The boy!

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I walked into Caiten-Lowe Middle School for my first day as a 6th grader.Was I nervous?Yes,I was very nervous.It was 9:30 a.m and I heard the bell."Oh no,I'm going to be late and I have no idea were I'm going".I said out loud.I see a girl way taller than me probably an 8th grader."Were are you going I can take you.",Said the tall girl."Umm...I'm going to Mrs....Umm....let's me check...Oh..yeah..Mrs.Noahmae's classroom for Math."I said softly."Cool,i am going to walk by Mrs.Noahmae's room follow me,by the way my name is Caroline.What's yours?"Caroline said.I decided not to be rude and answer,"Umm....Aubrey Jones,.....Ms...",Sorry I was nervous I didn't know what to say.Caroline looked at me confused,"Jones?OK,well,you don't need to call me Ms,I'm only 13,Wait,Jones?Like ROYALTY Jones?"Caroline really looked shocked.I am very confused at this point and we are still in the office."Well,my parents say a lot of last names know,Jones.So,its normal.And,I always have been confused about the fact my last name is..Um.Jo-..".I stopped to hold the door open to signal we are going to leave."Hey,Aubrey can I have your phone I'll put my number in your contacts.After about 3 mins Caroline handed my phone back.It said:
She then handed me her phone so I put my number in her contacts and said:
Silently me and Caroline walked to Mrs.Noahmae's class.When I saw the sign saying Mrs.Noahmae's name on a door and I knew it was the right classroom so,I walked in right as the second bell rang.I sat at the desk that said my name and saw to my right was a locker that said my name,I choose to get up and look in it.You may be thinking,"Why isn't you locker in the hall?".Well,at my school you have one classroom and for your alectives you go out of the classroom.I open my locker because it doesn't have a lock yet.I see an empty hole basically.

I'm going to bring decorations tomorrow to make it go BLING!😂😂💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎!Oh,Mrs.Noahmae just came in and is smiling at me ummm,I got up and closed my locker and went back to my seat."Hello,class my name is Mrs.Noahmae.I see some of you have already checked out your locker(looks at me),I'm OK with that,that is good if you haven't seen your locker yet,go take a peak you have to bring decorations and a lock tomorrow of course.",Mrs.Noahmae explained.I'm very confused people keep whispering and pointing at me.Also,Caroline said something about Jones and now I'm the main talking point of the class.Eeek,I lay my head down and fall asleep since Jonah kept kicking me last night sleep was harsh.When,I woke up it was 5 minutes before the first bell to go to your first elective. I got my phone out of my bag and put my ear buds in and listened to Carrie Underwood.

I made it to the first elective,I have Art🎨.I love art.I was painting a picture of a unicorn from a dream I have each night were I'm Royalty!I jusso,happened to look to my left and I see this cute jock looking boy,he was sitting in the corner nearly in tears.I dropped my stuff and went over to him."Hey my names Aubrey what's wrong?",is all I chose to say."Hi(sniff),my name is Tyler and nothings(sniff)wrong.",Tyler said in a sad voice.I knew something was wrong so,I sat down next to him and nudged his head up and saw a CUTE face😍😍.I was in love.I skidded closer to him almost touching him and gave him a hug and said,"Well,Tyler whatever is wrong I'll be here for you."Tyler looked at me and blushed and out of nowhere said back,"Thanks Aubrey,I think I like you".This caught me off guard so we talked and I told him I liked him too.Out of the blue Tyler came closer to me.And he....he....he....he..he KISSED me!😀😀😀😀😀!This is how it happened:
Tyler-Hey,Aubrey I have to tell you something.
Me-What is it?
Tyler-I...I...I love you you too.
Tyler-(leans in and..)Smack(right on the lips).
Me-😊(blushes) That's my first kiss Tyler!
Tyler-mine too.
Me-Heres my phone put yourself in my contacts!
Me-Heres your phone back
Tyler-Heres your phone back b..b..BABE!

Please leave a comment on if tyler and aubrey have the same main class.

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