Chapter 42 : Perplexing Emotions

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"Look who is here!" Gauri whistled finding Anika at the doorstep. Her gaze dropping down from her face. "Looking gorgeous, Anni!" She complimented as her gaze swiped up to her face. Gauri's smile faded. Anika eyes were red and appeared swollen like she had been crying for days. "Anni, what happened?"

Anika stepped aside and walked in without a reply. "Anu?" Her mother exclaimed worried hearing Gauri's high pitched concerned voice.

Anika looked up at her mother. Getting rid of her peep-toe sandals she moved towards her mother. She quietly hugged her. Mrs. Talwar didn't question any further, she simply hugged her little girl rubbing her back, leading her tot he room.

It was late in the night when Mrs. Talwar walked out of the room.  Gauri looked up at her worried. "What happened?"

"She didn't say anything except that she wanted to stay the night over." Mrs. Talwar answered looking visibly exhausted.

"Did she have an argument with Shivaay?"

"I think so. She didn't tell anything and I didn't probe. She usually tells me everything. If she is not then maybe she is confused. Anyway, she will come around and tell me when she is ready."

"I have never seen her so... lost and upset," Gauri spoke handing Mrs. Talwar a glass of water. 

"Yeah," Mrs. Talwar agreed, "she will be okay."

* * *

"Shivaay, can you please break the suspense and tell us what's happening? Why did Anika leave suddenly after planning everything?" Omkara spoke breaking the silence at the breakfast table. Shivaay glanced up at him, his spoon and fork clinking against the glass plate as he ate his omelet.

"Shivaay," Omkara repeated staring at him expectantly.

Rudra looked on silently.

"Just a little bit nothing between us. She needed space. I am giving her space." Shivaay replied nonchalantly focusing on finishing his omelet quickly.

"Bhaiya, um, Bhabhi texted," Rudra spoke as he glanced at his phone that had beeped.

Shivaay glanced up curiously. "What?"

"Hi Rudra, could you please clear the second-floor hall. I think that was a stupid idea. I will think of something better." He read and looked up. His phone beeped again. He sighed. "And please don't tell Shivaay about it." He read the second message.

Shivaay looked thoughtful. "Do as she tells you. Don't tell her I know." He arose from his chair and took his coat that hung at the back of the chair.

"Where are you going now?" Omkara asked not convinced with Shivaay's answer.

"Office," Came Shivaay's crisp reply.

"On a Sunday?" Omkara asked mockingly.

"Something came up," Shivaay answered wearing his coat. "See you guys later." He spoke straightening the lapels of the coat. "Rudra," he nodded questioning and Rudra bobbed his head in affirmation. He walked away briskly.

Omkara stared at his retreating figure thoughtfully. He quickly got up pushing his chair backward. With quick steps he followed Shivaay's trail. Rudra glanced at his screen and started typing out a text. "Okay, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was missing Mumma so Shivaay suggested I drop by." Came her reply. 

* * *

"Shivaay, what's wrong?"

Shivaay stopped turning around to face his brother.

"I am not buying that answer. There is something more. I have not seen you so stressed over nothing." Omkara persisted.

Shivaay looked aside. "She's upset," he said cautiously.

"Why?" Omkara asked staring at Shivaay who was breaking eye contact frequently.

"She ... she saw me in a comprising position with Shilpa."

"What? Can you elaborate?" Omkara asked horrified having a brief idea about what that meant.

Shivaay pulled out his phone and played the CCTV footage on his security app. He handed it to Omkara and folded his arms looking away. 

Omkara's jaw dropped, "Such a bitch..." he exclaimed, looking up. "Shivaay, she did it on purpose...this is messed up. Anika's right there..shit!" 

"Exactly, and like this wasn't enough," Shivaay spoke taking the phone from Omkara's hand. He swiped his finger at the screen a couple of times handing it back to Omkara. "Someone's leaked that bit of the video and also a few of our pictures to the media. Harish has kept a meeting with the media companies representatives to stop this from leaking out. They are going to make it look like I have been having an affair with her."

"Who leaked it?"

"Obviously, Shilpa. It was just the three of us there. Also, in the CCTV she's seen putting her phone on the side table as soon as entered. She's such a bitch."

"What about Anika? Did you try.."

"She said she trusted me. I had told her that I don't like Shilpa at a party earlier. She just needed some space. Now, I know why."

"That's so brutal!" Omkara sighed.

"I need to leave," Shivaay spoke taking his phone from Omkara's hand and proceeded to sit in the car. Omkara stared at the car. It sucked to be in a mess like that. Lost in his thoughts he walked back into the mansion.

* * *

Shivaay sat in his room all alone. He had tried to busy himself with work but his thoughts keep going back to Anika. For now the situation was in control. He would most definitely get back at Shilpa Kapoor. He had already put his men to work. He was definite that she would be seeing someone. He just needed enough data about her to expose her. 

He rubbed his palm on his face sitting on his bed. He looked up and around. Her absence had created a hollow. He picked up his phone and dialed her number. It was late but he guessed she'd still be awake.

"Hello," she answered softly.

"Hey," he spoke closing his eyes. He missed her. A brief silence fell. "Anika, um, you're okay right?"

"Yeah," Anika answered.

Shivaay fell silent wondering what to say. It was suddenly very awkward to talk to her. He wasn't used to her one-word answers. He wasn't used to her silence either. 

"Was just preparing to sleep..." she added.

Shivaay stared at the floor. "Okay, you sleep. Good night!"

"Shivaay," she said and his heart sprang up with hope.

"I will be home after work." She informed.

"Okay," Shivaay spoke, glad that she'd be back. Maybe it will easier to talk to her face to face.

"Good night!" She wished.

"Good night!" He responded and the call ended. He stared at his phone. Something didn't feel right. Did she really trust him? 

* * *

Shivaay waited for his wife to enter the room impatiently. She had been avoiding him ever since she had stepped into the house. The entire time she was with his mother talking about all the random things on earth. She wouldn't even meet his gaze for more than thirty seconds. She finally stepped in, shutting the door behind her. She walked over to her cupboard like she couldn't see him sitting and looking at her expectantly. She hurried into the washroom without a word. 

Shivaay tightened his jaw sitting on the bed using his iPad. Maybe she didn't really trust him. Why else would she ask Rudra to not tell him? She hadn't even spoken properly. He didn't know what was going on in her head. He didn't know why he was so restless and anxious about everything. 

She stepped out dressed in her cotton shorts and tee. His eyes followed her as she applied the lotion to her feet and then spread out the wet towel out on the chair. She finally turned and gave him a glance. He felt relieved to know that she could see him. She sat on the bed beside him. 

"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Shivaay asked placing the gadget aside. He looked at her. "Anika, I am talking to you!"

Anika looked up at him, "I need some time." Her voice was soft.

"You don't trust me?" He asked looking at her carefully.

She looked up at his eyes. She didn't know what to feel and what not to. The incident was like a tight slap across her face. Maybe, just maybe, a little part of her did not trust him. There was a war going on inside her head. Her instincts told her he'd never do anything like that. She had known him for quite some time now. He wouldn't cheat, never. Besides he had already told her he didn't like that woman. She still remembered how he had told her to not allow another woman to dance with him. He was crazy about her. They were happy. Why would he even consider having an affair? 

But there was this weird feeling on the other side. He was insatiable when it came to sex. What if she wasn't enough for him? It was a very lame thought. But it did flash through her mind. But the minute she had looked into those eyes she discarded that thought. His eyes held honesty. "I've never felt this way before. It's as though you burn me, tenderly yet tortuously." She still remembered those words he had said to her before the wedding. Back then he had said that he didn't know if it was love. Did he still not?

"I trust you, I wouldn't be here if I didn't," Anika answered slowly.

His hand reached to hold hers. "I just want back our normal," he spoke and kissed her hand.

Anika stared at her hand in his. The problem wasn't trusting, what bothered her more was herself. She felt stupid. Maybe she was overdoing it. What hurt her more was he didn't give her a reason! A part of her was expecting him to turn up at her mother's place instead of the call last night. She wanted him to come to her and give her reasons why she should believe him. But all he said was that he just expected her to know him well and trust him. Why? Because they were married?

She wasn't like this before marriage. She didn't expect anything from anyone. No. But with him, there were a lot of expectations. She didn't even know when they had come into existence but they were very much there. She needed more actions from him to make her believe that he wouldn't cheat on her. She knew but she needed reassurance in the form of words and actions. 

"Give me some time Shivaay, we'll be back to normal," She said managing to smile. 

"An--" his voice was cut off by a knock on the door.

"It's open," Anika spoke.

The door opened and Pinky stepped in. "Not asleep yet? Good." She spoke walking around to Anika's side of the bed. "Actually, I forgot about this. God knows why I am getting forgetful these days. And before I forget about this completely, I came to give it to you," Pinky spoke sitting before Anika. Anika gently pulled her hand away from his hold, her gaze was fixed on what Pinkya was removing from the cover.

"This is a Bandhani dress. When I came newly married into this home Mummy Ji had gifted a similar kind to me. When I saw it at the market, I just knew I had to buy this for you." She smiled.

Anika smiled affectionately caressing the soft material of the red dress. "It's beautiful, " Pinky patted on the back of her palm smiling.  

Fishing out a box from the cover she said, "And, I got this." She opened the box to reveal a pair of toe rings." it's silver, "she added.

Anika's smile wavered a little. Pinky noticed that and smiled, placing her hand on hers, "I know you don't wear it. But it's just another thing for married women. Apparently, it's good for a woman's fertility. I bought the simplest ones available. I know you like simple stuff. Try wearing them, no compulsion from myself side though. If you like them good, if you don't, forward it to your kids years later!" Pinky joked.

Anika took it and slipped it on her second toe. "It's weird, but I will try." She spoke wearing on the other one as well.

Pinky beamed with happiness and glanced at Shivaay who was smiling. She leaned forward and gave Anika a quick hug and kissed her forehead. "Now, you two can sleep," she spoke getting up and putting on her slippers, "or do whatever you want!" She added cheekily. Anika blushed as her mother in law made her way towards the door.

 She stopped by Shivaay's side and hugged him,  "You definitely chose the best!" She whispered into his ears and patted his cheek. "Good night, and please keep the door shut!" She exclaimed as she stepped out shutting the door.

Shivaay glanced at Anika to find her equally shocked. "Do you thinking was mom the other day?" He asked puzzled.

Anika shrugged, her cheeks were reddened. She got off the bed and placed the stuff her mother in law had left behind on the desk. She slipped back onto the bed. He shifted closer to her switching off the light. "Good night!" He whispered putting his arm around her. Anika gave in and shifted closer to him. She just loved being in his arms. She closed her eyes basking in his scent. Her hand made it's way to his waist. She flung her arm around him and pressed her face closer to his chest. Her thoughts could take a break. She needed this at the moment, him!

I would love to know your thoughts after this chapter. 


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