Error 404 Sam bio pt 1 (Redo)

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(A/N:Gonna redo the whole bio cause the powers Are a bit mixed up. So I'm gonna have to put them in order a bit. So I'm gonna have to put them in Order)

Name: Error 404 Sam

Real name: Hades

Aliases: Son of Error 404 Sans, Most Powerful Sam that existed, Heir of the Destroyer, Neutral Destroyer, Balance of both Creation and Destruction, Embodiment of Creation and Destruction, Ae404(for short of Alpha Error 404)

Occupation; Creator God and Destroyer God

Personality: Calm, Cold, Emotionless, Snarky, Kind, Caring, Loving, Happy, Brutal, Ruthless, Sadistic.

Role: Neutral Destroyer(So basically he is Neutral about the Aus and the Multiverse. He only destroy ones that are corrupted)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age physically: 18(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Age Mentally: 212,000(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Race: Monster(Chara will be a monster in this)

Family: Error 404 Sans/William

Mother: Alpha Chara

Brother: Alpha 404 Kevin

Uncles: Alpha, Omnipotent, King Multiverse, And Infected

(Ignore error 404)

Strength (Truly Beyond Irrelevant, impossible to define level)

Power (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Speed (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Agility and reflexes and Stamina (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Durability and Endurance(Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Knowledge (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Stealth (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level )

Bypass (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Defense (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Immortality (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level )

Plot Defense (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Immunity (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Abstract Erasure (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Trait Concealment (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Imagination (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

power Concealment (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level)

Limiter (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Levell)

Powers/Abilities/Hax:(A/N: Yeah like I said before. Be warned. This chpt will be long as hell because of Multiple Hax from other Op Sans' that are similar to and Stronger than Error 404 sans and other stuff. Anyways let's get started):

Absolute/Godly/True Condition(applications: Absolute Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Agility, Stamina, Durability, Endurance), Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Resurrection, Eyes of Destruction, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation(another variant), Fear Manipulation, Erase Manipulation, Absolute Character creation, Absolute destruction, Absorb manipulation, Power Manipulation, Origin Manipulation, Absolute&True Regeneration/Healing factor, Attack and Power Nullification, Reality Warping, Void Manipulation, Anti Void Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Light and Darkness Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, 4th wall Awareness, 4th wall interaction, 4th wall breaching, Conceptual Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Life & Death Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Transduality, Probability Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Absolute&True Immortality

Blue Mastery

The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from a distance of 500m. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.

Mind Manipulation

404 can take complete control of others' SOUL's, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.

Dark Blasters

Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. The Damage Rating was 100, yet from his advancements in the Multiverse, alongside the upgrades from the Mainframe, it now stands at 750.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code or unordinary code from a regular AU character.

God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.

God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it's made contact.


This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes to much damage. When he has taken to much damage or is killed he will begin to scatter his code in the ground and will then delete himself from the world. After that, the particles Error404 left behind will gather code from the world and then return to Error404's lair and reanimate 404 from the resources they took.

Void Infliction

This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn't an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.

Glitch Whip

404 can form a whip-like beam of light directly from the Mainframe itself, which can reach lengths of the Empire State Building.

Fiberglass SOUL

404's SOUL is deflective against any form of attack, making his critical hits only ones that are physical.

Pixelation Manipulation

404 can manipulate the very air, turning the particles into small pixels, allowing him to form things out of any physical material. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation.

Mama's Boy

404 has the ability to transform his SOUL into one of pure fear, where his colour palette goes from white to black and from blue to orange. This sets fear into any being with a SOUL.

Alpha Ray

Molecular Integration, referred to as Alpha Ray, is a secondary ability that Error!404 uses. Error!404 can bring matter together within the area of his palm, sending out a blue parasitoid, invisible to the naked eye, that targets each bit of matter, attacking it violently at the speed of light to the degree that it creates a legendary amount of friction, capable of melting through anything with ease. Error!404 can then fire this ray by his natural soul link to magic, firing it at any speed he desires. This can be a consistent beam or a quick-fire, depending on whether or not the blue parasitoid remains. If it is a consistent beam, it will burn down anything that gets in its way, up to 9,000 Kelvin in heat. If it is quick-fire, with the parasitoid remaining, it will turn the beam into a vapour right as the surface of the ray touches the body, allowing for the parasitoid to enter their body and possess them.


This is primarily used during Error!404's close-range combat. He has the ability to alter his body to allow for various things to occur. First of all, he is capable of destabilising his atoms to result in them vibrating due to the instability in mix with the stable environment. While this will not only allow for him to apply severe friction from a limb, he can also open gateways to the Mainframe in holes between his bones. If one is to get caught in-between, he can instantly close the portal to sever the limb.

Instantaneous Regeneration

Error!404 is capable of instantly regenerating his vessel, only at the cost of his magic. Due to his slightly upgraded HP, this instantly happens whenever any defence bypassing attack occurs. Alongside this, bypassing attacks redirect instantaneously.

Dark Blasters

Error!404 can cast large, powerful blasters that are capable of firing beams that reduce half of any entity's current HP, no matter the defence. Alongside this, it can emit a large thrust from a backward beam to bolt Error!404 away.


Error!404 can condense a surface with such pressure it causes a black hole to emerge, sucking everything in from the near vicinity. This black hole can vary in size, though it drains too much of his magic to allow him to form multiple at once.

Eldritch Remnants

Error!404 has strange, skeletal tendrils that he can emerge from his spine, allowing for him to fight with them, alongside traverse with them. The range of them are able to exceed 25m, though past that, the strength fades away. The tips of these remnants are so powerful that they can hammer into concrete without causing any blunt force.

Mainframe Relocation

Error!404 is able to destabilise his own particles and reappear at any location he is aware of. This has no known range, though he does need to remember a certain spot of the location off by heart.

Data Storage

Error!404 is capable of turning entities into pure, dark blue pixes of varying size, which then instantly is either transported into the Mainframe, or can be used for weapons.

Mainframe Blades

Error!404 can use these cubic pixels to form them into two dark blue swords, roughly similar to an Egyptian Khopesh. These can slice and dice with weightless speed, though can cut through physically anything like butter due to its radioactive structure allowing for it to break down any surface instantaneously.

Glitch Whip

Error!404 can use these cubic pixels to enter a shape that is similar to a whip, being very extensive and powerful, with the connection of various particles that latch together to prevent them from tearing.

Mark of The Beast

Any injury that Error!404 deals unarmed by his claws will infect any victim with a deadly toxin, slowly causing them to suffocate as their body turns paler and paler, eventually forcing them to regurgitate stomach acid/soul acid.

The Mainframe's Finisher

Error!404 is capable of telekinetically grasping an entire universe, alongside another one. To do so, he must be elevated at least 20m in the air, and have his arms stretched out with his palms facing the sky. At that point, while slowly, two whole universes will submit to his grasp, allowing for him to then thrash them together, causing an explosion so powerful it can be compared to two Big Bangs.

Universal Crunch

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of destabilising an entire universe, making all the matter in it enter the Mainframe's storage as it is then compressed into a small, glowing blue ball. These orbs can then combust, being as deadly as a black hole the size of a universe.

Authority of The Mainframe

Being the sole reason Error!404's body does not explode during this form, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y has the authority of the Mainframe applied to him, allowing for all forms of boundary manipulation to remain ineffective to him.

Boundary Manipulation

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of manipulating the boundaries and confines of anything whatsoever, as long as it is not within the realm of metaphysics.

Instantaneous Relocation

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y can instantly traverse anywhere at any time, impereptible to the view of any being.


This is scaling B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's finishing move, instantly sending him back to Error!404 after he uses this. It is a large beam that fires directly from his revealed ribcage, sending out three beams that all connect in a triangular fashion. Once doing so, it will then cover the entire area in-between the triangular fashion, compressing before releasing a sudden explosion to the scale of 92,000,000 Multiverses (each containing approximately 9.7399 × 1016 universes) all at once.

Specialised Virtual Ultipotence

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of opening a portal to the Mainframe, allowing for any verse that he remains dormant in to become one with the Mainframe, which he has the attainment of Nigh Ultipotence in the manner of having endless power as long as he is dormant in the Mainframe.

Master Cables

This new Wire form is fused with the Strengths and Faults of 404. Wires begin following the red and blue targets, and once latched on anything or someone, Blue Mastery will be blended into Black with Blue and Red colour pushing the Object or person. enters a condition of forced binding. The black cables pulverise as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with pure force is the last death.


ButterFly666 uses Multiverse Machine Gun to finish off foes that are too difficult to beat in face-to-face battle. Multiverse Machine Gun fires millions of little red spherical projectiles at his adversaries at breakneck speed, reaching them quickly. Each of these orbs is powerful enough to annihilate whole multiverses. Isn't that nice? You might be wondering how it was able to easily murder a literal Unnameable.

God Eyes

These rays, which work similarly to the God ray but are far more hazardous, shoot out of J!404's eyes and can follow J!404's targets wherever they can see them, hitting both soul and spirit. code. The person is utterly obliterated and annihilated.

Eyes of Belial

Gazing into J!404's eyes for at least 3 seconds would cause even the most sane person to become paralysed by the sight itself. It would even make people disturbed even the likes of Infected.

Time & Space Control

J404!Butterfly has the ability to control Time and Space around him, bringing everything down to a halt or even shattering entire sections of space itself. It is also capable of messing with the sense of time inside Reality 6, to the point where he can slow things down to nearly a standstill-like pace, leading individuals to assume they are approaching him when, in fact, they couldn't be more wiser.

Instantaneous Movement

J!404!Butterfly has the ability to control Time and Space around him, bringing everything down to a halt or even shattering entire sections of space itself. It is also capable of messing with the sense of time inside Reality 6, to the point where he can slow things down to nearly a standstill-like pace, leading individuals to assume they are approaching him when, in fact, they couldn't be more wiser.


The Omninova is a vast attack with unknown chaotic power; the move is a giant spherical-like sphere that, when thrown, possesses unknown chaotic power. J!404 itself stated that it "could destroy both this Reality and the next." Presumably implying its destructive abilities. The strike was proven to have an inevitable total and ultimate omnipotent damage output, with destructive powers like no other, capable of destroying just about everything. The penetrating power is absolutely astounding, with the ability to circumvent almost anything. It will immediately pierce resistant or even indestructible objects without any problems (the penetration is inevitable in every possible way). This attack's destructive capability is essentially omnipotent (no entity can comprehend it) in every imaginable way, demonstrating that it is impossible to escape anytime J!404!Butterfly may wish.


these blasters are colored black on the left side and red on the right side these do a massive amount of damage and can glitch sometimes and if a glitches during its blasting. It would do 10 times the damage. And they ignore invincibility frames and sometimes killed people who are immortal.


The bones are red and destroy everything in its path most do not come back and will ignore invincibility frames and sometimes killed people who are immortal


he can lock AUs from being entered well not like it matters because all of them are dead


can rewind time with dusts


The most powerful variant of the Dust mastery, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from a distance of 1000km. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipula

Mind Manipulation

404, he is able to take full control of the SOUL of others, allowing him to change, distort and distort their minds to think about various things, often using this method to force others to serve him.

Dust Ray

He makes an explosion through his fingers that will kill anything and everyone from a normal AU character with a god-like code or unusual code. To understand the power of this ability, only completely serious, almost omnipotent have an extremely strong negative impact them or that cause damage |destroy I can say that. Code Infinite can(completely kill) even such creatures as Devourgeddon. This beam can pass through(exceed) the vector shield without special difficulties and problems. It certainly does not give you a chance to come back to life, reincarnate, resurrect, restore and even clone themselves.

Dust Ray First Shot

the first shot paralyzes the enemy with Dust balls and keeps them motionless and paralyzed forever until the second shot comes. if the opponent cannot be paralyzed, he keeps his code in a frozen place forever.

Dust Ray 2nd Shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it's made contact.

Reality Breaker

Dust 404 can break, change and edit reality to his will. Unfortunately, it might cause him to reincarnate depending on how significant the change was.

Chroma hands

This ability can only be obtained when he enters a state of massive rage, causing him to summon an incredibly large amount of gaster hands of any size. They may differ in features. The extent of this is not yet known, but using this ability renders him insensitive due to how much energy it costs. any large gaster hand can deal unlimited damage. (in short, endless.)


These are black and Glitchy, however, on some occasions, they can be Red or pink. They deal the same amount of damage, regardless of Colour, and do not inflict poison on you, but will ignore Invincibility Frames and will Harm you for as long as you are being hit by the Bone.

Error Blasters

These Blasters don't Glitch, but they are Either Black or Red, Damage is the Same regardless of Colour and they Ignore Invincibility Frames. DMG Rating is 50.

Dark DETERMINED Blasters

These Blasters are Vibrantly Red, Glitch occasionally, and have empty Eyes. They have a high damage rating, one that is Incalculable and inflict you with Poison and will ignore Invincibility Frames.


Dtale!404 can 'Teleport' to anywhere He Pleases. There is no Distance Limit. If he teleports to a place in which someone is in a 10-meter Vicinity, They will take Damage as Lightning Strikes the Exact location he appears in and a shockwave erupts from that Epicentre, going out 10 meters. That's how people get hurt if he teleports to them.

AU Jump

As usual, He can jump from AU to AU, but he prefers not to in case he runs into Infected, and so he Prefers to send Error!Dtale!Sans out to do his Dirty Work.


Dtale!404 can RESET all of the timelines in the AU.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code or unordinary code from a regular Au character. And if it doesn't die then it will mess with other things to give Dtale404 the advantage and it's extremely powerful and just as strong as Omnipotent!Dtale!Sans' GOD RAY.

Strings(he can also use strings)

Save, Load, and Continue

Since he has determination, he can do the usual stuff Save and Load, and continue after death which really helps him.


He can create stuff since he has some manipulations that can do that.


Dtale!404 can destroy Universes.

AU Lock

He can lock an AU from being entered.

Code Manipulation

Dtale!404 can manipulate code and even more code than his original Self, which is extremely useful he doesn't create anything with it but it helps him in battles since if someone is Immortal he'll just manipulate the code and get rid of the immortality this is one of his most favorite powers and he can also manipulate the code of AUs.

He can manipulate code kind of like his original Self (Error404) but it's much more powerful and he can also Create stuff from code though he doesn't do that he mostly uses it when he can't kill something. But sometimes when he's bored he plays around with the AUs Code. and he can also copy and paste.

ATK and DEF increase

Just like Omnipotent!Dtale he can increase his stats and he can increase it by 100000 with no limit.


Dtale!404 can become invisible if he wants which lasts forever.


Since Dtale!404 claims the title of Puppet Master, he can control beings and can control them forever. just like how he did Seraphim!Dtale!Sans.

File manipulation

Dtale!404 can manipulate the Files of an AU and everything about the AU.


Dtale!404 can steal DT from someone he can also take other DT types, but he cannot steal Omnipotent DT.


Since Dtale!404 made XDT Gaster (since it was before XDT Chara got half of XDT Gaster's Soul) one of his henchmen. He was able to copy the code of Overwrite and make a new one for himself, which is even more powerful. Basically the same as Omnipotent!Dtale's Overwrite.

Save Point deactivation

Once Dtale!404 enters an AU all of the save points will be useless and anyone who saved will be shown as they never saved.

Reset deactivation

Once Dtale!404 enters an AU reset will be useless even True Reset.


Since he is the god of the Multiverse, buttons do not work on him.

Chains of Determination

These chains allow him to Cipher energy, and some other things from millions of opponents at time. And once there's no energy and some other things to Cipher he'll begin to drain your HP, DEF, and LV by millions.


Dtale!404 can collect Code and other things.

Copy and Paste

Dtale!404 can copy and paste beings that he copied the code from.

The Gift

Dtale!404 can make someone an out-code but also making them insane and work for him.

infinite stamina

Dtale!404 cannot get tired at all.


He can regenerate his HP fast which makes him, even more, harder to kill.

Nightmare Blasters
These Blasters could easily destroy an AU in one shot. Being by one could automatically kill you, unless 1. You have an enormous amount of health or 2. Your shield is through the roof. The only way to block it is by shooting the shot with another shot of the same type. This blaster has been known to power through even Dark Blasters, the strongest known blasters.
Divine Chalice of Souls
From the outside it my look somewhat like the Holy Grail. What this really holds is an almost infinite amount of souls, from monster souls, to souls of determination. He rarely ever uses this and usually keeps it in the mainframe.
True Right of Glitches
By using this he can automatically know and adress peoples flaws. Let's say for example, you are cocky, he could adress this flaw and make you almost the exact opposite. If he wants to, he could make you a perfect being, fixing all of the person's flaws. This can also be used to witness somebody's memories.
Data Manipulation 2.0
You all should know this from Error404's first wiki. He can create, edit, and delete almost anything that is put in his path. Now it can be used to its utmost extreme, being used as an almost instant heal. This also helps it to do things at a much faster rate. Now, instead of having to use his hands, he could simply think of whatever he wants to do, making him much harder to defeat.

Shared Folder

Error404 V2

"The Funny"
My Rating   
What I Like   
"I've gotten a lot stronger than before, I can assure you"
Name: Error404
Nickname: OP skeleton...
Species: Omnipotent Skeleton
Homeworld: Alpha!Tale (Been destroyed)
Gender: Male
Error404 took multiple Gaster souls, he combined his data with thim, making himself a lot stronger. He still has the unlimited HP, for this... also, he still has unlimited Shield. He now has combined Error404's abilities and 13 Gasters. Having combined himself with Gaster, he can now finally feel emotion.
Extra Powers
More powers for Error404
He still has all the powers from his previous versions.
Nightmare Blasters
These Blasters could easily destroy an AU in one shot. Being by one could automatically kill you, unless 1. You have an enormous amount of health or 2. Your shield is through the roof. The only way to block it is by shooting the shot with another shot of the same type. This blaster has been known to power through even Dark Blasters, the strongest known blasters.
Divine Chalice of Souls
From the outside it my look somewhat like the Holy Grail. What this really holds is an almost infinite amount of souls, from monster souls, to souls of determination. He rarely ever uses this and usually keeps it in the mainframe.
True Right of Glitches
By using this he can automatically know and adress peoples flaws. Let's say for example, you are cocky, he could adress this flaw and make you almost the exact opposite. If he wants to, he could make you a perfect being, fixing all of the person's flaws. This can also be used to witness somebody's memories.
Data Manipulation 2.0
You all should know this from Error404's first wiki. He can create, edit, and delete almost anything that is put in his path. Now it can be used to its utmost extreme, being used as an almost instant heal. This also helps it to do things at a much faster rate. Now, instead of having to use his hands, he could simply think of whatever he wants to do, making him much harder to defeat.
Error404's Divine Being mode
user uploaded image
This is used when he absolutely needs help, and is only used as a last resort. In this mode he grabs Error!Sans and they both fuse into this monsterous being. This mods grants him almost infinite power over the entire Omniverse, but not only the Underverse, his power stretches out to universes past this, Segaverse, Fateverse, Nintendoverse, etc.
Hands of Absolute Destruction
His version of Gaster's Hands are much stronger then any other Gaster you will find.
One — Cables: These Strings are even harder then metal, which could take your soul in almost an instance.
Two — Divine Healing: This heals at a rate that most couldn't even dream of surpassing.
Three — Copy And Paste: As soon as Error404 sees an attack that he could utilize, he can use this hand to copy that attack and send it at the enemy stronger than it was before.
Four — Homing Blast: This Can home in on the enemy. This give about the same damage as getting hit by a Dark Blaster.
Five — Summons: This is mainly just used for summoning people, like his henchmen.
Six — Foresight: This allows him to see what your next attack is, making it a lot easier to dodge or deflect an enemy attack.
Seven — Bombs: This can summon grenades or bombs out of no where. These blow up whenever Error404 thinks they need to blow. Nothing could make them blow up by itself.

Time Traveler
This is an ability by Dara Manipulation. He can now turn back time to whatever time he wants it to be.
Being of Omnipotence
Error404 can't be manipulated by any attack or ability.

God Breaker
Error404's attacks do significantly more damage against people who are/claim to be gods.

Code Obliteration

Virus404 can obliterate the very code of anything or anyone he desires. Allowing the complete instantaneous destruction of universes, the complete eradication of people and gods, the ability to annihilate any attack, and can counter Code Manipulation. The only beings not affected, are beings who do not have codes and Error404. The reason Error404 is not affected is unknown

AU Code Corruption

Virus404 can alter and change the base codes of an AU, meaning he can prevent respawning, certain events and backstories from happening, tamper with damages from attacks by beings relative to the AU, mess with the very fabric of magic in the AU, alter the setting and mood in the AU, Cause the laws of physics to be nonexistent within the AU, prevent SAVE, LOAD, and RESETS from being used, and even tamper with gravity in the AU.

Apocalyptic Force Manipulation

This ability is not a code-based ability, but it is strangely considered an ability that is non-code-based. Virus404 primarily uses this to cause the very scales and the balance of a universe to go completely ballistic or attempt to annihilate creatures who have no code. Virus404 can control the end forces of existence and the ending of the AU's universal lifecycle (meaning once the world is destroyed all the parallel versions of that world cannot spawn new ones) he can choose to use Antimatter manipulation, Anti-Energy manipulation, Chaos manipulation, Corrupted Environment manipulation, Dark Matter manipulation, Corruption manipulation, Dark energy manipulation, Apocalypse manipulation, Event manipulation, and Demonic Energy Manipulation

Infinity Blades

This ability was created by Infinitey Code himself. This ability allows Virus404 to unleash any number of tentacle-like binary blades from his upper back, these blades can move with infinite speed, powerful unreal strength, and cut through basically everything due to the fact that the blades were designed with the very strings of multiversal code. These blades can grow to any size in any amount of time with no limit to distance allowing Virus404 to cut entire planets in half or pieces in seconds. These blades can cut away attacks directed at him or any person he chooses with infinite speed and can go so fast it has the appearance of teleportation. This ability however causes Virus404 to actually suffer damage while in use and he cannot use his Apocalyptic Force Manipulation or his corrupting touch,

Code Degenerating Touch/ Corrupting Touch/ Infecting Touch

This ability makes touching Virus404 very dangerous because it slowly (or quickly as in a few seconds if deliberate) corrodes away and corrupts the files of the things or people that touch him. (if they do not HAVE codes this attack is considered a molecular and atom degenerating touch)

Trojan Master

This power allows Virus404 to replicate, copy, and mimic the exact appearance of a person along with abilities which can only be used while being the person. When others look into Virus404's codes while he is using trojan horse, it will make the HP, DEF, files and other information seem exactly like the individual along with their soul, it even mimics the body's natural responses and autonomy making him undefinable. However if the person Virus404 is trojan horsed as HP goes down to 0 Virus404 will revert to his original form, this ability is often used with mental manipulation by taking memories (and usually killing them) of their feelings, past, personality and everything they knew and then combining it with trojan horse allowing Virus404 to be EXACTLY like the person is in every way. This ability cannot be used to transform into beings like Error404, but it can manage to become King Multiverse, Omnipotent Sans, Core Frisk, ink sans, and so on.

Mental Manipulation

Virus404 can Copy, take away, rearrange, or completely redesign the subjects memories, feelings, and past of the people he chooses. This ability is usually used with Trojan Horse after taking memories away and killing the subject. Does not work on Error404.


This Ability lets Virus404 infect things and people he touches with any form of virus he chooses allowing backdoors into blocked AU's, Rooting peoples base Files, infecting peoples codes using a virus called spider which is planted into AU's and alerts Virus404 of a specific name, thing, or description being said. This virus is ultimately wide-reaching and works in non-coded areas. It could have virtually any effect he wishes.

Power Hijack

This power allows Virus404 to hijack attacks by infecting their codes. Except for Error404 and Chaos!Sans.

Backup Restoration

If Virus404 Sans dies, he will automatically activate a backup file containing his necessary codes which Virus404 hid in the multiverse. The File reactivates his conscious and feeds of the codes and of the AU allowing it to rebuild himself while creating a mirage and fake front for the coding of the universe to make it seem the universe while being fed on is completely normal. This process takes 5 days to fully complete and after the process, Virus404 is fully restored and the mirage and fake front is terminated, showing a black void where an AU was

Magic immunity

Virus404 is not affected by any form of magic (included being healed or boosted by magic). This is because Virus404 is beyond magic, meaning magic is simply considered irrelevant to Virus404

Deus Ex Machina

Virus404 has limitless physical capabilities and almost infinite mental facilities. He has no limits to either how strong or how fast he can go. Breaking the laws of physics and reality to travel beyond the perceptions of any known god. It is reasonable to assume he is pretty much indestructible as well.

Instant Kill Safeguard

This ability prevents any "one hits" or "instant kills" from being done on Virus404. it does not mean Virus404 is completely insured against powerful attacks, but it means that if an attack is an "instant overwhelming kill" the attack instead of killing him outright teleports him at a safe distance and allows him to regenerate

Unauthorized Administrator

This ability allows Virus404 to check (and control) AU's. He can use this ability to check the AU's stats (like its past, current events, people present in the world, along with minor things) to make sure it has no unwanted company from certain people. Virus404 also can use this to check out past visitors and see if significant battles are currently active. Virus404 is also able to prevent access and kick out minor beings from the AU he is on (who are not deity rank), this lasts for as long Virus404 wishes, or if Virus404 leaves the AU

Coded Hive Mind

Virus404 can "code in" a form of root virus through individuals, this ability is usually used on minor characters, But when this root is established Virus404 can take control of the individual (or Individuals) wherever he might be. This allows him to be in many universes at once using other people, the rooted beings are COMPLETELY under his control and mindset, Virus404 can speak through them, act like them, and BE them. He, however, cannot use his abilities through these creatures but can use the abilities of the creature instead. Virus404 can be thousands of individuals at once and act out as each individual perfectly while using them as a source of a network for information. when Virus404 decides to "let them go" this never gives back the individual who they really were, but instead allows them to perform actions and say what they normally would say (they act almost Zombie-like) but they are basically all Virus404 himself. They, however, are also just extensions of himself. if someone attempts to disrupt the hive mind or use it to assault Virus404 mentally it will fail. This is because of the massive scale of this ability and it also provides the same Limitless mental fortitude and coding for Virus404's mind. It is possible to figure out if someone is part of the hive mind by attempting to mentally assault them, for they will find a Mental wall of God-like proportions enabling them to witness a potential member of the hive mind. The extent of how powerful the beings the Hive Mind can affect is unknown (does not work on Error404)

Anti Creation Zone

Virus404 can prevent beings like ink, creation!chara, and other beings similar who can create things from being able to create them. He can snuff out and completely block ANY attempts at creating things and instantly banish any non living object they have already created (Code Obliteration is a little more useful then this ability, but of course this is different, for it is not code related) .

Unlimited Multiversal Access

Virus404 can travel and form glitchy gateways to ANYWHERE in the multiverse (and on special and rare occasions out of the multiverse to places like, for Ex, the Marvel Multiverse). He can enter places that are normally unable to be accessed and even enter and infect Firewalls and Anti-virus domains. Once Virus404 creates a gateway only him can step through (unless virus404 wishes to bring something or someone along with him) Virus404 can sometimes create an unstable gateway to Infinitey Codes domain, which, of course, Infinitey Code cannot pass through but Virus404 can drag/carry/push others into the gateway to Infinitey Code, where Infinitey Code will then proceed to do as he likes to the individual (this is utterly horrifying for beings being forced in) Virus404 usually visits Infinitey Code for instructions and the like.

Ultimate Self Control

Virus404 can perfectly manipulate how much pain he feels (Error404 deals pain normally), the loudness of his voice, the distance of his voice, his subconscious, what emotions he feels, what emotions he can or cannot feel, and even control his Size (for example: Virus404 could if he wanted to grow to the size of a planet).

Ultimate Adaptation

This Ability allows Virus404 to adapt to situations and attacks when he is harmed or hurt. Similar to Doomsday, the more you keep using the same abilities and energies on him the more he Adapts and Evolves from those attacks. For example, you unleash a solar flare that hits him full blow and the solar flare hurts him at first, but then he Adapts to it. Then when a solar flare is shot at him AGAIN he is barely hurt, and again he is completely immune. Basically the more you use fight with the same attack more than once, also if something is restraining him (as long as his touch ability does not break him out) he will adapt and be able to break out of what's restraining him. Basically the more you fight him with the same power he will grow stronger.

Omni-Character Manipulation

Virus404 may choose to alter Stats like LV, HP, DEF, ATK, ACT, EXP, Gold Upon Death, and Battle effects such as Damage, the battle screen, Background of the battle screen, the Environment of battle, and other things in any way he likes. He may choose to alter how much HP a person has, Control their Defense, Control their ACT options in battle, decide how much damage (if any) an attack does, decide how much EXP or Gold to give, Manipulate the Battle screen, and alter the course of battle, and even more. The only Limit to this is Attacks, health points, defense, and damage with the "limitless" descriptor cannot be altered. and Also he may choose to alter the Backstories and origins of other creatures

Terminal Virus Bones

Virus404 can use a dangerous bone attack. When Virus 404 unleashes these bones, each appears to be colorful and glitched multicoded 3 foot long bones, and each travel in a matter of zeptoseconds (a zeptosecond is a unit of time equal to 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seconds and considered the smallest measurement of time) that is considered so fast that reality and existence does not even register its presence. Each bone individually does an overwhelming 5,000,000 points of damage and also if hit by two or more of these bones the target(s) codes and base files immediately are attacked by super viruses which threaten to consume Memories, History, their existence, Stats, and the very Memory of them. Error404 has some minor resistance to this

Anti-Anti Virus Bones

Virus404 can unleash a 2nd type of bone attack, these bones are red and disoriented and 6 inches long. These bones travel at a speed of 23 milliseconds and hit when they are at least in a 16 inch radius of someone. If the target is an Anti Virus it's instant death, if the target is not an Anti Virus it instead deals 10 damage and leaves them confused

Absolute Telekinesis

Virus404 can use telekinesis on an Absolute level and Absolute scale. This allows him to reshape and manipulate Molecules, Atoms, Subatomic particles, and more. Virus404 can also rearrange and create different functions for matter and alter the very nature of elements and create new functions for them as well. This ability cannot be used with Infinitey Blades or his other attacks

M.E.R.C.Y Blaster

The Mercy Blaster (Malgamation Entity Rearranger Creation Yielder) is a sinister gaster blaster that appears to be a normal white gaster blaster with no eyes (until it starts to fire). Virus404 can summon only one, for

using multiple gains no additional benefits. Once the blaster is summon Virus404 can "blast" it but unlike other blasters a beam does not come out, but instead, a high pitched electronic supersonic scream that echoes across the AU is instead applied. Any creature who hears this scream immediately become a special type of creature called a malgamite and creatures who are in the direct line of the supersonic scream turns to dust. As a Malgamite they become deranged, insane, twisted physically and mentally, disoriented, and turned inside out permanently as their memories, hearing, sight, feeling, taste, physical body, soul(s), abilities, powers, emotions, and every other characteristic becomes twisted and corrupted resulting in an Aberration and Abomination type of creature. They appear to be like amalgamations drained of all color.

Special M.E.R.C.Y results

Creatures at least 2 feet away merge together, this could potentially result in a large gathering of people merging
Creatures merge in the most painful way with any object they are touching
Creatures next to buildings or walls may merge into the wall
Creatures in water become a sickening form of slime, they also cannot ever leave water

Creatures are afflicted with incomprehensible amounts of torture and usually let loose blood curdling screams (if they can speak)
Creatures codes and files become scrambled
Creatures are unable to fight back and lose their will to live and their live to fight and instead fight against others
Creatures are reduced to 0 HP and cannot die unless code manipulation is implied
Creatures bodies and bones will shift out of place, painfully gruesome mutations, eyes might melt, bodies become as amalgamates, teeth can become disoriented and Oversized, ect
R.I.P Virus Blasters

These blasters, when fired, causes space and time to rupture as the overwhelming mass of viruses rip into reality. When the beam slowly shoots (seeming to pause and move and pause) the whole universe or dimension will lag and glitch, resulting in giving things a pixel-like form, crashing lesser beings, and overloading the AU and potentially resulting in destruction as it crashes (if it crashes the blaster must be resummoned), but that's only 1 out of 4 stages, the 2nd stage of this blast is when it's traveling through the air, it will speed up to mere milliseconds instantly and will infect anything still alive in it's AU with corrupted codes and all kinds of glitches to form in them. The 3rd stage of the blast is when it hits its target(s), for they suffer 999,999,999,999 points of damage and is erased of ALL knowledge even if they survive. The 4th stage occurs immediately right after the being(s) are hit, in this stage the place where the blasters hit unleashes a raw concentration of gamma-rays in the form of a hypernova that erupts and vaporises anything that's left of the destruction.

Attempts to hijack this attack (IF virus404 lets them) results in instant obliteration (as Code Obliteration) Error404 does not lose any knowledge when it hits him, but suffers the other effects.

Fangs Of The Absolute End

When Virus404 successfully sinks his fangs into someone for more than 2 seconds, it causes a rift to form in the Multiversal Storyline and an anomaly to form in all timelines. The victim of the bite literally comes to an End, their very future and destiny all alter to where at the point Virus404 sinks his fangs into them, they die. It also affects their very backstories, existence, and if the character has not done something in their wiki (or any other form of the characters info) it is forcefully deleted and considered pointless and unfulfilled. Basically the bite puts an End to the Characters Story and gives absolutely no chance of coming back to life, reincarnating, resurrecting, restoring, or even clones of themselves. This bite does not instantly kill Error404 in this way but still can be proved fatal. When Virus404 bites Error404 with his fangs it is not as severe but can be Very effective, it does not need two seconds and Error404 will suffer massive amounts of damage and enough mental pain to hurt Error404 significantly. If Error404 somehow is ever defeated by this, it negates his reincarnation ability.

Omega Nonexistence

This ability is the ultimate version of Nonexistence and greater than Perfect Nonexistence.

When Virus404 chooses to use this ability he may choose to make an AU (any universe can be applied), OC, Character, Attack, and energy Nonexistent, causing the very memory of the Nonexistent thing to be completely erased and obliterated, the Multiversal Timeline to alter to where the character never even existed and "fill in" the gaps in the timeline (meaning if someone was eradicated the timeline will make things happen in place of them that will prevent the present from changing too much), and makes the character unable to be brought back, however, their is a 25% chance reincarnation or clone can still activate, although the individual will remember situations that involved him that technically didn't happen. Creatures with Anti-Nonexistence are not affected

Disrupting Scream

Virus404 can unleash an electronic scream that will disrupt ANY form of concentration, Psychic Powers (including telekinesis), Meta Powers, a variety of Manipulation abilities (not all), and interrupt thoughts. This ability can only be used while Virus404 is not using his blades or most of his other attacks and abilities, the Ultimate Disrupting Scream acts the same toward Error404.

Pixel Manipulation

This ability can only be used when in pixel battles or where pixels are present. Virus404 can manipulate pixels in battle allowing him to recreate, rearrange, and tear apart attacks, pixels of people, energy blasts, along with ANYTHING else pixel related, including himself. This ability can be quite powerful.


Virus404 is extremely durable and resilient in combat, for physical attacks is one of Virus404s home turfs. This ability makes Virus404 hard to physically injure and his Endurance is boundless. While using Deus Ex Machina, Virus404 is near unbeatable physically by any other being other than Error404 and beings of his descriptor.

Maddening Presence

Virus404s is so powerful and unstable it affects other creatures. Beings who are not some forms of divinity who approach Virus404 usually go insane as the overwhelming raw power over take their minds.


One of the ultimate moves of Virus404, Virus404 can create malformed versions of worlds on a multiversal scale. Creating a second multiverse filled with an infinite collection of blasphemous and chaotic realities. a verse form of every fear and bad decision ever made or dreamt, a verse made up of every possible horror imaginable and grows more powerful with every evil action, bad thought, or sin from the original multiverse and its inhabitants. This verse literally feeds and thrives off "everything wrong".

Along with the verse, its inhabitants may also be corrupted, evil or outright the worst versions of the original inhabitants of the original multiverse whether if their mortals, gods, or cosmic entities.


This attack is the definitive one of OMEGA VIRUS. Shot from the fingers a bit like the R.I.P beam, it shares some characteristics, but it is immensely more powerful, so much so that even OMEGA VIRUS struggles to compensate for its recoil. The beam can be both thin and very wide, this depends on OMEGA VIRUS, but the result is always that of unparalleled destruction. This beam deactivates any abilities on the target.


This is Virus404's ultimate and final form, Inspired by the ILOVEYOU virus. The absolute pinnacle of his potential is this form right here, commanding total high-level multiversal dominance across virtually every layer of reality, Virus404 sheds his physical form for a swirling vortex of chaos, engulfing the entirety of infinity as he becomes transcended. All abilities no longer have limits and no longer are restricted in manners of capability. He has the abilities and effects of all forms, deactivating powers and abilities, distorting entire multiverses into nothingness, and just outright spreading rapidly across the entirety of existence. Existing as the ultimate Virus able to infect concepts.


This is a ability that allows Fatal404 to instantaneously read ahead in battle and respond accordingly to an infinite number of possible and impossible outcomes in a fight. Along with that it can also instantaneously replay an elapsed battle so that he can unleash countless attacks in the same instant, making it impossible to defeat. Making things like Reset, Overwrite, etc useless.

Death/Resurrection Manipulation

Fatal404 can control Death making it impossible for him to die and can cause the death of other with no issue. He can also Resurrect himself if he is destroyed, Erase, etc along with others, he used this power to resurrect Fei after he death.

Fatal-Paradox Blaster

Fatal-Paradox Blaster Art by miss verniola (Discord).png
Fatal-Paradox Blaster
These blasters are made to delete Outcode's and eradicate timelines. One of those blasters can match 5 of Error404 Dark-Blasters in combat

Monochrome Tentacles

Fatal404 tendrils can create a extra-dimensional space prison, for example where he traps the consciousnesses of the victims, by manipulating the Multiverse and exposing the victim to infinite possibilities. As possibilities are recognized, more alternate realities continue to branch. The nature of the labyrinth is that the universes are always branching and progressing simultaneously at the same time where people cannot recognize it, because the "possible future possibilities" are transformed into the "universes" as they are. The physical bodies of said "victims" are being ether left on their original places or slowly dying as they stay in that prison as their consciousnesses drifting through the infinite possibilities.


He has 2 pairs of strings one red and the other blue. the red ones are known to corrupt the mind of the victim successfully controlling them in all aspects of the mind and soul. The Blue strings are used to Manipulate anything they come into contact with of example they can corrupt the body of a being, create new creations and more. They both have the power to lock on to a target, once the strings lock on to the target they will track them no matter where they are. They can still erase/delete stuff with no issue.


Bones created to destroy Beings with glitches, for example they can very much damage Guys like Error404, Virus404, Omni Broken!Sans and etc. The bones can regenerate after time, and even be used after becoming tuned to dust.


Fatal404!Sans can rapidly evolve to match his opponents. He mostly uses it to match Error404(Error666/Puppet-Master) form while in his base form

Absorbing Regeneration

Fatal404!Sans can absorb anything (energy, matter, biomass, elements, etc.) to regenerate His body, but the amount absorbed power defines the strength and speed of regeneration.

Fatal Download

Fatal404!Sans can copy other beings' files/Code into himself making him more powerful in battle.


Barrier.exe is a system born from within Fatal404!Sans causing he to Be unaffected by anything/everything. It also has a Probability manipulation meaning it can't be hurt/destroyed. Along with that is has a Counter Hax Enforcer making It capable of Creating Anti-Hax. In response to the opponents. Powers like Copy, Overwrite, Power hijack ,etc have no affect nor work on him. This even made him immune to Magic, Viruses, Errors and etc.


This world is actually a Pocket-dimension that is twice the size of the doodle-spears(basically the multiverse). In this place Fatal404!Sans can control everything to the point where the opponent feels like there is no way to beat him and loses hope. The place also drains the life force of said beings into itself especially Fatal-monster like Fatal-error, Fatal-Virus, Fatal-Void and etc. In this Dimension Fatal404 is granted Full access to information contain any characters powers a weakness. plus he can also manipulate anything from within said Dimension giving Fatal404!Sans High reality warping.

Black Hole Cluster

This is a sphere of antimatter contained into an sphere like structure in order to have better use. Said sphere is very much unstable and could easily destroy multiple universes if not used properly.

Red Chaos Laser

He has the ability to fire a mixture of plasma and anti/Dark-matter at the opponent. This attack can match other forms of beam attacks plus destroy anything it touches because of the Anti/Dark-matter infused into it

Ultra-God Beam

During his time with Error404 and Virus404, Fatal404!Sans was able to obtain this Ability to shoot a beam that can collapse the Multiverse. These beams can track the opponent even when time is stopped, faster than light speed, make other beings die an infinite amount of times, etc.

The first shot: the first shot has the potential to ether burn said target or just hurt them a lot.
The second shot: The second shot can Vaporised any target in its way plus. The degree of damage was shown when fighting error404 in his ButterflyForm.
Hyper Cannon-Burst

Fatal404 will reveal his rib cage where it will let out a huge blast of energy that will destroy the ArchVerse. The blast can is very enormous said to be used as a last resort because of the massive strain it has on him.

Multidimensional buster: Fatal404's powerful punch rips a hole in the fabric of reality

Chōginga-Laser: The wings emitted a massive beam. It is so strong that it can wipe the Hyperverses
Ultimate Laser: This is a strong laser that, when used, destroys a large number of Realities.

Fatal Force: This lets him use the power of all Fatal404 Forms from Fallen to Fatal-V itself .
Rising Victory: This a ability Fatal-God uses to gain manipulation over the Concept of victory.
Chaos Meteor: Fatal-God will fire a Blast from his mouth destroying the opponent with the power of chaos.
V-Victorize: FatalGod will release a Blast from his chest Shaped like a V that will destroy everything in its path.

Unlimited/Nigh infinite Replication reality: Alter-S can create nigh unlimited clones of himself or call different count parts of himself from other reality. For example He could summon a version himself that has Abilities this version dose not have and etc.

Oblivion Cannon: Alter-S can fire a Blast of Anti-Matter capable of completely destroying the opponent.

All-Erase: An ability from the Blitz Blade so that anything that comes in contact with its edge is not cut, but deleted.

Zero Blasters

Created by Z!Gaster. He wanted to create a very powerful weapon that uses the void. These blasters can absorb infinite amounts of energy like a vacuum no matter the power. Z!Gaster gave them to 505 before his death

Code Manipulation

505 can manipulate code at will, this is used to fix timelines or modify people if desired.

Multiversal Jump

505 can open bridges between different multiverses or teleport to them.

Cubes of despair

these cubes can absorb souls & trap them in a parallel dimension where the host of the soul will be in a state of paralysis until the soul is realize.

Cubes act 2

In act 2 the cubes can be used as bombs that can do 50,000 Damage to the opponent these cubes can be thrown by 505 to the opponent or can make them as mines & explode when the person makes contact with them.

Tactical advantage

505 is very tactical in combat when an opponent is stronger than him. He will plan possible fight tactics in order to win. 505 is an excellent fighter when it comes to hand to hand combat as well.

Mass knowledge

505 has been around for decades watching & collecting information from all multiverses & their systems.

Great resistance

505 is very resistant to attacks which makes it a difficult opponent to fight against.


A transformation that gives a boost to 505 in terms of power & new abilities. This transformation also gives wings and a halo to 505 to make him look reminiscent of an archangel.

God's wrath

this ability is only seen in "ARCHANGEL" 505 can summon a rain of spears from the sky to the opponent; these spears, when making contact with the opponent, can deal lots of damage. also this spears will move to incredible speeds when thrown.

Angel's blaze

Only in "ARCHANGEL". 505 can summon a sword made of code that he can use to attack. Flames will appear around 505 that will automatically target & follow the opponent until they make contact.

Error!Blaster - A simple black and yellow blaster, which fires blasts based on the wielders elemental wanting.

Bones - Standard Bones.

Coded!Bones - Bones that vary in different colours.

Obsolescence - Error500 can make anything, everything, anyone or everyone useless. For example: He can make the laws of nature ineffective, all powers useless, or make the world useless which cause everything to be destroyed within it. Error500 can make actually anything into nothing.

One on Top - If his opponent has an ability that can murder a player in one hit, he will have the ability to change their attacks to his will.

Strings of Peril - Error!500 has his own set of strings, which can latch onto people, affecting their mood, and sometimes even body, if he's using it to attack. He can make someone feel negative, or positive.

True Victory - If a character has a power such as 'unable to be affected by anything', they instantly lose all their abilities for 5 minutes, leaving Error!500 to rid them.

Destabilization - He can create destabilization in objects, environment or even abilities causing balance distortion ranging from single molecules to cosmic scales. The primary objective of this power is to make everything lose stability or balance. He can destabilization every powers with absolutely no limit and nothing can change that.

Obliterate - He can obliterate someone's power as long as they are in view of Error!500's RIGHT eye. Only works once every 4 days, and dissipates his eye for 2 minutes, removing his 'Obsolescence' and 'Glitch Beam'.

Glitch Beam - From his right eye, he can fire a long laser of glitched plasma, for around 5–6 seconds. Whenever he does this, he goes blind for 10 seconds.

Glitch Walk - This allows him to enter the core data of the multiverse, being his own method of teleportation/au hopping. It's like entering a world of 1's and 0's, knowing exactly where everything in those 1's and 0's are.

[REMAP] - His own button. With the push of this button, he can alter time to affect whenever a certain thing happens. (Ex. If you use a giant combo on him, he can use remap and make each attack in the combo happen at a different time, so your first punch would be a third punch etc.) This is very helpful for if he wants to repeat repetitive attacks.

Soul Beam - Directly from his own bugged Soul, mixed with his own strings, he can charge an infinite blast to send a beam of godly speed and precision. It is an instant kill against any Outcode/Error.

Glitched Reality - He can infect time itself, sending it into a shattered stop. This lasts exactly 23 seconds. Once time stops, there are glass pieces which Exemplar!500 can use to teleport in a way. Exemplar!500 is the only being that can move in the resisted flow of time, and not even his attacks send until time resumes.

Blodged Strings - Strings that come directly from his torso and hands. He can use these to siphon souls, and even enter anothers body to explode out of them. Very brutal.

Destroyed Anomaly - He can recover data from the strongest beings that were killed, and use them to fight until he dies. After he dies, they go back to the afterlife they were chosen for.

Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence Destability - If any being wields an Omni-like power, Their entire moveset goes against them, contracting them into a dimension they made themselves with boundless size, uncontrollably sending every single ability against themselves, before indeniably dying from the pure control and destruction in their dimension. A cruel and corrupt way to go.

Button Nullification - He has the ability to nullify every single button, rendering it impossible to use until he reaches his end. Though you'll probably be dead before he is.

Power Knowledge - In this form, he has complete understanding of every beings attack, power level and defence.

Complete Soul Mastery - He maintains the peculiar ability to change others soul traits, however now he can change their soul TYPES. He can make a human a monster, and vice versa.

Mine, Thank You - He can directly attach his fingers to a SOUL, and drain it's abilities. There is no limit to change it.

Soul of The Omniverse - He can create a SOUL with every being in the entire omniverses capabilities, and use it to send a final blow, which may possibly even destroy the Omniverse itself, just to recreate it.
Whenever he runs out of time, time begins to rewrite, and send it back 5 minutes to before the transformation occurred. However, with one difference: Error!500 gone, and the same with everyone he had murdered.

Paradox manipulation

With this power he can make things the opposite of what they are with this power he can make classic sans the strongest sans and error 404 one of the weakest sans, alpha404 has a immunity to this same with annoying dog. But the main power of this ability is The ability to surpass and ignore the laws of reality, logic and common sense. Advanced combination of Reality Warping and Logic Manipulation. Powers that he gained when he absorbed the code of the reality void

Reality warping

Reality Warping is the power to change the properties or appearance of things, beings and even physical or spiritual laws by literally changing reality itself, or even constructing a new aspect of reality.

Omega strings

Almost unbreakable strings that can only be destroyed by Alpha 404's scythe as soon as they touch you they will be able to edit your code even if your code is hidden somewhere.

And take control over you like error sans does

shortcut teleportation .

Battle body

has a resistance to all forms of attack due to his millennia of training and hardening his body cuts the damage he takes by half

Omega corruption bones

bones that infect you with a random virus when they hit you like make you slower for some unknown amount of time or making you do less damage for a while, Alpha 404 has some resistance to this but will effect him if hit enough times

Regular omega bones

Bones like classic sans except they are instant kill to anything lower than Omniversal to everything else they will do absolute Infinite dmg

Alpha corruption Arsenal

alpha corruption sans abilities

Virus404 Arsenal

he has all of virus 404 abilities

Immunity too abilities and reversal

if you have a ability that will reverse his attack on him his attack will do nothing no dmg neither does any ability he has


black and purple flames that can scar people with instant regeneration and can kill immortals if used with his sword it can be very effective so hot only the caster can pit it out and can burn other Flames

Omega blaster

the omega blaster is so corrupted that when it fires it shoots backwards which is very useful when it comes to surprising the enemy and it will instant kill anything under omegaversal and infinite dmg to anything over it but if you manage to survive you will start to lag and slow down due to the virus and corruption you were hit with.


He can see into the future a few seconds very useful in a fight can use 6 times in a row before needing a hour to recharge ability can also be used to see what actions would affect the timeline and in what way which helps when trying to affect a timeline a certain way and in a fight to see what the opponent will do next depending on their move only 6 uses till recharge

Reality void manipulation

Can control the reality void and even teleport enemies there where he has absolute control due to spending millennia in their only person who rivals or exceeds his control is Cr! Gaster

True control

Had absolute control over himself he has trained his mind and body to only respond to his commands but it is possible to mind control him if someone's mind control powers are extremely strong and the person controlling him is multiverses ahead of him in strength

Chaos manipulation

Chaos Manipulation is the ability to manipulate chaos, fundamentally different than darkness or nothingness. That is, power over disharmony, confusion, disorder, and destructiveness in their most pure and vivid forms.

Living anomaly

The user is a living anomaly, an enigmatic being that exists within a system while escaping its rules. The origin, nature and range of their abilities vary greatly between users, but all demonstrate the same uncanny ability to casually shrug off and even break such rules, from the laws of physics to causality, allowing them to become free from the bonds of fate, and are unbounded to all alterations and restrictions, etc., being capable of imposing their actions upon reality.

and beings who can see the future can't see his future.

Undetermined existence

The user exists in an undefined/undetermined state, meaning that they don't fit into the standard mold or categories/classifications of existing beings. As such they cannot be truly considered to be living or dead and amortal or undead, instead they exist in an undefined grey area both inside and outside of the standard categories of existing creatures.

Thus while they may seem to be alive and exist, they can't really be classified in those terms. This allows them complete freedom from any power that operates on being either alive or dead and amortal or undead.

Unlike otherness however, user are still considered to be a part of existence/the world instead of being distinct/separate from it.

The dimension of uncertainty and reality ( I'll come up with a better name later)

After absorbing some of the reality voids code he managed to create his own dimension where everything that is true and real is a lie and fake everything is the opposite here and it does this by corrupting an area and making it inescapable unless someone beats omega404 or he lets them out but for all intents and purposes it's on a different plane of existence and omega404 becomes stronger the longer he stays there and and whoever he brings there becomes weaker besides cr gaster who the dimension regards as the same as omega404 it also doesn't affect the people he doesn't wish it to affect.

You shall know fear

where he emanates this aura of pure fear where everybody in a million mile radius starts feeling fear unlike they have ever felt and severely hinders there ability to fight and he also gains the ability of fear manipulation

The final tenth plague

Every living thing that is is not on par or slightly weaker than him start to get corrupted and die slowly and pain fully

True gaster blaster

A gaster blaster so powerful it could harm alpha404 in alpha fly 666 form

You shall know fear

where he emanates this aura of pure fear where everybody in a million mile radius starts feeling fear unlike they have ever felt and severely hinders there ability to fight and he also gains the ability of fear manipulation

The final tenth plague

Every living thing that is is not on par or slightly weaker than him start to get corrupted and die slowly and pain fully

True gaster blaster

A gaster blaster so powerful it could harm alpha404 in alpha fly 666 form

Chaos Error!Blaster: Chaos Error!Blaster has red eyes, strings, and a white skull. Chaos Error!Blaster is powerful and one Chaos Error!Blaster has the power of 6 Dark Blaster's(Error404 Blaster's).
Chaos Strings: Chaos String can control and copy code, and grant powers or abilities for Chaos Error! Sans for thirty minutes and may give others powers or abilities he copied, but the person to whom he gives the powers may use about five minutes less. Chaos Strings can cause small to crash with other bugs and viruses. For example: the first person can use for twenty-five minutes, the second person for about twenty minutes, and so on.
Chaos Katana: Chaos Error!Sans can create a Chaos Katana from his strings that is tough enough to destroy 14 Omni404's Blaster's in four seconds. Chaos Katana features a red rim and a black handle.
Chaos Fire: Chaos Fire is the red fire of chaos, hot as last hell. Chaos Fire is powerful enough to defeat the first God Rays shot and defend Chaos Error!Sans by M.E.R.C.Y Blaster for four or six seconds.
Multiverse Jump: Chaos Error!Sans could jump to other AU and Multiversal before Chaos Error!Sans could only jump to AU, but then Chaos Error!Sans learned to jump into the Multiverse thanks to Dark Chaos Error!Sans.
Chaos Bones: Chaos Bones are the same as Error404, but are red and 1.5x more powerful.
Chaos Eye: Chaos Eye has the same abilities as Chaos Error!Blaster got Chaos Error!Sans can teleport to one of Chaos Eye after teleporting Chaos Error! Sans to Chaos Eye, Chaos Eye disappears. Chaos Error!Sans using Chaos Eye as his eyes to look every AU and multiverse.
Chaos Aura/Chaos Realm: This is Chaos Error!Sans's Aura, who changes reality and only this work on Chaos Error!Sans and for example this let Chaos Error!Sans didn't take damage or change the beam into water or air.
Summon: Chaos Error!Sans can summon using his blood on his veins and Chaos Error!Sans can summon Dark Chaos Error!Sans in his True Major God Of Chaos And Errors Form in his True Major God Of Chaos And Errors Form but is 2x weaken. If Dark Chaos Error!Sans in his True Major God Of Chaos And Error Form received his power to normal Dark Chaos Error!Sans need absorb Chaos Error!Sans to his inside.
Chaos Flash: Chaos Flash is a chaos version of Final Flash with Dragon Ball. Chaos Flash is more, more powerful, 6x stronger than Final Flash but when Chaos Error!Sans uses this he be a really tired, so he uses this in the last resort.
Chaos God Ray: Fires a red blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code, anti-god-like code, or unordinary code from a regular Multiverse character.
Chaos God Ray 1st Shot: 1st shot is a very quick attack and when someone gets hit by Chaos God Ray 1st Shot, someone feels pain in a soul because by Chaos God Ray 1st Shot started soul bleeding.
Chaos God Ray 2nd Shot: Chaos God Ray 2nd Shot is hard to dodge and this shot weaker enemy to 75%.

Chaos Wing Strings: Chaos Error!Sans's red parts of wings can shot strings.
Chaos Wing Beam: Chaos Error!Sans's red parts of wings can shot a beam, this is perfect with Chaos Wing Strings.
Chaos Devil Blaster: This is Chaos Error!Blaster but 6x stronger than normal Chaos Error!Blaster. Chaos Devil Blaster has wings, who are the same like Chaos Error!Sans and Blasters can use Chaos Wing Strings and Beam.

C.H.A.O.S D.E.V.I.L Arsenal: In short, C.H.A.O.S D.E.V.I.L's abilities but stronger. with the same colors as CD666.
Chaos God Rays: Chaos Error!Sans can shot every finger Chaos God Ray 1st Shot and 2nd Shot and Chaos God Ray is stronger.
God Telekinesis: CD666 can use telekinesis, which is stronger like God.
God Clones: CD666 can create clones in trillions.
Fear Aura: CD666 has an aura, who make the enemy fear him or worst.
Instant Heal: CD666 can instantly heal wounds.

NULL Fire: NULL Fire is a red fire of chaos and darkness that is so hot like last hell judge satan. Chaosware Fire can defeat God Rays' first shot and second shot together without problems. NULL Fire can burn up Omni404 in six seconds.
Omniverse Jump: Chaosware can jump into other AU's, Multiversal and, Omniversal but rare use this ability to jump into other multiversal and omniversal.
Bone Attack: Chaosware Bone has a black red color but more stronger than Chaos Error!Sans's Chaos Bone.
Chaos Eye: Chaos Eyes have the same abilities as Chaosware Blaster but Chaosware can be teleporting yourself to one Chaos Eye. after teleporting Chaosware, Chaos Eye gone. Chaosware can control others uses Chaos Eye. When Chaosware uses Chaos Eye to control others Chaos Eye doing on forehead a mark and all eyes started be red.
Chaos Thunder: Dark Chaos Thunder is a 666 trillions volt black and red lightning bolt that deals insane damage.
Chaos God Ray: Chaosare fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone, who has anti-god-like code, god-like code, omni god-like code or unordinary code from a regular the Omniverse character.
Chaos God Ray 1st Shot: Very similar to Chaos Error!Sans's Chaos God Ray 1st Shot but person who get hit by Dark Chaos God Ray 1st Shot feels pain in a soul and all body and a soul and body started bleedings.
Chaos God Ray 2nd Shot: Very similar to Chaos Error!Sans's Chaos God Ray 2nd Shot but his weaker enemy to 666%.

Chaos Aura/Chaos Realm: This is Chaosware's Aura, who changes reality and doesn't work only on Chaosware and for example this let he didn't take damage or change the beam into water or air.
Red Mastery: The most powerful variant of the Red Attack, able to destroy the most powerful characters, not matter that they are gods, anti-gods and omni gods and you can't run away from it.
The Chaos-Force: He uses force called 'The Chaos-Force' and every 5%, which he uses It's make him 2x stronger but after when he uses this chaos, which he uses to power up gone.

Absolute Author Level Anti-God and Omnimalevolence Manipulation

Ultimate Destruction Sans Is the Absolute Anti God the no weakness,he can manipulate any Anti-God or anything "Evil" and can use their powers in a infinitely large Scale, no matter who they are.

Black Strings: He use Black Strings to Destroy things in Fiction, he can even control or capture enemies. His Strings control people or he can just shattered people souls easily. He can tie up everyone in multiple dimensions. His Strings can tie up everyone in the 28 Dimensions and he can take them as his puppets or just shattered The souls.
Glitch Sharp Bones: He use Sharp bones, which are Glitch and the bones can be black, grey and white. These bones does a lot of damage against his enemies. He can summon and throw a tornado of bones at his enemies, which are glitched and very sharp.
Glitch Gaster Hands :He can Summon massive Gaster Hands, which he uses shoot Glitch magic at enemies, he can Summon normal sizes as well. These Gaster Hands are dark grey along with white and black stripes on them. These gaster hands are very large, which can crush almost anyone.
Black Glitch Ray: He shoots a Glitch Ray that is black, that can damage people codes or even killed them. He can also charge the ability to do more damage. This ability can easily destroy 4 dimensions and 5 outerverses. This ray can also one shot beings with ultimate defense and Health.
Glitch Hop: He can glitch to each Dimension and Others AUs. This ability let's him travel through Dimensions, Multiverses and Omniverses. He can glitch himself into other dimensions, even if the verse is destroyed. He can glitch into different verses of the 28 Dimensions.
Glitch Destroyer Strings: Theses Strings can cut through anything or anyone into pieces. He can use these strings to even cut through any human skins or skeleton bones. His strings can even cut through the most powerful shields. There strings will literally cut through people souls instantly.
Omni-Destruction Blaster: He can Summon large black and Blue Blasters, which can Destroy a lot of AUs. He can Summon multiple Blasters at once. This is his strongest blaster, since he can destroy a bunch of dimensions and verses with one shot. He can chose how big the blaster can be.
Omni-Destruction Snap: He can snap his fingers, then he can Destroy a lot of universes, but he will only use it once. He can only use it on opponents that are very powerful. This ability can wipe out like 7 dimensions, maybe even more.
Black Destruction: He can turn into a form named black Destruction, which he get stronger and have way more abilities. He can turn into this form at anytime and anywhere.
White Glitch Ray: This Glitch Ray is white, which also can kill you with Glitch magic. He can charge it too do way more damage. This ray shoots very fast, along with adding glitch poison to the damage. This ray will kill anyone that isn't a Glitch or at least a powerful deity.
Omni-Destruction Manipulation: He can manipulate any type of Destructive magic to his will. He can even mix his destroying magic with his Hell Glitch magic. He can use almost every Destructive ability against his enemies.
Dimension Jump: He has the ability to jump to other Dimensions like 4th and Checkmate. He can even jump to sealed Dimensions. He can even jump to different realms at will
Black Destructive Blaster: He can Summons a massive Destructive Blaster, which can Destroy Infinite universes. This Blaster can one almost anyone that is weaker than him and his brothers.
Glitch Clone: He can make glitch clones of himself, to use for a advantage on his enemies. He can even use the clones to trick his enemies and allowed them to use his most powerful abilities.
Destructive Hakai: He can use the hakai to eradicate any of his opponents in one hit, this ability can destroy up to 15 dimensions in one hit and he can charged the ability to erase his opponents entire body or their souls.
Massive Destructive Beam: He charged a beam of Destructive magic, so do more and more damage, not even People with a lot of defense can't survive it.
Destructive404: This form is more powerful than his BlackDestruction, he can use any type of destructive magic against Enemies. This form is a demonic and he can use demon, Destruction and dark magic.
Mind Destroyer: He can destroy anyone's that are weaker than him, he uses his strings to destroy people minds easily. He can even destroy the most powerful minds.
Dark Destruction Magic: He can mix his dark magic with his Destruction, to cause more damage. He can this ability to increase his damage on opponents.
Reality Hop: He also has the ability to glitch himself into other Reality, he can use the ability a lot. He can also glitch himself into different verses.
Ability Destroyer: This Ability let's him destroy any other Abilities, he can even destroy the most powerful Abilities. He can even use the ability destroy to Eradicate people.
Glitch Mastery: This ability is similar to Blue Mastery but different. This ability allows to grab people's souls, and he can also use the ability to grab glitch beings. This ability allows him to grab his opponents and he can throw his enemies around or use the ability to just crush them easily.
Destruction Manipulation
Chaos Manipulation
4th Breaker Awareness
4th Breaker Breaching
4th Interaction
Mind Control Manipulation
Reality Warping
Darkness Manipulation
Glitch Magic Manipulation
Hell Determination Manipulation
Every Destruction and Glitch Arsenal
Book Jumping
Hell Chaos Manipulation
Hell Glitch Determination
Hell Glitch Arsenal Manipulation
Eradication Manipulation

Author Authority

as a İn-Verse Avatar,he has Creator Determination and Author Authority over Godverse and Fanon Fiction

God of True Code


He is able to manipulate something called "True Code". everything has a code,even if they are "codeless" or "unique" since this fiction is carried by bunch of computers, everything has a code. he can manipulate this and even erase codeless beings.


This is a "Matter" Destruction can use, it is a Black "thing" that has gray,red,blue and green codes in it. he forms string,weapons,attacks and even entities from this thing. it corrupts,destroys and absorbs anything that makes contact with it. this is his most common ability.

Evil Scythe

He can use and create a long black scythe to fight his opponents with. He can also make different types of scythes such as Chaos and Darkness Scythe, UDS can use 2 scythes to fight his enemies and he can throw the scythe at his opponent very fast.

Black Lighting

Ultimate Destruction can summon and use black lighting to fight and kill his enemies. He can throw black lighting bolts that can destroy a bunch of realms and dimensions, His black lighting can cut through almost everything and anyone with one slice.

Nightmare/Fear Manipulation

UD has the power to manipulate people's greatest fears and uses to torture his victims, he can also uses people's greatest fears to manipulate his enemies and control them to his will. He can use the fear to create weapons with the most powerful fears of All.

Black Strings: He use Black Strings to Destroy things in Fiction, he can even control or capture enemies. His Strings control people or he can just shattered people souls easily. He can tie up everyone in multiple dimensions. His Strings can tie up everyone in the 28 Dimensions and he can take them as his puppets or just shattered The souls.
Glitch Sharp Bones: He use Sharp bones, which are Glitch and the bones can be black, grey and white. These bones does a lot of damage against his enemies. He can summon and throw a tornado of bones at his enemies, which are glitched and very sharp.
Glitch Gaster Hands :He can Summon massive Gaster Hands, which he uses shoot Glitch magic at enemies, he can Summon normal sizes as well. These Gaster Hands are dark grey along with white and black stripes on them. These gaster hands are very large, which can crush almost anyone.
Black Glitch Ray: He shoots a Glitch Ray that is black, that can damage people codes or even killed them. He can also charge the ability to do more damage. This ability can easily destroy 4 dimensions and 5 outerverses. This ray can also one shot beings with ultimate defense and Health.
Glitch Hop: He can glitch to each Dimension and Others AUs. This ability let's him travel through Dimensions, Multiverses and Omniverses. He can glitch himself into other dimensions, even if the verse is destroyed. He can glitch into different verses of the 28 Dimensions.
Glitch Destroyer Strings: Theses Strings can cut through anything or anyone into pieces. He can use these strings to even cut through any human skins or skeleton bones. His strings can even cut through the most powerful shields. There strings will literally cut through people souls instantly.
Omni-Destruction Blaster: He can Summon large black and Blue Blasters, which can Destroy a lot of AUs. He can Summon multiple Blasters at once. This is his strongest blaster, since he can destroy a bunch of dimensions and verses with one shot. He can chose how big the blaster can be.
Omni-Destruction Snap: He can snap his fingers, then he can Destroy a lot of universes, but he will only use it once. He can only use it on opponents that are very powerful. This ability can wipe out like 7 dimensions, maybe even more.
Black Destruction: He can turn into a form named black Destruction, which he get stronger and have way more abilities. He can turn into this form at anytime and anywhere.
White Glitch Ray: This Glitch Ray is white, which also can kill you with Glitch magic. He can charge it too do way more damage. This ray shoots very fast, along with adding glitch poison to the damage. This ray will kill anyone that isn't a Glitch or at least a powerful deity.
Omni-Destruction Manipulation: He can manipulate any type of Destructive magic to his will. He can even mix his destroying magic with his Hell Glitch magic. He can use almost every Destructive ability against his enemies.
Dimension Jump: He has the ability to jump to other Dimensions like 4th and Checkmate. He can even jump to sealed Dimensions. He can even jump to different realms at will
Black Destructive Blaster: He can Summons a massive Destructive Blaster, which can Destroy Infinite universes. This Blaster can one almost anyone that is weaker than him and his brothers.
Glitch Clone: He can make glitch clones of himself, to use for a advantage on his enemies. He can even use the clones to trick his enemies and allowed them to use his most powerful abilities.
Destructive Hakai: He can use the hakai to eradicate any of his opponents in one hit, this ability can destroy up to 15 dimensions in one hit and he can charged the ability to erase his opponents entire body or their souls.
Massive Destructive Beam: He charged a beam of Destructive magic, so do more and more damage, not even People with a lot of defense can't survive it.
Destructive404: This form is more powerful than his BlackDestruction, he can use any type of destructive magic against Enemies. This form is a demonic and he can use demon, Destruction and dark magic.
Mind Destroyer: He can destroy anyone's that are weaker than him, he uses his strings to destroy people minds easily. He can even destroy the most powerful minds.
Dark Destruction Magic: He can mix his dark magic with his Destruction, to cause more damage. He can this ability to increase his damage on opponents.
Reality Hop: He also has the ability to glitch himself into other Reality, he can use the ability a lot. He can also glitch himself into different verses.
Ability Destroyer: This Ability let's him destroy any other Abilities, he can even destroy the most powerful Abilities. He can even use the ability destroy to Eradicate people.
Glitch Mastery: This ability is similar to Blue Mastery but different. This ability allows to grab people's souls, and he can also use the ability to grab glitch beings. This ability allows him to grab his opponents and he can throw his enemies around or use the ability to just crush them easily.
Destruction Manipulation
Chaos Manipulation
4th Breaker Awareness
4th Breaker Breaching
4th Interaction
Mind Control Manipulation
Reality Warping
Darkness Manipulation
Glitch Magic Manipulation
Hell Determination Manipulation
Every Destruction and Glitch Arsenal
Book Jumping
Hell Chaos Manipulation
Hell Glitch Determination
Hell Glitch Arsenal Manipulation
Eradication Manipulation

All Powerful nature

God404 can manipulate the concept of totality, and is capable of manipulating the entirety of anything. He can manipulate the totality, which is forever the largest thing conceptualized and imagined by any mind. It absolutely encompasses anything and everything. Even though God404 can transcend everything and has power over everything too, they are not hte origin of it all. As many undertale fans know Toby Fox is the origin, The God, and the creator. He and the first beings he created are the only ones that defeat God404 because they have an ability called True Omnipotence. It also gives him an extremely powerful force that allows him to control and manipulation of the Omnisphere, which contains an absolutely infinity or unlimited number of other universes, multiverses, and omniverses, (note in abilities area it should say mega omnipotence also for information on the to)

Fandom Plague

God404 likes to deceive creators into believing there are characters stronger than him. In actuality God404 cannot be defeated nor killed as he is all powerful. He thinks it's funny how pitiful some creators are to make a fannon version just to show how strong there's is, even if they try to redefine the phrase all powerful. Although he thinks it's funny his creator definitely doesn't >:(

Manipulation of the Outerversal Void & Highest Reality

This ability allows him to manipulate, shape, manage, warp, edit, destroy and control, absolutely any form and any kind of voids, completely ignoring absolutely any restrictions. It also to manipulate and control everything forms he reality and all realities(even non-reality or omniversal-reality), common sense, non-sense, logic, non-logic, space, non-space time, probability, non-probability, create things, erase things and etc.

Quantum Manipulation

God404 can manipulate quantum physics, a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. With quantum manipulation, God404 can enter parallel universes or bubble universes, multiverses and alternate realities, open portals via vortices and boomtubes, dimensional voids ,and open wormholes and survive a black hole. God404 can also enter different timelines/realities/dimensions. Manipulations of the Quantum Foam including.

Meta-Matter Control

God404 can create, shape, manipulate, summon, destroy and customize all possible forms of matter, whether organic or inorganic, baryonic or non-baryonic, etc.. This also extends to "exotic matter", such as dark matter, antimatter, tachyons, and other highly theoretical forms of matter. He can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using their immense power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to their location. Along with this, he can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety. For example, 404 could create matter that grants powers to its wielder or matter that has properties or a structure that defies the established laws of physics. At their strongest, he can manipulate quantum foam, the smallest level and foundation of reality as we currently know it.

Complete Arsenal

God404 has an endless number of abilities/powers, covering every possible effect and countermeasure.He can use any existing power as well as those that are yet to be, as their complete power database includes all potential abilities. This power is similar to Meta Ability Creation, except that all possible and impossible abilities are already created, regardless of their level. God404 has complete mastery and exhaustive knowledge of all of their abilities, (nature, effect, characteristics, strengths/weakness, etc.) including knowing which ones are best suited for every situation, all possible combos, and can use them flawlessly, effectively an defficiently in any condition God404 can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding their opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations.

Automatic ShieldAutomatic Shield

This is a more passive ability, activating on it's own without Hazar controlling it.

Vessel Pluri-ExistenceVessel Pluri-Existence

Hazar body exists on different plans of realities, and this makes his body capable or regenarating in no time

Meteus PortalsMeteus Portals

Hazar is capable of teleporting by creating portals (as small as atoms) to teleport every part of his body in another and different place

The "God" AuraThe "God" Aura

This Aura makes him capable of editing things or people near him, he gains so much authority that even beings of his same level will listen

Meta Coded ManipulationMeta Coded Manipulation

He can basically do what he wants with every code based thing,

Handed Uncoded ShieldHanded Uncoded Shield

Two shields appear on the back of his arms, and he can use this to block any attack who surpass the automatic shield, but those ones requires Hazar to actually control them

Empty BlastersEmpty Blasters

This type of blasters are different from the most of them. They don't shoot a ray, they rather absorb enough energy/code

Empty BonesEmpty Bones

They work the same as the empty blasters, but after they absorbed enough energy they will be unbreakable,

Anti-Voids and Void manipulationAnti-Voids and Void manipulation

Like the ordinary God404, he cna edit, shape, delete, recreate or copy any form of Void and any Anti-Voids

All Powerful nature

God404 can manipulate the concept of totality, and is capable of manipulating the entirety of anything. He can manipulate the totality, which is forever the largest thing conceptualized and imagined by any mind. It absolutely encompasses anything and everything. Even though God404 can transcend everything and has power over everything too, they are not hte origin of it all. As many undertale fans know Toby Fox is the origin, The God, and the creator. He and the first beings he created are the only ones that defeat God404 because they have an ability called True Omnipotence. It also gives him an extremely powerful force that allows him to control and manipulation of the Omnisphere, which contains an absolutely infinity or unlimited number of other universes, multiverses, and omniverses, (note in abilities area it should say mega omnipotence also for information on the to)

Fandom Plague

God404 likes to deceive creators into believing there are characters stronger than him. In actuality God404 cannot be defeated nor killed as he is all powerful. He thinks it's funny how pitiful some creators are to make a fannon version just to show how strong there's is, even if they try to redefine the phrase all powerful. Although he thinks it's funny his creator definitely doesn't >:(

Manipulation of the Outerversal Void & Highest Reality

This ability allows him to manipulate, shape, manage, warp, edit, destroy and control, absolutely any form and any kind of voids, completely ignoring absolutely any restrictions. It also to manipulate and control everything forms he reality and all realities(even non-reality or omniversal-reality), common sense, non-sense, logic, non-logic, space, non-space time, probability, non-probability, create things, erase things and etc.

Quantum Manipulation

God404 can manipulate quantum physics, a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. With quantum manipulation, God404 can enter parallel universes or bubble universes, multiverses and alternate realities, open portals via vortices and boomtubes, dimensional voids ,and open wormholes and survive a black hole. God404 can also enter different timelines/realities/dimensions. Manipulations of the Quantum Foam including.

Meta-Matter Control

God404 can create, shape, manipulate, summon, destroy and customize all possible forms of matter, whether organic or inorganic, baryonic or non-baryonic, etc.. This also extends to "exotic matter", such as dark matter, antimatter, tachyons, and other highly theoretical forms of matter. He can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using their immense power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to their location. Along with this, he can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety. For example, 404 could create matter that grants powers to its wielder or matter that has properties or a structure that defies the established laws of physics. At their strongest, he can manipulate quantum foam, the smallest level and foundation of reality as we currently know it.

Complete Arsenal

God404 has an endless number of abilities/powers, covering every possible effect and countermeasure.He can use any existing power as well as those that are yet to be, as their complete power database includes all potential abilities. This power is similar to Meta Ability Creation, except that all possible and impossible abilities are already created, regardless of their level. God404 has complete mastery and exhaustive knowledge of all of their abilities, (nature, effect, characteristics, strengths/weakness, etc.) including knowing which ones are best suited for every situation, all possible combos, and can use them flawlessly, effectively an defficiently in any condition God404 can instantly use and combine any number of them, often flooding their opponents with overwhelming torrents of highly efficient combinations.

Absolute&True Invulnerability

God404 is completely immune to everything. He cannot die nor be damaged at all. He truly is god.

Absolute&True Puppet Mastery

While Error404's B.U.T.T.E.R.L.Y. form channels all the power in the multiverse, His God404 form channels Omnipotence from from all Omnipotent gods in all fandoms and fictional multiverses. God404 has links to every omnipotent god in all fandoms. As such he is the source of Omnipotence itself. All other beings in the Undertale Multiverse that claim to be omnipotent are mere avatars of God404 and still are very much under his control.

Fandom infect
Manipulating and control of the Highest Outerversal and Highest reality
Absolute Erase
Absolute Power manipulating
Root Everything
Infect string
Characters control
When everything break
Infinity-Hell ultimate
Omni-Blaster harmful
Appear infect
Concept manipulating
Absolute Time manipulating
Infinity-infect everything
Ouroboros Euclid
Infinite manipulating
Absolute&True All dimension control
Absolute&True Infinite break
doomsday absolute
Absolute&True destruction


It has all the abilities of the original error404, but extremely boosted, but also has gained incredible power only from its will: Fusion404


This power allows it to break all codes and fully control all errors and glitches without making any effort, when he use it, numbers come out of his body, and he became green and way more glitched


Anything he could think, fancy, imagine, think, think... That is, the absolute real reality, the facts, the plot progression, the plot focus, destiny... Without any limitation and without any factor, the reason...... ? Can lead to thoughts, fantasies, fantasies that can't be realized or thoughts that can't be realized can't be realized even if they can't be realized, can't be imagined, fantasies, fantasies, ideas, and these realities, facts, destinies... Cannot, cannot, cannot be modified, manipulated, destroyed, annihilated, twisted, broken, shattered, covered, observed, altered


Firewall is just the name on the surface, not any sense of the firewall, wall, the safety system, ta can isolate, invalid and isolation everything foreign, such as automatic absorption, integration, the use, observation, viewing, coverage, destruction and annihilation, delete, erase, exclusion, invalid and ignored, collect...

Eternal Omnilock is absolutely outside of everything, every existing and non-existent concept, verses, characters, information etc.


doesnt need to follow any boundless rules, laws, limits, logics written by the authors, he can definitely bypass them.


Invalid his invalid or direct all invalid automatically, invalid all thoughts, fantasies, concept, probability, setting, imagine "absolute - manipulation", "absolute true masters" written by writing everything including the future, and not subject to any setting, really set, set the absolute influence,

Vanity and gun

Hands in gun position, fingers glowing black, blue, purple, and white, and firing, and ignoring, nullify everything set, unset, condition, action, defense, distance, defense, recovery, recovery, obstruction... Can instantly destroy, annihilate, erase, erase and make it seem like the other side can never be resurrected, or condense into a dark blue or black, blue, white gun, each bullet is equivalent to the gun position of the hand... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... X ^... Up write write write... Ω write write write... ^... Omega write write write... Ω write write write... And always endless cycle, and in the infinite breakthrough.


Black and white swirls made by DarkEvilZero, To absorb, devouring everything all things, all the things, all concepts, all the concepts, all beyond the concept of ultimate concept, all everything god, all god, all things, all can do anything, all know it all, all forced contains, all contain, all box , everything is invalid, all ignore, all effect, all effect, everything is infinite, all endless, all Omnifinity, all Omni, no with everything, everything is absolutely true, everything, absolutely everything origin, all at first, all source, all nature , all roots, and all, and all invincible, everything is absolutely unbeatable, all arbitrary invincible, all all, all all, all arbitrary, all casual, all plugins, all series, all almighty, all power, all ability, all power, all the universe, all the The universe, everything space-time, everything up, down, in, out, Everything in the universe, the universe all dimensional, everything beyond, all dimensions, all detachment, all over, all break, all above, should say, unknowable, unpredictable, not theory, not feeling, do not want to, not, not, not, not, not possible, could not understand, cannot be described, unpredictable, do not Strange, unreasonable, do not believe, do not deny, indelible, is not limited,

Word Mastery

He can master the whole concept of words and manipulate them at will. As long as he wants, all the words I think or say will be turned into weapons or others and used at will.

DarkEvilZero:"As long as I like"

The Seven Deadly Sins (More)

He can master the whole concept of words and manipulate the whole concept of words at will. For example, when he thinks about the word "destruction", he chooses to annihilate all things and erase all their existence.

Absolutely no

Everything does not exist, everything is nothing, everything originates from nothing, even God is the same, in nothing, the concept and power, infinite, omnipotent, really has no meaning, nothing and have also no meaning, all and everything belong to nothing.

The scythe of false

The weapon of DarkEvilZero, what is known is that the False Sickle can also be transformed into other weapons but DarkEvilZero prefers the Sickle even though his weapon itself is shapless and DarkEvilZero would not have existed before it was used.

Dimensional unit

In front of DarkEvilZero, the highest power system cannot be destroyed. If you type in the system, everything will come true. You can even enter any command in it. Then everything and everything will be just as it's written in there. So that's the power of the dimensional unit and the ability to control what you do with the programming of the program and the programming of the data.

Infinite darkness

When DarkEvilZero activates this ability you will be trapped in a room with nothing but darkness and when you enter this space you will be locked in there forever. Never get out. There is no other way out unless DarkEvilZero lets you out. It's a very small space. It's 5 meters by 5 meters and you're going to stay in it until you die. It is impossible to use all of the abilities in this space. Mode death because this space has been invalidated, anything and the ability to act. So you can't die, you can't use your powers... Your defenses, your immunity, and your abilities will all fail

Natural elimination

DarkEvilZero will absolutely true all all all all all intangible forever, forever, forever, forever does not exist, known forever, forever is unknown, contains a forever, forever strong, never weak, repeating forever, forever is infinite, loop forever, the only forever, forever is not the only, never ignore, always above and beyond forever, forever, forever, false or true, fantasy forever, never false, definition of forever, forever can imagine, imagine forever, forever can be described, never, never can understand, never understand, never make sense, Never be meaningless, metaphysical will never be a worldly, super metaphysical, super physical forever, never, never know,

Code master

DarkEvilZero can be manipulated at will. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Overwrite. Reset. Establishment. Management. Control. Erase. Twist. Mould...... More everything, anything, any code and data that definitely includes code that can't be found. Code data that cannot be viewed and cannot be searched. The code data of the mysterious code data includes all the supreme gods and even God. Transcend God and be immune to any and all codes. Data influence, even DarkEvilZero can turn everything into code or data and control it. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Overwrite. Reset. Establishment. Management. Control. Erase. Twist. Mould...... More all real code data or non-real code data. Everything everything code data. All non-transactional code data. Everything exists in code data. There is no code data at all. All supreme code data. All the universal code data. All the omnipotent code data. Everything can't code data. All the god code data. Everything in the world. On. Under. In. Outside the code data.

Supreme power

DarkEvilZero has the concept of far more than unlimited rights. Also don't know how many times higher than that of the mysterious beyond absolutely real [higher] but these various rights in such a high superposition can resist him is absolutely not counting unit or even any extension of also only is not even any unit and any unit for him even if toys are not always superposition increases more and more distant from the then there is no limit to the far or an ant transferred to his this level or higher and he jumped to a higher level last forever and has been in continuous breakthrough, DarkEvilZero can control at will. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Overwrite. Reset. Establishment. Management. Control. Erase. Twist. Mould...... More any. Any character. Role.

True Ultimate-OmnipotenceDark Blasters

Can one click absolutely true delete. Erase, destroy, absolutely, truly everything, everything, everything, everything... Everything, everything. Everything beyond the impossible and unthinkable. Measure. Understand. Think. Describes. Unknown. Shockwaves that can be easily destroyed by True Ultimate- Omnipotencedark Blasters. Touch all of any power and absolutely remove it. Erase. Destroy. Obliviate any ability of the hit. This attribute even

None-Line of Destruction

It can end in an instant, tied to the thread of destruction, absolutely everything, everything, everything... The black and blue intersecting lines of everything, everything that can be attacked and everything that will be tied to, including the unknown, will be deleted and manipulated at will. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Reset. Program. Manage. Control. Erase. TWIST. SHAPE......

Ultimate-Blue Master

Everything includes the present. Past. Future all series. Character. Character. Fellow. Works of the strongest blue master, can easily be absolutely everything everything everything everything... Everything is covered by everything and can be covered by everything at will. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Reset. Program. Manage. Control. Erase. TWIST. SHAPE...... More, or just crush and be overwritten so that things can't resist, overwrite and

Extinction-Dark Ray

The outer black and inner blue ray emitted from the finger can be easily attacked instantly. The absolute truth of everything, everything, everything... Everything is destroyed. Even if it avoids the dark ray, the ray will return directly to the enemy. Whoever is hit by the dark ray will be destroyed immediately. Obliviate. Delete. Erase with strength, dark rays are more powerful than all rays. Laser includes present. Past. All future series. Characters. Characters.

Chaos-Void Thunder

DarkEvilZero summoned the deep blue from around themselves. Dark. A dull white or dark purple lightning. These lightning bolts can be destroyed in an instant. Obliviate. Erase. Delete it attacks. Contact absolutely all everything everything everything everything everything everything everything, and will continue to attack the other side repeatedly, until the death of the other side will disappear, and by the thunder of chaos to the attack you will be unable to move, and has been under the thunder of chaos attack, unable to move. Use the ability Chaos - The Nether Thunder is better than all Thunder. Lightning includes the present. The past. All future series. Characters. Characters. Fellow People.

Bone of End

The bone spurs that can easily instantaneously all of them include absolutely all of them all of them all of them all of them all of them, and can instantaneously attack the other party and cannot escape. Defense. Block, can give the other side to create more than impossible and unthinkable. Describe. Understand. Think.


DarkEvilZero is absolutely and truly superior to all that is written below, and he can control it absolutely at will. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Overwrite. Reset. Establishment. Management. Control. Erase. Twist. Mould...... And more, everything. Above all. Above all. Under it all. In it all.

There is no limit

DarkEvilZero really has absolutely no limit, his strength has been per Planck time or even lower time in the infinite times the infinite outside the K theory times the infinite of all kinds of infinite, the box times the true - infinite can not be calculated. Well beyond counting units. Beyond the wrong data


DarkEvilZero will be forcibly ignored. Ineffective. Immune. Penetrate all passivity of any opponent. Effect. Defense. Barrier. Configuration. Character. Strength,

Beyond invincibility

DarkEvilZero cannot be used to die immortal. Eternal is the word and he can't be affected. It's absolute. He can't be affected by anything, everything, including Settings, and you can't ignore it. Do not follow. Invalidates any Settings of DarkEvilZero. Behavior, ability, character and his ability to bypass and even smash in seconds. Pierce any void. Ignore, and DarkEvilZero can ignore. Nullify all attacks. He will not be hit by all attacks and he will bounce all attacks.

Dimensional cognition

DarkEvilZero to know oneself is a written characters, when he set are uploaded to a website [such as bilibili and YouTube or Wiki] he will immediately detect this kind of behavior, and DarkEvilZero know all what happened in reality, but what happened to those who are indifferent, but he does in the real world, 3 d, 4 d, the higher dimensions and is any influence in the dimension of reality, is not affected by dimensions, he can completely absolute control. Destroy. Create. Delete. Modify. Overwrite. Reset


The world was created a long time ago, but even before the creation of the world there were beings, there were those who created other beings for their own entertainment. Once, in a battle between avatars, an idea was born, the idea to create a creature that helps creatures and improve them, and this was the beginning for the creation of system virus 404. Once Error 404 started a battle with ten no kami, he did not want to remain her slave, but then to him someone who he did not expect came to the rescue, it was a virus 404, but as always it was not the original 404 virus, but just a 404 virus that got a mind and was able to swallow the infinite code and, for the sake of help, he entered a form called infinite over killer. Together they began to fight against ten no kami, but when they lost, they realized that there was nothing they could do, but then what was called the system key fell into their hands, they used this and created an au called coder tale, and this is how our character appeared , system virus 404, and his friends family and the whole world. The system lived in a happy family, with 2 older brothers whose names were system Gaster 404 and omega papyrus 404, Virus was the middle brother and always tried to be cheerful, he, unlike everyone in his ay, was able to break 4 walls and understand that his waiting, he did not run away from the future, but only edited it, he understood that his Au would be destroyed only if he did not create something more powerful than Au, he began to study at school and completed his full education at the age of 11, for he already knew everything, papyrus was very happy about it, and Gaster was very surprised. Now system virus 404 decided that he needed to find an object called system key, he was looking for it for more than 10 years, all this time he studied, but in the end he reached the point where he found it. His joy was just great, but after finding the key, he met a creature that looked like a connection of core frisk and flower fell frisk, she introduced herself as pix (short for the word pixel), they got along and she gave the system key, but now she went with the virus to the dungeon , and there another 1 year passed, Virus combined its code with the system key code, thereby adding to him an insanely large number of abilities, strengths and more, he used all his strength to create his verse and called it systemverse, but he understood that he was superfluous in history of his world and did what was very sad, he rebooted the world and his clone got into the rebooted version of his Au, and he and Pix got into a place with almost no light, he stayed there for 1 week and completely learned to control this place, and the place was called system void. He decided that he would go to protect au and other creatures, he lived for several more years, but he also did not understand why he was not doubled, but he understood this through everything that he went through with Pix, he fell in love with her, they decided to get married, which they did , but then someone who they did not expect came to them, it was meta virus 808, he said that he would like to work with system virus 404, to which he sagged. Now system virus 404 started working on meta virus 808, he liked it and was very loyal to it. Walking through AGOT, he met Xeno404, he was very angry and attacked system virus 404, system virus 404 was losing and when he was supposed to be killed by Pix, system virus 404 took her still living body into system void, and Pix came to life there, but now leaving the system void, she had to die. System virus 404 was worried and was very upset, but this did not affect his character, he wanted to edit the pages of bad creatures, and now he began to continue his story, now no one else writes it except himself, he was able to beg from his creator a small piece of avatar code, and its creator gave it, but it was a little split and not stable. System virus 404 promised itself that it will destroy all destroyers and fix bad pages.
powers/abilities and forms


This "power" is, in logic, and reality, the strongest "power" known to truly exist. It is a "power" that resembles, and defies the ability to do absolutely anything, of everything, including itself. If anyone can think about just how "powerful" this "ability" is, they would have to think of every single power that exists, or not too. Which is indeterminate, and impossible to ever imagine. It is not only powers that this is capable of accomplishing without any problems in doing so. It is also able to use any arsenal of anything, and / or everything that is requested of a user that possesses this "ability", in any given fashion. Simplifying such a "power" is easy in choice, but really never what it seems. Others who are capable of this, are often lost in strength. What a power sacrifices, is responsibility. Ability is only successful if used intellectually. It must be used in a correct manner, or those who are not careful, will fall into its own power, collapsing entirely. He chose to use this "ability" with wisdom, and thought. He understands the property, and well-being of it. Having everything is having everything with this "power". There isn't a real limitation. Simply, indescribable is nothing but indescribable. -H̴̨̳͓̱͉̗͊̽͛̉̌̕ ̶͔̳̤͖̝̲͉̒͑̆̽̌̆̊͜͝I̴̞̬̅͒̀ ̶̟̖̟͚̑͗͌̑͆M̸̟̠̺̲̘̱͎̬̃̎̈́̋̋̈́̀̍͘


uses an sandwich to beat you to death


His Attacks, Powers and abilities can't be copied by other fictional characters, so the Power "He has every wiki Power bla bla bla" doesn't work on Error 5055. He can also edit his wiki, so he can use the 4th Wall as a weapon itself. And He can't even by touched by Attacks that aren't on the Wiki Pages


He can use Infinity of stuff to fight people Which is powerful and its just stuff at Infinity


He can chance is form to THE MAINFRAME FORM in this form he become TRUE IMMORTAL whit this power he can't be killed(every weapon,power ecc...doesn't work on him)


FatalCode is not really a Sans, but it can be said that 90% of FatalCode is source code from living people, and not generated by anything.

When many different characters' source codes died or were erased from reality, they flew out of those characters. Just kept flying without anyone knowing, whether that person knew or saw, It's just for show and doesn't help at all, but at an unspecified point in time, all the code just flies in a single direction, and then all the code affects each other and mixes itself. combined, after being combined, turned into a character with an existing existence, and named itself FatalCode, since then FatalCode has its own life with 'boundless' powers of any source code available to FatalCode.

After FatalCode appeared, FatalCode knew what to do now, FatalCode immediately created an unknown space, and FatalCode used most of the existing source code to create a Code-Fantasy World namespace. After FatalCode successfully created C-Fantasy World, then FatalCode for C-Fantasy World acts as a place to store all codes and locked codes, including source code, then FatalCode lays down and faints, but FatalCode does not I swear. After a while, FatalCode woke up and sat up, now FatalCode has done everything that FatalCode has done, and at that time FatalCode claimed to be the guardian of C-Fantasy World. It went on, but very boring because no one came, but FatalCode didn't know that no one knew or felt this space, because FatalCode didn't know FatalCode's C-Fantasy World space was a separate space that FatalCode existed. But the boredom gave FatalCode a great idea, FatalCode immediately created a Neon city, no security not high.FatalCode named the new Neon City FatalCode just created CyperNeon, and turned the CyperNeon space into the dimension existing by FatalCode, and placed CyperNeon between the Metaverse and the Hyperverse like a parallel dimension, and at the same time bring C-Fantasy World space and put it in CyperNeon. Since then FatalCode lives there and makes friends or allies if someone enters CyperNeon, but sometimes FatalCode also goes out to learn a little bit when going out, but Most of FatalCode are in CyperNeon for vibing.


Coming soon...


Coming soon...
Related things


In mathematical set theory, the multiverse view has many models of set theory, but there is no "absolute", "exact" or "true" model. Different models are equally valid or true, although some may be more useful or appealing than others.


Translated from English-The word "Metaverse" is made up of the prefix "meta" and the original "sentence"; the term is often used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the internet, made up of shared, continuous 3D virtual spaces linked together into a perceived virtual universe.

5 Dimension

5D (Picture in wikipedia.)
5 Dimension.jpg
5 Dimension (Picture in internet.)
A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. In mathematics, a sequence of N numbers can represent a location in an N-dimensional space. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. Whether or not the universe is five-dimensional is a topic of debate.

Note: The skills or powers present here will be deleted if the author completes all FatalCode feats and cosmo.

Bullet Molecule-Ray

FatalCode can shoot rays from space cracks with a direction that doesn't follow any concept and the speed of the rays doesn't follow any logic, but the number of rays fired is very large, one time shooting out about hundred rays from dimensional cracks, which may be more or less undefined, and anything in its path would be destroyed to the size of a molecule if anything were in its path, including a supremely powerful entity or an entity as powerful as a god.

Anti-Matter Transmutation

FatalVCode can transmute matter or material beings into antimatter or anti-material beings that cause immediate destruction to any matter that comes into contact with them.

Code Change (old powers)

FatalVCode can change the Error Code/Virus Code into a Normal Code. It does work on people who have a Error/Virus Code. (Ex. Error! Sans, Virus404! Sans, etc.)

V-Gaster Blaster (old powers)

When the Gaster Blaster shoots lasers, the words "0101" will appear before the Gaster blaster fires the code. When it is shot, it disappears.


Anyone or anything who get touch by him while he using this ability will be disintegrate into hundred piece of atom.

Fix Code (old power)

When FatalVCode! Sans is true, the player cannot SAVE or LOAD. But if the player dies, he will die.

Neverness Manipulation

FatalVCode can manipulate neverness, or remove things and events from time. He can cause things to never happen, such as making a gun never run out of ammo, person never being born, the universe never being made, etc. He can also manipulate things that never happened, but could have happened.

Dead Code Unit (old power)

All Sanses will be immobile for 15 minutes and will catch a cold during that time.

Super Code Blaster (old powers)

If this gaster blaster hits will die no matters what and this blaster is strong enough to kill Fatal Virus sans.

FATAL VIRUS blasters:

They don't look like fatal SANs errors. They emit light like a malfunction. When it hits you, it causes massive damage to the environment.


They are very faulty bone. When you are hit, a virus will be attached to you, which will bring you suffering and only suffering

Strings virus code:

This is what he used in his backstory. When this is attached to you, he will have 5 minutes to edit you, and he can also create and destroy you, but the create option is not the best choice for him.


He can use the code to create, as his backstory said that he can also create a creature, but due to the lack of a code, they will die within five days, but he has a lot of code. He just doesn't know what he did wrong. It can also view codes similar to Fatal Error.


He can create malfunctioning portals


It can copy and paste a character similar to Fatal Error.


With this ability, he has 10 seconds to edit an opponent. (Used only as a last resort)


When these bones hit you, they will replace your code with a virus code that only the Fatal Virus can control..

FULL VIRUS blasters:

These explosions will spit out a pure virus, obviously the virus will destroy your code, if you try to fight it you will become a fusion. But if you don't fight back, you're dead. If you're a strong creature, this will only cost you 1 HP. As long as you fight him, he will remain in this state forever. ADVANTAGE. He can choose how many points to improve his stats, no matter how many points. This only works in combat, he can only use it once per battle.


When someone or something dies, he can change the code of that thing and simply resurrect it. It was easy for him, and with this ability, he was even able to resurrect Papyrus Fatal Error. But he doesn't care about that part.


When he touches someone within 30 seconds, the person will have a virus, it can spread quickly, of course, the person will die. If he wants, he can activate this skill at any time.


With this ability, he is able to receive signals from different universes when lines of carnage occur. It can also receive a signal when the world line is damaged or about to be damaged. This ability is similar to Executioner Sans.


He has a melee kit, but he didn't use this ability because he has a lot of actions that can make his victim suffer.


This allows him to manipulate and create without limits, manipulating anyone's code and even Error404. It can even prevent Error404 from reincarnating and not resurrect again, and Error404 can't do anything about it.


Fatal Virus can copy, take, rearrange, or completely reset the memory, feelings, and past of the person it chooses. This ability is typically used with a Trojan horse after the memory has been removed and the object has been destroyed. Anyone can use it, including Ultra God Sans.


This ability allows the Fatal Virus to intercept their attacks by infecting the target's code. This does not work on Ultra God Sans and some others.


This ability allows Fatal Virus to inspect and control the AU. It can use this ability to inspect AU data such as its past/present events, people in the world, and small things. Fatal Virus can also be used to check past visitors to see if an important battle is going on.Fatal Virus can also stop the guys who want to enter and drive away the presence in the AU. Fatal Virus can stay in the AU for as long as it wants until it wants to leave.


The ability, strength, etc. of the user has surpassed all peaks or certain concepts. They can transcend everything. Irrational uncertainty is the same as above, except that there is no logical impediment here. Users of this power are so superior to all that simple reasoning about their power is untenable. This power may also extend to all other characteristics of their existence. The existence of users breaks logic because they transcend all concepts that can anchor them, even infinity.


It is a beam of light emanating from his finger, even as powerful as Beyond's (Sans) laser beam.


He has the right to use various codes, but again there are restrictions

True Omni bone magic

This ability is one of the most powerful types of bone magic, he can create bones all over the Internet and control them, visually changing giving them shape and plasticity, as well as determine their strength, because of this his summoned bones can become so strong that only creatures can type eater of gods can destroy them, he can also give his bones any effects, he can also create Gaster blasters, but with them the same as with bones. Also, with the help of this ability, he can control all creatures with a skeleton, or at least 1% of the skeleton code, or 1 small piece of the skeleton. He can also do so that he can replace himself in the place of another creature with a skeleton, or bones. His bones, at his whim, can destroy 50% of the code of creatures stronger than number verse, and 100% of all those who are weaker, just as any creature ever wounded by his bone weaker than number verse will instantly die, and stronger Numbrverse will lose 50% of the code, as well as he can change the speed of the bones and gaster blasters to the speed of light, and can adjust the damage, the minimum damage is 0, and the maximum is infinity. His bones and Gaster blasters can give his code and heal him, as well as with other bones or code, also of the 1 of the most powerful things that give this ability is that he can read the mind and predict the actions of the enemy and just simply get overwhelmed in the enemy if he has at least a lumpy piece of bones and is weaker than Numbrverse.

meta Blue magic

It has 1 of the strongest types of blue magic, it works on all creatures, both with and without souls, also its range is the entire Internet, and also this magic prevails over magic immunities and also with its help he can control all creatures weaker meta virus 808, none of the creatures weaker than meta virus 808 cannot resist this magic, which makes this ability 1 of the strongest, but this ability also works as 1 of the strongest creatures on meta godity. He can use this ability very skillfully and this makes her even more fearful, he can also control other people's magic with this magic, the magic of all those who are weaker than meta virus 808. Also, with the help of this magic, he can divide the code of compounds, dividing them into several creatures and on the other hand, connect to 1, the connection works for all who are weaker than meta virus 808, and disconnection for those who are weaker than Numbrverse. Also, with the help of this magic, he can create things or even code, while he can simply transfer himself using this ability.

God Teleportation

He can teleport to any place and any time on the entire Internet, and no ability can interfere with this, he can teleport whole worlds with him or teleport an individual limb of someone or a piece of code. This ability also affects everyone who is weaker than meta virus 808. This magic can teleport things or creatures that he needs at the moment, he can create portals for teleportation, but he does so in extreme cases.

true body control

He can accurately control his body and his abilities, such as turning them on or off, just as this ability gives him full plasticity of his body, he can perform the most difficult acrabatic movements, as well as calculate the behavior of the enemy, this ability gives him all the knowledge, he can also lower the other's body factors and thereby make the enemy much weaker and it works for everyone who is weaker than Omni virus glitch 666. He can also lower his ability.

True meta Imunity

He can give himself immunity from  everything, without exception,
This immunity saves from all infection and from other diseases and code changes, it can give this immunity to another by sharing this ability with him, also this ability for protective moments destroys the infection

/ Kill

He can kill any creature simply by capturing, it affects all creatures weaker than the numberverse, just as he may not kill instantly or over time, and on creatures stronger than numberse, he simply destroys all their abilities for 3 minutes,

code manipulation

He can manipulate the code to the maximum, he knows everyone's weaknesses because he can look at this character's page in fandom or other thing in the Internet, this ability is comparable to Omnipotent.

code hunter

By touching a creature, he can expose him in any place and space throughout the Internet, it is fashionable to hide from him, but there are right downsides because there are a maximum of 11 goals at a time.

true Omni clone

He can create from 1 to 111 of his own replica except for not having the gifts of the avatar and the last 2 forms, they also do not have a system sword. These clones have in fact a common mind and can speak and transmit their thoughts to another clone, clones can explode if the original wants, this explosion destroys the code in the radio 1 Multiverse and can be cannulated by the system virus 404 itself and the explosion can affect only the creatures it needs.

Complete Freedom: He cannot be controlled by real world creators, even those with True Author Authority.
Creator Summon: Can call upon the powers of Real World Creators to gain authority of their fictional creations.

Instigator Order Of Power: As the true holder to be beyond omnipotence seeminglessly he broke the laws that define it , he is capable of taking 0 damage from "Superior" forms of power , via and bias even if they are capable of "Bypass" skill or similar Irrelevantly Illogical skills

Cosmic Awareness: He knows he is a fictional character in an fictional world.

Corporeal Omniscient: he knows what's happening in the outside world, he knows secrets of top secret agencies like NASA and mostly knows everything on the internet.

Absolute And Beyond Omnidimentional Authority : His authority is the highest and beyond any god known possible in every type of verse ( Universe , Multiverse , Omniverse , Chronoverse , Metaverse , Xenoverse , Hyperverse , And Beyond These Types Of Verses )
Absolute & True Omnidimentional Authority Manipulation : He has the capability of manipulating the authority of any god possible , despite them being "the beginning" , "the end" , etc . He can change their authority and how much they can manipulate , this cannot be blocked or avoided , this attack or change is everywhere , he controls everything about the being no matter whom the being is.
Absolute & Beyond Omnimentality Manipulation: This version of mental manipulation is that of beyond what boundless or limitless is , it can avoid technically any concept known to possible knowledge or fictional concepts that the characters use to defend themselves.

Absolute Extra Omnidimensional Denial : No base form can match 4th Breakers Powers even if the being has the same power , he can simply strip them of their abilities that are beyond his own , It can ONLY be avoided if its a transformation not a base form.
OP Paradox Immunity : He is immune to overpowered characters , technically to avoid overall powerplay beyond or within the FANDOM-verse . This cannot be be changed by all means and it has overall infinite and beyond omniboundless defiance to total , similar ,or stronger abilities
Absolute Universeversal Advantage : At any point at any given time , 4th Breaker has a permanent advantage over everything , this cannot be changed even if you rule break , total defiance to similar skills no matter if they are stronger or not
4th Wall Manipulation (Truly Beyond Irrelevant , Impossible To Define Level) - This ability grants the user to use the abilities below without limitations whatsoever , this ability works on any character possible by all means despite the transcendence or similar abilities of any sort:
4th Wall Awareness
4th Wall Breaching
4th Wall Interaction
Book Jumping
Electronic-Media Jumping
Fantasy World Enforcement
Fictional Transcendence
Literary Manipulation
Picture Manipulation
Reality Warping
Real World Enforcement
Video Manipulation
Boundary Manipulation
Crossover Manipulation
Existence Manipulation
Fiction Manipulation
Fictional Lordship
Potentiality Lordship
Unreality Manipulation


He has all known abilities which include all of OP God 404's Abilities Boosted By 4th's Power , all of Omni Error404's Abilities Boosted By 4th's Power , all of all known , unknown , unimaginable , and all beyond conceptual , beyond fictional transcendence , and ultima supremacy abilities


His immunity is also similar to 4th Breaker Z!Sans


He can alter, erase, bend, and create reality. This ability can affect everything including all dimensions of space and reality, every god and person, and more


He is not affected by any others abilities which have higher titles , example is that of "God Of Fiction" , "God Of Nothingness" , "God Of Existence" , "God Of The FANDOM" , all embodiments and total Gods. Examples of this are : Serena , Omni Error404 , OP God Error404 , "The Observer" , The 4th Squad ( All Members , Beside 4th Breaker Z!Sans ) , Creator!Sans , The Annoying Dog , Etc


His defense is 3rd to that of 4th Breaker Z!Sans , he is immune to all physical damage , ultima supremacy damage , high entity damage, highest omni-god damage , all omni-manipulative damage ( powers ) , all bypassic damage , total defiance damage , true damage , creator damage , etc


He can turn everything "0" which means damage , stats , status , timelines , destruction , creation , code , everything known and unknown , this also has fictional defiance and bypass against any god but his creator


He can manipulate Creation itself in every scales even they are gods, supreme being,... No one can escape from his control. He can simply turn every creation into ashes or you can say every Creation is in the palm of his hand

"The Father's Wish"

Has the power of Eschatological Immunity ( Immunity To Death , Fate , "The End" ) along with Outerworld Immunity ( Which Means He Can't Die In Fiction But Can Die If You Kill Him IRL ) , along with abilities such as OC Immunity ( Which Allows Him To Be Immune To OC Characters ) , The Infinite Barrier ( A Series Of Infinite Immunity To Other Power Skills Despite If They Have Bypass Or Not , Examples Of This Are : "True Omnipotence" , "Transversal Omnipotence" , "Conceptual Bypass Omnipotence" , "All In One Omnipotence" , And Abilities Regarding Power Scaling , Be It Illogical Terms Such As "No Matter What" Or "Even If" Or "Despite That" , Be It Transversal Terms Such As "Ascended" Or "Over" Or "Beyond" Or "Omni Boundless" And So On ) he was also given powers like Golden Rule ( Similar to Meliodas Full Counter From Seven Deadly Sins but infinite and he does not need a weapon )


Has the power to be higher than any fictional god which includes Omni!404 , OP God 404 , Fatal Virus , Infinitey Code , Absolution!Sans , All Fictional Version Of Omnipotent , All Fictional & IRL Belief Versions Of Beyond Omnipotent , All Creator Conceptual , All Beyond Conceptual , Beyond Illogical , Beyond Transversal , Etc. This also gave him abilities like , "True & Absolute Omnipotence" , "True & Absolute Omniscient" , "True & Absolute Omnipresence" , "4th Wall Manipulation" ( Higher Scale ) , "Illogical Manipulation", "Transversal Manipulation" , "Quantum Manipulation" , "Primordial Time Manipulation" , "Primordial Existence Manipulation" , "Origin Manipulation" , "True & Absolute Omni-Ability Manipulation" , "Defiance Manipulation" , "Ultima Supremacy Manipulation , "Anti-Omnipotence Manipulation" , "The All Manipulation" , "Creator Omnipotence Immunity" , "4th Wall Manipulation Defiance And Immunity" .

Fiction Transcendence Immunity"

Gods like 4th V!Chara , The 4th Breaker Squad do not deal any damage to him whatsoever ( Remember He Manipulates The Illogical , So He Can Do It Permanently Despite The Attack Or Similar Ability ) this is why he is the strongest creation of 4th Breaker Z!Sans

Flawless/Absolute Precognition


Spherical defense: Fate Guard, Reflective Shell, Matter Displacement, Peculiarity,

Alienated Presence

has shown to be capable of being at one place at one point, then somehow being present in an entirely new area. Ranging from randomly appearing within the viscidity of someone, to vanishing with no trace of him.

Anomalous Authority.

The Authority and Influence he wields is unmatched


has the ability to manifest outside his realm through avatars, he can also decide to manifest a copy of his entire realm, and it is in these false realms that he organizes his troops, he never really shows up. Each copy is classified as Outerversal+. This ability allows him to fool some gods, who believe they have control over him or have killed him, some examples are God404 and Error Bill. Crusaders of Fortran. Many of these copies are also variants of himself, like Omnigodity, and they are connected to the original inf, but they think by themself.


well known for being a destroyer and a bit manipulator, though his being defined by these terms is inconsistent with what he actually does: He likes to create. He likes to rebuild and renew old things he finds through existence.

is a master at creating metaphysical 'constructs'. Constructs that affect the actually used part of a Fandom or story, This construct is 'built' into a sort of twilight zone between the two parts of Ada and Fortrans Fandoms, and serves a sole purpose: Funneling weakened or broken AUs to reemerge with Fortran into his side of the Fandom. Allowing him access to them totally and without restriction. The construct is not actually physical but built on an imperceptible level of reality. For example, coding a computer or a machine to complete a command. Though in this case it is made from custom laws of physics and metaphysical aspects that create one unstoppable force, able to encompass the infinite itself and touch all of its current fandoms Universes, and Multiverses. Constantly pulling on the weak AUs and trying to snare them.

All Almighty Powers
All Apocalyptic Powers
All Chaotic Powers
All Cosmic Powers
All Darkness Powers
All Death Powers
All Destructive Powers
All Evil Powers
All Fear Powers
All Offensive Powers
All Primordial Powers
All Reality Manipulation Powers
All Void Powers

Aura of Torment

radiates an aura that makes no Being able to regenerate or magically heal. Code cannot be used to heal. it also means creatures cannot resurrect

AU Corrupter

can prevent RESETS, RESPAWN, REFUSE, OVERRIDES, and SAVES from being done in the AU. He may decide to change the mood of the AU to any dark setting or mood he wishes.

Presence Of Death

When at any completed AUs, all plant life quickly die and heaven screams as his very existence radiates all Evil and Unholy things.

Apocalyptic Bone

Any Sans that do not have a soul are easier to kill (such as Ink! Sans). However, Sanses that do have a soul (such as Soul Sans) are not easily killed (bone dame=bone GOD).

Apocalyptic Gaster Blaster

When Gaster blaster blasts its lasers, it can destroy a whole world in one shot.

Gaster Blaster

This blaster can kill gods.


RedGod Sans can delete an AU.

Gravity Singularity

RedGod can creates a small black hole that sucks in and destroys anything in a short range around it. He can control the singularity's movement and launch it at an opponent. As the singularity moves away from him, it grows larger and the range of its destruction expands. The singularity can carve through mountains in seconds. Additionally, due to the immense gravity, the singularity warps spacetime, enabling it to bend incoming attacks, even ones capable of affect spacetime.

Rot Negative

This skill can make people have negative thoughts by putting negative things in it, which will make RedGod! Sans stronger (like Nightmare! Sans).


Red!God can trap anyone in into an inescapable void

Create AUS

He could create AUs (just like Ink!Sans).


RedGod's RotVoid is a purple ball that can explode or strike and deal great damage to opponents, which is likely to kill people (for example: Omnipotential! Z-Sans, Omni404! Sans, ect.)

Red Moon

To increase the power for RedGod! Sans.


This is a special move, because when using RedGod! Sans, if you use the square on your shirt, you will shoot the rays of Death and the prison wider, when the opposition is attacked, they will be coded to RedGod! Sans absorption!

Extremely Strong Hallucinations

RedGod Sans can cause intense hallucinations to his opponents (for example, causing extreme pain, such as death and exhaustion).


This is the strongest form when fighting against Omni404 Sans. This body shape is all purple and only the eyes color is reddish yellow, the shape can make RedGod Sans invincible because that shape makes RedGod Sans .

Ultimate Blaster

This when redgod use all his power on his gaster blaster, it will kill error 404 (fanon) in one shot (need to kill something to use it).

Ultimate God

Turning his body into red and make RedGod to more powerful now RedGod can weigh all the most powerful god but at the same time will also kill the Redgod (10 hours to use).

Op Laser

Redgod will throws a lasers to kill everything weaker than OP GOD error 404 before he die(unlimited damage).

Super Chosen Blaster

When this gaster blaster hit you, you will take 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 damage to god and for beings not a god will take 999.999.999.999 .

True Apocalyptic Gaster Blaster

This gaster blaster is very powerful it can broke space and time and everything this blaster used to kill omni404!sans (unlimited damage).

Doom Blaster

Like his blaster it kill a god but now it destroy multiple Aus and will erase any living and non-living beings if this gaster make contact with

God Sword

This sword will kill anyone just in 1 hit if they are stronger than Omni404 and their will be no way to revive.revive

Impossible to Change

You cannot changes his strength, his defence and everything, it mean that nothing can't changes or do something thing to him because is it Impossible.

Last Punch

He will concentrate every force into his right fist and his right fist will release a limitless damage. This punch has the same destruction level of Saitama Serious Punch with it full potential and power.


Like classic sans but deals 99999 damage + Karma every time

Damage Reduction

Chaos Alpha Corruption Sans takes -666 damage off each attack.

Chaos Corruption Strings

Chaos Corruption Strings can control others and can be used by tying up Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans's enemy.

Mutiverse Teleportation

Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans is able to teleport what AU's and Multiversal he wants.


Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans can communicate and control electronic equipment.

Chaos Corrupting's Blaster

Chaos Corrupting's Blaster looks like AC Blaster but skull is gray, eyes is black, pupils, lines, and smile is red. Chaos Corrupting's Blaster takes 666666 damages and corrupted code but to repair.

Chaos-Void Manipulation

Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans can create and manipulate Chaos-Voids.

Super Deny Access

Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans can choose who can or cannot enter an AU and the multiverse he is currently on or monitoring.

Chaos Corruption Fire

Chaos Corruption Fire is as Chaos Fire but change the color to red, gray, or red and gray together.

Chaos Corruption Bones

Chaos Corruption Bones is about the color red, gray, and together. Chaos Corruption Bones takes 666 damage.

Chaos Energy Manipulation

Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans can manipulate Chaos Energy. This allows Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans to completely negate and cancel out any form of energy.

Chaos Absorb

When Chaos Alpha Corruption!Sans touch someone who have chaos energy can absorb chaos energy and gives more powerful.

Power manipulating

Able to recognize all abilities and powers of the opponent, and learn all powers

After Being trained by Omnigodity he can use this ability to help Error404 Sam create all situations that never existed, and manipulate all situations and act out what is and has happened in all situations。
Manipulating the balance of fantasy, being able to balance everything to be valid.

to pass through any place and all existence, so the enemy cannot touch 404 Sam
404 Sam has an absolute limitless power, making 404 Sam never tired or hurt, and at the same time making it impossible for any enemy to break the infinity of 404 Sam, and the enemy cannot overcome the power of 404 Sam. because it is absolute infinity

Infinity-purification rays

When someone is hit by 404 Sam while using this skill, that person will be purged back to an idea。


Will shoot out Lazer When fired there are infinity letters。


Are rectangular boxes capable of summoning extremely powerful exist。


Can shoot small or frustrating bones, and black and white。

Infinity-Goddess shield

A special ability almost, this ability can create Goddess shields, whoever passes by will be transformed into powers for 404 Sam to absorb。


Can manipulate anything, may be physical such as: matter, energy, the space-time fabric, etc; or metaphysical: soul, life, death, aspects of reality, and concepts. He can manipulate the stats of anyone, the health, their powers, appearance, everything. He can also manipulate bypasses and completely destroy them。


404 Sam can create anything without limits, including concepts, existence, reality, and even the totality itself。

Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse Creation:404 Sam can create and manipulate universes, multiverses and omniverses as he wishes.

Ability Creation: 404 Sam can create any ability he desires, and he can also give that ability to another being。

Life Creation: 404 Sam can create any sort of being and creature, may it be one that already exists or may it be one thats common, when that life is created 404 Sam can manipulate the stats, such as LV, HP, ATK, DEF, GOLD, EXP. He can manipulate the appearence, and he can manipulate the mind。

Soul Creation: 404 Sam can create any soul, being it a monster, human, or even an new kind, he can manipulate that soul and customize it as he wants, he can create traits for monster souls and human souls, and as i said before, create his own trait/kind。

God Creation: 404 Sam can create unlimited gods as he wishes, it can be a Sans, a Sam, a Gaster or any other character, he can give them every single ability he wishes without limitation。

Force control

Allows 404 Sam to control fundamental force systems from the infinity universes to the Omniverse,celestial bodies of the highest order.

Another abilities/powers: has infinite skills, it can be said that it is impossible to say exactly how many skills 404 Sam really has。

Omniversal nuke

This attack allow 404 Sam to release quite all of his power in a giant explosion of power that corrupt thousand of verse。

True Infinity-Master Power

This skill can create codes that are faulty or virus and will follow the opponent, when immediately they will be covered by errors and warnings and will enter the opponent's body, and will lose the sign. Restores the power of spells and abilities currently consumed by OmniGodity! Sans (can affect Omni404! Sans and God404).

True Infinity-Boss Controll

The ability will create very hard black and white strings that will not break easily, when hit the opponent will be jammed and lose all skills and the opponent will be exhausted at that time will make OmniGodity! Sans increase power type (not applicable for Error404 (Fanon) and Omnipotent!Sans, Infinitey Code The Ultimate Enemy of the Undertale Fandom, ALPHA404)


This ability will shoot out beams to erase everything when the opponent is hit by them.

Omnipotent Infinity

This ability is used to treat bugs or viruses, by shooting rectangles.

True Infinity-Blaster Omni

Will shoot out Lazer so terrible that Omni 404 cannot stand it, When fired there are infinity letters.

Edit Omni

Can edit the power of the opponent and his power.


It is possible to create any sans or AUSs by writing in paper documents.

True infinity-Color Over

Are rectangular boxes capable of summoning extremely powerful sans.

For example:UltraGod!Sans,God!Sans,TrueHate!Sans,GodColor!Sans,TrueDetermation!Sans,...

True Infinity-Omni copy

Can copy all sans skills including CyberCore! Sans

True infinity-Bone Master

Can shoot small or frustrating bones, and black and white.

Omni-God Shield

A special ability almost powerful enough to kill God404, this ability can create Omega shields, whoever passes by will be transformed into powers for 404 Sam to absorb.


404 Sam can manipulate anything, may be physical such as: matter, energy, the space-time fabric, etc; or metaphysical: soul, life, death, aspects of reality, and concepts. He can manipulate the stats of anyone, the health, their powers, appearance, everything. He can also manipulate bypasses and completely destroy them.

Absolute&True Omnipresence

He is everywhere all the time in the Underverse, he is also able to break the fourth wall and contact people in real life, however he isn't Omnipresent there and it takes MUCH more focus to do.

True Omni-Strings

These strings are the same as Error 404 strings, but a lot more powerful. These strings can kill or control anyone without any exceptions.

True Omni-Reality Manipulation

He is able to manipulate AU, no matter which one is.

True Omni-4th wall Breaker

He is aware that he is fictional. He is able to have talks to creators and wishes to non-fiction character. He also made a YouTube channelin real life (omniXirus).

True Omni-Virus Manipulation

He can control any virus create the most dangerous viruses; viruses that are more dangerous than Fatal Virus with an absolute ease.

Life and Death Manipulation

This ability allows Omni404 Sans to make one immortal and instantly kill someone with ease. This ability will last as long he wants if he you alive.

Matter of Darkness

He created this matter to make a true evil source, which makes anyone who touches it become evil and about 1500x stronger. It depends on how evil that person is.

True Omni-Copy

He can copy the abilities of his opponent (even for those who have ability that can't be copied), and it'll be much, much stronger.

True Omni-Blasters

These blasters are beyond all concepts of power and bypasses any form of defense, these blasters also enables him to immediately erase the code of anything it hits as well as also allowing him rip holes in the fabric of space and time.

True Omni-Invisibility

He can remain undetected from other Omnipresent beings like 4th Breaker Z!Sans.

404 Determination

He can reset, overwrite, game over and out-code for whole fiction and make them forget or think what he wants. This applies on everyone no matter what the circumstances.

True Omni-State Manipulation

He can control the states of whatever he wants. He can control the states in any game, even the creators who live there.

Absolute Absorb

This ability is a gift that can absorb the powers or the abilities of anyone with no exception as well as gain a ten thousand times boost in power each time he does so.

Absolute&True Omnipotence

He can't be overpowered. If there is someone who is stronger than him and they fought each other, Omni404 will increase in power till he becomes stronger.

Absolute&True Omnilock

God's will

The Ability he gained from absorbing Ten No Kami, he can't be controlled or manipulated or any form of magic. However, the only ones who can damage him are creators, such as Toby Fox


That ability makes him able to get any ability that exists on the internet no matter what such ability is.

Omni-String: This ability allows Omni404 to have extremely powerful and infinitely resilient strings, which can control other beings even if they don't have a soul.
Reality Manipulation: Omni404 is able to manipulate the reality around him at will, but this tires him a lot
Omni-Ray: This very powerful beam can be blocked by Omni404 from any part of the body, hands or eyes, and has immense destructive power. It has similar characteristics to the God Ray of Error404
Dark Sword: The dark sword is a sword that Omni404 created with his own code, specifically with his darkest desires. Omni404 can pull this sword out of his own body whenever he wishes, and in farlos he often tears off pieces of the body.
O.M.N.I Blasters: Obtained from the fusion of the balsters of Error404 and Virus404, these blasters are very glitchy and change appearance all the time, but have enormous power
O.M.N.I Bone: Obtained from the fusion of the bone of Error404, Infected, Error, Km, Ink and Virus404, these bones have the same characteristics as normal bones, but often detach on their own and attack the enemy on their own. they don't have a fixed appearance either.

Omni-Wing: These wings grow to Omni404 during transformation. At this level its speed is almost infinite (well above that of light), and furthermore the wings can shoot rays from the eyes above them.
UItimate-Ray: This beam is a beam fired from Omni404 with all its strength, which comes out of the one eye it has during transformation. This ray is said to be capable of destroying the code, preventing future incarnations.

Meta Power Negation

Everything Arsenal
Basically he will also have the powers of Everything Sans

Absolute Vector Manipulation


Tiers: Boundless -> Layers into Boundless -> Multiple Layers Into Boundless -> Infinite Layers into Boundless -> Infinite Layers into Boundless and Beyond

Looks:(Human form)


(He can alternate his outfit)


Normal voice:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Normal Glitchy voice:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A bit more Glitchier voice:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Angry/Aggressive Glitchy voice:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Master Puppet/Error 666 form:

Butterfly form:

Butterfly 666 form:

J404 form:

J404b form:

J666 Butterfly form:

Virus form:

Overkill form:

Omega virus form:

Anarchy Virus form:

Fatal404 form:

(He also gains Fatal Error's powers)

Fatal 999 form:

Fallen form:


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