Chapter 8 : Laughter and Smiles

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Anika looked around. There was barely any rush in the restaurant. They were at an Italian restaurant tonight. "The interiors have been done pretty well." Shivaay nodded in agreement, "fair enough for the name." 

She glanced at him nodding. "Oh, before I forget, I will be leaving tomorrow for a medical camp. It's just Monday to Friday." She explained. 

"I thought you have a job." He remarked slightly disappointed with the news. Here, he wanted to spend his every single day with her and she was running away. 

"I did, but no longer. I resigned." He looked at her shocked.

She smiled, "relax, I already have bagged a job in the marketing division of Lakme."

"Lakme?" He asked pleasantly surprised, "Wow, so is this you treating me?" He joked. 

"Good idea. Treat is on me!" She grinned.

"I was kidding!" He justified.

"Come on, be a sport, I know you are the Shivaay Singh Oberoi and..."

"I am accepting the treat." He spoke looking squarely at her, cutting her off.

She giggled exclaiming, "You gave up too quickly." 

"I try to be a gentleman!" He smiled replying rather flirtatiously. Little was he aware that it was totally working. Anika had this weird feeling inside her. It was as though she felt lighter, happier and as though she was expanding when she was with him. Damn, was this it? The bliss her mother spoke about? It started making sense now.

"How about champagne?"

Anika's eyes widened. "Ahh, no. You are no way."

His eyes crinkled at the corners. A small smile made it to his face with her reply. Such a typical wife-like reply. "You don't drink?"

"I have never tried." She answered honestly. They paused their conversation as the waiter placed their order. "I remember having a sip of wine. Mom likes grapes and hence wine. I spat it out, like literally, on mom's favorite cushion cover. She was so upset that day. She never tried offering again!" Anika grinned.

He chuckled and leaned forward to speak. "The second time I got literally drunk. Omkara was the sober one that night. Omkara swears that I told him that Cameron Diaz was my girlfriend and that we were in a secret relationship." He shared his crazy drunken memory, to which Anika giggled. "Although I think that was Knight And Day effect. I had seen that movie the day before." He added shaking his head while laughing.

"You like that movie too? I love that movie. Tom Cruise is like ultimate in that movie. So smart and handsome. Oh, and that airplane scene. Damn, totally had me gawking at the screen. Also, the chase scene where he says hi to the little boy on the bus. It totally stole my heart. He's amazing!"

Shivaay nodded grinning widely at the vivid description she presented of her favorite actor. "A fan of action movies, huh?" He asked chewing the pasta.

"Totally! Especially when it has Tom Cruise." She grinned cheekily.

He smiled, "what about romantic movies?" 

"Once in a while, they are okay. I prefer action, suspense, mild thrillers. No horror. Good comedies once in a while." She spoke totally interested and he couldn't help but admire the sparkle in her eyes. "What about you?" She asked.

"Well, very predictably, I like romantic movies." He smirked.

"Damn, I never thought guys liked romance!" She remarked eating a spoonful.

"Your guy does!" He uttered, and then continued, "But action is okay once in a while and if it's peppered with romance. Or if it has really ...pretty actresses."

Anika smiled, the phrase 'your guy' still ringing in her head. "I am a hundred percent sure you were not thinking of the world pretty." She gave a smug grin.

He chuckled chewing on his lower lip. Leaning on the table, meeting her gaze he said a "you caught me!" Then immediately winked. Anika's cheeks flushed and she smiled looking aside. "And I am a hundred percent sure you haven't ever been in a relationship or even dated anyone before!" He spoke confidently staring at her.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "how did you know?" 

"You cannot keep eye contact for too long. Especially, when I am trying to flirt." This time Anika's cheeks were like heated furnaces. She could feel the heat till the tip of her ears. "There see. You give away most of your inexperience through your face. But that's a good thing. It shows how naturally honest you are." He passed her a smile placing his hand on hers and giving it a light squeeze. Anika smiled meeting his eyes through her eyelashes. Damn, he was a total charmer and she was absolutely falling for his charm. 

* * *

" I miss you already!" Anika's lips were stretched wide upwards reading that text from him. It was just fourteen hours since she last saw him. 

"Getting flirty on text messages also!" She replied biting her lower lip. 

"I wasn't this way before. I think it's because of you." She giggled reading his text.

Hurriedly she began typing a reply. "Got some work to do. Will catch up later!" 

* * * 

"How was your day?" He smiled reading from the drop-down notifications, to find that the beeping was a text from her. "Guys, I am tired. Good night!" He faked a yawn before his brothers who looked at him rather bewildered. 

"You just came.." Omkara pointed out. "Yeah, but I am tired. I came by to just say good night!" Shivaay gave a brief explanation.

"Stay for some time, I will tell what happened in college today." Rudra smiled giving a look that said, 'you wouldn't want to miss out'. 

Shivaya faked yet another yawn. "Tomorrow Rudy! I am too sleepy today!" 

"You are a  terrible actor, Shivaay!" Omkara commented gradually looking up from the book he was reading. Rudra looked at Omkara for an explanation. "It's Anika I guess. He saw his phone, smiled and then started to fake yawns." 

Shivaay wanted to lie but decided against it. "Whatever guys. Good night!"

"By the way Bhaiya, what do you guys chat about?" Rudra asked grinning. Omkara stifled his laughter. 

"101 ways to deal with Rudra Singh Oberoi!" Shivaay stated sarcastically and walked out.

Omkara laughed patting Rudra's back. "Our brother has love-aria, he is in the process of falling for his wife-to-be. His life is basically doomed. Trust me."

Rudra rolled his eyes and began again, "Anyways do you want to know.."

"Let's save the gossip till tomorrow. I am certain Shivaay doesn't want to miss out." Omkara cut him off quickly, making a beeline for the door. There was no way he was sitting and listening to Rudra's stupid cliche nonsense.

"Where are you going now?" Rudra asked although having a strong guess that it was one of the flings again.

"I have a party to attend!" Omkaar answered. Rudra rolled his eyes like he didn't know what was the party Om was referring to. His both brothers were doomed in a way! One stuck with fiancee and the other stuck with a new lady every now and then. Shaking his head he decided to try putting efforts into the presentation due on Friday.

* * *

Shivaay was all smiley having his phone against his ear as he heard her go on about her day. "You're getting bored, aren't you?" She suddenly asked.

He gave her question tag, a quick thought. "It's nice listening to your voice." He spoke. 

"Oh, will you stop with those cheesy lines from movies." Anika grinned totally flattered at his answer. He chuckled in response. "Do you think we will make a good happy couple this way? I mean..there are so little things we both actually can connect over." Anika asked thoughtfully.

"Hmm, maybe. We can create an interest in each other." He replied staring at the wall clock. "Hopefully!" She sighed.

"Now, what about the wedding shopping?" He tried diverting the flow of conversation.

"Mom's in charge. Anyway she always shops for me." Anika answered.

"Really? Are you sure you don't want to do the wedding shopping? I mean ..I have heard that's every girl's dream." He asked with bewilderment reflecting in his voice.

"Yes, I am sure. And please, it's not that every girl dreams of shopping. Some have still better dreams."

"Hmm, like?" He asked curiously. 

"Like...having a selfie with Tom Cruise." She giggled and he laughed shaking his head while adjusting the pillow behind his back. "You're obsessed I think!" He teased.

"Nah. So my other dream would be being at the Republic Day Parade at India Gate. Seeing the Northern Lights standing under the colorful Aurora sky in Norway. Having a selfie with a lion at Gir Forest. And of course paragliding...It goes on."

"Wow, they all are pretty achievable." He commented impressed. Her unique traits made him like her more.

"Tell me about yours," She replied.

"Hmm, mine. I want my name featuring on Forbes. And...I have always wanted a beach side wedding. And there are many more."

"I can tick you help one." She spoke. "I wouldn't mind a beach wedding. I will talk to mom about it." 

"Really? Doesn't the idea seem stupid to you? Won't the constant breeze and sand ruin your idea of a wedding?" Shivaay asked sitting up straight. He hadn't tried suggesting it because he had assumed that women generally didn't prefer a beach wedding. Also, his and Anika's choice never collided so he didn't even bother mentioning until now.

"Of course not. It will be fun to play beach volleyball instead of the steal the-groom's-shoe-game. Plus, that will allow me to have a lighter bridal dress." She giggled.

"Then let me know by tomorrow. I will start the bookings!"

"Cool. I will call mom tomorrow morning to discuss with her and let you know." She concluded.

"Sleepy or not yet?" He asked glancing at the wall clock.

"I can fall asleep any minute from now." She answered earnestly and his lips drew into an ascending curve at that.

"Okay, you sleep now.and..take care!"

"Thanks for calling, Mr.Oberoi!" She grinned biting her lower lip.

"The pleasure was all mine." He replied flirtatiously.

Anika laughed. "Honest confession, I never thought you'd be such a ...sweet...sweetheart kinda person." 

He smiled. Sweet! "I can be spicy too!" He pointed out smugly.

"Ahh, there comes the flirtatious man out again." Anika laughed.

"It's becoming a habit around you!" He answered honestly.

Anika sneered, "Just saying, habits die hard!"

"Just saying, some habits are to live for!" His counter-statement was smooth and Anika was already slipping for him.

"Take care, good night!" She uttered.

"Hmm..good night!" Saying that he ended the call. The smiled wouldn't leave his face. There was something about her. It literally made him a new version of himself.

Anika smiled placing her phone aside and hugging the cushion placing it on her chest. Her cheeks pink. It felt nice. Talking to him, thinking about him, it all felt lovely. Biting her lower lip she smiled closing her eyes. 

* * *

"Shivaay wake up!" Anika poked him to wake him up.

"Five more minutes." He muttered and held her wrist pulling her to the bed to be beside him. He snuggled closer to her. "Why do you wake up so early!" He mumbled nuzzling into her hair.

"Shivaay! This is not done. Get up. I will be late to work and so you will." Anika exclaimed basking in his affection.

"Go late. We can shower together!" Shivaay muttered now almost awake but still having his eyes closed. "In your dreams." She spoke trying to get out of his hold. 

"Anika, a quickie please!" This time his eyes were open and staring into hers. She stated at him with parted lips. He didn't wait for her response and rolled on top of her, meeting her lips with his. Her gasp gave him enough access. While his groin pressed against hers in need. This was all he needed - her! 

What do you think about this chapter? 

Take your guess on the last part ;) Until Friday!

- Anami!♡

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