of a spectrum?" Anika didn't bother to beat around the bush.

"So we are." He replied looking straight at her. Anika wondered what to say next. She hoped he'd say something, however, he didn't.  "I don't really think you and I would be a great idea. I mean no offense. You're amazing the way you are. I really like you, but, it's just that we.."

"..are out of place in each other's worlds." He completed leaning forward. Anika nodded pulling her lips into a sad smile. Shivaay placed his hand on hers. "I think the same way. I mean, it really is scary to think of .."

"..a life together." Anika completed it for him. He gave a small smile nodding. "Let's just shift to the friend zone and move on?" Anika suggested. 

"That's an excellent idea," Shivaay spoke thoughtfully giving her a long look. He liked her very much. But it wouldn't perhaps be the best decision to take things forward from where they were. "You'd be a good catch for any guy." He remarked cheekily. 

"I know." She winked giggling. Before their conversation could grow, the waiter brought in their order. "Umm, your family wouldn't hold it against me, right? I mean they are lovely people. I really enjoy their company. I wouldn't want to be struck through in their good books for not marrying their bachelor."

Shivaay laughed heartily, "No you won't, Anika. Can we focus on the food? This looks promising" he spoke glancing at the lasagne before him.

"Sure!" Anika smiled. It felt lighter to finally speak out her mind. However, a weird feeling now bothered her. Was she making the right decision?

Shivaay couldn't help but steal glances at her when she looked around. She was a wonderful woman. He wondered if it was right to just not go ahead with whatever they could have. God, the thought that she wouldn't be the one for him made him feel so terrible. He was already envious of the man who would get her.

Forty-Five Days Later:

Anika walked past people looking for her mother. It was one of her mother's friend's daughter's wedding reception. Anika couldn't believe her mother had literally blackmailed her into wearing a lehenga. She was sure that half the people she met assumed her to be the bride's cousin. Perhaps the next one waiting to be hitched. Anika hadn't spoken to Shivaay after that day. She didn't know honestly what to talk about. She thought it was better if she scene zoned him from her life. 

Neither had Shivaay tried to get in touch or call her. At maximum, there were a few messages exchanged on New Year. It was the last week of February and the summer was finally setting in, the winter fading out. However, the night was cool. She was looking around when someone bumped into her from the side. She immediately turned and the woman who had bumped into her was uttering a sorry. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?" The woman asked concerned.

Anika smiled reassuringly. "I am fine. Are you?" Anika held her hand seeing her wobble. She looked pretty, had high cheekbones, her cheek dimpled. Her hair was a dark shade of brown left as waves. Anika admired her baby pink lehenga. She looked stunning. 

"Malika?" A similar voice made Anika turn to her left. Her heart momentarily forgot to beat. Those oceanic blue eyes, that dapper appearance, and that charming face. Oh, she hadn't forgotten him.

"Hi!" He muttered after a few seconds of silence.

"Hey!" She tried smiling. Damn, why was she acting as she had just seen the celebrity she crushed on?

"You know her?" Malika asked standing upright after making sure her heels were still in working condition.

"Yes, She's Anika. A friend." He answered looking back at Anika. Anika smiled noticing how Malika's hand wrapped around his arm. Her gaze met Shivaay's. "Umm, this is Malika."

Anika nodded smiling. "Nice to meet you." Malika smiled. An awkward silence filled the air between them. "Uh, Shivaay, just give me two minutes, I will be back!" Saying that Malika excused herself to use the washroom. 

Anika gave him a tight-lipped smile. "So, it's her is it?"

He smiled, "it's been a month I have known her."

Anika nodded sinking in the information. One month, they seemed to have grown pretty close. "She's pretty!" Anika remarked honestly. Shivaay looked up at her surprised to hear that however, he didn't show it on his face. "So, it's going good so far?"

Shivaay nodded in a yes, muttering "so far". Her phone rang diverting her attention off him. He took the opportunity to have a good look at her. She looked so pretty although the lehenga she wore was relatively simple. Her hair braided and on her shoulder, while a few loose strands kissed her cheek. Damn! He cursed his thoughts that were no where close to decent tearing away his gaze from her. 

"Mom called, she finally realized she has lost me," Anika mumbled and Shivaay couldn't help but chuckle. She made the simplest statements sound funny. He appreciated it.

"See you then!" He spoke forwarding his hand. Anika glanced at his hand and slipped hers into his for a handshake. "Good luck with her!" Anika smiled and pulled back her hand. Damn, that contact was electrifying. 

Anika had barely walked past him when he heard her call her name. It was almost as though something caused her heart to jump wildly inside her ribcage. "Yeah?" She turned. "Did you find someone?" Anika didn't know why he asked her that however, she answered. "A guy named Varun. Met him a week back. He's a doctor, so far so good. Let's see how things go!" 

"Good luck!" He smiled and there Anika was charmed.

"Bye!" She smiled walking away. Throughout the entire reception, Anika was flummoxed. She wanted to have a glimpse at him, but at the same time didn't want to see him around with Malika.

She did catch a glimpse of him and as expected Malika was standing close to him. Their arms wrapped around each other. Wow! They seemed to be settling too fast with each other. She obviously seemed like the one for him. Anika sighed, why did that make her heart feel heavy? Not wanting to bother herself anymore Anika walked towards the lawn. She smiled as Varun approached her. "Hey!" He greeted her. She suggested they walk around and he more than readily accepted the offer. 

Ever since Shivaay had met Anika he couldn't seem to find it in himself to enjoy Malika's company. When he had first met Malika, he was really positive that they'd make a great couple. However, that chance encounter with Anika made him question everything. She was seeing another guy. A doctor. She would surely gel well. Random thoughts kept him occupied he wasn't even listening to what Malika was saying, only hearing. The night passed in a blur for him. Leaving his thoughts flummoxed. 

I almost forgot it is a Friday! Anyway here's the update for this week. Would love to know your thoughts. 

Was busy welcoming New year and with new job formalities hence the drought in updates. Hopefully, I find my writing never tomorrow and flood you all with updates!


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