Omnipotent/Omen Sam

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Name: Omnipotent/Omen Sam

Real name: Odin (Since Omnipotent sans is named after the Greek God Ares. I thought why not name this character after a Norse God. Like Odin)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age Physically: 17(But is Immortal and Eternal)

Personality, Calm, Cold, Emotionless, Serious, Brutal, Ruthless.

Alias: All powerful and Almighty God

Occupation: All powerful and Almighty God

Age mentally: 115,000(but is Immortal and Eternal)


Father: Omnipotent Sans(Ares)

Mother: Lich queen

Her human form:

Uncles: Alpha and Error 404 Sans

Cousin: Error 404 Sam

Powers/Abilities/Hax: Transcendent Undead Physiology: Death Transcendence
Error Prevention
Meta fear inducement
Forbidden Knowledge
Forbidden Technique
Incapacitation Inducement
Legendary Status Omnifarious (Most likely forms that they turn into will be zombified or undead-like, even though transcendent)
Expanded Presence
Mesmerizing Presence
Defeat Inducement
Unnatural Presence
Divine Combat/Absolute Combat/Meta-Human Combat
Absolute Strike)

Exemplary Precision

Omen has complete control over the exact area his attacks land, capable to counter any defence someone may have to accomplish a task. If he goes to strike someone's head, he will subconsciously dodge anything that gets in his way from hitting that person's head. This is not a form of perfect counter, as this only works for physical attacks, and has no effects whatsoever on his magic. However, because of this, he is very offensive in battle, as his defence does not work this way.


Omen is capable of altering a being's soul to that of the blue soul, and splitting it into two parts that need to be independently controlled. However, if Omen wishes, he may split it to expose thin, melted lines. These will be the threads that will soon expand like a parasite, overtaking the soul and slowly amalgamating the vessel until it reaches a level similar to that of those in the True Lab.

Specialised Telepathy

Omen is able to telepathically communicate with every being that is aware of Omnithion's presence. If they have a form of resentment towards Omnithion, he can even induce various mental issues with them, such as headaches and stress-appliances. To a degree, he may even have slight hormonal manipulation.


Upon being hit, Omen is capable of dispelling remnants of himself, similar to afterimages. They function as a form of clone-barrier against him, composing of an aura that is in the exact same shape as him, yet completely indestructible. These persist for only a second, and make for good dodging ploys.

The following abilities are available to Omen through the gratitude of Omnithion.

Time Collapse

Omen is capable of controlling the third eye he attained long ago, using its true potential through the means of collapsing the dimension of time entirely. Authority takes no play in this, nor does having any dimensional surpassing, as anybody with a body containing any of the three dimensions are held back by the cease of matter, completely reducing them to nothing in thought, body or magic. Omen is the only one free from this, as his third eye gives him the ability to effect various clusters of matter to allow for the flow of certain things. This is heavily dangerous, as it has the potential of destroying time itself, which could destroy a timeline.


Omen is capable of suspending infinite objects mid-air, as long as there is any form of gravitational pull, even if so slight it isn't notable. This can completely keep things from hitting him, though it is not instantaneous. If at a pace beyond the speed of sound, he may be unable to stop it from coming towards him. Each suspended object has a red aura surrounding it.

Determination Swipe

Even with such little determination that it derives only from his soul, being a billionth of that a regular human has, he can still convert it to physical energy. Overloading his arm with Determination, he may swing barrages of various swipes at anything in an 8m distance, chopping it in an instant. Doing so will then melt his arm, which will take a few days to recover.

Speaker of Omnithion

Omen is a Speaker of Omnithion, giving him a special ritual that can then summon him to perform the deed of whatever anyone may desire. This ritual is performed through the means of sacrificing one's sentimental possession, a flower they have taken care of and nourished for 365 days and an object resembling a past event that brought them great suffering. Through all three placed in any order through the shape of a triangle, marked with blood to mix them together and standing in the centre, the being may tell of their desire, and depending on its severity and consequence, it can be done.

The Deed

If the deed involves anything similar to physical actions, Omen will be the one to do so. Whether it is destruction, creation or alteration, he will always be the one involved for such. Granted with a form of Boundary Manipulation at that moment to achieve that goal, he then will perform it as fast as it may need to be done, the way done being dependant on the seeker. If they do not have a specific way, it will alter to their interests and go off that.

Spatio-Temporal Distortion

Opposed to the ability to simply engage with Spacetime to go through it, Omen is capable of completely distorting it to do as he pleases. This includes, but is not limited to planetary orbit alteration, star lifespan alteration, time rewinding and speeding up time. It does never directly include destruction of planets, though can lead to such through erupting various volcanoes, or even the cores.

Granted Luck

Omen has a form of precognition that functions only whenever he is about to engage in an adrenaline rush, which is most effective prior to a battle starting. He is in zero control of it, though it is very effective for him before battling.
The following abilities are first utilised whenever Omen attends Tophat's ceremonial "Fuck The British" event.

Perlixum Blast

Omen is capable of firing a pixelised blast from his remaining eye, turning any being into an indestructible crimson statue, only undone by the same blast occurring once more. It can range up to the scale of the State of Liberty.


Through a charged punch, Omen may knock a being's whole mind out of their body, killing them for a moment as they then return to life directly after, naturally going under the effects of shock that would happen upon coming back from the dead. This ability is rarely utilised, as it tends to break Omen's knuckles.

Crimson Lightning

Omen is capable of emitting various bolts of lightning out through his phalanges, accounting for 400 milliamperes. This can be devestating for humans, though may also prove powerful against others.

Crimson Lightning

Omni can fire multitudes of red lightning throughout his fingertips, being as tough as an electric shock or as tough as a Death Ray. The length of these volts have no bounds. He can also use this for lightning bombs, and other lightning-based attacks. This also allows for him to alter electrical waves.

Ultimate Strength

Omni can carry two moons with ease, having extreme strength with barely any limitations.

Hades' Presence

Omni can transform into a ghost-like form, essentially being dead in this way. He cannot fight at all or be attacked with this form and can only move around in the body. This allows him to go at Faster Than Light speeds. He cannot regain health or regain stamina in this form either. It's like pausing a game for him, in a way.

Red Mastery

Omni can have complete control over a SOUL, being able to infuse their SOUL with determination, slowly shifting them to become an amalgamation.

Flames of Hephaestus

Omni can control fire, altering it's temperature to make it hotter than any possible limit, being able to incinerate an entire planet with a single torch.

Eye of Kronos

Omni's right eye isn't present unless he wishes for it to be. The eye is like his left eye, yet it is white and has 12 small lines resembling a clocks numbers. With this, he can look 20 days into the future, and also 50 years into the past, in the very place he is at currently.

Soul Drain

Omni can drain a trait, giving the monster/human a negative variant of their trait in response. (E.G, Absorbing Bravery makes them temporarily feel Fear.)

Quintessential Speed

Omni, being extremely agile, can run up to speeds of mach 10.

Eye of Zeus

Omni's left eye can turn a citrine yellow, firing a single bolt of lightning which would destroy a whole city with it's sheer strength.

Gravitational Authority

Omni can manipulate the flow of gravity, allowing to invert the momentum of an object to diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. He can also initiate zero gravity, which is a state of zero force of gravity impacting the object.

Weak Time Manipulation

Omni can manipulate time to a very low extent, allowing him to alter times length, slowing it, speeding it up, making a day longer or shorter. He can also alter certain parts of reality, allowing for one person to be slower than another.

Light of Theia

Omni can summon light-based attacks the size of a moon, from a light sword to a light god. Every light-based thing he summons has a red hue around it.


Omni can duplicate his body up to four times, at the cost of removing his god-based abilities, revolving solely on gravity, his raw strength and speed.

Poseidon's Might

Omni can condense the very air around him into pools of water, allowing him to completely control it in every possible way. This gives Omni complete water manipulation. You don't wanna fight him in an antivoid.

Percentages and other hax: 3%

A good percentage and is whats used by Omni when he faces enemies that prove to be too difficult for when he's reached his normal limit. The form however does drain his life and magical force drastically and can tire him out within merely a couple of minuets.


At this percentage Omni not only can transcend moving faster then any living focre itself, but he can also hit opponents with enough force to shatter a mountain and can even destroy most moons aswell. Omni in this state can also begin to summon lighting and can use it more proficiently after this percent. Alas though Omni begins to melt and his bones break with every move and his magic and life force drain extremely to the point he has a hard time maintaining focus and can even pass out.


At this percentage Omni moves nearly as fast as light and can attack without hesitation, he's constantly moving either it be swaying while standing still or running around at insane speeds, your more likely to catch his afterimages then him actually, However Omni is nearly melting away instantly and has to remain moving otherwise he will melt to the ground around him and die. Omni's use of lightning allows him to use two new abilities...

Zeus pistol: This attack allows Omni to summon lightning and put it all into one finger and shoot it out incinerating foes no matter the size.
Zeus Rocket: Omni summons a blaster and envelops it in his lighting and then sends the blaster to his opponent detonating it like a missile.

This stage Omni is in consistent movement and can hardly be seen much less be seen at all, Omni moves at the speed of light and can attack within moments or even instantly. However Omni can only remain in the form for 2 minutes before dying or melting away. Omni can no longer use his lightning and instead uses the wind as his tool allowing for him to punch opponents from a distant while letting the wind hit them with enough force to crush a star and distribute the gravitational pull of a super star. Omni's new attacks are...

Air Punch: Where Omni punches the air and sends a invisible attack towards a enemy
Air Kick: Where Omni kicks the air and send a invisible attack towards a enemy
Air Pitch: Where Omni grabs the air like a ball and hurls it at a enemy
Air HAMMER!: Omni spins around in the air and sends down a large invisible attack in the shape of a giant hammer strong enough to shatter entire worlds light years away
God Pressence: Omni can use his force to send out a shockwave that is so strong it liquefies bones and muscles leaving most completely destroyed

Omni at this point isn't able to come back from this and will die once he's finished, Omni is literal force, practically untouchable and can hit with universe shattering attacks and can summon lightning storms so destructive they can shatter multiverses and hyperverses all the same, he moves so fast that going past a planet will rip it from it's place in a solar system and Omni's new attack is...


This attack allows for Omni to annihilate all forces around him with a single massive lighting bolt that can destroy entire clumps of Hyperverses and Multiverses all the same, this attack not only destroys his eneimes, but Omni himself aswell.


60% is a insanely hard state to maintain and was shown to nearly kill Omni upon even activating it for if he stops moving for a fraction of a millisecond he could end up dying instantly, however the payoff is worth for incalculable speed and immense power.


Able to wipe out and do away with the very concept and existence of others this attack is one punch, this one punch annihilates all in from it wiping them from the fabric of existence itself.

Other Hax: Reality Manipulation, Space Manipulation, Space time manipulation, Resurrection, Absolute&True Immortality, Fate Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Eyes of Destruction, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Erase Manipulation, 4 Elements + Lightning Manipulation, Absorb Manipulation, Power Manipulation, Origin Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Infinite&Absolute Regeneration, Attack Nullification, Revival(can revive anyone he touches to life), Future Prediction, Reality Warping, Void Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Light and Darkness Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Source Of destruction, Immense Magic Power, Overcoming destruction, Immense Physical Strength, Immense Physical Speed, High Intelligence & Spell Theory Knowledge, Bone Manipulation, Energy projection, Statistics Amplification, Gravity Manipulation, Teleportation, Law Manipulation, Concept Manipulation, Acausality (Type 5), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 5), Non-Physical Interaction, Duplication (By using Meiosis, Omni can duplicate his body up to four times, but those clones only have his physical strength), Quantum Manipulation, Wind Manipulation, Power Nullification, Existence Erasure, Explosion Manipulation, Absorption, paralysis inducment, oming Attack, Statistics Amplification (Can pump mana into his muscles to increase his physical prowess), Extrasensory Perception (Can detect the mana patterns of individuals, allowing him to sense them without seeing them), Martial Arts, Gun Mastery, Heat Manipulation, Power Mimicry, Illusion creation, all Story, Void Body, Absolute Creation, Absolute Omnipotence, Absolute Omnipresence, Absolute Omniscience.

God Ray

This ray comes out of Omni's third eye. The ray will instantly eliminate anyone it comes to contact with except for some multiversal people.

Omni Blasters

These blasters are super fast (due to the DT) and stronger. They move in the speed of light.

ATK Increase

Omni can increase his ATK with no limit by 100000.

DEF Increase

Omni can increase his DEF with no limit by 100000. Or making him invincible.

AU Travel

Not really an ability but still counts. He can travel through AUs. If you go through the portal Omni summoned, well, your dead.

Omni Code

Omni can create trillions of clones of himself and even pasting himself using his code. However, they waste a lot of stamina.

Omni Bones

These bones are very long and do a lot of damage. It can move in the speed of light and can instantly kill someone. But be careful, Omni can change the bone to red and red is the double speed and damage of the original version.


Omni can destroy AUs and even timelines. By destroying AUs and timelines, he can just concentrate his power on the AU he wants to destroy and with a snap of his finger, BOOm! The AU is dead and even Dtale!Glitch!Sans can't revive the AU.


Besides destroying, Omni also learned to create things. These things that Omni created will last forever and they are unbreakable except for Omni himself can break what he created.


These blasters are like suckers that suck you into them. Once they gain enough power, they will blast a giant beam that will instantly eliminate anything. It is similar to Asriel's Hyper Goner.


Omni can steal someone's power. For example, if Omni touches Sans, one of Sans's abilities will be stolen like gaster blasters and Sans's gaster blaster can't use it anymore.


Omni can reflect attacks. If you blast a gaster blaster at him, it will reflect back at you like a mirror. However, once it reflects, the ray of the gaster blaster would increase its speed and ATK, and you can't control it anymore. Once, it hits you, your dead.


Omni can make himself Immune to attacks. So if you attack him, he won't be damaged at all.


Omni can make your eye blind for a while so you can't see things.


Omni can create souls and make them blast at you, almost killing everything.


These blasters are not easy to dodge. It will start to lock on you and blast you, making it difficult to dodge. It is similar to Fatal_Error's gaster blaster.


Omni can lock the AU so people inside the AU can't escape. For example, when Error enters an AU and Omni locks the AU's code, Error can't travel through another AU since Omni has blocked his exit from exiting the AU. Also, the AU Lock will last forever. Unless a multiversal character broke the AU Lock.


Omni can control the character's body and mind, making them do what he wishes.


These blasters can destroy AUs. However, the more power in each AU, the more power it requires to summon a DESTROYER BLASTER.


Omni can regenerate his health undecillion times quicker than anything.


If Omni was defeated and killed, 3 hours later, his code will start to reform again.


Omni can resurrect someone or an AU if he wishes to. This ability is similar to Dtale!Glitch!Sans's resurrection ability.


Omni can use telekinesis on someone, regardless of soul traits.


Omni can save wherever there is a SAVE Star.


Omni can continue when he dies.


Omni can load his stats.


Omni can RESET in an AU. However, the whole AU will be RESET.


Omni can TRUE RESET in an AU. However, the whole AU and timelines will be TRUE RESET.

Omni Nigh-Alimpify

Omni can change his stats with no limit. He can make his DEF infinite.

Code Manipulation

Omni can manipulate the code of an AU.


Besides DTX!Chara who has the OVERWRITE button, Omni can also create an OVERWRITE button using the code of the OVERWRITE button.


Besides GD!Chara who has the ERASE button, Omni can also create an ERASE button using the code of the ERASE button.


Omni can copy a code of something. For example, Omni can copy the code of a gaster blaster.


Omni after copying the code of something can also paste it, creating something he wishes.


Omni can use his magic to steal a soul from someone and absorbing it, making him more powerful than ever.


Omni can corrupt an AU if he wishes but he rarely does that.


Omni can steal someone's DT if he wishes to. This will be a support for him to become stronger.


Omni can only steal 10 MEGA DT from someone coz if he stole more than 10, he would die.


Omni can steal only 7 ULTRA DT from someone coz if he stole more than 7, he would die.

Magic Manipulation

Omni can manipulate someone's magic. He can also reverse the magic, making it even weirder.

File Manipulation

Omni can manipulate someone's file. He can change or mess the files, making the person's sprite and powers even weirder.


Omni can become a spy. He can change into a Froggit so that no one would know that he's in the AU. Plus, no one can sense his code except for Dtale!Virus404, Dtale!Error404 and even more multiversal characters.


Omni can command someone with a power level weaker than Omni. The person that Omni commands will immediately do what he wishes.


Omni can become invisible if he wishes to.

The X Blaster

Omni can summon a blaster that is glitched with X. If hit with the blaster, the person will immediately be corrupted with X.


Omni can summon a portal to the void.

Weakness: None/Null

Tier: High Outer -> Boundless -> Layers into Boundless-Multiple Layers into Boundless

Looks:(Human form)


(Like Error 404 Sam. He can alternate his outfit)


God Presence Mode:

Full power:

404 form:(this form grants Omnipotent Sam powers of Error 404 Sans)

Pre/Semi transformation:

39% Omnithorn form:

Full power:

Limit breaker:


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


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