Chapter 1: This is Home

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I dreamed of flashing lights and the sounds of loud sirens. The noise getting louder and louder. But, when I woke, there were no sirens or lights except the sun. The sun And there were 3 of them. "Am I still dreaming?" I thought to myself.


"It's been a while since I used this old thing. Let's see if this still works... "

"Is this thing on? Pretty sure the red blinking thing means it's recording. But, yeah. It's me, Davis. Last time I used this was..maybe 4 years ago? I'm not entirely sure. But, here's a fill in on how my life's going."

"After a couple of years, it seems like we finally get our very-long-deserved Happy ending. Matt's gone, we have all the memories from our past-"

"Actually, scratch the memory part. That only caused family issues. Anyways, moving on."

"After many, many attempts and fails, I was able to recreate the souls of both Tyson and Tyler. This took a while. Much longer than anticipated. But either way, I somehow pulled it off. They're both inside their rooms at the moment. When their souls redeveloped, they took this very, blobby form. We're working on the whole body part. "

"Even then, at least we're together again. It's starting to feel a lot less lonely."

"Hopefully, they'll have their bodies take shape soon."

"As for me, I've been working on some blueprints for inventions to help us around the house. I hope Tyson doesn't discover today's internet just yet. I can't even trust him in the kitchen! He and his goop almost burned the place down. So, I designed some items like body recognition doors and fences, so Tyson can't get in. It would essentially be good practice for them both, considering the fact that learning to replicate the right body shape could help them re-form their bodies."

"Even then, I still have nightmares, ranging from the day I died back in 19XX, to my last experience to Mystaal, and sometimes back when I killed Matt. They've grown much more lifelike every night. I just need some way to get over and cope with it. Now I pull off all nighters for long periods of time, since the fact I don't need food, or sleep to survive. Those types of things are only for extra energy."

"Once Tyson and Tyler fully re-form, maybe I'll try to recreate the rest of my friends. Come to think of it, I wonder where Mystaal and the rest of the Auras went. They told me they wanted to go back to their original timeline. Maybe the Auras did make it back, but at the same time there's a high chance they didn't. No matter."

"It's obvious how much has changed and escalated in the past few years. Funny thing is, if the events didn't happen the way they did, I could've been a normal kid like I was before, with a good family and a best friend."

"But, it's best not to dwell on the past. At least, now I have a second chance at a do-over."

"I know, I'm a rambler, still feels nice to talk to someone...or something for that matter....even then, though, it's lonely, even with Tyson and Tyler here. They can't speak just yet, they're still blobs."

"How long is this recording? This recording device is who knows how old. Moving on.."

"It's funny, how stupid I was 4 years ago when I started to voice log myself. I sounded so serious, like it was the end of the world. Then again, I was at my lowest point at that time."

"At 16, I had lost not only the two family members I had, but all my friends. Even my entire universe. Not only that, but my whole existence, which I found out later with my many battles against Matt, could've been avoided. I could've been happy. I felt absolute despair. In the end, it came to the point of Matt's death. And the blood was on my hands."

"I've been having odd dreams though, when I do eventually get some sleep on my breaks. It's nice to not have nightmares all the time. My nightmares are so cold, and dark, while my dreams are...fuzzy. In the dream I usually have, I see myself, and...some other person. Their face was blurry, but I could tell that they were much younger than me. We were both staring at the sunset. I felt..happy. It was a warm feeling. I should really make a machine to track more dreams like that one."

"I'm really pouring out all my thoughts, huh? I'm very sorry about that."

"Tyler must be having a much harder time than I am. Since restoring their memories, and recreating theirs souls and adjusting to this blob-like form, she's probably remembered her past lover. Even after high school, they were a perfect pair. Almost inseparable. And Tyler, dying the way she did, left behind one of the people she cared about most. What's worst of all, is she can't let any of it out. They can't speak, or take forms. I'm unaware if they can understand me yet, given the fact that they don't have ears. I may test that out in the future."

"But, I think that's all I have on my mind. See you...."

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