King Multiverse Sam

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Name: King Multiverse Sam

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Alias: King of The Entire Multiverses, Error 404 Sam's Creation, God Multiverse

Age physically: 16(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Age Mentally: 12,000(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Creator: Error 404 Sam

Personality: Cocky, Arrogant, Ignorant, Self Proclaimed God, God Complex.

King's Blasters

Large, black blasters that fire out a beam as magenta as his eye. This beam is so powerful that it has the ability to nullify the code of God-Like entities, bypassing any defences to truly damage them as if they were a mortal, erasing them entirely unless they are to escape. The blaster has an extremely long windup, yet comes off handy when the time is needed.


While King Multiverse himself cannot teleport, he can cast wormholes of any size, allowing him to traverse across any point in time and space within a timeline. However, checking the past and future with the wormholes does not inflict what happens in the timeline. If he went into the past to see the old Alphatale, no matter what he did then, the moment he returns everything would stay the same.

Chains of Judgement

These chains allow for King Multiverse to latch onto entities, trapping them in any manner he wishes for it to occur by. These chains are summoned through large wormholes, coming from any direction the King wishes. Upon latching onto them, they can switch between the colour of red to take HP, blue to take mana and green to give HP.

Game Over

King Multiverse can simply hit a button, differing the results with each entity. For those that can SAVE and LOAD, the button sends them into the savescreen, forcing them to load back to their previous save point. For those that cannot, the button will entirely reset their stats to what they were prior to being in the timeline King Multiverse resided in. For those of extraordinarily weak skill, they will even be reduced of their memories.

The Oath

"Through tough and easy, through thick and thin, whether hot or breezy, light or grim. I will pledge my loyalty to the true King of the Multiverse."

Lesson in Loyalty

For those that pledge loyalty to King Multiverse through reading his oath, they instantly connect to him through a SOUL Bond. This allows for him to control them, commanding them to do whatever he wishes, even to the degree of sacrifice. This included Ink and Error, who had sworn alligience to the King.


All form of buttons do not work on King Multiverse due to his SOUL Bond to those with codeless bodies, alongside Error!404's magic.

Asset Reset

King Multiverse can use a special form of reset to send all forms of code back to their original state. This would turn Error to Geno and Geno to Sans. However, it comes with a catch. Anytime King Multiverse uses this button, it will crack his chestplate. The moment it shatters, his SOUL will reveal. This will essentially allow about anyone to deal severe damage, making this a complete last resort with a guarantee of success.

Rulers Might

Whenever King Multiverse may need it, he can call upon his creator through telepathic connection, allowing him to temporarily assist King Multiverse. Through doing so, this allows for King Multiverse to get an extreme surge of power, letting him cast the MAINFRAME CANNON, a blaster with a white exterior excluding the black jaw, firing a pure, blue beam that sends out a massive shockwave. This beam is so powerful that it can wipe any entity in a 50m radius, no matter their strength. The moment he uses this ability, the boost ends.

Complete and Utter Transparency:King Godverse is in no way perceptible to anyone (unless they want it), even to the ubiquitous entities. it is unknown when or how King Godverse came to exsistence. it is unknown if he is a avatar of a stronger being or if he is omnipotent or not. his Transparency is so powerfull only some information can be known by the otherly authors. his abilty may be only the illusion he is omniopotent, or not. his powers is beyond power as it can be see at all. it is unknown what Koav was. Everything is just...unknown. he might be decieving us. or not. all the other powers could be a lie. only thing we TRULY know about kg is...that we can't know anything truly about KG. So take everything from this point with a grain of salt.
"Omnipotent" Authority:Even if not s potent as authors, King Godverse has utter and undescribable control over Stories and Narratives. They have complete, absolute power and unquestionable authority over all things in creation and beyond with exaggeratedly complex existence. Although it is theoretical that if he is Omnipotent about Everything, It is a fact that he is Omnipotent over Code, Mentally, Physically etc. It gives him authority and interaction.
Transfictional Omnipresence:King Godverse is present everywhere, anywhere, nowhere, future and past at the same time. He is above, to the right, to the left, below, behind, etc., of everyone and everything. Existentially and dimensionally present in all forms of fiction and non-fiction simultaneously, its presence will always be there, it is unavoidable, even if that place is locked.
Transfictional Omniscience:King Godverse knows everything, anything and nothing. He knows all the stories, fictions and beyond fiction, most IRL knowledge, Everything beyond time and space, the outside, everything new and old, limitless informations with is existing and nonexistent, in short everything that will and will not happen, and everything that has already happened and acts accordingly. His wisdom has no limits, he will know all kinds of thing. Because of this, KG has an extremely great will and intelligence, everything is subordinate and besieged to his will, it is precisely he who rules over the gods. Other KGs may always exist, but all KGs count as his Avatar, in other realities and dimensions, but the wills of all KGs are gathered under one roof and connected to the original KG. All secrets, conversations, life conditions, forms of will, everything to be said and not said, all existing and non-existent information all circulate freely in his mind. He knows that all these worlds are fictional and the existence of the IRL World. Its not limited to just one Fandom;Anime, Cartoons, Comics etc. can interact with all Fandoms. His will has completely transcended fiction and nonficton, so he can interact with the 4th wall and so on. They are all seeing, all knowing. They know everything about everything and everything about nothing and nothing about everything.
Eternal Omnilock:KG is absolutely outside of everything, every existing and non-existent concept, verses, characters, information etc. Being outside of even the most extreme states of existence, it cannot act on anything, only writers can act on it, but they must have enough potential power. The will of the KG is not fully attached to a body, it is thought to be a absolute infinite being somewhere beyond the Outside. This place is a place that cannot be passed by the gods, only extremely superior beings can overcome this place, which is very impossible, because this place is considered to be a place that transcends the rules, so there is a possibility that the rules set by the writers may not work here. Anyways, The idea that the original source of KG is here is that all KGs are connected to the same KG, one KG. He is the infinite and vast, the supreme in the probable void.
Counter:He doesnt need to follow any boundless rules, laws, limits, logics written by the authors, he can definitely bypass them. For example: "My OC is stronger than KG" he doesnt need to follow this logic, so it will never be true for him. Its absurd and stupid to block it, even if they cant be bypassed, it doesnt need to follow logic or illogic, its exaggeratedly beyond reason, its invincible, He is an unreasonable and irrational being. Attempts to steal are hopeless and useless. Because even its very existence surpasses that, it can go beyond whatever duplication, let's say copied, that will never make them stronger than it.
"The Omni-Key":Vehicle acting as an Avatar by KG. This thing is known to be composed of all true Sans. All Avatar KGs have this thing. Not much is known about it, it is just something and just there, he radiates a very strong feeling.

Tier: High Hyperversal -> High Outerversal-> Boundless

Weakness: His Arrogance is his total downfall for he lost to Error 404 Sam

Looks:(human form)



Lord Multiverse

404 Multiverse form:

(This form gives him the powers of 404)

King Godverse form:


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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