Chapter 9 : Hues Of Romance

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Shivaay woke up the next morning rubbing his face. Damn, he was so saturated with dirty dreams. He needed Anika more than anything he had ever wanted anything. The wedding preparations were on in full swing. Yesterday, his mother had told him that she had booked the choreographer and that the two of them could get to preparing the dance. Everyone else in the family was making time for dance rehearsals. But, here he was waiting for his bride to return from her stupid camp. Why did she have to volunteer every freaking time? 

The day was hectic for Shivaay. He was working extra hours so that he could be at ease during the wedding and after it. Yet, he didn't miss to text her. However, there was no reply. He was irritated. He wanted her attention, craved for it even. It was like all the other girls wanted his attention while he was lovesick behind Anika. 

* * *

Anika didn't know how to deal with the situation in hand. He was neither responding to her messages nor taking her calls. She was almost sure he was pissed. Her mom was certain too. Anika was supposed to be back on Friday night. However, another village in the district had been reporting many cases of death owing to hunger. As a result, the NGO that had sponsored the camp had decided to extend their trip by visiting this particular village and helping out as much as possible to stabilize the conditions by providing food and water. Anika had readily agreed for the two-day extension. However, she had only informed her mother about the extension. She had decided to inform Shivaay once she reached the village. But her luck ran cold, as there was no network coverage in the village and the electricity was scarce too. 

In summary, Shivaay was now ignoring her and Anika had no clue how to handle the situation. "Mumma, why don't you call him and ask him to talk to me?" She glanced at her mother popping another pakoda in her mouth.

"Anu, you're not in kindergarten that I am going to intervene and create peace. He is your husband-to-be. You need to learn to deal with him yourself. Not by, asking me to ask him to talk to you. Plus, I think he is right. You should have informed him. You've got your dad's habit at this. He would always make the decision and then tell me." Her mother huffed.

"Firstly,  I am not used to telling him and informing him what's going on in my life. In fact, I am not used to telling anyone except you. Secondly,  how does it make a difference if I tell him before or after? I have anyway made the decision."

Her mother turned the flame down and turned to face her with a hand on her hip. "Anu, you are marrying him. That means sharing your life. You need to involve him in decisions and so does he. Stop acting like 'I don't know R of Relationships'. Just accept it. He's a nice guy. Now go and try to apologize. Sometimes, it's okay to apologize even when you're not wrong. It simply saves time and headache and also makes you feel happy. Trust me."

Anika sighed, "Fine, I will. Now, I gotta rush, I have work to do!" Having said that Anika made her way to her room. Her mother looked at her thoughtfully. Shivaay was one lucky man. Anyone who would have the real Anika would be really lucky. Her mother smiled, what was she going to do without her. The thought was terrifying. But, one day she had to let her go. Anika would make her own family. She couldn't wait to see how excellent and loving Anika would be to her new family. She gazed back at the pressure cooker. Anika was giving her freedom. It was sad and yet a sense of newness for her as well. To be on her own and explore the world, as Anika had said the other day. She shook her head, for now, she could focus on cooking. 

* * *

Anika had never been to such an amazing workplace before. The thought that it was her fiance's office, he literally owned it made her nervous. She had called Rudra and he had suggested her to surprise Shivaay at the office. He had made the necessary calls so that she got access without bringing her arrival to Shivaay's scrutiny. Now, as she stood inside the elevator, she looked at herself in the mirror. She had dressed in her pink top and jeans. She looked totally like a bright pink flower in a world full of corporate colors. She ran her fingers through her hair straightening it and setting a bunch on her shoulder. She took a deep breath reminding herself that it wasn't the first time she was meeting him.

There was a beep and the elevator opened on the seventh floor. She stepped out and walked to what looked like reception. "Um, I am here to meet Shivaay, Rudra would have informed about me. My name is.."

"OH, Anika Ma'am!" The lady stood up smiling. "Would you like to have something?"

Anika smiled a little taken aback at the sudden respect and welcome. "No thank you! I would like to see Shivaay." Anika cordially responded.

"Um, Sir is in a meeting right now." The lady informed looking at her phone screen. "He should be done in ten minutes. Once he is done I shall lead you to his room. Until then why don't you have something...."

"No, thank you. Really, I am good. I will wait." Anika said stepping back.

"I shall lead you to the lounge area." The lady offered and Anika looked at her weirdly.

"Is he going to pass this area on his way back to his room?" Anika enquired looking around.

"Oh no. He won't. But he's definitely going to fire me if he comes to know that I made you wait here." She answered nervously while Anika glanced at what looked like comfortable seating by the artificial tree that stood in the middle of the room. "Trust me, I won't let him do that. Okay? Just relax and let me stick around." Saying that Anika walked around admiring the place.

A few minutes later Anika heard a hushed whisper calling, 'Maam'. She turned to find the receptionist frantically pointing down the corridor. Anika quickly understood and looked around. She dashed towards the reception desk. "Sir, is coming out with the clients." She whispered.

Anika nodded. "Don't let him know I am here okay." Instructing the lady Anika bent down and hid in the leg space. "Maam but.." 

"Shhh, if the surprise is ruined, then you may be fired. Now don't look like that." She told her. The lady nodded and tried wearing a mask of calmness. Anika smiled to herself. 

She could hear his voice but not comprehend his words. The client was definitely a foreigner going by his accent. "Nice to have you over, Mr. Rupert." There she heard his loud clear distinct voice. Her lips curled up at it. The voices faded. Anika looked up to find the receptionist looking down. "Don't look like that. Look up." Anika ordered, in a soft whisper muttering. She nodded and looked up. 

"All okay Yukta?" Shivaay's voice fell into Anika's ears. She pressed her palm against her forehead. However, she hoped he still didn't know of her presence.

"Yes, Sir!" The receptionist, whose name Anika now knew was Yukta, almost squealed.

"I um, will go in for lunch in half an hour. Just push my meetings to later in the afternoon, or evening. Ping me the new schedule." He spoke observing her.

"Okay, Sir." She smiled. He blinked at her and then shrugged walking away. Yukta took a deep breath and slumped on her chair. As though immediately realizing Anika was still hiding down she got up and moved the chair.

Anika smiled at her, "Thank You!" She gave her hand a squeeze. "Also, um, can you book lunch for two wherever Shivaay is going for lunch. Thank you so much Yukta!" Anika smiled. The lady stared at her weirdly.

Anika blinked. "All okay?"

The woman nodded, "I will show you the way." Anika shook her head and followed.

Taking a deep breath she entered inside after Yukta had scanned her card on the access reader machine. The door silently swung shut. He was staring down at the city from the glass. Wow! Anika was amazed. She literally had no clue that his office was like this. Just out from a big-budget movie set. She stealthily approached him. "Bahooo!" She shouted loudly.

"What the fuc-!" He exclaimed moving away. Anika burst into laughter. He blinked and then opened his eyes wide. "What the hell!" He glanced at her from head to toe.

"It's me, entirely!" Anika flashed him a toothy smile proud that she could make him jump out of his skin.

"What are you!" He exclaimed still in the process of digesting her sudden appearance.

"Surprise!" Anika sang.

He exhaled staring at her. "You mean shock!"

Anika giggled. "Well, right. You got scared." 

Now, this did not go well with him. "I wasn't scared..just.. just taken aback. It's not every day that someone creeps in from behind and shouts in my ear." He gave her a closed-mouthed smile folding his hands.

Her eyes met his. A silence fell. "You were ...and are ignoring me." She stated to start the conversation.

He looked aside. "You ignored me too."

Anika weirdly smiled at that. "That's because I was out of network coverage and in a place where there was barely any electricity. Forget about charging my phone." He glanced at her and then turned away. "Oh, Dear God! I didn't know you were such a drama queen!" Anika spoke knowing very well which nerve she was playing with.

"Hey, this is called concern. Not playing a drama queen!" He retorted.

Anika's smile only widened. "I am not used to so much concern, Shivaay. Excuse me this time." Her eyes looked squarely at his. 

His gaze was fixed at her. He stepped closer. There began Anika's nervousness. One and one more. Anika was now very cautious of the air around her. Her eyes fixed at him. "Get used to it then!" He whispered, kissing her forehead. Her eyes shut as though on automatic. She wasn't used to this. Being around a guy. But, she felt unaccountably good around him. She looked up at him through the length of her eyelashes. "I missed you and I was so worried...until your mom told me that it's very natural of you to be out of network."

Anika managed to smile despite the gushy feeling threatening to sweep her off her feet. "Sorry, and umm, you should get used to me scaring you. It's my favorite thing to do!" She giggled and he grinned.

"I am letting it go this time. Otherwise, I can be a very stubborn man you know." He stated holding her hands. Anika lowered her eyes to their hands. Damn, this man was so touchy. Perhaps she would have to get used that too.

"Free over lunch?" He asked softly a small smile on his face. Anika was totally enchanted. She couldn't help but observe his hand that still held her hand. 

"I have already asked Yukta to keep a table for two, ready. I am stealing your lunch hour today." Anika informed giving him a million-dollar smile.

"Impressive, already taking over the wife avatar huh?" He teased while Anika blushed grinning.

"Nothing of that sort." She answered waiting for him to release her hands. "I just thought it would save time. I didn't want to derail your schedule for the day." Anika explained. 

"Anika, relax. It's okay, in fact, I am happy. It's nice to have you around. Even nice that you gave me your so-called surprise."

She smiled noticing how his eyes twinkled. "Shall we get going then? I am hungry!"

"I wonder if you even ate properly in the last week." He commented finally leaving her hand to fetch his coat from the chair. He put it on and Anika couldn't help but stare. Darn, he had a killer attitude. Anika never thought a guy could charm her with his attitude. Undoubtedly she had been wrong.

"Shall we ?" He grinned offering her his arm. Anika glanced at his arm and then met his eyes. Not wanting to disappoint she wrapped her arm around his. They walked till the door when Anika pulled back. He looked at her confused.

"This is better!" She spoke as her palm touched his and she interwove her fingers with his. He gave her a dazzling smile and opened the door for her. He smiled to himself as his eyes fixed on their hands. Never had a girl's hold made him feel so special as hers did.

There will be no update next Friday. I shall "try" updating on Wednesday next week instead.

Also, do point put if you find any errors.

Happy Friday!😁


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