Chapter 2: Rest

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"Ok, Log 2. Tyler and Tyson have improved on making body shapes a bit. They can make some of the rudimentary shapes of the body, but not close enough to get past my genius gatekeeping invention. It's getting closer, though. Still not sure if they essentially have ears yet. But, it's still something. They did create mouth shaped parts on the face, but they can only really speak in sinsei, one of the older languages that were taught when the void was still Verdana."

"As for any interesting terms of business...there is no business. So, I guess that's all."

I turned off the recorder with a click. I'm having flashbacks of all the times I've done this already. I feel a sense of nostalgia running through my veins.

I pull myself up and off of the rocking chair, and set the voice recorder on the small hand table next to it. And with a light push, I open the door, and I close it with a shut.

It was time to get back to business, I had already had a long-enough 2 minute break. If I was going to help Tyson and Tyler, it would be best to work harder. I entered my room, and proceeded to use my three locks as I shut the door. You're probably wondering why I have three locks, that of course is for no distractions while I work and study. Those twins are quite the chaos.

I have some ideas for stabilizers that could potentially help them keep shape for longer periods of time without wasting further energy, but I need to make some blueprints for some ideas beforehand.

My swivel chair turns over to the opposite side of the table to look for some ideas. I turn on the computer and look for reference for a possible design.

I have at least 2-3 printouts after a couple minutes of searching, so I shut off the computer and go back to those blank blueprints. Here comes the hard part.

Where should I start? I have no idea. I start to create a basic concept sketch, then adding in some details.

It's not the best sketch per se; but it's still something. I continue to start to bring the idea to life with every small line I draw. At the end, I have an ok visual of what I want to build. But before I can start it up, I hear melting sounds from my door.

It seems like Tyson can shape himself in a puddle form to get into my room. Guess I need to make better security systems than just your everyday lock. Next thing I know Tyson is playing around with phasma converters and I have to grab him and bring him out of my area.

I continued to work on those stabilizers. It's funny, even though I was raised in a magic based household I still somehow I'm more intrigued by science. It may just be my idea that everything has an answer. And let's just say magic doesn't really give explanations. But, back to working.

It only feels like a few minutes before my energy feels drained. I check my watch. It's...maybe 3 or 4 in the morning in the alpha timeline.

It's best if I at least eat, or maybe have a breather. I unlock my door and head out of the house. Believe it or not, I've engineered a way to enter other timelines and universes. Obviously, I have taken a liking to some of these universes and continue to visit them for their story or scenery.

I open a gateway to U-007, where it seems to only be sunset. As I step through to the universe, my clock starts turning clockwise to 5:30 PM. The sun seems to set a little earlier than the alpha timeline, but the thing I love most about U-007 is it's sunrise and sunsets. I walk forward to the nearby cliff of a mountain where I was taken to. The sky turns into a pinkish orange as it grows almost further and further away.

I sit down, watching as nature does as it's intended. Just to make sure, I look around to see if anyone's there. One of the many things you can't do is interfere with the timeline's inhabitants, otherwise the creator may erase the universe entirely. As I see that no one's there, my gaze shifts back to the wondrous sunset.

I watch as the sun descends away from view, and the sky fading to a purple blue. The crickets could be heard chirping as the sounds grow louder.

However, I hear something else besides peacefulness. The sound of pain, and agony grew much louder than the rest of the forest. It sounds so painful. I know that I could risk the destruction of this universe, but....I just had to check. Out of empathy, but also curiosity.

I step towards the sound until I am sure it's coming from whatever's underneath this thick plant. I lift one of the branches to reveal a large, odd furry creature. It's fur is a mix of beige and dark brown, the inside of it's ears a dark faded green. It was an odd creature indeed, but it's wounds were life threatening. If I was to intervene, it would have to be fast. The being's waist was torn up, along with its upper thighs and face. Bright green liquid of what I assume is blood was all over the poor beings body.

It was definitely in critical condition. I picked up the raggedy thing and carried it into the gateway back to the void.

I eventually make it back into my room and pull out one of the incubator like things that I used to revive Tyson and Tyler. I plug it back in and the stable liquid fills the pod. I insert the creature into the pod and track the heart rate and overall health of this thing. Being nice seems to create a lot more work for me.

But I guess that's just me. 

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