Chapter 41 : Of Flowers and Hearts

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Fourteen Days Later:

Anika looked around, everything seemed in place. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. She had never in her wildest dreams imagined herself doing all of this. She looked at the heart-shaped banner she had got printed. It had a photo of them, the one they had taken during parasailing in Goa and there was a caption below that read, "I love you, Shivaay!"

This was more cheesy than she had assumed it would be. She was still thinking to discard everything. "Is it too much?" She asked Rudra.

"No Bhabhi, it's perfect." He replied assuring her. She had been planning this for a week now.

Anika nodded, "let's go,"

"Umm, Bhaiya is in office,"

"I know, I thought I will pick him and then bring him here," Anika vocalized her plan.

"Okay, you leave then. Just give me a call if you need anything, I will finish putting up these lights." Rudra suggested. Anika nodded thanking him. She headed to her room to take a quick shower and get ready. She couldn't stop smiling. She wondered how would he react. She could already picture his wide smile. He deserved it all. 

* * *

"Good Afternoon Mumbai! It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon and you've logged into your favorite show What Men Want? Without further ado let's hear from our first caller for the day. Hello!"

"Hello Ranjita, this is Gaytri here," the other lady spoke.

"Hi, Gaytri, a very good afternoon to you. So what's your take on the question What Men Want?"

"I think most men live for sex and a lot of it. They'd do anything to get into a woman's pants."

"Do I smell an ugly breakup?" 

The girl giggled, "Yes, he was with me just for it."

"Ouch, that's sad. But come on yaar, because of one jerk you've lost hope on the entire male population. There are men out there who are loving, caring, and see more in a woman."

"But those are very scarce," the girl pointed out.

The RJ laughed, "Alright Gaytri, it was nice talking to you. Come on guys it's your turn now. Do you agree or disagree with Gaytri? Send me a text at -------- or you can call me on ---. Playing next for you is the song Lae Dooba in the voice of Sunidhi Chauhan."

Anika looked outside thoughtfully. Off late she had also been questioning a lot of things. At times she felt Shivaay was aloof. He was always close, they hugged a lot, kissed a lot and made love. He wasn't a reckless selfish lover, no way. If anything he always made sure she enjoyed their lovemaking. But she didn't find him returning those small gestures. She always managed to brush those thoughts off her mind. But they always came back somehow.

She had overheard a lot of gossip about love in the cafeteria. The other day she had overheard two women talking about how men left them unsatisfied in bed. She felt nice to know that her man definitely wasn't like that. But there were other things as well that she randomly had heard. Like the other day two interns were talking on how love was a scam and women should focus on themselves and not on men. Her ears had got especially receptive to the word lately. She heard the word LOVE and Shivaay's image would come right up with that heart-melting smile that still managed to get her heart racing. 

From their first meeting itself there was this inexplicable thing between them. She couldn't name it. She didn't even know what it exactly was. It only had grown with time. Perhaps a connection of some sort. 

She was surprised at her own self. Lately, she'd go out of the way to make sure Shivaay was comfortable. She'd do anything for that smile on his face. It was as though the world around her lit up when she saw him after a tiring day. She loved it when he saw her like she was the only person he could see. She loved the way he was crazy for her and came asking for more every time. She loved yielding herself to him. 

She had started reading blogs and articles about love lately. She definitely showed all the signs that were listed on various websites about love. He was always on her mind, she'd go out of the way to be with him or make him happy, she hated going to work because he wasn't there, she found herself looking at his photos more often, she put in more efforts to make herself look prettier. She had also joined the gym at the office so that she could maintain herself. 

She was going crazy with this overwhelming feeling. She had finally planned to do a little confession moment. The day was perfect because their parents were out of town for a friend's son's wedding. She had partnered with Rudra because he was the only one she could count on. She wasn't still very comfortable talking to Omkara. Although she did try breaking the ice between them. Omkara anyway wasn't around in the evenings because he was with Gauri. They weren't exactly together but they did spend an hour every evening in the name of getting over their past.

She got off the car and made her way inside, with the bouquet of flowers in her hand. She did have an idea this might be a little overboard but she strangely wanted to do it anyway. She had worn a maroon dress that stopped at her knees. He loved to see her in dark shades of red, he had told her once. She felt very stupid at the moment. She had also taken the care to wear a set of deep red lace lingerie beneath. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her heart was pounding crazily. Maybe this was all a stupid idea. Nervousness took over her. The elevator doors opened but she didn't step out. 

The doors closed. She couldn't do it. She closed her eyes and all she saw was his smiling face. She snapped open her eyes dabbing at the button. Thankfully, the doors opened. She stepped out hurriedly before her nervousness came back. 

She quickly reached Yukta's desk. "Is he free?"

"Hi, Maam!" Yukta smiled greeting her. Anika had visited the office a couple of times before marriage but after marriage not until last to last week when Shivaay had forgotten a confidential file at home. 

Shilpa stepped out of Shivaay's office with a sour mood. That man made no move on her despite all her tried to seduce him. She wore the best seductive dresses possible. She had even tried giving him a glimpse of her thong. But he seemed unaffected. She was more than ever desperate to get into his pants. She had always found him attractive. She looked ahead to find his wife talking to the receptionist smiling about something. An idea struck her.  Maybe if she tried to get Anika off him he'd pay some attention to her. She smirked entering his cubicle when she saw Anika making her way to the cabin. Luckily,  the heavy automatic door hadn't shut yet. 

Anika took a deep breath and flashed the master key on the electronic key scanner. The door opened and she stepped in with new confidence. He obviously loved her too. Nothing could go wrong, she told herself. She walked through the lounge area to his desk and the bouquet slipped out of her hand. A woman was leaning on his chair over him. His hands were on her waist. "Fu-k you," he growled moving her waist. His chair turned and his eyes fell on her. His jaw-dropping. Anika felt tears prick her eyes in no time.

"Anika," he took her name, his face losing color. He managed to push the woman away. Anika instantly recognized the woman, the same woman who had danced with him at the party a few days ago. The woman's shirt was open giving ample view at her black lace bra.

She looked away and turned around walking out. 

"Anika, listen," he spoke getting out of his chair.

"Come on Shivaay," he heard Shilpa's voice as she held his hand. 

"I said don't touch me," he seethed in anger.

"Shivaay, trust me.."

"Shut up you, bitch. Don't ever show me your face again or I swear I would do something really bad." 

"What do you even see in her?" Shilpa hollered.

"My wife," Shivaay answered walking out. 

He ran towards the common waiting area. He looked at Yukta, who looked at him worried. "Where is she? Where's Anika?" He asked in despair.

"She took the elevator,"

He nodded, "Get Shilpa Kapoor out of this place. Right now. I don't want her in the building again."

The girl nodded. "Now, " he screamed running to the elevator.

* * *

Tears rolled down Anika's cheeks as she sat in the car that entered the main road. The scene had stabbed her heart. She heard the phone ring. More tears slipped down her eyes. She rolled her lower lip between her teeth, and picked up the call.

"It's not what you saw. Please just listen." Shivaay spoke quickly.

She remained silent biting at her lips. 

"Anika, please trust me. She was forcing herself on me. I swear I wasn't... it was not what it looked like. Please trust me. I have told you before that I don't like her. She just came out of nowhere and was over me. Anika, are you listening? Please come back..."

Anika sniffed wiping her tears. She knew it was something like that. He would never cheat on her. He wouldn't. "I know, I trust you." She managed to speak. She bit her lower lips blinking furiously to do away with the fresh tears that formed. "Give me some time and space, please. I trust you!"

Shivaay stood outside his office building staring at his phone. His blood was boiling and heart was beating like it would jump out anytime. He didn't want to lose her. She said she trusted him. She would come back. He angrily stormed back inside the building. 

* * *

Anika reached the park near her house and sat on the bench by the pond. It was her spot. Every time she was upset she'd come here. Her upset definition was-- fight with her mother, which was very very rare. She sat there crying her heart out. Luckily it was later afternoon and there was no one around. 

She trusted Shivaay. She knew it was not what she saw. But it still hurt her. Out of all the days it had to happen on the day she wanted to tell him she loved him. Her tears didn't stop. Her heart ached. She didn't remember the last time she had cried so much. 

It was late evening and Anika now sat under a tree almost hidden from the kids who were running around and playing. She didn't want to go back home. Neither to her mother nor to Shivaay. She wanted to be alone. She hated the feeling that tormented her. 

* * *

Shivaay had called Rudra to ask if Anika was at home. He had responded with surprise and had informed him that she had left for his office. Shivaay had simply ended the call with an excuse. He guessed that she went back home. He had thrown Shilpa out of his office but he was still not calm. He wanted to kill the woman. 

He had sat in office the entire time thinking about the incident. He had checked the CCTV footage and his doubts had been confirmed. Shilpa had seen Anika and decided to play the dirty trick. He looked at the flowers she had bought for him. They were blue orchids his favorite. He caressed the flowers. For the first time in life, he felt so helpless and restless. He kept telling himself that she'd come back. She trusted him. It was just hard to believe. If they were in each other's shoes he'd frankly find it hard to trust her. But she said she trusted him. Not once but twice. 

Time passed and Shivaay sat in the silence of his office not knowing what to do. He just needed to be with her. Strange loneliness pinched him. What if she didn't come back? He rubbed his forehead, he shouldn't be thinking of rubbish. She would come back. 

He picked up his phone to call her. As much as he wanted to give her her space he wanted to talk to her. He called but she didn't pick up. He decided to send her a text message, "where are you?"

Anika's phones beeped and she glanced at it again. This time it was a message from him. She read the message. She didn't want to tell him where she was. She needed space and some time to think and to heal. She couldn't deal with the terrible ace in her heart.

"Give me some time. I will be with Mumma." She typed and sent it. 

He sighed reading her text. 

* * *

He entered his home to find Rudra and Omkara seated on the sofa talking.

"Hey, Shivaay!" Omkara greeted cheerfully, his smile faded noticing the bitter expression on Shivaay's face.

"Bhaiya, where is Bhabhi?" Rudra asked worriedly. He had called to ask about her earlier and now had returned alone.

"She's gone to her mother's place."

"What's wrong?" Rudra asked solemnly while Omkara looked between the two puzzled.

"Nothing,  she just wanted to spend some time with her mother," Shivaay answered sprinting up the stairs.

"Bhaiya, you're lying. Something is wrong," Rudra said following his brother's trail. A puzzled Omkara followed the suit.

"Everything's okay, she just wanted some space," Shivaay spoke lost in his thoughts.

"You're lying," Rudra said confidently.

Shivaay looked at him annoyed. "I am not repeating again."

"What happened?" Rudra asked worriedly. 

"Rudra, nothing.."

"Lie you're clearly lying because of nothing happened she would've been here with you and ..."

"Ru, Shivaay is saying nothing happened right, let's .."

"O, something big happened, if it wasn't so ..." he looked at his brothers panicked. "Did you fight with her?" Rudra asked Shivaay. 

Shivaay stared at Rudra.

"Rudra, even if they did, it's between them.." Omkara intervened. 

"It must be big because otherwise Bhabhi wouldn't go away leaving her week's preparations."

Omkara looked at Rudra puzzled, "What do you mean?" Shivaay looked on. 

"Go to the second-floor hall," Rudra told Shivaay.

Shivaay stared at him. He glanced up the stairs and then at Rudra. He silently marched up to see what Rudra was talking about. He entered the room that was lit up with fairy lights. The lights made a heart shape. He switched on the lights and saw a big heart-shaped poster in between. It had a picture of them smiling. His heart skipped beats as he read the line written beneath the picture, "I love you, Shivaay!"

He exhaled sharply looking around the room. It suddenly started making sense. Her sudden appearance at his office wearing a pretty dress, those flowers and that smile that had faded in a second's span. 

Dammit! This is why she was hurt. He suddenly felt suffocated. He turned around to see his brothers standing in worry. It was like life had been squeezed out of his heart. He ran his fingers through his hair in despair looking around. He could hear the loud shattering of her heart. She didn't deserve this. Just thinking of it felt like someone had put his heart inside a wood chipper. He couldn't imagine how she would be feeling at the moment. Tears that had blurred his vision now left wet stains on his cheeks. 

I would love to have your thoughts.


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