Chapter 6 : Yes or No?

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It had been a week to the incident where she had met Shivaay. She no longer paid much interest to Varun. He was a great guy but Anika somehow had started to have second thoughts. She wondered if it was because of Shivaay. He had probably decided his wedding venue with Mallika. They looked amazing together. How much ever she ran from the fact it came back to her. This feeling was irritating. She entered the house to be surprised. Was she like literally seeing Shivaay seated on the sofa of her home's living hall? 

"Hi!" He greeted her. He seemed real.

"Hi!" Annika greeted staring at him.

"Anika, did you get the tomatoes?" Her mother asked walking out of the kitchen. What a way to greet! "Ahh, I forgot." She answered staring at her other and then slowly moving her eyes to ask her what was he doing there.

"Oh, Shivaay came to meet you. I thought you knew. He just came minutes back." Her mother spoke smiling at Shivaay.

"No aunty, I thought I would surprise her. Actually, this brought me here." Saying so he held up the potted plant. Anika's lips curled up to form a smile as she saw the plant. "It actually grew." She exclaimed astonished.

"I will be back!" Saying that her mother disappeared into the kitchen.

"I told you it will sprout!" He smiled. 

Anika walked over and took the plant from his hand. They had spent one Sunday afternoon trying to get their hands literally dirty doing gardening. "You were right Mr.Oberoi!" It looks so cute!" 

"Plants look cute too?" He asked bewildered. 

"Of course they do!"She answered.

"Anika I need tomatoes, my gravy needs it." Her mother's voice came from the kitchen. Anika sighed. "Fine, I will buy them and be back." She screamed and turned to Shivaay, "would you like to come tomato shopping?" Shivaay who was totally astounded by how two ladies could literally take the roof off by their mere conversation nodded.

"Have you ever gone vegetable shopping?" She asked as they walked down the road to the nearest vegetable vendor. It was approximately a ten-minute walk.

"Nah." He answered.

"Grocery shopping?" She asked curiously and he nodded in a negative again. "You haven't bought basic necessities ever?" She asked sort of shocked.

"I have. I have bought lands, startups. They bring me money...a basic necessity to buy other necessities." Anika giggled as he grinned evidently proud of his answer. "You're like from a different world!" She exclaimed walking ahead to select the tomatoes.

As they walked back Anika finally asked, "so what's up in your life these days? How is Mallika?"

Shivaay smiled as she mentioned Mallika. "She's doing good. My company signed her as the head architect for an upcoming project. She's too good at it. I have been to her project sites. There's a modern era touch, with comfort. And her office,  that's a must be to place. Like literally it's the coolest office I have ever seen across the globe."

"Sounds amazing!" Anika muttered putting up a smile. "What about you...I mean the guy you were seeing. Ahh.." he pretended he didn't remember the name.

"Varun? Oh, he is fine." Anika answered.

"So, did it click?"

His question made Anika a little curious as to why he wanted to know. Nonetheless, she decided to be honest. "Not really. Honestly, I  think I am not yet ready for entering a relationship."

Shivaay looked thoughtful, "or maybe you just can't seem to find a person who meets all your expectations." 

"Maybe!" She muttered.

"Anika, I think I like you!" He spoke bringing his feet to stop walking.

Anika turned with eyes widened a wee bit. "What?" She exclaimed.

"I like you." He repeated. "It didn't go anywhere with Mallika. I think I am stuck at you." He admitted honestly.

Anika had no clue how to answer that. She stared at him a little nervously. Gradually, a smile appeared on his face. He took a few steps to reach closer to her. "Don't feel weird about it.  I just said what I felt. I think I am willing to try a whole lot of new things with you. It may be difficult but I want to try it. I understand that we aren't exactly, compatible. But, there is this weird connect I feel with you. Look, umm, I said what I felt. Not necessary you feel the same way. Take some time and take your call." 

"That's what you came for today?" Anika asked perhaps sounding like a stupid.

"Yes." He answered "shall we walk back. I think your mom is waiting for the tomatoes."

She smiled, "yeah."

The walk back to her home was awkward for Anika. She didn't know how to react. Take it or leave it? She didn't know. What if tomorrow he found someone better than her? Was she willing to adapt to his life? Being Mrs.Shivaay Singh Oberoi would be no child's game. There would be so many responsibilities apart from the ones that naturally came with a marriage.

"What are you thinking?" He asked as they neared her doorstep.

"That marrying you may be like taking up JEE Advanced or UPSC!"

His immediate response was a burst of heartfelt laughter, "and how's that ?" he asked breaking his laughter.

"Oh forget it!" Anika replied walking in. "Mom your tomatoes are here." She shouted as they entered the living hall. 

* * *

"How did it go?" Omkaar asked immediately as he noticed his brother entering his room.

"I told her." Shivaay smiled proudly.

"And..." Omkara prompted.

"And that's it." Shivaay sighed.

"What about her response? What did she say?"

"She wasn't sure, so I asked her to take time and make her decision." Shivaay glanced up at Om.

"Are you sure you really want to marry her? I mean you are aware that your temporary engagement ha been called off once." Omkara stated as a reminder.

"I don't know, Om. There's this magnetic connect that I feel with her!" Shivaay sighed, and

Omkaar rolled his eyes. "That's called infatuation, attraction. You can feel that for many women you know." 

"Shut up, Omkara. Anyway, I have a Skype conference early tomorrow morning I shall go and get some sleep."

"And sweet dreams I suppose," Omkara added amusement filling his eyes.

Shivaay grinned on his way out. "By the way did you have dinner?" Omkara asked, "yes with her and her mother." Came his reply.

* * *

Anika glanced up at her mother. "What's going on between you and Shivaay?"

"That's a really wrong sounding question." Anika pointed out.

"Answer." Her mother narrowed her eyes at her.

Anika knew there was no point beating around the bush. Her mother would ultimately spoon out the information from her. "He said he likes me."

"I knew he didn't come here for that plant. First, he says yes, calls for dinner, we had your roka done, you guys spent time hanging out as you call it. Finally, he moves on with another proposal and then comes back to you saying he likes you."

"Can you calm down Mumma? It's not his fault. I mean I was the one who suggested, not go ahead together. Obviously, with time, you realize what you like and dislike. And so he did." Anika shrugged.

She noticed her mother smile. "You like him too, don't you? That's why you are defending him. That's why you didn't like Varun that much." Her mother pulled her cheeks.

"Mumma, please. I don't know. I am confused. He's nice but we are very different. Plus, you know... he's popular and filling in as his wife might get too much attention on me which I absolutely hate."

"Anika I wish I could help you but it's your call this time. I cannot and don't want to, even if I can..influence your decision. But let me tell you this from my experience. Sticking together helps develop love, you know. " Anika rolled her eyes at that. 

"I mean it Anu, consider what used to happen in older generations. They used to meet perhaps once or twice at a maximum ten times before the wedding.  Yet, those were the weddings that see the 25th, 50th anniversary mark. What I am trying to say is- the current generation doesn't believe in commitment as such. Before, people would learn to adapt and love the person they are bound to. Like your dad and me. We didn't have an option. Both our grandfathers had decided that the wedlock happen. But now, people make temporary commitments- boyfriend-girlfriend, live-in relationships and so on. They make these based on attraction and desire for adventure. Then if it doesn't click, go into break-up depression. We, humans, are made to adapt and love. You can love anybody provided you allow yourself to do that. And when you live with someone for too long you automatically begin to feel affectionate or compassionate for them. For instance, take Sarla, she's worked for years with us. Aren't we attached to her as well? It's just a matter of who you are willing to love."

Anika smiled placing her head on her mother's lap. "Do you like Shivaay?"

Her mother smiled caressing her hair. "Good attitude,  respects elders..apart from that I don't know much about him. But what I do know is that my daughter has this liking for him." She kissed her forehead.

Anika blushed, "he is nice!" Her mother giggled, "so is that the name that would be on your wedding card?"

"Too early for that!" Anika answered. Her mother nodded. "But I think I will tell him that I like him too."

Her mother grinned. "Oh, my baby is crushing over  a guy."

Anika immediately got up." Aren't you overexcited for your freedom from me?"

Her mother nodded haughtily, "of course I am! Can't wait!" 

"Please, Mumma, you will miss me more than I will miss you. Who is going to get your tomatoes?"

"Oh please, Anu, that was only to give the two of you some time and space to talk. I am not that naive to not understand that he had come for a better purpose than giving a plant. But you seemed to totally have bought that didn't you?"

"Whatever!" Anika muttered resting back onto the bed, hugging a cushion.

"How's it like to be married?" She asked turning into her mother.

"An adventure worth it."

Anika shook her head. "Its sort of terrifying the thought of marriage." She stated thoughtfully. 

"You gel well with people, I am sure his family will become like your own. You like him too. You will have nice in-laws, perhaps an understanding husband. You are not the one to be terrified by responsibilities. However,  I am not sure how you will handle it all. I mean you don't remember things. Apart from that what is terrifying? Oh wait, " he cleared her throat. "Is the thought of intimacy terrifying?"

"Mumma, please." Anika covered her ears turning away to the other side. Her mother laughed at her expense. "Trust me you'll enjoy that too."

"Not a word more please." She muttered while her mother laughed. "Who else will tell you about it if not me?"

"My biology teachers and friends were enough to educate me. So now no more detailed lecture is required." She answered.

"Well, then okay. But I am always here if you need to know stuff."

Anika was by now beet red hearing that. There were too many changes that came with marriage, was she really ready for it all? According to her mother, she was. But was she really?

Sorry, I totally forgot to update this yesterday. I opened Wattpad to see so many people reminding me to. However, I sleep early these days because I get extremely exhausted. Thanks for reminding me anyway!

So here it is. Would love to know your thoughts!

And Happy Weekend! (So happy it's here.😄)


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