First day

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I was sleeping in my giant queen bed and I was having a dream were my crush and I were dating👫💏💑.Then,I feel my bed get jumped on,so,I wake up to see my baby brother crawling into my bed next to me,"Jonah,what are you doing in my room your 4 your a big boy you can sleep in your room,what going on?"I asked."Umm,Aubwy I had a nightmawe.I was scawed,so,I came in hewr."Jonah can't say R's just yet.😂Its so adorable.I look at the clock and its 3:09.I let Jonah sleep in my bed with me and just go back to sleep facing him just in case he falls I might be able to catch him.At,7:30 my alarm goes off sing "Shake It Off"!Jonah jumped up and screams,"Fwie Abwy"!Jonah calmed down once he noticed my alarm so,I turned it off and pulled my self out of bed to my closet.I picked out a really cute outfit for the first day of school,

My mom said it looked cute so I went to school in it.

What reactions does she get on her clothes at school?Comment down below💖!

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